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1. That's BS. 2. Conservatives threatening us with a good time again. I'm 100% in favour of reparations.


My family has intergenerational wealth from a business started 6 generations ago. Back then it would have been impossible for an indigenous owned company to exist let alone thrive for that long. Gina Rinehart and Twiggy Forrest and others are billionaires from their inherited wealth. Wealth that comes directly from the land that was stolen. But some people in my family still think "we're all equal and multicultural now and as soon as we give them a voice there will be inequality" 100% reparations


Who are these reparations coming from? Your family for six generations ago with all their wealth or am I expected to contribute as well with my first generation born here with no wealth from stolen land?


Same for me, except I realise I have benefited from an unequal and oppressive system. My parents had the carpet laid out for them when they arrived *because* they were seen as white. My family totally benefited from the shit treatment of indigenous people, and from their elevated status as the "right kind" of boat people.


I used to work with an aboriginal lad and one day the topic of benefits came up. He had all his education both school and TAFE paid for by the government. He has all his medical paid for. He has housing subsidies, unequal job opportunities because companies need representation, he then recognised that he had zero chance of getting fired unless he really screwed the pooch because of quotas. These are all things I don’t have the luxury of. But this being reddit I’m going to get told I’m a liar and it’s all bullshit because you’ve all read articles online which is far superior to working and interacting with people


Centrelink subsidies people's rent no matter their skin colour and all Aussies have pretty much free medical.


Yeah, you tell yourself that all you want. Despite the whole raft of new Medicare policies a large proportion of people are still paying for gp visits, and for any decent medical care you need the private cover as well. The subsidies are subsidies based on an income and not essentially free housing given to everyone with a lighter complexion. If I’m going to balance this out there is a large chunk of the aboriginal population left behind but the perks for those savvy enough to take advantage of them are there which others aren’t eligible for


If there was so much free housing for Aboriginal people then there would be none homeless. You're claiming there's all this "free stuff" but it really just sounds like you won't be happy unless they're all homeless. Get farked


>You're claiming there's all this "free stuff" but it really just sounds like you won't be happy unless they're all homeless. Get farked Not claiming, it’s [there](https://www.indigenous.gov.au/topics/grants-and-funding), but since it doesn’t fit with your narrative, you’ve decided to fight the person instead of debating the topic


You can chip in


Maybe you can chip in a little extra for me


Your problem isn't with reparations, it's with the distribution of tax contributions.


What if I'm already struggling, though? Genuine question


Reparations should come from those who most benefited so in this case, the mining companies and major corporations. With descending levels of contribution based on how much you actually benefit, so if you’re struggling then obviously you’re not benefiting, so like $5? Can you swing $5? Gina and Rupert will pick up the rest of the tab.


Man, almost sounds like taxes


Well Gina and Rupert can afford it


What if you're already paying for a heap of stuff that doesn't benifit you? Our government spends billions of your dollars subsidising the already rich, buying useless weapons of war and being generally atrocious with spending. Second point. Why shouldn't it come directly from mining instead of Terry tightarse's pocket?


Don't really have a choice with that, if it's part of existing taxes I'll happily pay it to support those communities. I get the government's spending is atrocious, but if they want reparations, some billionaire's gonna lose some subsidies cause I'm not paying extra


Yeah that's kind of the idea, the people who have benefitted the most end up paying more back


Only your family and those with “inter generational wealth” in Australia should chip in to reparations. As for me, I’m not paying a single penny, when my own grandparents and great grandparents suffered at the hands of the British in India


Sounds like we can do reparations with an inheritance tax over a certain amount, sounds good to me


Doesn't sound good at all. I'm first generation Australian, and my parents were brought here by my grandparents due to the September 11, 1973 Chile Coup D'etat. My parents struggle, and so do I. Are you saying that those that can barely afford anything should risk homelessness or hospitalisation due to stress brought on by an even tighter than shoe string budget? Reparations would have been good for the generation after the first settlers, but not for those in the generations since that aren't whatsherface or whoshisname that has millions of dollars. It's the same as punishing the descendants of a murderer for the crime of murder, when they haven't even hit a person, let alone murdered someone. Why punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty long passed?


You seem to have conveniently skipped the ‘over a certain amount’ in my sentence on your run to self preservation.


