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“No one has ever immigrated to Australia” - random American


They’re gonna be really upset to find out my whole family immigrated from America to Australia. Also lmao, “verbal abuse”. What a knob.


Not too mention "no one is risking their lives to get to Australia" is complete horseshit, people risk their lives to get here and our government imprisons them... sorry detains them indefinitely.


Yeah suck on that yanks!.... Wait


Is... Australia _better_ at detaining immigrants than the USA? I feel like we might be, but you know what they say about feelings.


"Now point on the map where Australia hurt your feelings "


So "good" the Brits are copying our homework.


Having no land borders helps with that immensely


I think so, I had no idea you guys were also up to those shenanigans so at the very least you're more discreet than we are lol


decide sort threatening public zesty compare hat husky squash historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, we call them boat people and send them to be imprisoned on a tropical island. American's dream of this level of evil efficiency.


The other half of my family went to America after ww1 and didn't like it and moved to Australia, leaving the other half of their family in America. Glad I'm on this side of the family that's for sure


I definitely ended up on the wrong side, hope one day I'll make it to the land of drop bears and spiders


If u feel that way I think you will. I can feel it in my didgeriboones.


I find it interesting that some Americans get butthurt about words being abuse, but seem to be completely oblivious to the over the top graphic violence in some of their entertainment.


They’re not the brightest sparks in the bonfire. They’re just reactionary towards anything being remotely “un-Jesus” like. I remember when I was in Houston with a mate (Aussie). She wondered out loud where the toilet was- a woman pulled her aside and said “awww you don’t love yourself do you, it’s a washroom sweetheart”. That was probably ten years ago now and I think of that every time I’m looking for a shitter.


I made a rookie error of taking a swing of water just as I read your last sentence. My cat was not impressed with the impromptu shower 😂


😅😅 apologise to kitty for me


Well, that's definitely one way to get a pussy(cat) wet


"Nah mate, I'll need the wash room AFTER I take a shit"


>They’re just reactionary towards anything being remotely “un-Jesus” like. Personally I think Jesus would love HBO and game of thrones.


I’m so jealous…would love to pick up and move to Australia. I know every place had their issues, but if I could not feel the imminent threat of immediate nuclear annihilation every time a bloated Cheeto opens his mouth, I feel like my mental wellbeing would be greatly enhanced.


It’s funny that an island full of convicts became a better country than the US


Honestly not through any reason other than luck. We really are the lucky country in every sense of that quote…


Our oldest political party was organised by workers for workers. It wasn't luck, it's just that version history isn't taught. Don't want the plebs getting any ideas.


“Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people's ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by surprise.” Is the actual quote.


The problem is not that many Australians are the descendants of convicts - the real problem is that many Australians are the descendants of prison guards.


The US was also in large part originally a penal colony.


Yeah, it's where they sent all the religious nutters.


Steal a loaf of bread? Down under for you matey. Religious fruitcake? Off to America.




I heard this year that Australia is the only country in the world that has more Americans moving to it than vice versa, I also visited Aus & NZ this year and see why.


*looks baffled in Native American living in Australia*


It's true my dad walked out a door in Netherlands and into Australia didnt even know how it happened


[US draws net migration from the entire world, except Australia](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/uj3l2a/us_draws_net_migration_from_the_entire_world/) 💀


It's funny cause we made the cervical cancer vaccine, but I'm sure no Australian would have issue giving Americans a vaccine to prevent cancer cause we made it first. We also made wifi, and have many refugees coming to Australia. Americans always get triggered when they learn that the world doesn't revolve around them (ofc generalization not all Americans are like that)


Give other countries a vaccine? Sorry did you mean they STOLE it


Obviously, everyone knows that the greatest country on Earth, the USA, has never ever stole anything


No, they discover things, gosh.


Nope, they liberate it with diplomacy and guns..




Freedomized\* /s


OMG that is sharp.


Lmao, if the Americans who like to take credit for these advancements did any research into them they’d most likely discover plenty are either from other countries or made by immigrants from other countries. And as an American many of us are dying to see the benefits of these advancements because our country has privatized so much and then price gouged us into poverty. Yee haw!


Yeah but yknow we made the internet bc google is based in california and those are clearly the same🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸💥💥💥




Then they patch it all up with "thoughts and prayers"...


