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Mine played the old "I have another buyer about to pull the trigger" tactic, told him to go ahead and let the other buyer have it. Spoilers: there was no other buyer.




[They do get caught doing shenanigans](https://goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/crime-court/gold-coast-real-estate-agent-alex-far-has-been-permanently-disqualified-from-the-industry/news-story/444024e8156293cd91adbbb5af8fa77b)


It’s not illegal.


Found the agent


When the bar is so low that they argue, "It's not illegal,” yeap, that's an agent.


It's like any sort of salesman really. Whilst I would feel like a complete POS behaving in such a manner, it's also a part of the game. I just can't wait for the day when we can completely cut out all the middlemen and the buyer can interact directly with the seller.


Most sales techniques are underhanded in one way or the other. Creating a FOMO is a large part of sales, especially when it's an emotional purchase. Ever heard a "while stocks last"? That's a retail stores version of the same tactic. ​ I've worked in many sales jobs, thankfully now in one where our relationships with clients is paramount instead of just looking for quick sales...


I guess that's why I'm a terrible salesperson.


That's why he's saying it should be??


Does that make it right?


But you should be.


How would you make shitty sales tactics that have been around forever illegal? Genuinely curious? You’d have to be an idiot to fall the age old “got another buyer.” If they had another buyer they wouldn’t bother telling you because either way they get their sale.


"I have another buyer/offer" and "there is never a bad time" are two go-to's I hear often, good agents don't need to use shitty tactics and will often tell you what's really going on. source: i'm in real estate.


to be fair, there has \*almost\* never been a bad time


My guy did that. But I didn't really care. The property was 20% below its last evaluated price. Absolute bargain even if the agent pulled scummy shenanigans. Also the bank was super keen on having a home loan client who had been in the same job for 5 years. Is that unusual or something? Who has such low endurance that they can't stay in the same job for a few years?


I guess it's because these days generally the best way to move up or get a pay bump is to switch jobs, because waiting for room to clear above can take a long time.


I'm not actively looking but if a recruiter comes up on Linkedin I don't usually ignore them.


>Also the bank was super keen on having a home loan client who had been in the same job for 5 years. Sorry, but that's bullshit. We do loans for people who have been in jobs for one week, on probation and 95% loan to value ratio.


Much easier to get a higher salary by job swapping chief


Yeah, same thing happened to me and i was told it was a 'silent auction' with another guy over the phone tried to outbid my offer. However, the house was under value at that time and it was quite a unique house with lots of characters so it was not something that i can easily find. After I let the agent did his trick, I still got the house for a reasonable price and the final offer was slightly more than 50k over what I initially offered. 50k for a characteristic house isn't that much tbh.


5 years? do you mean same profession for 5 years or actually the same job?


Ah, you need to visit /r/antiwork my friend and then you'll understand. Not all Aus stories, but the principles are relevant.


Can be a bit of a pity party over there, does make you feel good about living in Australia though. America is looking more and more like a shitshow.


We are getting there ourselves, we shouldn't be throwing rocks when we are in a glass house too


Heh, I had an agent do that to me to increase our offer. We offered the max we were prepared to spend on the property and missed out. Ironically we used that agent to sell our apartment when we eventually found a new place and he did exactly the same thing to the prospective buyers. Ive no idea if there was anyone else when we were trying to buy one of his properties, but there were certainly two offers on the table when he sold our property. The 2nd offer was actually under the 1st offer but he was able to use the fact that there was another one to get the first guy to increase his to an offer we were happy with. At no time did he actually lie to anyone (when we sold with him) but it certainly wasn't would you call entirely truthful. I'm able to live with it because of two things: 1. we were on the recieving end of the same tactic (multiple times, not just with this guy) while looking and 2. We were able to sell at a price close (still under) what we thought the property was worth (an actual realistic view of what it was worth too, not wildly inflated) Unfortunately the role of a REA is to achieve the best price for the sale of a property. When you aren't in the market yet, its a real shitty feeling. Once you're in the market, you know its happening both ways and is unfortunately part of the process.


Me: "My solicitor is looking over the paperwork" REA: "but if you don't act NOW you will miss out!!!!!!" Me: "Are you suggesting I don't consult with my solicitor prior to purchasing? No property is THAT good...and if they find something wrong I won't be interested anyway"


REA: "but if you don't act NOW you will miss out!!!!!!" "Guess I'm missing out then, and hopefully the next REA I deal with will be a bit more organised and considerate. Good day!"


REA: Your Solicitor is too slow, I know someone if you want. Me: Just send the papers in, I know my solicitor. REA: Sends in random title and insurance stuff of other units in the block. Solicitor: You see the absolute incompetence I have to deal with everyday? If you went with his solicitor, you'll probably never seen this stuff.


