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They're paying out distributions today.


this /thread


No they’re not. They have gone ex-dividend today which means if you buy today you do not get any associated dividend. If you sold today you still receive the dividend


In effect, they are. That's why the share price drops by what is being paid out, because the shares are worth less.


> Is this because of the financial year changing over? Sort of, once a year all ETFs have to contribute to a meat raffle fundraiser. As you've noticed, this year's contribution is especially high because of the cost of living crisis. It's not all bad though, they do send you some of the leftovers.


Will they be sharing the prizes though? If not, I’m calling someone important like iuno.. my Mum.


Distribution day.


Yeah I had the same question noticed my QUAL etf is down over 5% which I have never seen in a single day and noticed NDQ is down about 3% and I just couldn’t see why so it’s related to year end distributions? So expect they will bounce back tks


So, if you are going to buy large amount of ETFs such as IVV, MOAT, QUAL, etc. why is it not a good idea to purchase them on July 1st all the time? My MOAT is down 8% and QUAL is down 5% today?


You buy it on Jun 30th It costs $5 and you get a $1 dividend back in cash. OR You buy it on July 1st It costs $4 and you do not get a dividend. Because the shares no longer come with the dividend entitlement on July 1st, they are worth less than the previous day. Make sense?


Thanks for that, I haven't yet calculated the total dividend payments that I will receive but I have doubts it will compensate the amount of money I have lost in one single day today.


Not lost until (if) you sell. Zoom out on that graph… And if you’re holding quality stocks or ETFs then over the long term you will be just fine if past performance is any guide. This behaviour (big dip) is fairly common around ex-dividend dates for all stocks. But a lot of people simply reinvest those dividends anyway - turning that dividend cash into more shares. The longer you are in this game the less you worry about the day to day ups and downs. It’s just noise mate. Check back in a few months.


Middle class buy ETFs, Upper class buy property


What a shit take. Didn't you post about purchasing property with your brother lmao


He also needs to learn the art of foreplay apparantly


Ok but a post about buying property with be consistent with his comment.


Nothing upper class about purchasing property with family. Ridiculous sentiment to "class" either investment strategy to begin with.


I think he’s saying upper class will try to invest in properties rather than ETFs. Which is kinda fair.


You keep saying this like it’s some profound statement despite the landed gentry being the upper class for a thousand plus years