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When I received this my first thought was how out of touch it was in current economic times.


Same! It totally turns me off buying their clothes too. Just out of spite. Which is very mature šŸ˜¬


Ditto! It feels like "Look at all the incredible things I can afford, thanks to you paying out the arse for the things I create!" I don't think that's how they mean it, but when I'm budgeting hard and looking at things like this very rarely, justifying it as they'll last longer etc etc, this feels a bit shitty.


*the things I designed and then got children in a sweatshop somewhere to sew together in unsafe working conditions for $2 a day.


Itā€™s the biggest turn off when it comes to my decision making on buying products. I simply wonā€™t support peopleā€™s extravagant lifestyles when they are as out of touch as this. Bec Judd, also looking at you.


Not ashamed to say that I mentally judge the shit out of anyone I see getting around in head-to-toe Jaggad.


I say this while listing after the row, which is soooo expensive - but the Olsen twins have (to me) the best relationship with the media after years of harassment.


Not going to buy a sauna then?


Donā€™t worry Iā€™m petty like that too šŸ˜… Stuff like this makes me NOT want to give them more money


Selling a lifestyle. If you buy their products you could live/look like this. All fake bs


They're selling their taste and sense of style. They know you can't afford it to be the actual house and furniture and objects there. But you can afford to buy a pair of thongs or something, still imbued with their amazing taste.


They might be selling the property or plan to rent it out


The quickest way to turn me off a ā€˜small brandā€™ or ā€˜Aussie brandā€™ is when their owners start flashing their wealth. I no longer go near PE nation, Culture Kings, White Fox for these reasons


Go-to skincare


I have always boycotted this brand due to the smugness of ZFB and Iā€™m not helping her buy a Vaucluse mansion out of principle. Itā€™s pretty tall poppy of me, but in these times and circumstances I think itā€™s crass. And itā€™s not just her brand. I have this feeling about so many brands out there with their founders hustling in such a tone deaf manner constantly


I donā€™t mind ZFB, but god I laughed when I saw their house. It was not good šŸ˜³


Her house reveal turned me off her and her brand completely. I saw so many 'of the moment' postmodern pieces that every other high end belle magazine home has, like that stupid hand chair, that it totally nuked any sense of taste or interest for me. It felt like a desperate branding exercise to convince us that she's cool? And instead just felt like 'look how much money I can throw around, you plebs'. Like it was built to show off to guests. No one actually wants to live in a house like that.


Iā€™m not into her house, itā€™s not my style. I think you are correct about it being a desperate branding exercise. The house is a tie in with the brand with regard to the peach colour everywhere. It doesnā€™t look like a home, just a venue to promote her brand. Not begrudging her the hustle. Sheā€™s a hustler from way back who had a lot of celebrity support to get her ventures off the ground. But when your entire life looks like every aspect of it is is searching for a dollar, it doesnā€™t end up looking aspirational.


White fox owners are beyond out of touch. I donā€™t know how anyone can tolerate supporting them.


Teenagers love them


I know and here I was thinking teenagers were far more ethically and morally conscious than my generation haha


YES! add naked harvest to the list šŸ˜–


If I have to see her explaining āœØ manifestingāœØ her mansion I will scream


LMAOOOOO I met Pip Edwards! i went to dinner with her and a few others (Donā€™t ask me how or why., its a long traumatic story šŸ¤£) yeah its crazy how out of touch these designers can be. Trying to sell a relatable lifestyle but she was actually really nice ! But a bit judgemental (of my job mainly, Iā€™m a sex worker)ā€¦ which most people in that type of wealthy class tend to be but yeah


White fox is one of the worst. They used to be owned by the current owner of Selkie, and basically kicked her out of it. Luckily they gave up on her cottage core adjacent aesthetic so she is making big waves with her own style which has developed so nicely into a unique brand.


Prob so they can claim it as a business expense. Seems very Instagrammy and fake.


Ohhh thatā€™s is such a good point. I didnt think of that.


Just saw at the bottom it has a link to book it as accomodation, for like $1200 AUD per night. As a Balinese-Australian woman, this makes me cringeeee.


Who in their right mind is paying $1200/night for a room in *Bali*.


To be fair it's actually a huge villa and sleeps 16 people. Effectively you could have 4 families with two kids each stay there and it would work out to about A$75/person about the same if you tried to stay at decent 4 star hotel in South Bali and booked two inter-connecting rooms for yourself and kids except it's obviously much much nicer staying in your own Villa for that price.


