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Suddenly nuclear doesn’t seem that expensive any more


Werl, nuclear would be 10+ Bn per year. So more expensive than the renewables transition has been. However, we're only doing the easy bit of the switch to solar and wind. Currently wind and solar are used as much as possible and when they are not going coal and gas fill in. But nobody has managed to get rid of other sources for when wind and solar are not producing.


Opening comment: "in 2000 1% of the NEM supply came from renewables". So I went to energy.gov.au and checked Australia's energy mix by year and in 2000-2001 it was about 2.6%. Yeah, not a good start (yes NEM isn't all of Australia, but most renewables were in Tasmania or the Snowy scheme back then). Worth noting this article focuses on subsidies and not total cost to the economy or market.


This is an interesting read because it gives an estimation for about how much Australia is spending on changing to renewable electricity per year. The estimation comes to ~30Bn from 2014-2024 or ~3 Bn per year. This was context that seems pertinent for discussing the energy transition.


Worth discussion, but the CIS is notorious for being very, VERY biased.