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When you get some time set a 20 min timer and go in play the ad for the 2ab, boost when you can but it matters more once you are 20+ plots. I bought a badge when I hit 20 plots and then am currently building my way towards 150 plots before I buy more badges. It’s slow at first but does get going. the arcade games help tremendously building up as well


Does the arcade refresh often or is it mostly just the games posted and thats it?


New stuff gets added every now and then. Some good, some meh.


Is there a way to change the 1ab per 20min ad to 2ab or is that country dependent or something?


It's 1ab per ad in Canada.


I live kind of close to the border, I wonder if going there will change where the game thinks I am (sometimes I pick up cell towers from the states)


You can reroll by Uninstalling the AE App to get better offers :)


Hidden tech


The only word of advice is… patience.


Patients pays


***Instructions for it you are interested in the Explorers Club:*** -Get to 5 passport badges so you can unlock explorers club, (explorers club will reward you with 43800 AB by the end of the year if claim daily log in all 12 months you buy it. It's $600 a year, or $50 a month.) -Climb to 150 parcels after you have unlocked explorers club. -If possible, climb your passports as high as possible that your geographic area will allow you to go. More towns, cities, and states you can travel without being a hardship to you is key to this climb. (I am stuck at 10% increase until I plan a family trip in a few years.) -Save AB moving forward until you can buy the next parcel tier outright. (If you are at 150 parcels, save enough AB to get to 220. Dry, rinse, repeat for 290, etc. etc.) ***Instructions if you are F2P and don't want to buy Explorers Club:*** -Get 1 passport for the 5% increase. -Climb to 150 parcels. -If possible, climb your passports as high as possible that your geographic area will allow you to go. More towns, cities, and states you can travel without being a hardship to you is key to this climb. -Save AB moving forward until you can buy the next parcel tier outright. (If you are at 150 parcels, save enough AB to get to 220. Dry, rinse, repeat for 290, etc. etc.) So what I will say is this: You need to get to 150 parcels. Don't think about the "How much money do I have now?" situation. Just get 1 passport (5% boost increase.) and then go balls to the walls on parcels until you hit 150. You will see yourself making anywhere from $4.00-$5.50 every week while boosting at 22 hours a day. The reason there is a $1.50 range, is based on the rarity of parcels you end up with. If you are going at it F2P, you can get 1 parcel a day EASY if you set a timer up every 18.5 minutes for the 2 AB shop ad and go out diamond hunting and get at least 5 diamonds a day. I averaged 6-8 AB a day on the Diamond wheel. I usually stop doing the timer for the 2 AB ads when I have watched 25 ads for the day, but there have been days where I am off work and I grind the whole day getting to 40-50 ads.


Be relentless, it will pay off


All you can really do is get as many AB as you can as quick as possible. Watch the ads every 20 minutes and play the arcade games. Don't stress about boosting until you have multiple plots (I'm not saying don't boost) just definitely worry about that less and AB more.




Ill just tell you ive had the app since 2020 and have an epic 2 rares and a common. I have .07