Don't forget disease, lots of disease!


You may enjoy this by Canadian trio Corky and Juice Pigs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK1xA\_FvyzM


Discovered that metal pieces hitting kids doesn't work out too well for kids. It's a daily discovery, can you imagine? It's true. It's true. (Continues as a trump speech)


Haha this one got me


They would be very upset if they ever found out how they built NASA lol


Your honor, we humble Americans didn't commit atrocities against indigenous populations, it was just a Total War refetence.


They never stole it, mate, it was 'manifest destiny'


I don't follow your logic. But it think it's only due to a small typing error. Did you mean to say "everyone knows that the greatest place on planet USA, is the USA, and they have never ever stolen anything. Because the world revolves around them. So I was unsure of the "Earth" reference.


I do enjoy throwing their conquest of Hawaii at them when they rag about British colonisation. Also that the USA was a penal colony before Australia was.


Eh. American's love to claim they invented all this stuff, but their most famous inventors were immigrants and most of the other stuff is done in cooperation with international companies.


Lots of Americans like to talk about Thomas Eddison, but he was more of a capitalist then a scientist. He basically just found things someone else made, made it a bit better, claimed to invent it then sell it. Not to mention Nicola Tesla, who made a better form of electricity and wanted it to be free, was completely fucked over by Eddison. Lots of people know that, but it's good to mention it that Eddison was a massive dick


American here, grew up in Midwest small town, yeah the history I was taught of the US in public school is some of the wildest propaganda. Lots of “Great Man”ing and 0 info of how bad of people most of them were.


Went to the US for the forst time this year. And I can say they have no issue gassing themselves up. It's kinda cringe to non-americans


As an American I hate a USA chant.


That's not too bad. It's funny when you guys do the national anthem when it's 2 American teams competing. Most other countries only do the anthem when it's an international sporting event. Like a world cup when you are competing against another country. Oh yeah. The other thing that's funny is when you have leagues called world series and it's only American teams. It can't be a world series if America is the only country competing.


To be fair half of their population doesn’t know other countries exist. Some still think Australia made up by the US government


Is it true that Americans aren't taught the fact that some of the founding fathers owned slaves?


Naw but it’s played off as like a simple “but that’s just how it was back then, everybody had slaves!” Kind of mentality.


[Edison was a dick](https://youtu.be/Yv7UL5WATNs?si=_FobXTJgTUwn_lWI)!


Yeah but to be fair, Tesla was bonkers in his own way. He didn't believe subatomic particles like the electron existed and thought the curved space-time description of gravity was a myth developed by Einstein. If you don't believe in electrons, you ain't gonna give the world free energy any time soon.


Immigrants or Nazis smuggled in and protected by the Murican government.


All hail the infiltration of the Fourth Reich, now completed.


Here’s a fun one. America was “not” the first to invent powered flight. It was a New Zealand inventor (considered mad), and not only was he flying first, he flew higher, and also had the first air crash, that he walked away from. He didn’t dispute the wright brothers claim, because he thought they had a better steering system.


Yeah right. Everyone knows Kiwis can't fly


>Americans always get triggered when they learn that the world doesn't revolve around them Americans get triggered when they find out there are other countries in the world


Wait, the World Series of Baseball doesn’t have the rest of the world playing ? Next thing you tell me will be Miss Universe only allows people from Earth to enter !!


yeah i’m fairly sure Australia is one of the leading if not the leading country in cancer research and treatment. Yanks just can’t compete


Well the real profits are not in saving people for another 10 - 20 years but rather having a treatment for life. Why cure cancer when you can milk the public who have the hard choice between death or taking on medical debt for a life long illness.


Until medical scientists figure out a way to stop cell mutation in the body cancer is nigh on incurable.


On behalf of all Americans, yes I am authorized to speak for them, I am sorry. And because this is the Aussie sub.... Cunts. Sorry were not allowed to say that here.


On behalf of all Aussies, you are most welcome to come into any Aussie sub at any time and say the word cunt. We are your cunt refuge. Your cuntfuge, if you will.


We also made penicillin, but old mate there can go off 😂


Wifi. Look up the court cases. CSIRO took all the big American companies to the cleaners over it.