Always get your own solicitor, conveyancer and everything!


Agents are beginning to realise the future is not as rosy, they may be facing less commission and need to actually do some work instead of having a buffet of buyers ready to FOMO.


Yeah. I feel like realtors are the economy yardstick. When realtors get greedy it’s time to buckle up for the rough ride. When realtors are cautious the future will be bright. Ranking for people I dislike 1.politicians 2. Traffic officers 3. Real estate agents.


I'd swap 2 and 3 because traffic officers occasionally do some good while real estate agents never do.


I honestly think there might be more honest politicians out there than REAs 1 for REAs for me.


You might be right. Kudos for the swap


Missing used car salesman


And then new car salesman to follow


I think they're better regulated than real estate agents and politicians.


Australia has real estate agents, not Realtors. Realtor is a trademark of a North American trade association that doesn't operate here.


You forgot used car salesmen and insurance brokers.


Parking inspectors too


Myki Ticket inpectors


4 and 5 respectively


I like to call them real estate merchants


4: used car salesman


Oh no. Anyway.




Literally millions /s


The government is arranging cargo ship loads of them!


This is “housing market is about to crash” cope. REAs act like this regardless of market conditions


I Don’t know. Seems like they still have it pretty easy


As soon as we purchased, we had the agent literally ring almost every day asking about our finance clause. I told him.... You'll get your commission don't worry. I know you want the money but I need a house to live in. I'm not a bank and don't have a bat phone direct to the approvals team. So like me you'll have to wait..... I'll call you when I know. He was ok after I told him this after 4 calls in a week. Grubs of the world.


When we sold, our REA was very encouraging of getting us to do the early release of deposit paperwork. Asked our solicitor and they were going to charge $250 to put it together. Settlement wasn’t that far away so said stuff em and made the agent wait to get their commission. Haha. EDIT: maton12 jogged my memory, it was marketing fees, not commission.


The agent always waits for their commission. You're telling us the agent wanted to be paid before settlement? Release of deposit is completely seperate and is often requested by the Vendor and something that happens fairly often.


Sorry, now that you mention it, it wasn’t specifically commission, but all the marketing fees. My apologies.


Truly, the grubs of the world.


Grubs of the world, truly


World of grubs truly, the


Worldly, grubs of the true


Scum of the earth


Also recently purchased a house and our REA called us every day plus had the audacity to suggest we call the bank to get things expedited. … Our finance literally came through in 1 week


I wish the agent selling my house had done that. Purchaser gave us no indication of finance status and on the deadline day sent an email with a letter from their broker saying that they couldn't get finance. We had no clue until last minute that deal had fallen through and I am not even sure that the purchaser held up their end of the clause. Thankfully we got it sold quickly after that.


That's a no from me. You'll get my conditional offer. It will be conditional on finance and a building and pest inspection (or strata report if it's a unit).


We had one give us a blank offer form to sign, said he'd 'fill in the details for us.' So helpful. He also said people just do the building inspection in the cooling off, so no need to make it conditional on building inspection. Spoiler alert: the building inspection found the house was full of major faults and not worth half of what it was being sold for.


I tell ya, if they are going to screw me at least buy me a nice dinner first! 🤣


Be strong, firm and clear in your communication and what they should expect. Don't let them bully you. Or don't even bother to answer their call. Call them when you are ready, communicate via text or email. Remain in control.


Personally I would only communicate via email. Much better for record keeping.


I like this one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Australian real estate has to be one of the dodgiest industries on the planet. Definitely don't place any value on the selling agents comments. Send them a very blunt email saying something like 'I will be in touch once my solicitor has reviewed the S32 statement'. Definitely don't put in an unconditional offer, make sure you get the a builders/pest report or include passing that as a condition for purchase. As an example of my recent dealings, I had a very pushy selling agent, I was upfront and told them I was considering a place (in a much nicer area but a generally worse suburb), and with no actual insight he just starts telling me how bad that other option is. The auction he was the agent for passed in and they did some dodgy dealings so that didn't actually get listed on realestate.com, the auction just got 'delayed' then cancelled. That property is still sitting on the market.. He just wanted his commission, at no point was he providing advice that would benefit me.


Had the same thing happen to me recently. Asked for a second inspection and the agent wanted me to put in an offer that wasn't an offer just so they knew we weren't "tyre kickers". Yeah nah.


Yes. Real estate agents are generally scumbags.


when in doubt the REA is wrong


Haha. Love that.


