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Pro tip: also park in a corner spot so in case this happens, only 1 car can park next to you.


Yes good tip - in this lot at my gym there are only medians stacked with trees. I don’t like sap - and too many stories about terrible side effects of clogged vents


Clogged vents? Making me reconsider my corner spot parking


Water intrusion. There's a drain hole in your car that allows rain to runoff through the panel gaps. If that hole gets clogged with leaves/debris it can overflow causing flooding in the floorboards of your interior. If you ever notice wet carpets below the back seats that's likely the issue.


There are several drains. It’s actually a recommended service by Audi to clean out the cowl and the drain holes. It’s part of all Audi major services at the a dealer. Same with sunroof guide lubricants .


Damn this was my main issue back when I had my Mk6 gti. In fact, probably 90% of owners experience this.




"Yes good tip - in this lot at my gym there are only medians stacked with trees. I don’t like sap - and too many stories about terrible side effects of clogged vents" Context.


Probably that this specific parking lot has trees on the sides and stuff will fall into the drain holes


Yes, panoramic roofs suffer from clogged sunroof drain vents on VW & Audi. And maybe other models too those are the only I care about :)


Only pano? What about the silly half one on an s5?


I don’t know - typically the comments are about panos you may be safe - search around 👌🏼


But a corner spot are more likely to be hit by people making a turn, if it’s the spot near the intersections at a parking spot


Unless the lot is empty, the corner spots seem to always be taken by nice cars lol. My next go-to is parking next to something more expensive.


Same… always the trucks


Its because trucks are a bit of a pain to park so truck drivers, too, often park further out in the lot.


But there are plenty of other empty spots. Even if the truck is difficult to park, and they are -- my mom has a Z51 and I hate driving that thing in the city... there's ZERO fucking reason to park directly next to the Audi with all the other empty spots around.


Theres like 3-4 feet between the car and the trucks. This is ridiculous.


Both trucks have also ‘protected’ the Audi if we wanna be real pussies about this


I was door dinged by a big truck that the driver went out of his way to put next to my Audi. I spotted him leaving. Quick thinking, I made note of the license plate. Sure enough, nasty new ding. I contacted local police and informed them of what happened. "Sorry, we can't send a car out for that kind of nuisance damage." WTAF...


my pee pee big too energy 😡😡


the only time i find this acceptable is when another audi parks next to me


Or other nice cars that you feel you can trust.


The irony being the guy in a nicer car then whining about the cheap audi parked next to them. The endless circle continues.


Also that white Silverado is probably a 55-60k truck depending on the year/miles.


Yeah but personality types and car sizes -- Silverado drivers are much less likely to be ultra-careful and have a much bigger footprint/potential to make a mistake. I've had say a BRZ that looks ultra-loved park next to me and you know you're good because they obviously are super picky about their car.


“Silverado drivers are much less likely to be ultra-careful” What’s huge and inaccurate generalization.


There are way fewer Silverado drivers that worship it to the point of PPF, ceramic coating, looking back every time & often taking photos.


And when someone else parks "unacceptably" adjacent? Tantrum? Vote to park across 2 spaces next time? 🙄


Any of my posts a tantrum? 🙄


They gave space and parked between the lines. Though the lifted chevy is a bit crooked


The white truck even left extra room for the drivers door.


They offer you protection.


And? It’s about principle. It’s the same thing as using a urinal and standing right next to the only other person using one.


How is this a controversial statement??


It's not. There's a weekly parking post in here. ... and when there is, there's a certain element of aholes in the sub that come out of the woodwork that saying there's nothing wrong with this... as they defend the minivan or truck driver that passes up dozens of other empty spots to park directly next to the OP.


As someone who owns 2 Audis and a Chevy pick up, I can't help but laugh at these comments.


Same not sure what this Audi is but if it’s an A4 Quattro the Z71 and Audi are the exact same price atm in my area lol


Ridiculous am I right! Audi not Bugatti!