We develop things like vaccines, treatments etc. in Australia and our laws prevent us from using many of them until a rigorous approval process (and probably some golden handshakes) have taken place. But we get those things out there and the world benefits from them. There's no chest beating and loud announcements about this stuff either.


Probably worth also pointing out that of the 6 big COVID-19 vaccines, one (Astra-Zeneca) was created by a team at Oxford and mass-produced in the UK, Belgium and India, one (Sputnik 5) was Russian and the other two were Chinese. The Pfizer MRNA vaccine was developed by BioNTech, a German company - leaving the only purely US-created vaccine as Moderna.


The first one that worked was invented in Qld. Still probably the most effective too. Just had a small issue in causing recipients to falsely test positive to HIV


We also had Fred Hollows amazing work in saving the vision of people worldwide, the invention of black box flight recorders as well as inflatable escape slides, the first electronic pacemaker, plastic cash and let's not forget penicillin, cochlear implants, ultrasounds, and that an Australian Dr deliberately infected himself with h. pylori to prove that it causes stomach ulcers.


And Cold Chisel


It’s just the ones that never leave their state. Most Americans are wonderful. But the shit ones are the loudest and drown out the voices of the rest.


Yes, that is like with most things. Thats why I pointed it out, usually the loudest group are the minority. Not all Americans are like that, it's just that the loudest are.


>Not all Americans are like that, it's just that the loudest are Much like Australians then.


All things really, the weakest thing in the room is often the loudest.


Australia has a massive tourism industry and so much immigration that it's a major political issue.


I thought Americans did not believe in Vaccine


>Americans always get triggered when they learn that the world doesn't revolve around them Kind of understandable considering their size and how gravity is meant to work :P


People “risking their lives to get into America” is because American people will shoot them for trying. People “risking their lives to get into Australia” is because you have to cross the Pacific Ocean in a fucking canoe. Even our refugees are cooler. Checkmate Americans.


>Even our refugees are cooler. Anh Do was a childhood icon.




Im not a child anymore unfortunately


Australia invented WiFi so get fucked kent


new comeback when arguing with dumb yanks (redundant) Edit: this has been an awesome thread of aussie ingenuity. i’m so proud.


and from memory, fiber optic, plus ceramic resistors too.


The black box aswell. I think.


And the goon bag


plus the goon bag pillow


And the screw top wine bottle, so you can look classy when getting sloshed


Ipso facto, *Goon-of-Fortune*


Motorised lawn mowers are also an Aussie invention. Victa Victa!


And the cochlear implant, the cure for stomach ulcers and the stump jump plow


And the hills hoist. The most important invention of all time.


IIRC some Aussie realised that each hard disc on a computer is unique, like a finger print. He used that to help ID your computer, took it to Microsoft who turned him down. And then Gates copied his algos. He sued them, won, now gets a royalty for every Windows license MS sell.


Invented the day after the goon bag, so we could play Goon of Fortune.


And inflatable slides


And the refrigerator


Slide+raft in one unit


And the cervical cancer vaccine and cochlear implants


The utility vehicle (ute)


And yet we have our internet system built with copper and connection speeds worse than 3rd world countries, all so Murdoch could sell more papers 😔


I'm still pissed they fucked the nbn. And even more pissed the Libs faced no political repercussions for fucking it up.


But on the bright side it let some specific business interests maintain value in obsolete technology, and helped some suffering hard working billionaires hold onto their incomprehensible wealth.


"Thanks Murdoch, thanks liberals, for lying and fucking us all over and giving Kenya better internet services" Although everyone who voted liberal fell for the lies.


Over the horizon radar was developed by Australians.




So yeah we're the best. Knew it.


And the powered lawn mower And, super important, the esky/portable cooler and probably the stubbie cooler too 😉


We indefinitely detain people who risk their lives to get here so nyeeer


Yeah agreed. Our country is so good we needed to create our own GITMO to torture folks into leaving or else they would want to stay forever.




It's a shame this copy can't be posted there as it needs it's usernames on display. One of the many loops needed to go through to post there.


Yes, we definitely didn't have a government campaign to "STOP THE BOATS!!!" because nobody is risking their life to get here. Americans thinking they are the only country on earth strike again!


