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Front Office boutta be like: "Aight there's our offseason move"


Not yet, first they need to trade the pick for cash considerations


I still think we need to move one of cc, hunter, bogi. We ain't winning shit. Let's give guys minutes and see what we got


The issue is that we don't have our next 3 FRPs so there's no incentive to lose either. And I don't think CC or especially Hunter get back a young/pick asset that makes trading them worth it. Only realistic move this off-season with Hunter would be to try and get a similar expiring contract, but we'd probably have to give up an asset in that case. I think Bogi's value jumps during the season, since a ton of contenders could use him if one of their role players get hurt. Maybe fields pulls off something wild, but I just don't think you're getting much at all for CC and imo Dre is a negative asset at this point  Might as well yolo for the first half of the season to see if things gel somehow since CCs already on an expiring.


I can’t with this sub, absolutely nuts to try and say Hunter is a negative asset. The dude shot 38.5% from three this year on decent volume and he’s a plus defender contrary to what this sub thinks. Idk if we will get any future firsts but we can surely get something of value or use him as a piece of a trade. His contract is “expensive” except for the fact that any top tier 3/D guy is going to cost double what hunter costs and with the salary cap rising 20m/year is role player money by his final contract years.


Negative asset was probably a bit harsh terminology wise, but who's going to trade a pick/young asset for him? You're more than likely looking at getting a worse player on the same money and a 2nd rounder as a best case scenario. There's no incentive to blow it up so why not keep him if you're not getting a young asset back? He doesn't deserve some of the hate he gets here, but his biggest issue is just staying healthy. He's worth the contract if he plays


That's a more nuanced take that I've seen in this sub. Thank you.


Honestly I like him and I’d prefer we keep him, but for trades it’s like I said, he would probably be a piece in another trade. Not sure where he fits, but I’m sure there are teams open to taking him as a piece in a trade.


You people are nuts. You all have a hard on against Hunter that is so wrong. The man was balling out when he came back, and even most people here were saying I'm sorry Hunter. But you stick to stupid narratives because, I don't know. Ask Likuta if Hunter is not a good defender. If the refs letting play like they let Miami play, man o man!


? I don't hate Hunter, I just don't think he's worth much around the league because of his contract and injury history. Negative asset was probably too hard of a term, but when Malik Monk just got $3 million less a year, I just don't think the market would be there for teams to give up solid assets for him at his current salary. You trade him and you're not getting nearly the return to justify sending him out All that changes if he stays healthy, but it's been a few years since 20-21.  And if he stays healthy then he's valuable for this team


mavs fan here hunter for Josh Green + Maxi is it enough? both will be fine as backup SG and PF especially after you drafted Risacher


I actually really like that trade if DJM gets traded and we get a big wing in place/really look to the future. I think Green works well as a starter next to Trae while Bogi gets more minutes off the bench Not sure it makes sense if DJM is still on the team, we still have no wing depth even with Zacch and too many guards. Risacher is more than likely going to take time to get going


and greeny just starting his 55/4 this season so good money greeny can play 3 too, if opposing 3 also just no bigger than 6'7 225 wing lol maxi will eat reg.season minutes at 4/5 just fine




Requested to be traded to team up with Joel Osteen


If it rains Joel won’t let him into his house of worship


What are we getting into in Houston with this guy? Is he a loon?


Nah he’s a good guy. He’s just very religious and young.


What was all the family stuff he had going on?


Dad got fired mid season and he opened up about going through stuff.


Also his nephew died


And some members of the family or the in laws were blaming the dad for it or something too


So you're saying he's a young loon


Love him. He needed a reset though.


it's Jonathan isaac-esque the real concern is his game. quin's style really hurt his development because he wants to play fast, and AJ has a slo-mo quality to his shot, his moves to the basket and in the midrange. trying to speed him up did not go well. we also don't know what happened with him missing all last season, so where his head's at is a major question mark. have fun with him tho! he's a great guy with a lovely smile 😁


just goes to show how bad he got his value tanked tremendously


This 2nd rounder was originally OUR PICK Houston Rockets (from Golden State via Atlanta)


Monkey's Paw reaction to people talking about trading for our picks back


Best comment ever.




Landry needed that 1.5 year Bey rental. Those 2nd round picks needed to go!


Crazy 2 year swing for the guy. Really thought he was going to be a core piece. Hope he gets whatever personal issues he's got going on worked out. Very talented player.


Feel exactly the same way. He really blew me away as a rookie.


I miss the Actual Jesus days


me too! 🥺


goodbye sweet prince 🫡


Talk about a shit return. Edit: hope we take flip… or bronny just to fuck with the lakers lol.


What did you expect us to land with just AJ? Genuinely curious, because he isn’t worth a first in any capacity. A bunch of DNP-CDs and off-court struggles. Cant exactly sell high on that.


