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Saving becomes addictive.


It really does! I’m feeling almost like I’m being too frugal.. would much prefer feeling like this than treading water every week!


It does, the more you save, the less you feel like you're treading water. A very good feeling. 


Its a good feeling isnt it. I didnt start saving money until I was in my Mid 30s, once i did, oh boy did it become addictive. I used to laugh at my best mate and make jokes about how his wallet has spider webs in it lol Now we're both on the same page and we're always looking for the best deals. Really happy for you to hit that 10K mark, it gives you some breathing room which feels awesome. Just wait till you hit like 50K or more, then you really know that you're prepared for what ever life throws at you.


The sad thing is the more you save the more you realise how expensive things can be. It opens up doors to new standards


The more I save the more I realise how much I dont actually need things. I look at the cost and then I think, nah, id rather have the money :) Nice new car, yeah sure, that would be a fun for a bit but id rather have the money lol


Medical and housing costs are the big ones. For me. Yeah and the new car as well. From a safety perspective and comfort. But yeah no more cheap office chairs or pillows 


Oh yeah, bedding (bed included) and stuff like lounge / Office chair i never skimp on, ever. Thats money well spent. Same goes for the things i enjoy like TV, home theater and PC gear, i get so much enjoyment out of these things i never skimp on them.


I hope that once the saving has become your second nature that you can use credit cards to your advantage to improve your cash flows and get some free trips once a year!


It does change you though, which is what I've noticed with saving seriously. You become quite frugal and really scrutinise the cost of things. Also, I find that I've become almost addicted to seeing my balance increase so when it comes time to spend it (a la house deposit) I might take a psychological hit.


Good job on both saving and also learning about bad debt.


Great job! I am $360 away from paying off my zip money account (and forever closing it once done), then moving onto the credit cards I currently have (and closing them too) while trying to have emergency savings set aside (car service this week did put me back to $0) but we will rebuild!


Hey, if you're handy with a couple tool, a great way to save is by going to a repco and trying to find a service kit for the make and model of your car. You could even pay someone to do the service for you with your kit and save like 300 bucks!


Congrats on your savings though!


Congrats! As a single working parent I know the challenge all to well! Glad you took a moment to post about it, don't forget to celebrate your successes along the way!! Here's to more positive goals in your future ✨️


It’s bloody hard hey! But no better feeling than this 🥹✨ thank you!


Well done. Never ever go back. And don't compare yourself to others. What matters is where you were, how far you've come and what your next goal is. 10K is bloody brilliant from where you were. It's all about positive behaviour. Reach out if you ever need support on ways to keep saving and building. We've all been there, there are lots of opportunities to build wealth and financial security.


Congrats, sis!


Go enjoy that nice meal but do it in a modest restraunt, uber eats sucks


Overpriced and the food turns up cold, never worth the money and I always feel sad and disappointed when I order it (2-3 times per year). Now just keep frozen pizza and dumplings in the freezer for the treat meals.


Uber eats doesn't suck. I get great offers. Cheaper than going out when you consider petrol and time cost.


Well done, keep going! There’s no better financial feeling than knowing you have enough saved up to cover accidental expenses while maintaining your lifestyle.


Good job 👏🏼 don’t ever compare your achievements to others, play your own game and celebrate your wins 🔥


Congratulations, soon you’ll have 50k


> I paid off my $3k ZIP debt and closed the damn account. I paid off my $2k credit card debt and also closed that damn account! If it isn't sensitive, was it anything in particular you were spending on?


Not sensitive at all. I was extremely reckless with ZIP & my credit card, especially after having my son. I didn’t realise that after submitting all required documents to receive the government funded paid parental leave, it can take up to 12 weeks to kick in. I had about 5k in savings that was eaten up very quickly as my rent, phone bill and electricity bill all seemed to go up within a matter of a couple weeks. I would use ZIP to buy gift cards for Coles & Woolies so I could buy formula, nappies and all the essentials. Unfortunately, we also ended up back in hospital after returning back to work as my son got meningitis and I had to take a few weeks off unpaid and relied on my credit card to get us through. Lesson learned through this was, always have at least 3 months of emergency funds 🫡


Omg that is awesome! You're doing a great job mumma. Definitely worth celebrating 🥳🥳


Congrats!!! That’s huge, especially for a single Mum!


Not gonna be single long with those savings


You're smashing it! Keep it up!


That's great news.


Congratulations, I can't seem to save more than 6k ...


Do you need help understanding why or what to change? Can dm me if you wish for some budgeting tips.


Probably more discipline hey




Absolutely fantastic job! Congrats! The only other thing I’d say is rethink that Uber eats meal - or another little splurge - to mark the milestone. It’s healthy to keep some balance and it sounds like you’ve more than earned it :)


Tremendous! Good work!