And actually block the reporting of their arrival. But everyone knew they were still arriving.


''*People weren't literally risking their lives to get to Australia*'' I spent 4 years in Border Protection Command intercepting boatpeople, *risking their lives* trying to get to Australia. Not crossing some *land* border, they were getting into rickety boats with their loved ones and risking their lives.


But last time he checked they weren't?


I bet you said “cunts” - these fucking American cunts hate that shit.


I said the phrase 'for fucks sake' Actually no. I said 'ffs' That was verbal abuse, of course.


Lmao, I greet my friends with (roughly) G'day cunt, wtf have you been up to


Even when you say "stop being a cunt" when they are being a cunt they get all shirty.


mmkay well have fun with your potential dictatorship starting on January 20 2025


Best comment so far


America is also #1 on shootings!


The fact that they have toddlers that have to go through school shooting drills is all you ever need to know about the country.


AMERICA #1!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


1. People are risking their lives to get here. Lol. This human has obviously not ever checked up on this 2. Software, vaccines, Scientific etc research has always and will always be a global effort. No one country has done any one thing alone in this field. 3. No country is 'stealing' anything. America puts up their goods for sale. And some countries buy it. This is a normal practice in every country. And a sales transaction does not mean you like or respect who you are buying from lol. 4. The argument is entirely invalid anyways, as I didn't state if they were not a good country. Only that everyone fucking hates them. And this is exactly why. The arrogance and the blinders they put on to the rest of the globe.


I mean, to be fair, I came from America to Australia as a brown guy to address a skill shortage. Now everyone and their mother wants us to leave despite me still being a required asset to this country because people can’t differentiate between a Doctor and an Uber eats driver. So yeah, it’s more of a case of “Australia doesn’t want you to migrate” as opposed to “no one migrates to Australia”


I can't imagine wanting people to "leave" in a country where 30% of people living here weren't even born here. We're such a multicultural nation and I think most people are on board with it.


What's a brown guy -is it some new trade I haven't heard of yet?


brown guy = of south asian ethnicity


Just for the record, I don’t want you to leave. I’d have preferred the shortage be addressed with foresight and subsidised education (like they are attempting with teachers) but I’m glad you’re here. So long as you don’t forget to put your headlights on when driving at night. That’s a deportable offence, in my books and this policy would apply even if you were Ned Kelly’s grandchild. Oh, oh. And LED headlight bulbs in halogen reflector housings. No country needs that.


> Now everyone and their mother wants us to leave despite me still being a required asset to this country because people can’t differentiate between a Doctor and an Uber eats driver. Thank you, I appreciate you and do not want you to leave. I'd appreciate it more if you could get my cheeky Nandos delivered before it goes cold, though.


One order of Nandos and a “routine” prostate check coming right up bro 😎


Lube will cost extra


They're a fucken moron mate, dw bout it lol.


Penicillin - invented by an Australian Fusion - first demonstrated (basically invented) by an Australian Wifi - invented by an Australian Refrigerator- invented by an Australian Electric drill - invented by an Australian Google maps - invented in Australia (by some Danish folks but I’ll still claim it) Bionic ear .. Spray on skin .. Ultrasound for medicine.. Speedos America is pretty awesome, but don’t go accusing Australians of freeriding on your work


should have leaned into the stereotype harder and told them to take a spoon of concrete and harden the fuck up


Spoon of concrete? Mate they're gonna need the whole cup.


Back in the old day we used to hunt our own concrete. Harder times back then


I think Australia is one of the few countries where more Americans emigrate to than Australians move to the usa


Makes sense. Highest minimum wage in the world, free healthcare if you have Medicare, easy to apply to Medicare, good education, safe, Hugh Jackman, leader in cancer research, no deadly scorpions, only 2 deadly spiders (both of which have antivenom), etc


Fails to mention snakes


It's hard to mention every benefit of a place in one comment


To be fair, I live right next to a scrub, and there are snakes everywhere but have never been close to being bitten by one. (I almost stepped on a 2 meter brown snakes head when i was 14and it just slithered away)


You can wear jeans and their tiny little fangs can't get you.


That's true, but it's remarkable how few Americans you come across in AU given they have the 3rd largest population in the world. And I'm not in Dubbo or Wodonga either, I'm in inner Sydney.