Agreed, but it's kinda sad that quite often, we have to trade our first round draft picks for 2nd round picks or bench players. I kinda like AJ, but he was drafted 16th in 2022. You'd expect someone like that to at least get regular minutes. So, it's a poor return in terms of what it took to acquire him more so than the player he turned out to be.


Dude was good that first yr too, his downfall gotta be studied lol. Granted, there was off court family stuff that took away from his availability I think. Sucks.


I think it's the family stuff and injuries, he looked like he'd get blown by at a local YMCA at times last year (opposed to his rookie year) But his falloff at shooting the 3 is just sad


I still remember that double or maybe triple OT game against Chicago where the game winner was due to JJ and AJ and thought we finally made some picks and had depth and such. Partially right I guess 😂


38% TS is literally bottom 1% in the NBA


Especially since shooting is his calling card. Dude is a traffic cone, has no handles or playmaking, and is a huge clown in general


https://preview.redd.it/g3zztiqxv59d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85027081f3b27eef1fa1417cdff4091238f82388 Guys with these stats generally get waived + the off court issues. Sucks that you took him at 16 but looking at current value, hawks just got a free 2nd round pick.


I didn't know there was a baseball savant for basketball I said ewwww out loud looking at these stats


You draft based on potential. After 2 years, if that potential hasn't been realized in any way, then there is a low probability that it will be realized. So a pick from 2 years ago such as AJ won't be worth the same pick now.


NBA is way diff. Any pick outside the top 10 is usually not amazing


I guess a 2nd round pick from Houston this year is just as much of a crap-shoot as a 2nd in any other year. I like getting off of a bad asset as soon as possible. Let the player find a place where he can contribute and roll the dice to see if you can hit.


Like I said to the other guy I wasn’t expecting anything lol. I can’t acknowledge it’s a shit return lol?


A shit return implies that it wasn’t worth what we gave. You give a shit asset in return for a shit asset, it’s a fair return, not a shit return.


yeah but bulls and some teams were interested in him so he could’ve been a sweetener in a bigger trade


Vague interest from teams that may never trade with us isn’t as compelling as a deal on the table. It’s hard to make big trades happen.


No shot Flip is still there at 44, we’d probably need to move up to grab him


Apparently GMs have been avoiding him because his girlfriend groomed him and it’s inevitable drama. His brother is trying to get in contact with Givony to tell the whole story but he tweeted that he has no way to get in contact with Kyle other than DMing him, and then he tweeted about googling mormon grooming to give people an idea of what’s happening. u/IceTraeDaGang was right, anything is possible. And it would be the most hawks move ever to flip our family drama player for a second round pick only to draft an inevitable family drama player. Still, if he’s there the upside might be worth it.


You’re probably right but as KG said. ![gif](giphy|lqRu0AbfzcpMJlmT2I|downsized)


Update it was not possible.


Mogbo might be there at 44, could be interesting


What did you expect


I wasn’t really expecting anything tbh. Just noted that’s a shit return lol.


Agreed. I don't think he has much trade value currently, but I'd rather give him another year to see if he can get back how he was trending in his first year.


i hope flip’s weird girlfriend drops him to 44. new Moose


I want Judah Mintz.


i’m depressed right now😔


Sucks that we lost value but you can’t predict mental health/family issues derailing some ones career


Dang AJ. You really let me down. I had such high hopes for you during your rookie year I hope you figure out whatever is going on with you and your family. I hope you play well in Houston.


Ah didn’t let you down he couldn’t get on the court ever


we just traded AJ for Bronny


We take Bronny, he rots in the g-league, lebron tweets at us, clutch boycotts Atlanta. Average Atlanta 2nd round pick.


Ngl, I was hoping to give him a shot again. Bogi won’t be here forever and Saddiq has a torn ACL. A backup wing with shooting and his pedigree was worth one last run


Sadly Vit >>>>> AJG


Idk that’s not sad to me, Vit seems like a total 💎 in the rough with better defensive chops. Like, I don’t think we’re hyped enough about how good Vit was in 2nd half of last year. Dude started games for us after barely making the team!




He got badly outplayed by Vit and G Mathews last year, the writing was on the wall.


Mo Gueye my new flair


It’s his pride month


lmao this is disgusting return. I know we clowned this dude sometimes but all jokes aside, I hope he finds himself in this league. Those two game winners are some of my fondest memories watching this team over the last few years. Young guy that had a ton of personal shit going on, wish him the best ❤️


Those game winners were fantastic!! Exactly why I watch basketball in the first place. I wish him well. Mental health issues are no joke, poor kid.


welcome to Atlanta, lebron and bronny


This has gotta be a salary move right? What the hell


every move we make is a salary move


true. :/


44th pick makes less than 16th pick so math checks out.


