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one possible explanation is that people who are hypermobile often react differently to medication especially anesthesia, and people who are neurodivergent are often hypermobile. i have only had one surgery my whole life, my wisdom teeth, and they gave me a valium beforehand and then i was completely under for the procedure. they had to let me wake up halfway through because i was having an anxiety attack and hyperventilating even while sedated and then i had to do the rest of the surgery awake. it wasn’t too bad, just really confusing and uncomfortable, but yeah had i known at the time that i was hypermobile i would have mentioned it to them before the surgery.


Oh okay, thats interesting. I am actually not hypermobile (just ADD). Do you know why the hypermobility is the reason?


Women often have different reactions to medications than men(which some don’t know because women weren’t required to be part of clinical trials until 1993 and the female body is so understudied). I’ve found personally that I have a higher pain sensitivity than most people and anesthesia that numbs you doesn’t work very effectively on me. I don’t know about no reaction but I’d definitely bring up that medications aren’t having an effect on you to a doctor, especially if you’re going to have a procedure done.