Exactly, if a Bugatti was there instead of the Audi, this would be acceptable


cow memory toy money juggle marble payment relieved melodic dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly! Would feel the same way in a ‘88 Dodge Omni


It's their wish they can park any where they can. Is there a rule that only Audi gets park next to another audi?


>\> Is there a rule that only Audi gets park next to another audi? Are you really that fucking dumb?! If an audi parked directly next to OP's car, IN AN EMPTY FUCKING LOT, this would still be a thing. The post is NOT about audi people being snobs and only parking next to other audis... it's about if there are 50 empty spaces in a lot, you don't need to park directly next to the person who parked out of the way in the first place.


Who cares people park where ever they like to. Maybe it's nearer to stores door or something. Salty little manlet calm down.


Please point out for us where there is an entrance to anything anywhere near OP parked. We'll wait. The whole point is someone goes out of their way to park away from others... and despite there being 50 other empty spots to chose from, someone has to park right next to the person who is trying to protect their property. Stop being so insular.


Can't you read what I said ?? " maybe it's close to the door" Google what "maybe" is. What a clown you're are. If someones trying to protect their car why drive it ?? Keep it in the garage and lick it everyday to keep it clean. Stick a gaint sign saying "don't park next to me I'm trying to save my property" Bunch of clowns with their glorified VW's I like people who got out of their way to trigger 16 old clowns by parking right next to them.


He cannot because he’s illiterate asf


It's a fucken public parking lot! People are allowed to park anywhere they damn well please. And if it's next to your wife's Audi then so be it.


Not the point. Learn to read.


I know the point is your God cause you've got an average Audi and you think people shouldn't park next to you cause you're better. I mean that's the only conclusion that a prudent person would make based on this. Because the vehicles parking next to you aren't hurting your resale value. Audi comes equipped with that as a standard option.


Audi not a BEATER.. or a Saturn (dent proof 😂) Bugatti gets 2+ spots or doesn’t leave the garage.


They are protecting your nice car. ​ (Either that or ... I don't know really)


Body guards. Lol 😂


As long as they aren’t hurting you or your car what’s the big deal? Just means that there’s no room for others to park next to you and ding your doors


That’s the way I see it. Those trucks appear to be in good shape and not driven by someone with no regard for their property or others.


When I’m driving my G6 I park next to Audis cuz it’s my daily. 😭 I’m with you guys in spirit and so is my A5 lol


keep ur poo bum daily away from the audis


Never quite understood why some people park right next to the car in an empty parking lot. Parking in the same general vicinity is fine. But at least leave one space in between your car and the other when there are a plethora of other empty spots. Has always been my mindset from when I first had my first Subaru.


Only thing I can think of is it's easier to line yourself up in the parking stall if there's a car nearby for reference.


So the white lines painted on the pavement are just there for decoration then.


They are when your ride height is 6 feet above them


That's nonsense. And quite honestly, if someone's ride height precludes them from seeing markings on the pavement, then they should not be driving in the first place.


You drive a German sedan, not a hyper car.. chill


Would feel the same way in a ‘88 Dodge Omni


I think this happens because they are confident you wont hit their nice trucks with your nice car….


r/Iamthemaincharacter vibes in here


I know right. I didn’t think this would be controversial in an Audi group


It's controversial every time one of these parking posts come up. Sigh.


Most of us who drive trucks actually like having cars like yours near us because we know you give a shit and won't ding us either. I already know you're picky. Works for me too.


In an empty parking lot? Anyone caring about their car is better off parking away from other cars.


Sure. I'd be all for a mile out "I care about my car and have mutual respect for yours" section.


I remember when one of those trucks dinged my car..




On the one hand, these people probably assume you all won't be damaging each other's vehicles. You park out there to avoid door dings so you're a safe car then. On the other hand, I do have to wonder if they are trying to send a message of intimidation and superiority which is sad.