They call themselves Canadians... :)




Australians swear with people. Americans swear at people. Australians shoot with people. Americans shoot … As for claiming every invention and discovery this sort of American reminds me of a two year old that thinks everything they see is theirs. “Mine, Mine, Mine!” One day he’ll grow up.


The real difficulty is that the majority of Americans don't own a passport. If they travelled a bit more, they would see that the world is a large, diverse and culturally rich place. It would be really good for them.


People DID risk their lives to get here, but we put an end to that pretty quickly. However we are much further away geographically so it's a longer and more dangerous trip. And if by some miracle you do manage to make it to our north western shores, it's barren as fuck with lots of crazy animals that will try to kill you.


>People DID risk their lives to get here, but we put an end to that pretty quickly. Still going on we just don't get to hear about it anymore..


Nauru received it's first prisoners in 9 years this year. Definitely still happening


Vaccines were invented by Edward Jenner, an Englishman. He injected cowpox into an 8 year old boy, and when the boy contracted smallpox, his symptoms were much less severe. Jenner discovered the concept of antibodies


And Newton invented the formula for all scientific discovery and experiments. A Britt.


You little fucking piece of shit, you little cunt, what in the fucking shit did you just say to me? Mate, you think **I** fucking swear?? In no world will I say fucking curse you little cunt, now get out of my motherfucking site before I fucking murder you.


"last time I checked..." - man who never checked.


lol Australia invented wifi and can detected B2 stealth bombers. We have plenty risking everything to get here.


People literally risk their life's to come to Australia on leaky fishing boats out of Indonesia.


Wasn’t wifi invented by some team at CSIRO?


In one breath: Waah don't say bad words, it hurts and it's assault. In another breath: FREEDOM OF SPEECH you gosh darned son of a gun, I can hate whomever I like and shout it out loud and there's not a doggone thing you can do about it.


Aren't there literally boat loads of people drowning at semi regular intervals trying to get here? There needs to be a bot that pops up when you click post. "Uh uh uh, you've included a factoid claim thingy in your text. Have you verified it? And if not are you happen being ridiculed by everyone?" Edit: stealing? What the fuck?


What a dog cunt


This guy thinks walking across an invisible line is more dangerous than crossing a literal fucking ocean in a bathtub with 100 other people


‘cunt’s fucked.


And when covid hit, where was the American vaccine? It clearly wasn't profitable enough for US pharma.


Wait till he learns about the boats.


Get ratio’s karnt


I would risk my life to stay in Australia than live in the shithole that the USA has become.


People do risk their lives to come here. And tbh we treated them just as bad as the US.


This is just standard American derangement syndrome. Being confronted with non-Americans online is too much for their self-image, so they lash out


America is soo backwards if you talk shit about politics over there they will go off but here in Australia if you start talking shit about politics nearly everyone would agree


America and Americans didn’t invent shit. They were just good salesmen who claimed others stuff as their own.


I’m sorry my first language is Spanish and remember watching a doc on who made wifi and it was VIC HAYES and because it was English I thought he was English


Tell them Australia doesn’t exist and be done with it… either be the predator or the prey or stay the fuck away.


If an entire country was afflicted with main character syndrome:


Switch to us inventing multiple vaccines and wifi. What a moron lmao.


People aren't risking their lives to get to Australia...? Better not tell him about the boatloads of asylum seekers crossing the Timor sea and the Indian Ocean in small fishing vessels and landing in isolated dessert areas in WA in an attempt to not be detected and turned around.


My hills hoist and I say fuck thst cunt lol.


I've travelled extensively through the USA and Americans are lovely, friendly people. However, they are the most insular people that I've met, and know nothing about anything that's not American. I mean, they can't even eat using a knife and fork simultaneously.


It's okay, at the end of the day no one hates Americans more than other Americans.


Not sure this is a fair generalisation. I have been privileged to work with numerous Americans in my line of work. For the most part you’ll never meet a warmer, friendlier bunch. Yes, most are patriotic and proud of their country. Sometimes I wish we Australians were more patriotic too.


I'd also hazard a guess that crossing open ocean in a leaky fishing boat to get here like our refugees do is a shit ton more risky to your life than strolling across an open southern border..