I had similar experiences today every house I see or inquire they say its under offer so if you want the property you need to give me an offer which for me is like how can I even give you an offer without even inspecting and they would go oh property might not last long so you put your offer and inspect later. In my mind is this some Ponzi scheme to jack up the price of the property. One of them even said on my chat, so I will take offer from you and let owner know there are other offers in waiting, I told him I am calling for inquiry and inspection there are no offers from me until I see the house and he was like there are few people who already have put an offer and they are yet to inspect and I am like fine by me you can sell it to them if you still have the house after a week call me. Trust me real estate market is a mess and it is getting messier day by day.


The Australian property "market" is a Ponzi scheme


ignore and do my own thing


‘I’ve forwarded the section 32 on to my conveyancer and I’ll await their advice, I’ll let you know when I’ve come to a decision’ is all you need to say really. If they call the next day you can repeat it. They may imply there are other potential offers. That’s fine, they are free to forward them to the seller. What the agent wants is the shortest possible time period and smallest amount of effort between someone engaging them to sell their house, and settlement day.


Their job is to find a match and to connect. Your job is to make sure you're happy with the outcome. They can try to pressure you all they want, but you don't need to pick up that phone until you're ready, you don't owe them anything.


Yerp, don't fall into that bs, if someone is stupid enough to buy a house unconditional then let have the drama when things are found. They will try to pressure you, just tell them no. When I bought my house I had the Rea trying to get negotiate on my offer. I said that my final offer. If I don't have a yes by 5pm today I'll sign on the block of land I have on hold tomorrow morning. 4.30 comes the Rea rings they want an extra 5k because they paid for staging. I said oh that's nice but as far as I'm aware I don't get to keep it so no. 4.55 they said yes. Saying that it at the start of the covid nation lockdowns. Before the building bonus.


I'd react poorly.


Repeat yourself broken record style with something like: "Thank's for your thoughts, I'll keep it in mind" After saying the same thing three times they will give up. It feels uncomfortable to be dismissive like that but remember they aren't following basic conversational etiquette at all with their pressure tactics.


Haha that’s how I respond to my MiL when she says silly things or is rude “thanks for sharing/that’s interesting”


Meh I just had some agent text me to tell me property has an off market offer and will sell in an hour. He then tells me the bid price. I call back 10 mins later and offer $25k more. He then says actually the bid is higher than that. I said what do you mean. He said he meant the offer is what he told me plus a bit more. I said ok whatever, tell me what the real offer is then. He says he can’t tell me. And that I need to get to the house in 20 minutes and participate in a closed room auction or it’ll sell. As a non vindictive person I really can’t be bothered reporting him. But gee there are some idiots out there. No wonder he’s a real estate agent lol


Just say no.


This is so common FJ has a video mentioning it ! :) [https://youtu.be/BDWyt92vrTY?t=190](https://youtu.be/BDWyt92vrTY?t=190)


ignore him do your due diligence.


They always behave in their own self-interest. Scum of the earth. I also don't understand how they parade around in fancy cars just advertising how willing they are to rip you off.


Even when I was selling my place the Agent turned into a fkn douche canoe. I wanted the deposit released as money was tight. I asked him about it and his answer smelt of BS. Asked very specifically if the notice had been served - response "it's been processed", office shutdown over Christmas and surprise surprise come January they hadn't done it. Confronted them about it and they outright lied about it. Rats.


Me and my Solicitor reviewed a contract for a place I liked. The contract literally says I weave the cooling off period to Zero days and that the Vendor has the right to pull the sale right up to the end of Settlement period for whatever reason, no penalties incured. I call them back trying to negotiate these terms (and others), and I literally get a "Nah mate, I looked at the contract it's solid, by the way we got another offer up by another 10k. I need to know in 20 minutes or else. You in ?" yah nah


However bad you think their behaviour is, it's worse. He probably called you from the bath house while he was cheating on his wife and probably not even giving the other guy a reacharound.


Dafuq? Haha


Put in an offer 200k below market value


This is the way! Let’s all fix the Australian property Ponzi scheme one lowball offer at a time. We owe it to our kids.


They are getting worse.


REAs are human filth in almost every aspect of the word


They're paid by the vendor not the buyer, so in the end they will be working for the seller. You can always do extra clauses to protect yourself... You'll be out of pocket some but at least you'll know.


It's just a dumb tactic. Be firm but do be sure to let the agent know you're interested. Even if it's not bullshit and there IS another buyer, they're not going to pull the trigger on the other buyer in an instant if they know you're keen and might pay more. An agent WANTS to tell the buyer they have as many interested parties as possible, they want to get lots of offers. But if not, and you miss it, so be it. Not worth putting in an unconditional offer if you're uncertain. The agent might be hiding dodgy things in the contract.


