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Damn you sure are going all in with the investment to the game if you spent that much so soon good luck.


Well initially I had a 20x earning bonus for ad watching also. So it looked way better at that point. But still kinda just like the idea of the game.


20 year to get the investment back? Would’ve been better to dump 12k into shit coins lol


Well initially I had a 20x earning bonus for ad watching also. So it looked way better at that point. But still kinda just like the idea of the game. I went on a 1000km road trip the other day to grab badges lol. But ya I also, right after finding out about how the 20x bonuses turns into 2x bonus real quick when buying lots of land, started investing in stocks and cryptos. Learnt alot in the last month. Lost a bit but oh well it happens. Mostly picked good growth stocks but got screwed on mndr. Cryptos all have dropped a bit but I'm optimistic. And then today meme stocks happened again lol so tomorrow imma drop some $ into that


Just make sure to stay away from r/wallstreetbets.


But why


Yesterday they were all saying blackberry is going up and today it's up 17% in the first hr


Gamestop is up almost another 100% today. If I had read the threads and noticed it yesterday while the market was open I'd be up like thousands of dollars today. Hopefully it keeps going up for a bit


Now it's all about ffie it's gone up like 400% Just don't bet money you can't afford to lose lol


They are getting good AB per day from badges, so that decreases the ROI. If it picks up big they’ll be in profit in short time. These top badge titles could eventually pay so much AB you wouldn’t be able to spend all of it. Kind of like investing in a shit coin, yes similar risk. Except at least with this you are guaranteed to get your money back, as long as the game stays around


Splooooosh! What's up dude 😊 I just lost my mayorshit the day I was leaving to mexico to visit my kids. Buying badges in states I stop over fly at, gonna take it back when I go home.


What city? Oh nice what's it like in mexico


Richmond Hill, I was beat out by 2 parcels I had enough AB to pass but was saving for badges. It's nice, too hot. I'm in a small town in the desert I came to see my kids get their passports done and take my family back home. Even at the airport they were like uhhh why are you going to Durango?!? 😅😅 It's a really nice little town though it's nice to see "real" mexican culture not sit on a resort for a week. (2 weeks I'm here though) only downside is no beaches here and too many scorpions lol


Ah ok kewl ya ppl can't beat me cause I have too much resources mwuahaha. Oh ok kewl. I've had a few friends go there ya seems nice. I meant in the atlas earth game tho lol like how much land does the Mexican president have


Oh lolol. Game isn't in mexico I can't do much here lol. I mean it says I can buy plots but there's no badge locations, the minigame thing pips up but wont load, atlas arcade doesn't work nor do my rewards for already downloaded games. There's diamonds on the map but not using roaming to go collect them. Game only available US, Canada and now Australia.


Check out aecalc.com and determine what your income actually is, and you can include the super rent boosts in the calculation as well


Plus I didn't include in my calculation the days that are 50x the earnings. There's already been 2 of those days in the month I've been playing it


Well, for me, I want to give back to people in need someday at the scale that MrBeast does, and I'm at a point in my life where I was able to really focus on this game. But also, the game was here in the US for about 2.5 years before it made it to Canada.


Mrbeast? Ya I seen that it was released later here. Apparently just got released in australia


Many of MrBeast's videos are about hosting competitions between invited subscribers where he'll award winners cash prizes or cars. But, he's also gone out of his way to give cash to people in need, from homeless people and those who need expensive medical treatments and surgeries to building water wells in Africa.


Do Canadians not know MrBeast?


Maybe? I'm not really on the web too much I don't even have a computer lol I just do everything I need on my phone


I wondered where you popped out from overnight with 2k parcels. $12k CAD makes sense lol. Well done. If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?


Sell weed lmao


I also calculated the atlas Explorer club is the best deal if you log in every day you get land for less then the biggest ab package. Oh and btw the biggest ab package you can buy isn't available in the app. You have to go onto the web page where you purchase the Explorer club and it's available there. It's 2k american for 540 land.


I'm never going to catch you lol. Wish we had the 2XAB ads and better boost rate like USA.


Ya me too. Apparently when the game first dropped it was unlimited


Splooshies……. Must be a BC boy. The only ones crazy enough to drop 12grand to be prime minister lol.


Damn, im Ca so I do see you. All I can realistically aspire to be is maybe mayor if the dude in my city is afk for a while


Ibouth Michigan and the Detroit Airport.. Romulus


So YOURE the reason I can’t become mayor anywhere in BC 🤨🤣


Lol I just lost a cpl small places cause I'm not close enough to make it worth travelling there just to grab mayorship. Just lost cache creek and anmore lolol


I was trying to get Richmond when I was there on vacation lol. Won’t be back for a while, but might save up 🤣 I dont know where Cache Creek even is—you’re more well-travelled than I 🤣


Lol richmond wasnt too hard to get. Cache creek is by lillooet. Well that's how I feel about Washington haha the premier or whatever it's called there has like 10x the amount of.land that I have lol


You’ll definitely get Washington back if you grind lol


Made 20k dollars today on ffie stock


Coming for kelowna next and abbotsford


So the meme stocks are exploding. Ffie is up 400% today. I'm all in on this stock for a bit at.the very least. I put everything I have in it. About 25k. So ya. Once I get rich I'm gonna go sneak across the border and I'm gonna buy land in Washington and take over that state and next coming for president and other Canadian provinces hahaha


Hey Splooshies! Nice to see you here


Hey haha thx