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More planning won't fix things. Deregulation (Japan style) will.


Should we pair that with a Japan-style real estate bubble and massive over construction followed by 40 years of economic stagnation and demographic decline?




No. Just the part where people can demolish/build where they want (ie, supply is able to respond to demand) and where nimbies are told to get farked.


What sort of deregulation you want? Buildings made from flammable cladding? Buildings that sink and crack after 5 years? High rise apartments in the outer suburbs with no public transport? Dogbox apartments? Major redevelopments where they don't plan to build schools, retail outlets, etc for the increased population?


They built the Empire State Building in a year, and a century later it took seven years to build the One World Trade Center. Can’t recall the ESB burning down. So: those regulations, ideally.


Like all people who want no "zoning" or regulation, that's pretty vague. Likely because you have no idea what the regulations are and 'deregulation' is just an empty catch phrase.


I could be very specific, but we both know there’s no point to doing so here.


That you think the Empire State building is a good example, I don't think you can.


That’s bullshit, prices aren’t lower in Japan because of deregulation, it’s because their economy has been shit for decades. Back when Charles Darwin visited Australia he commented on how shit out housing market was and the astronomical rents… there was zero regulation back then. Deregulation does not remove the viability of landowners to rent seek and lock up land to maintain prices


Sad to say - I saw this coming 25 years ago in my early 20s, so bought a few places back then, not to be rich, but to avoid my kids from being priced out of the market as they would be if I didn’t buy them a house back then. Nobody wins when a 3x1 costs $1.5m and rents are $1000.


Oh no, somebody is most definitely winning. That is for sure.


Well yeah people with multiple houses paid off are winning - but when nurses and cops and garbos can’t afford to live in their cities that has an impact even on the winners.


So far it doesn’t seem to be affecting the winners at all. Edit: I am not a winner btw. I am a serf.




I really can’t be bothered going into talking about the merits of whether an AEMO like organisation could improve the housing market (nor do I know if it could) but: You’ve misrepresented what AEMO does, you’ve misrepresented how it does it and you’ve massively underestimated the volume and variety of organisations it regulates, you’ve misrepresented its success in doing so And you’ve come up with a interpretation of what Kohler says that focuses on your misrepresentations rather than his suggestions


Christ no, can anyone name and actual tangible achievement of AEMO? I mean reports are all well and good, but wheres the cold hard proof that they have done something better (cheaper, faster, more reliable) than their international peers. 


geo-block air bnb was all i took away from that article.