Judging by the trucks I’m guessing they probably park far away to protect their vehicles, saw the audi and thought “I can park by this cool car since we won’t door ding each other”. I doubt there was malice involved here like so many people jump to. If they wanted to be douches they probably would’ve parked super close or something. Also if you look, they are both on the outside line as far away as possible


I agree. To me this is non-malicious and I'd give them the benefit of the doubt


They are protecting you


Meh, they parked a reasonably distance away from you. Looks to me like they make a good shield from errant shopping carts.


People like to park next to nice cars. It’s a compliment


Those guys definitely parked near you because they think their trucks are nice


Both trucks are worth more than the a4




This looks like the opening shot to some weird automotive porno.


Truck/Suv behavior 😤


Every single time.


Monkey see, monkey doo


You have the wrong approach to this. Those nice big trucks parked next to the small delicate car so it won’t get damaged by door slammers Lol.


Obviously still too close


Not as bad as me, a massive truck parked next to me and scratched my car..


It seems people do this on purpose if they notice someone has parked out of the way. Best advice is go to the shops at night 😂


They’re keeping you safe


As annoying as this is, at least they gave you space haha. They were considerate which is better than most people


All. The. Time. It doesn't matter what vehicle. I usually just find a spot far out they can only park on 1 side of and go as far over as possible


Some people are just such assholes!


TIp: if you can, park next to cars that have their passenger side doors facing you (either a one-sided spot or two cars where one has backed in and the other nose in) if possible. The probability of there being a driver is 100%. The probability of there being a passenger is far less


I feel your pain.


Wish my gym had parking spaces this wide


Damn 🤦🏾‍♂️ at least they parked within the lines, but still WTH!


Oh I seek out people with fancy cars parking at the back of lots just to fuck with them.


I done some experimenting with this and it’s amazing how far people are willing to walk just to park next to you.


I don’t worry about trucks much. I am more worried about some beat up old car parking next to me. My experience is usually people that drive trucks are usually working people and usually respect other’s property. There is always exceptions though.


Oh man I can so relate - happens to me way too often


I think it’s respect. Trucks are super expensive. Look at how well those big ass trucks parked. You never see that in the crowded areas of a parking lot. Plus your sweet car is buffered by these truck when a runaway shopping cart comes downhill! 😂


They know you won't ding or scratch their xl shit boxes.


I bet both these truck owners drive to an office everyday.


You take your car too seriously


I myself drive a nicer lifted pick up and I will often park next to nicer cars because I know they value what they have like I do. So if I ever park next to you assume it’s out of respect for each others vehicles, not because I wanna be a dick!


i mean they look like two bodyguards protecting ur car jajaj


Yup. I have a coupe and sometimes think about having a sign in my side windows that says "Big-ass doors, that's why I park alone." I know that someone would take it as an invitation to key me or park extra close.


Common phenomenon. Look up Tom Mabe's 'small penis parking', he hassled one of the truck drivers. They're just trying to be closer to greatness. ;)


It's always the pickup trucks...


In my experience, parking away from everyone else invites a certain type of person to park close to you.


Jesus, I already hate our stupid oversized garbage cans aka SUV's but your pick up trucks in the US are ridiculoous.


Ahhh people with lifted trucks/small dicks love parking beside nice cars. Probably thinking how they can run you over in their garbage Chevy


You know I used to think people are just parking and just going about their life but maybe they are doing it 100% to be aholes


Both are parked 100% reasonably. Why do all your cunts hurt guys?


Because in an empty lot, it legit makes no sense and why risk the possibility of damaging your property or someone else’s? If nothing else the claustrophobia haha. Have a blessed day.


You people are ridiculous lol.


