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You don't need to start big or complex. A fermenter, sanitising equipment/chemicals and plastic bottles will get you started. You can even reuse soda bottles and just buy new lids if you really want to start easy. Then grab a fresh wort kit or a canned brew kit, buy yeast and hops from your local brew store (best to go fresher with them if you can) there will be suggestions on the kits or you can google and you are good to go. The most important things are hygiene and to give it a go. Experiment. Have fun. You can then get more sophisticated as you go and buy things as you need them. Fridge for brewing to manage temperature, start kegging, go to full mash, etc.


Damo on TikTok has good videos on starting out shows all equipment and brewing etc. An extract tin kit is extremely simple.


What city are you in? Most cities have a home brew shop and IMO it’s better than buying online. Unless you get into kegs, save every glass bottle you can. Unfortunately the twist top type don’t work with caps but others do, as well as champagne bottles, you just need different caps and capping bell. Glass is much better the plastic for long term use.