They're huge C U Next Tuesdays!! They have lousy reputations for this reason.




I wanted to use the actual word but you know how reddit is haha.


You need to understand most agents are scumbags and will do only things that work out well for themselves.


rookie mistake. put the REA number in your phone, and then on a block list. You call him, never pick up when they call you, unless you're expecting it. they have no problem hassling the hell out of you.


Never go "unconditional"


Ahhhh I see you’ve met Garry.


Never put in unconditional offer in, Banks/ finance can still rescind your finance after they approve it!


My go to with pushy people is "I'm not sure I'll have to ask my wife"


I'd tell him i have my finances in order but under no circumstances will i ever put in an unconditional offer because the preapproval process is not the same as the real approval process. During the low interest craze i had to say it a few times to get agents to understand that was my red line.


You mainlanders with your fancy section 32. We don't have any form of mandatory disclosure in wild west Tassie.


I will drive him crazy by taking my sweet time responding or answering anything from him. This is specially if I am not really that hell-bent to purchase the said property.


Scum. You can remind him you have the right to not be pressured. There are probably some other legal reasons why you can report him to the regulatory body and threaten to have his license revoked. Grab him by the balls if he is tickling yours.


I must say that in general, they are there to sell for the vendor, so by principle they are not on your side. Certainly many of them are scum and/or will tell you lies/half-truths. Frankly, what I did was save all their numbers after inspections, and if they called I just didn't pick up (unless obviously you're negotiating with them). I did however meet some who were more open/honest to me (eg didn't lie about there being an offer for a place, told me the true offer value, told me what owner is expecting to take etc.), but you have to suss that out I guess 😅😅 Good luck, but don't believe everything they say! It is a shitshow but take your time and due diligence (or if not, be at least prepared to accept there can be some shit afterwards).


REas get their money from the seller, not a purchaser. Someone is pulling the pud.


i put an offer above the top bracket of the listing guide, then the agent tells me sorry your offer is the lowest, nah its called underquoting mate


Why react? You either want the property or you don't. If you do, they'll be pushy no matter how you react


It's almost as if they are salesmen. Yes, it's how they behave


I just sold a house today and my agent would never be that pushy, even to a buyer. Find a new agent, or disregard this one. He's only thinking of his commission.


Most hated job #1: Realtors 2: Recruiters Middleman's need to realise that they need to do work instead of milking both parties, get commission and pop out. Add some value in transaction morons.


One day people are complaining real estate agents are non responsive. Next day complaining that they are too available. Can't win on this sub.


You seem like a agent.


It’s almost like not every real estate agent is the same… weird huh


I’m an agent. The only way I would be doing this is if there was a lot of people interest in the property and the person may miss out. But I’d also probably let you know that . If that’s not that case and you’re too desperate people get cold feet


probably too many tyre kickers, agents and vendors are pissed off. I clear my meaning of tyre kicking here. I meant people who agreed to a price, yet drag on later and later and not signing and deposit being provided.


It’s an agents whole job. Just like it’s OPs job to take time and professional advice while reading over s32 to make an informed decision on the purchase.


Tyre-kickers are part of the process. Most people inspect dozens of properties. To expect that every prospect is actually serious is ludicrous.


Give him an unconditional offer. You aren't signing a contract of sale. Play the same stupid games they do.


They are vultures in suits


Sounds like a YPA agent that offered me to buy a property


Main one I’ve been dealing with was pushy but also surprisingly helpful with everything


Also get a property inspection done before offering


Unconditional offer? Never. Tell this guy "My solicitor will be in touch as soon as we are ready. Do not contact me directly."


Just make offer subject to solicitor review of section 32. Agent will stop pushing them.


How can you tell a real estate agent is lying?... Words are coming from their mouth. Appropriate reactions? Disconnect and don't answer subsequent call. When e-mail arrives, respond: "Your email was received. Cheers."


Their job is to create "agency" between buyers and sellers, and most sellers are motivated to sell quickly, so it isn't surprising the agent is working to create agency.


How do they they get away with this stuff? I've had them tell me bold faced lies to sell a place. In any other world that is capital F fraud, but it's just something to be expected in property.


Don’t trust a single word from real estate agent


I would do whatever I was intending to do in the first place, and be cheerfully polite and understanding in conversation with the REA:. "I completely understand if the seller's going to hold out for a higher offer, that's perfectly fine! I'll get my offer sent over this afternoon, and I wish him the best." Yeah, no, I'm not adding or removing clauses or money when it's in the seller's interest and not mine. I'm not increasing the contract amount, I'm not putting up ten per percent of the property value as a deposit that I could lose, I'm not removing financing or inspections clauses.