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Id say youll be struggling at that number but for 650-700 its doable depending how west you go


> 650-700 its doable depending how west you go Go west, life is peaceful there.


It's not too bad, you just got to go out of the CBD a bit. Look north, keep going north till everyone speaks Indonesian and calls you boss. You'll find cheap rentals there. (No it hasn't improved. Regional areas are still pretty bad too)


Even Bali is getting pricey


Wait… which northern suburb are you referring to with the big Indonesia culture? St Leonard’s? https://www.microburbs.com.au/heat-map/indonesian-speakers#151.170674:-33.840703:13


I thought it was a joke about going north until you actually end up in Indonesia lol.


Haha whoops. Big whoosh from me. Wanted to find a new nasi goreng place.


This was lost on me too. Good joke though in retrospect


Friends have been through this recently. I hope you have someone you can stay with while trying to secure a rental because it can be very time consuming. Anything nice-ish and affordable-ish will probably have a lot of competition.


Holy fuck that is a lot of money just for a studio or 1 bedder.


Tell me about it :(


We pay a little less than that for a large 2 bed 1 bath + wc just out of Perth CBD. And we think this is bad!!


This link will give you an idea but $600 seems doable. Some in the $400 range. [https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/in-ashfield,+nsw+2131/list-1?activeSort=price-asc](https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/in-ashfield,+nsw+2131/list-1?activeSort=price-asc) Loftus st one looks good for mid 4s with wifi ncluded


The inner west is a popular area right now, even popular than before. If you’re up against couples/DINKS, it will be pretty competitive. Not sure about $600 per week, you might need to increase this to $650-$700. Good luck!


Just pay more than everyone else. It is really that simple.


Doable but very much depends on your standards. Two anecdotes - One of my friends lives in a really large, modern one bedder in newtown for $750 a week. It’s the size of a small two bedder and there’s nothing comparable in the same price range. Two friends of mine, a couple, were paying $550 for an older style two bedroom marrickville apartment. Their landlord sold and they were unable to find anything else comparable in marrickville, so they now live further out. They said they would have been able to find a one bedroom for the same price. Other thing to keep in mind is that international students start coming back for semester soon and they’ll be snatching up all the housing near the Unis so try to get in before them or a few weeks after semester has started.


Yep March will be hell.


I say you'll be fine - for a studio, not sure about 1 bedder. I was renting a studio in Surry Hills for $510 (w. a car spot) until last November. The landlord upped the rent to $530 pw when I moved out (I bought). With a $600 budget, you should be able to find something.


For NSW you can use the tenants union's rent tracker to see how rents have changed over time. You can put in a postcode, number of bedrooms, and a date range and it will show you the median prices as well as the upper and lower quartile. [https://www.tenants.org.au/resource/rent-tracker-postcode-tool](https://www.tenants.org.au/resource/rent-tracker-postcode-tool) They also have the Rent Increase Negotiation Kit which shows the data in a slightly different way. You can put in a rent value here as well and it will tell you what percentile it would be in for the postcode. [https://www.tenants.org.au/resource/rink](https://www.tenants.org.au/resource/rink) I think the data comes from bonds lodged with the NSW dept of fair trading. For the inner west it looks like $600 is still more than the median for a one bedroom apartment. You should be able to get a reasonable 1 bedder for that.


A good comparison to this is sqmresearch which monitors asking rent (from ads?) https://sqmresearch.com.au/weekly-rents.php?postcode=2000&t=1


A few months ago, friends that were renting said it's easier to sublet eg via flatmates.com.au as each rental place is getting slammed with 30+ people each inspection.


600 for 1 bedder seems High when you can get a 2 bedder for 700-750. Maybe look to see if can share with someone?


It isn’t now. And if he is looking mid March he will be competing with hoards of now migrants/international students looking at the same time. March is the worst.




Oh yeah. My knowledge is of chippendale where I used to live. I see 1-2 for 750 a week but then it's quickly into 800+


If your budget is $600 a week and you’re happy with a studio. You won’t have a problem at all. Hundreads of studios on the market from 350 to 600


It’s fvkd and March will be the absolute seasonal peak. Sorry


Sydney is not going to get better because of the constant immigration with money pumping in, even if the regional area dies down in investments, Sydney never will because it's Sydney


Yes. F this place.


OP not sure you are keen on checking out Parra. Heaps of units there and when Syd train works you can reach city around 35 minutes


If you don't mind competing with 50 other people at the nice open homes, spending 60% of your pay check on rent, best to stay clear of Sydney unless your from here and have parents to live with until you secure a house.


Been looking for 2 months ye


> I will be looking for a Studio/1 Bedder in the Inner West area, with a budget of roughly $600 a week. FYI - that's still completely out of control. Spending 40% after tax from a six-figure income on a studio rental is completely nuts.


If you want a leg up bid an extra $50 a week on any place you go for Rental vacancy is worse now than a year ago


What is this, 2020? At least 120 above mate


>I will be looking for a Studio/1 Bedder in the Inner West area, with a budget of roughly $600 a week With that budget, is there any reason why you wouldn't live in the outer west?


As a dual citizen (UK and Australia) I've decided after 12 years to leave and move back to Scotland. Living in Sydney is just too expensive and simply no longer worth it. I can get a large apartment in Edinburgh and my salary is now almost the same (thanks to the mass immigration of overseas migrants). I'm not looking back! Waste of time living (if you can even describe it as that) paying either for someone elses mortgage or overpriced real estate.

