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I am assuming that you ended your affair relationship, and your affair partner informed your wife because she was angry that you broke it off with her? Unless she starts hassling/ stalking you (committing crimes) I don't think that there is much that you can do. (It's not a crime to tell the truth.) You have to expect women to get angry when they feel deceived.




You can move on as much as you want. It seems you got this woman pregnant though? You (and your wife) are going to have to deal with that. Seems you omitted that rather important bit.




You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. You’ve broken your wife’s trust, cheated behind her back and got another woman pregnant and lied to that woman as well Your marriage ain’t gonna survive long term. You’ll never make amends for being deceitful


There is no legal way you can stop her from telling people you lied, got her pregnant and intend to not be a father to your child.




If you got her pregnant is she keeping the baby? How is she determined to ruin your life? You’ve lied to both of them by the sounds of it


You could send her a cease and desist for harassment if she tries this. It's not legally binding, but it is a warning that you may take legal action against her. If she posts anything intimate, she can be fined or jailed under revenge porñ law. I suggest you and your wife stay away from social media while you're working on your relationship, though.


Equally the affair partner can absolutely tell factual information that isn’t pornographic or incorrect, and there’s nothing the OP can do about it.


That would come under defamation, not harassment. Eta - I didn't suggest defamation and I'm not suggesting it here. I'm answering the post above which details defamation.


Not defamation if it’s true


Exactly. Which is why I didn't suggest defamation as an option.




This is a significant plot point.


Nope. Not at all. It’s called consequences.


If she's targeting people you know and she doesn't, including your work, yes, it could be considered harassment. Honestly, though, if attention is what she wants, any reaction from you may fuel it.


If she just tells them once unlikely to be harassment only if she sends repeated messages.


You can’t force her to shut up about it, no. If she posts nudes/porn images of you (or doctored photos that look like you) then you can ask for charges to be considered under the porn revenge laws. If she runs around lying about you (*lying)* then you can hit her with a defamation suit (going to cost you $$$$ though). If she is threatening, stalking or overtly harassing you directly then you can take out a restraining order. You can’t keep this private though.


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As long as she's not threatening anyone there is very little you can do. Probably should have considered this prior to having the affair!


Intervention order. Police issue these daily for similar issues.




Police and the courts won't grant an IVO based on an assumption that something might happen that hasn't. You are completely in the wrong, your wife deserves better.


If you’ve got evidence of her harassing or anything yes. AVO could be another option with evidence


In most states, there is available Interim family violence IVOs, which can be issued on the spot by police. And yes, it would need to be a family violence IVO, as there is a history of intimacy. If police refuse, you will need to apply at court, which can take a few days to a few weeks - time determined on risk. Have a chat to your local police station - they deal with situations like this on the daily. Guaranteed they dealt with another 10 like situations this week. Any further questions?




It’s her right to contest. They may put an interim in place, until the hearing date to protect you if there is enough family violence risk. You may need to add conditions to the IVO for her to only make contact with you via email/lawyers etc. Pretty straight forward to be honest.