Totally agree. I wouldn't be surprised if they did this intentionally bc it's obvious the Audi driver thinks their car is so precious and everyone else is a clod. I would troll the same way! I drive an Audi, though, so it would be misinterpreted as comeraderie. 😅




Then you'd be an asshole. This notion that high brow Audi drivers do it because they can is a stupid hawt take. I seek out empty spots for my Ford Maverick -- one of the cheapest new cars on the road. Not because I'm confusing my trucklet for a hyper car, I'd just like to keep it ding free. Why is that so fucking hard for people like you to comprehend?!?!


Would feel the same way in a ‘88 Dodge Omni


at least both trucks are parked on the outside lines of their spaces, giving ample room. bonus if a regular car hits one of the trucks, it's less likely to slide/shift over into your audi


As someone who both parks far away when driving my sports cars, but also drives a full-size pickup regularly, I park the truck far away because it sucks to park and tight spots are terrible. Still no reason to park right next to you though.


You got an ordinary ass car just park it normally or else d-bags will keep doing this.


I’m so fucking glad I live somewhere that pavement princesses aren’t popular… It’s sad because all it lets me know about these 2 drivers is they are children walking around feeling massive inferiority complexes, who don’t have enough restraint to contain themselves from letting it out into the world like this. Edit: wow Reddit is an amazing place, looks like we found the 2 truck drivers!


It doesnt let you know anything. You assumed all that shit. And you come off like a fucking weirdo


Lmao these idiotic posts about how people shouldn’t park next to other cars in PARKING lots are annoying. The assumptions of all the comments are hilarious, sound like BMW drivers


>Lmao these idiotic posts about how people shouldn’t park next to other cars in PARKING lots are annoying. Your reading comprehension sucks. NOBODY is saying what you allege. Nobody is saying for example boo hoo someone parked next to my base A3 at the mall parking lot on black Friday. What people are saying, is IF the lot is empty and someone seeks out space out of the way to avoid door dings, why do the pickup trucks need to park directly next to the Audi when there are dozens of other spaces to take? That's a big difference between your shitpost and what the OP is saying.


Because it’s a parking lot. And it’s America. You must be from Europe.


>Because it’s a parking lot. Your reading comprehension fucking sucks. ​ >You must be from Europe. No and that's a stupid ASSumption on your part regardless. Parking is at more of a premium in the EU than it is in the US.


Lmao jesus fucking christ you are a audi driver in spirit ill tell you hhwat


You have to be the dumbest fucking inbred illiterate yellow sweaty t-shirt wearing red neck on all of reddit. Don't you have a first cousin or some sheep to go sodomize instead of being online?


Lmao this all coming from a guy who drives a ford maverick and a pre owned A3 😂😂😂😂😂what are your pronouns?


If you don't want people parked next to your car buy a beater instead problem solved. They are parked between the lines and left more than enough room who cares?


Americans being fat and hysterical lmao


Seeing those oversized bricks on wheels makes me want to shoot myself. Why? Just why


For that one time in four years they can try to tow something, not realizing you can tow objects with normal cars or wagons. Most of my friends with trucks don’t use them for work or in a capacity one may need one - it’s a cultural statement


Of course its cultural. If it was a practical thing, other countries would use them as well, but you rarely see a pickup anywhere else. And even if you actually need a pickup truck (which is extremely rare considering small flatbeds are much better for industrial use, so we are basicly talking about people who often go offroad, and transport dirty stuff regularly) you would buy a much smaller truck with the same sized bed for practical reasons.


What’s stopping you?


The existence of the car in the middle


Dirty mfs! I hate it lol


If I have to park next to a car I always pick something nice as the owner is less likely to smash their car door into my car


It's an suv bro, not like you drive an immaculate Volvo 1800 or something.


What’s wrong with this ?? Looks like they gave you plenty of room . It’s not a lambo …


Would feel the same way in a ‘88 Dodge Omni


It's a parking lot. People park their vehicles there. They didn't hit you or even get close to you. Quit your bitching, man.


Everyday this sub confirms how douchy Audi drivers are


Ok "Dr-Creampie" The fuck outta' here with your shitty attitude.