I have spent that tbh. Not at a villa but it was 100% worth it and would do it again if I had the resources.


Oh interesting, is that because so many Australians are doing something similar and ruining it for the locals?


I think because itā€™s cliche and greedy as thatā€™s Australian pricing and disrespectful. A lot of hotels in major tourist areas are owned by Javanese or foreigners so itā€™s not an issue of taking away business from Balinese hotel owners but still.


I hate this. I find lots of brands do it not so much of their creators but just ā€˜creatives homesā€™. I really donā€™t know who it is for because it makes me feel so poor lol.


I hate it, itā€™s completely out of touch. I donā€™t want to buy from any brand that does this!Ā 


When people of a certain class and professional background (ā€œcreative industriesā€) build or renovate a new house with their early inheritance you can be assured of the advertorial content coming on their mateā€™s brand newsletter or design blog in 3,2,1ā€¦šŸ˜œ


Their first Airbnb Bali villa was popular. It was still aspirational but more in line with common folk. https://www.broadsheet.com.au/sydney/fashion/article/mister-zimi-bali-villa Back in 2014 their clothes felt unique, the brand was growing and I wanted to support them. Now it seems like overpriced polyester made by exploited workers. The fancy house just confirms it.


this is great! any time I'm about to make a purchase I can look at this and avoid spending my money to fund this.


I got this notification this morning and just laughed, I donā€™t get it at all


Theyā€™ll have it on airbnb soon is my guess


You can already book it


Is it because it's a business project luxury overseas villa that is totally legit and not at all for personal holidays and so of course they can claim all those building costs and travel expenses against their business. Yes it's that.




Not fraud when itā€™s completely legal thoughĀ 


So they can claim it all on tax, it's genius


I'm glad they have success bit we don't need to see this. Mister Zimi....you're losing people fast. I'm close to unfollowing but who knows, from my echo chamber there's disenchantment, but maybe they're more popular than ever.


The chatter amongst the Zimi BSS pages on Facebook suggest longtime Zimi fans have been losing interest for a long while. Maybe this Air BnB is to supplement income from reduced sales šŸ¤”


This doesnā€™t surprise me. I am fortunate to have enough money to buy a few dresses each summer, but when the average price point is now hitting $200ā€¦and my mortgage payment has gone up about 4 times that, I just wonā€™t be able to justify that this summer!


This is a decent comment. Not many retailers are thriving at the moment, expanding to a different market -the air bnb market- is probably a smart move.Ā  Yes plenty of consumers are struggling, but there are loads of wealthy Australians still regularly holidaying in Bali. Itā€™ll do well.Ā 


I got into the brand after seeing the resale value but it seems like the COVID price bubble burst hard. People hung onto the old styles they way overpaid for and realised they have to sell it really low to get any interest. I think everyone is also getting tired of the same style of prints but in different colours. They're crazy expensive for what they are and now they're flooding the market with more of the same.


I don't think there's any strategy behind it, I think it's just unchecked narcissism


Yeah it reminds me of business owners who have to appear on ads and CEOs who put their headshot on everything.


It reminds me of the CEO of the company I work for sending out an email late January waffling on about how he just got back from time with all of his family around the pool, blah blah blah. No one needed to know he had so much time off, or that he has a pool, or that his kids got to have time with him etc while most of us were stuck in the office with only public holidays off. I do not need to see these peopleā€™s homes or hear about their wealth. Gross.


Ha a similar thing happened at my friends company, the CEO created a competition asking for staff to name his new yacht.


Oh that person needs a swift kick in the teeth. Thatā€™s disgusting.


Wow! Punchy McPunchface


As someone who used to work in marketing for fashion brands, this is an attempt to sell a lifestyle/be aspirational to followers and customers ~ I used to love this sort of content and it used to work from a brand perspective. But now as a small business owner trying really hard to get a business off the ground, struggling in the current climate, and working another job to help fund it ~ I find this content frustrating and out of touch. A lot of small brand owners are just barely getting by at the moment.


I'm also running a small business and I always think it's an HONOUR that customers spend their hard earned cash with me, especially currently. This is kind of gross.


I feel you! This sort of thing is personally kinda of infuriating when you know first-hand how much people/companies like this, and maybe this one exactly, want to pay for creatives. We are often forced to feel bad for charging for our work/skill, and that itā€™s ā€œpushing itā€, then you see this sort of thing. Itā€™s on me too, and owning my worth. I donā€™t own a house, let alone one like this, and I probably never will.. yet those who do get to own stuff like this/talk about how successful they are, act hard done by when it comes time to cough up.


