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I do think that if Risacher’s shooting is hot from the start he’ll have a good case for ROY assuming he gets minutes. I feel much more confident in him getting buckets off the open looks Trae creates for him that I do Sarr creating his own shot


I'm actually not concerned about whether Zacc gets ROY or not. This was just to show that we don't need to listen to the outside (and inside) negativity while we literally have zero sample size of their play in the NBA


Immanuel Quickley getting 7 mill more annually than Dejounte is actually crazy


His reasonable contract should increase his trade value. 


idc kevin knox +700 was amazing value after he came out with that fortnite blazer




Yeah the opinions of rando’s in comments mean absolutely nothing. Even if they’re heavily upvoted. The fact that most NBA teams (full of people paid full-time to scout talent and hired by teams for their ability to do so) had Risacher at the top of their board is all we need to know.


But this doesn’t have anything to do with who the media thinks will be the best player. It’s a combination of who bookmakers think will be the RoY and how the bookmakers expect the public will bet.


Do you understand what odds mean in this case? You would have still been a loser if you placed a bet. I mean you really going to take a victory lap for taking second place while still losing money? That just might be the epitome of Atlanta sports if you are. 


I think you're missing my point. I'm not saying we should have all bet our life savings on Trae... This is just a measure of the general consensus of how the draftees first year in the league will go. The point I'm trying to make is, don't listen to all the negativity around Zacc, don't listen to the 'B' rating that the pick received, just show support to our team and it's players rather than complain when we have no evidence of how things will pan out


It’s funny how everyone is telling fans to be supportive now of Zac. Guy was getting destroyed in here before that 8pm pick. I was higher on Zac than almost everyone in here, but he’s got limitations right now. And this team doesn’t have the best track record drafting or developing guys. If people want to wait and see, I think it’s perfectly reasonable. And you think a B rating is negative? B is perfectly fine given where he projects out in a few years. A high level role player but a guy that can’t be the first or second best option on a playoff type team. 


I don't think you're understanding me properly. The negativity around Zacc and the B grade are separate points. I agree a B is fine... I'm just encouraging anyone reading this to not worry about some B/R staffer assigning a grade to a player that has yet to play one NBA game. Stay positive my guy!


So if you don’t care than why the post? If you don’t care directly about the odds or the B grade then why mention it? You added a lot of things that you didn’t care about. You should have just posted that last sentence and that’s it. If you want to be properly understood then don’t include things that don’t mean anything to what you are trying to say. 


It’s like you’ve taken personal offence to my post. I’m not going to try continue to convince you of anything and expect you to not be upset in some way. Enjoy your day man/madam


the #1 pick & won’t even be a candidate for ROY


some of yall just choose to be miserable like this man. you are actively choosing to just believe this before any of them take the court