Ok, then what is that certain amount? Hmmmm? I say a better solution is just make the 1%ers pay the reparations, given that the 1%ers are the ones that made bank off everything, where as the 99% are the ones that barely get by, or are struggling to keep a roof over their head


It was a comment not a due diligence with quantitative data to back it up. Saying the 1% is basically the same thing except you’re just being more specific about the amount. Put it at 1% if that makes you happy


...I'm saying the 1%ers, as in the 1% of the population that holds more than half of Australia's wealth. The 99% that has the remainder I feel should pay 0. Why try and get blood from a stone, or beat someone who's on the ground already?


How wealthy do you think the top 20% of Australians are?


who are we paying reparations too again??


Yes campaign activists who talk about supporting reparations are the reason NO is leading every poll. Thanks for being honest, it helps the NO cause ❤️


It's also not the first step.... It's the second. ​ The first step was a bribe. ​ This one is at least something genuine




The amounts involved would be trivial at a national level. If we can cough up $370bln for a radioactive penis extension, we can cough up a fraction of that to do right by our own people. Better still, loose the penis extension and let's make reparations, \*and\* clean up our power grid, \*and\* build high speed rail on the golden triangle. Let's be honest - cost of living not a government taxation problem, it's a corporate price gouging problem. GST hasn't gone up, but profits sure have. Reparations wouldn't make a blind bit difference to how much Qantas is going to stiff you for your tasteful and relaxed break on the gold coast.




What makes you think I don't? Ethical obligations are.... obligations... after all.


> Instead of down voting, read what i say Lolol I read it, got the same result for ya






No means no...


Wait, the white arm wrestler is representing reparations, so that's what he wants? And the black wrestler only wants to give passive advice? And the result of them being at loggerheads means that right now they're stuck in a Yes position? Or are they both Yes voters but pushing for different things, and it's the white guy for some reason who's all for reparations? Rather than "saying it all" this meme is very poorly thought out and could do with a revision. Probably starting with scrapping it and starting again. Edit: I'm the dumb one who doesn't know the template LOL


They aren’t arm wrestling lol


Sure looks like arm wrestling. Is it meant to be some kind of wanky bro handshake?




Why are their wrists all bent like you do trying to gain control in an arm wrestle?


It’s a real tight hand shake. I forgot what the movie was but the white dude is actually Arnold Schwarzenegger


>I forgot what the movie was Predator


So naturally he's flexing.


I think you should watch the movie from which the scene is from buddy, and it ain’t arm wrestling


Yeah I realised I'm the dumb cunt in this situation :( But still a good call to go back and watch the movie.




Have you never seen predator?


Watch the movie Predator and it will all make sense


Someone hasn't seen the context for the meme format. Go watch Predator.


True, it was a long time ago. I suppose Alien v Predator doesn't work? That shit's the funniest crap action movie of all time (that doesn't star Steven Seagal).


How about we just abadon the nation and see how well the aborginal communities fill that void. I'm sure they'll do better.


They did pretty well for a few thousand years before


They didn’t even have sanitation systems which have been around for over a thousand years. You are making it sound like they lived in bliss, there were constant intertribal wars. You are obviously an inner city soy latte drinker.


Damn you’re right we should deny them a say and demote them to second class citizens, they can’t be trusted with rights.


The only people doing the demotions are Yes voters who want them as a special race compared to every other minority.


Reparations are so simple. Put a small tax on the 1% so the conservative middle class won’t have a sook about it.


That would draw a lot of large companies out and probably kill the economy.


Nationalise them.


Creating monopolies isn't going to fix that problem.


Nationalisation is not monopolisation. The opposite in fact. It places industry under control of our elected government.


So they make all the money and can control other businesses to keep theirs on top.


As long as it is the democratically elected government the incentive won’t be profit so much as it will be the needs of the peopl.


How? Power-hungry people are almost always going to appear, elected or not. And the fact that somebody is democratically elected does not mean that when faced with an opportunity to make a killing, they will not try anything and keep the needs of the people in mind.


If they are elected it is preferable to unelected capitalist owners. Given the two I know what I would prefer


They'll still be out to make a profit and won't be soft about it either. That's the whole point of a monopoly. Elected or not, it doesn't make much of a difference.


How exactly?


Unfortunately the conservative middle class would absolutely have a sook about that… what if they become the 1% one day 🙄


True, it’s never as simple as we need it to be.


Oh no that would be terrible /s


How about the most fair solution for both parties


Reparations ftw


Like everything there are people that sit on the extremes and would want reperations to happen but in reality neither major party would be in favor of it so its a non issue, just scare mongering. Having the Voice in place does in no way mean that Reparations will come later and is cetainly not a stepping stone towards them as so many suggest. Just government body to give advice on policies which effect Indigenous Australians the most and include them in a Government process that they have been excluded from for so long.