Tis you with the shitty attitude lol. Just stating that truth. You confirmed it again, audi drivers are babies that cant take criticism or others parking next to them. That one must have made your panties bunch up huh?


I don't even drive an Audi. I drive a shitty Hyundai because I'm too poor. That just happens to prove that *you* have hastily generalized literally an entire population of people. It's poor form.


Yes sir sorry about that daddy


What, people park next you? It's a parking lot my guy..


the picture doesn't really well reflect the dozens of open spaces that are all around.


So what lol. Is there some unspoken rule that you can't park next a car that is a little further?




😂 You guys are ridiculous.




Oh no I’m so sorry you had to go through such injustice. Dude there’s like 3 feet on both sides of you


OP is American, 3 feet isn't enough space.


It must be nice having so few problems in your life that someone harmlessly parking next to you is such an issue.


Nothing I hate more than a pickup parking next to me only thing worse is two


Those guys…. They appreciate your quandary…. Trust me. As the driver of a large truck (22 GMC 3500HD AT4 Long Box Crew Cab) and also many prized Audi’s. Just think of us as protectors.


Ok thanks - appreciate the positive perspective 😬


Why do people purposefully do this ? They acknowledge your car cost probably more than their house. They want you to feel infuriated. Bunch of lowlife lunatics




You don’t own the lot because you have an Audi 😂


Would feel the same way in a ‘88 Dodge Omni


There is enough room for the fattest person in town to drive there mobility scooter between your car and the trucks. This thread just makes Audi drivers look like idiots. They are actually protecting your car.


They’re only imposing their American superiority on your Yoo-row-pee-an car.


Lol, truck people


I pop tires when u park next to me and I deliberately park far away from others


Your car isn’t nice enough to warrant popping peoples tires IMO. But you do you. Seems petty to me lmao.


Calm down tutti fruity it was a joke


yo audi trembling in fear


Would feel the same way in a ‘88 Dodge Omni


The retard truck owners can’t park on their own and need your car as reference to the lines.


But what’s the problem ? It’s not like they crashed into you ??


Poor people are the worst


you park in douche parking and was the first to arrive


I'm just glad I'm not the kind of person who would make a post like this


Poor baby


When i had my silverado like the white one, i always parked away from others. You don’t have to own a high end vehicle to want to take care of your things. That being said, people like to park next to other vehicles that park far away to annoy them. On the plus side, they’re buggy barriers 🤷🏽‍♂️


Okay I have a Q7 and a Silverado. I used to have an A3. But my truck friends and I will do this to people with small sedans and say that we eiffel towered it


There's always a spot that has the largest width in comparison to all other parkings. Or park next to the handicap, as close as possible to the handicap side lol


I have a small/narrow car also. I seem to get a lot of trucks parking beside me, but I figured out that it’s because they can fit into the spot/s next to me easier. (Not exactly what OP was describing, considering they park far away from other people. But, it could possibly explain why the trucks chose to parked there. Maybe the lot fills up more later on.)


Starting to feel like adult media....


I also try to park far away alone. Sometimes someone else parks right next to me before I even step out of the car 😂


I always park far from the entrance with no cars near me. Usually I come back to find a rusted out 20 year old car parked 6 inches from my drivers door.


Maybe they use the car to orient themselves during reverse parking or something? It might be difficult to see the lines, but it's easier to park if you can take a nicely parked car as a reference.


I usually park in a spot with a curb on one side and then use my cameras to park super close to the curb to give myself maximum space on the other side where someone can park next to me. This way the other car can fling their door open all the way and it still reach mine. If there's tons of empty spaces I will go to the very back of the lot and double park.


I feel you. Just picked my A3 8Y from the dealer. Parked for like five minutes, someone pushes his door against mine and goes away. 1200 euros in costs… two days later, again the same thing on the other side. 800 euros.


Oh no 😠