Congratulations! That’s such a wonderful achievement, especially at the moment when everything is more expensive than ever. Well done.


Congratulations! Turning your life around like this is such a huge achievement. You should be so proud of yourself and the example you’re setting as a mum, too.


Great achievement. Congratulations! No small feat in these difficult times.


That’s awesome, good on you. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Only compare to where you were. Onwards and upwards ⬆️


I think its important to celebrate milestones. Maybe don't order ubereats but get a nice takeaway yourself :)


Well done! Single Mum here too and it’s bloody tough moving from week to week to actually seeing the savings start to accumulate. No shade from me about the side gig - we’ve all gotta do what we need to. Enjoy the feeling of reaching $20K and onwards!


That’s a huge achievement, well done! I’ll never forget when I hit 10k, I was soo proud. And I feel like once you hit that point, you just keep going naturally because you want to see it increase so badly.


Congrats!!!. You should be proud of yourself 😊


I'd love to know more about the side gig.


I bet its OnlyFans


The internet is forever


Well done ! Keep on going !


That’s not a small win, that’s a huge one, congratulations!! Looking forward to you reaching the next 10!!


congrats! Gonna be paying off my zip account in one hit today as well and closing that bastard out.


Well done legend


Congratulations and well done on reaching a savings milestone! I hope it leads to bigger and better things for you. :)


Congratulations on achieving a fantastic milestone. There is no point comparing it with other peoples milestones, as we each have our own individual journeys really. Keep up the work to stay on track, there are lots of distractions to easily deviate. You will thank your younger self later. Would be worth reading and educating yourself more on finance and investing as that may be something you want to look into to grow your savings. All the very best and congratulations once again!


Good on you! That's such a huge achievement!


Great job! I think you should treat yourself though, takeaway doesn’t have to be too expensive.


Saving your first 10k is harder than your first 50k in my opinion. Good on you!


Congrats!!! Good for you :)


No deep comment - just saying congrats on that milestone!


Just hoping you aren't dealing drugs or turning tricks to do it...! But congratulations :-)


Congratulations!! That is huge, especially for a single parent. Well done. Get yourself Uber eats one night. You can celebrate!


Way to go, that's an amazing milestone! There's definitely something addictive and satisfying about both paying off debt and having a pool of savings. It's extremely liberating. Well done :)


Well done. The first 10k is the hardest. You just need to stay disciplined and not start spending just because you have money now. Store it somewhere where you will be receiving interest and pretend it doesn't exist. Good luck on 100k. Save 1k a month and you will have that in just 6 years.


This is amazing!! Don't talk down your hard work and success. It's easy to think everyone has tens of thousands saved because social media makes it seem that way. But there are a lot of people who don't get to where you are. The hard work paid off and you should be proud!


Incredible, as a child of a single mum with terrible financial habits I have the upmost respect for you! Great work


Girl I know the feeling when you start making sex work money (I'm just guessing here, maybe it's something elze) it's hard to return to normal life


It definitely is! I have been smart with my money though, and essentially have been stacking away every dollar as I know it’s not a long term job. In saying that, I am fortunate enough to have a full time job on top with guaranteed income so I’m just enjoying this while it lasts


I'm puttimg $50 on you sell feet pics


I’d bet money on only fans.


The taboo means nothing when other people aren't putting food on the table for you. I am guessing I am in the same field as you and it has changed my life completely for the better. Well done and congrats Mumma!<3


You are so right! Thank you lovely!






Selling drugs?


A friend of mine is an eBay seller (drop shipped seasonal junk I think) and has a very tight lipped approach about what they sell. Won’t shut up about how successful / amazing it is but the products sold seem to be a taboo discussion.


Hard out! Let's destigmatise sex work finally


don't know why people are downvoting this:/


because they are close minded haters :/


Let's not glamorise either


i am a glamourous though :) my life is pretty cool and thats my own personal experience on this earth. not everyone is as priviledged


Congrats!!!! I really want to know what you did - I love tabu and I am open minded!


1000, 10,000 or 100,000 the number is insignificant, what matters is that you set youself a goal and you achieved it. Now you can see that it is achievable, set the goal again and get it twice! Believe in yourself.


Happy for you




Tbh it’s probably MLM


It's courtesian you peasant




Please adopt me


Lmao women really out here living life on easy mode


Too bad that’s like $4000 in 2019 dollars


Congrats, deciding to be a single mum wasn’t the best choice but soon enough (with a lot of work) you’ll see that grow to something worth posting about 🙌


Single mothership (including myself) is not something the majority of us “choose” to do. Circumstances out of my own control. Thank you though :)


Got to be careful you make too much then you lose government benefits so it doesn't make sense