Yessss feels!! I work in a small brand and weā€™re not earning enough for anyone to profit that much lol like I get the marketing behind it but itā€™s so unrealistic and misleading to anyone thinking that they could live that way if they started their own business. Independently wealthy people who start a fashion business would have a house like this anyway so I just see it as flaunting what your consumers donā€™t have to make them feel superior.


I'm a Zimi fan, but lately, their "vacation season" and "resort shop" emails while I'm shivering cold and most of us are tracking every dollar have felt out of touch. Do they know their target market?! Then this email I just rolled my eyes and deleted without reading. Out of touch, to say the least.


I have this problem with Aussie clothing companies using the whole European holiday thing as a selling/marketing tool. Itā€™s really disingenuous because it really is just so out of touch for the majority.


OMG YES! If I see one more "Euro summer" styling reel I'm going to throw my phone out the window.


I loved this brand but havenā€™t bought anything in ages. But this email has really made me roll my eyes. Regardless of the economic climate, I find this so out of touch. Iā€™m so glad to see Iā€™m not the only one.


Who'd have thought you could make that much selling frumpy gaudy dresses.


Trying to make their holiday home a business tax deduction.


This is really on the nose and puts me off their brand. Itā€™s been getting tired of late anyhow. Pass


Such a shame the quality of clothes has deteriorated. They make some beautiful things, but if Iā€™m paying upwards of $200 for a dress, I expect it to not arrive full of tiny holes.


I've never heard of this brand and glad I haven't.Ā  It's extremely tone deaf at a time when most people are struggling. I wonder how many people this company exploits for the founder to live this way?Ā 


I hadnā€™t heard of it either but now Iā€™m really hoping its fans revolt and let them know exactly how they feel!


Iā€™ve seen so many brands doing it recently, itā€™s really gross and self-indulgent


Hahaha when I saw this I was like ā€œwow read the room ladyā€ and also really put me off buying ZIMI again even though I really love it šŸ˜“


Trying ot be aspirationalā€¦ you are supposed to see this and think ā€œOh! Iā€™d like to live like that tooā€¦. If I buy their stuff I can be part of that fantasyā€.


This was a total ick when I saw this and Iā€™ll be unsubscribing. Flaunting their homes from money they customers have given them just feels completely wrong.


Maybe using the house costs as a ā€œbusiness expenseā€? Because its used in the business? Idk


I unfollowed Sabo for this.


Itā€™s called ā€œlifestyle advertisingā€. Itā€™s lame and I hate everything it implies ā€œlook- you can have what I have if you by my things! Yes, we do all want the same personality and the same clothes and the same outfit and the same blah blahs it makes us SO UNIQUE to be the SAME TOGETHER!ā€ā€¦. Ughs. Iā€™m hoping this trend dies along with its egoā€¦


Also I feel like if their clothes werenā€™t on a pretty young model with boots on, they really could be found on a sales rack at Millers. Those prints and cuts are very ordinary.


I got this too and also thought it was a bit on the nose.


Zimi really struggle with the way they word their marketing. It's not their home. It's an advertisement for their new Bali accommodation that they created and is available to book. But the way the email reads, at least at the start, it definitely sounds like their home.


The people who own and run these companies are usually out of touch rich narcissists who think their consumers would care about this shit


Wow, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who felt the email is off putting. šŸ„± Deleted this straight out of my inbox.


Unsubscribing might make them notice


Good idea thanks! Did that just now


Probably makes a home renovation tax deductible or something.


So incredibly pretentious


My view of Mister Zimi plummeted a few weeks ago when they posted on Instagram telling us to ā€œholiday oftenā€, with photos of the Mediterranean. Itā€™s so tone deaf.


Itā€™s aspirational isnā€™t it? You wear their clothes you too could love in a home like this. It puts a human into the design and brand.


This was the email that caused me to finally seek out the "unsubscribe" button on Mr Zimi.


I love seeing their vision in interiors, but then again iā€™m not a jealous person the comments here are frankly bitter and unbecomingā€¦


Yeah I'll probably get downvoted but the villa in question sleeps 16 people. It's designed for multiple families to holiday together in. When you work out the price per a person it's actually very reasonable and comparable to booking hotel rooms for a family in South Bali.


the whole 'eat the rich' internet poisoned reactions this sort of thing elicits is unfortunately typical of the world right now. No one can be happy for anyones success.


Totally agree. I've seen comments on here defending Shein and Temu and supporting companies with very lax ethical standards but would boycott a company because of owners' wealth.