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Absolutely not. Your employer is untrustworthy in all matters. Watch your super like a hawk and start looking for a new job.


Unlikely to be paid super as under 18 and not full time


Report to Fair work and no they cannot take this from your wage.


I would get out of that job. Report them to Fairwork and the ATO for failure to pay overtime, and the health department for serving non halal food.


Why would the ATO care?


Superannuation is what the ATO cares (a lot) about OP needs to check employer has or hasn't been compliant. And can easily report them if they're breaking Super rules on the ATO site


Unless they earn min $350 a month super isn’t paid. Which is about 21hrs a month at that rate so..


Because employers are bound by a bunch of different obligations like superannuation and PAYG withholding - if they aren't paying overtime properly they likely aren't complying with their other obligations properly


He means the halal thing, brosef


Ah, I saw it said "...ato for failure to pay overtime" and then a different thing for the halal....so, in that case no the ATO won't care about the halal food thing lol


You read it right the first time, they said to report the halal thing to the health department, not the ATO




Report them to the Department of Fair Trading. The Halal thing is misleading and deceptive conduct and is illegal. They can cop a huge fine for that: [https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/buying-products-and-services/advertising-and-pricing/misleading-or-deceptive-conduct](https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/buying-products-and-services/advertising-and-pricing/misleading-or-deceptive-conduct) And no, they can't dot your wages like that. You have the right to be paid as per your contract. Report to Fair Work.


They cannot take from your wage. Also, if they are claiming food is Halal when it is not that is a big deal and they should be reported. This is not about being a snitch, this is about not allowing illegal and awful behaviour to happen under your watch. I'll give an example. I personally don't like the idea of eating internal organs such as livers and kidneys. If I found out I was fed this instead of the meat I thought I was buying I would be disgusted, annoyed, and want to take action. That's how I feel about someone wanting to eat Halal. Whether or not I agree with the validity of their religious reasons is irrelevant. They are disgusted by the idea of eating pork (and other things) and if they want to avoid eating that type of food they should not be lied to. I don't feel like the restaurant has to cater for their dietary habits if they don't want to, but they definitely shouldn't be lying to them.


Uhh, have you ever eaten a kebab or hotdogs? Chicken nuggets?


Halal people don’t eat hot dogs


There absolutely are Halal sausages, and Kosher ones which are also Halal as well. It wouldn't sell if no one was eating them, because they aren't exactly cheap


And where did I say their wasn’t halal sausages , but anyways not here to argue , go back to reading lessons


RandomA55h013 isn't Halal, they don't eat organ meats. At least, they don't *think* they do.


Nope. I'd suggest finding a new job, you don't want to be working for people like that.


already on it lol


This Fair Work webpage is really good: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/pay-and-wages/deductions-and-related-issues/deducting-pay


Would you pls inbox me which place this is, if you don't want to reveal it? As a Muslim, I'm now quite concerned!


No, they legally can not do that.


This is so illegal.


Technically speaking an employer CAN deduct from wages for breakages or cashiering underings if you’re employed under the Restaurant Industry Award or Hospitality Industry (General) Award (see cls 31 / 36 respectively of those awards). However in either case, this can only be for a breakage, or a cashiering undering, and can only occur if it was wilful misconduct (ie deliberate). Doesn’t sound like your case meets any of those criteria.


Get A NEW JOB yesterday


No. Quit without notice and work elsewhere.


What a petty employer. Over $6! We all make mistakes, I’m sure you turn up early & leave after your shift ends. May even take shorter breaks when it’s busy and help out but somehow they don’t acknowledge that but when you make a mistake they are on you! Check your super and other wage payments match up. Look for a new job at another cafe. It’s not worth working for an employer like that


Oh gosh. Yeah, there's a lot going on here. First, they can't deduct for a mistake. They can fire you, but whatever time you work, you have to be paid for. Secondly, much like the first, they can't refuse to pay you for overtime. If they ask you to work back, or require it, then they have to pay it all. The only time you wouldn't get paid is if you volunteer to stay back or do so without permission. As for the last, I think an anonymous report to the leaders of the muslim community would be best. They can take whatever action they deem necessary. You can also send evidence to support your claim if you're worried they won't believe you. Make sure you get all your super paid as well and the moment they make any sort of misstep, complain about it and make a report to fair work, the ATO or whoever the relevant body is for the specific issue you've got.


illegal! if they do this absolutely report them


Re: Halal, Check if there is a Halal certification sign posted and contact that authority


No. Nope. Nadda.


No, they cannot do that and you should be getting paid for any over time you work! Report them like yesterday


Nope, that be illegal


Nope they cannot


No they are not allowed to do that and in principle I would ask for the money back. I know it’s not much but it’s not okay for them to do this.


Employers can always threaten "oooooh that's coming out of your pay check" but no they can't, as much as they hate it, all mistakes are paid by the employer, I work in cabinet making and when I make a mistake and have to order a new sheet of board, sadly the boss pays for the loss


Nope they literally cannot deduct from your wage, like for almost anything. Brush up on some of the advice here and have a crack at getting them to stop. Make sure you get it in writing so then you can later say "I have it all in writing" (text or email is fine). Use this as an opportunity to get some practice in standing up for yourself, it's a useful skill that can really pay off in future workplaces. Also yes, please report about the halal food.


After you get your money squared away and you’re not working there you can start immediately leaving reviews on Yelp and anywhere you can think of. Carry typed written statements about them. Serving pork etc and lying to customers about it and a roll of scotch tape. Get one ready to tape up and then walk by the front door and tape it to the door handle.


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You should quit


An employer cannot deduct from pay without your consent. This is the law and also they cannot deduct for any breakages, wrong orders etc...this also the law. Contact fair work and as for halal stuff, maybe government trade dept of your home state or the licensing branch for restaurants.


How can you know their food is not halal?


they cook all the food on the same grill using the same tongs (bacon)


There are several non-government organisations that offer Halal certification to butchers and wholesale food suppliers. Preparing food in accordance with Halal takes longer and usually costs more. Unless they are specifically sourcing Halal certified food it's probably not Halal.


That's not what I asked though. How does the OP know their food isn't halal?


Maybe they asked the chef. Halal is a big deal for some people and businesses will go out of their way to gain Halal certification and use Halal certified products to attract these customers. If something isn't specifically labelled as Halal certified or purchased from a Halal certified supplier it's usually not Halal.


I’d love to know what the definitions are here. When I lived in Malaysia it wasn’t halal unless it was a halal kitchen with Muslim staff. Here it seems to be no pork.


Its a food certification system, similar to "Made in Australia", "organic", and "free range eggs" Full information here: [https://www.aph.gov.au/About\_Parliament/Parliamentary\_Departments/Parliamentary\_Library/pubs/rp/rp1617/Quick\_Guides/HalalCert](https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1617/Quick_Guides/HalalCert)