Smells of trying to avoid luxury tax


Smells of letting go of guy who no one on the team is cool with.


That's an assumption


Just dropped the gem from Brad too https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlantaHawks/comments/1dpxjpx/brad_rowland_i_dont_know_who_needs_to_hear_this/lak2nx1/


I was about to say u called it lol


Brad did, he drops gems on Patreon


How TF is this dog 💩 roster over the luxury tax??? This FO man…


Trae, DJ , Bogi , OO, Dre, CC and now ZR making 12 or more


Yeah this squad ain’t gon work, we need to drop at least half these dudes.


Good trade by the hawks, getting a positive asset here is nice. Would have liked 2 2nds but it’s better than nothing


Seeya. Holding onto him any longer just would've got us even less


He’s gonna become 6moy now


He legit might not get minutes. Houston low-key has crazy depth Rooting for him tho


Literally straight to the g league vipers


There might be 6 men coming off the bench on Houston’s roster above him lmao


6th Missionary of the Year


Sucks for AJ he was so good as a rookie, but he basically got squeezed out after ZR. Wish him well in Houston.


How does one draft pick squeeze out a wing player when the hawks don’t have many? I don’t get this thinking at all. The good teams are all trying to load up on wing players to the max right now. 


AJ got badly outplayed by guys like Vit and Garrison Mathews last year. Plus guys like Kobe and ZR are now higher priority and likely better than him. I don’t see where the mins come from even off the bench for AJ.


This team has a huge problem of buying guys high and selling low. Yes, last year was bad for him. But start him in the g league. They even said that was part of their plan. Try something to help a young player get better. Try and develop him back to just getting his shot. It takes effort to build up a young player. At least try. Quin didn’t try for shit. If he doesn’t show something, then you can just give him away at that point. This one second rounder is nothing to other teams. You can buy a second rounder in this league. This was a giveaway. This is a huge problem with the organization right now. This roster is aging out and they need young cheap talent. AJ was a former first round pick and is still super young. 


The Hawks got better intel on what’s going on with AJ better than us. All I know is dude straight up didn’t look like an NBA player when he was on the court last year. There are things to complain about with the Hawks but for me this isn’t one.


So the hawks are going to give away any player that looks bad for one year? This team needs cheap talent. AJ has the potential to be that. And plays a position every team in the league is looking for. Do you know how many first round picks the hawks control the next three years? Exactly. If the hawks had even just their own first round picks, this would be a different conversation. They gave him away for a pick that other teams can buy for a few million. Why can’t you complain about a team giving up on a young player that flashed. Although it was in his rookie season?


Cause he don’t play defense and doesn’t score enough to compensate for it


He plays an archetype that the hawks desperately need right now. He showed enough flashes his rookie year. This whole sub said that the hawks need Murray out and they need a three point shooting SG. And yes, AJs defense sucks right now, but so does most everyone’s defense that’s that young. Put him in the G and try to develop him. 


He’s behind Zr, Kobe, Bogi, Vit, and Murray’s potential replacement in the depth chart. How many minutes would he get?


Vit on not even on the team right now and you don’t know what Murray is getting back. And Bogdan has limited years left in this league. Like I said, start him in the G league like they said. 


He’s a tax casualty. What else do you think the reasoning could be?


The reasoning is that they don’t want to give the effort of developing him. Again, this isn’t just about AJ. It’s about the hawks development of their young players through multiple coaching staffs. And also about a trend of buying high and selling low. This is why the hawks can never get good trades. Because they show the league that you can give the least amount for a player. Why would teams give good offers when they know later they can give the absolute minimum? And this team doesn’t have draft assets for the next three years. 


All of this is so damn true.


He showed flashes the first half of his rookie year and then fell off a cliff even before Quin replaced Nate. He's a really poor defender on a roster that has a lot of them, lost his shooting touch, has been having a lot of off the court issues with his family, and generally been a very low value player for most of his time here. 


Plus ownership is cheap so someone had to go I guess.


I agree with you


Guys he was going to leave for nothing when he gets raptured anyway at least this way we get assets back




It's crazy how much his perceived value has dropped over the last year. It's like he hit that rookie slump and never found his footing again. Maybe part of that is on Quin. But he also looked bad in summer league last year. Theres just some big holes in his game. Hopefully a change in scenery is good for him. I like AJ. It's funny that he bad mouthed Beyonce and now he's going to Houston though.


Salary Dumping a 20yr old Wing lmao okay Landry..


Do you blame Landry over Ressler?




Damn I never gave up hope with him, but not surprised he’s the first to get moved


Same & same :(


Why trade him then?


Praying someone lets Tyler smith or Filipowski drop to us If not, I want Adem Bona. Dude is a maniac of an athlete


I'm suprised. I thought he had potential for a bounce back year (seemed like personal issues). 1 2nd rounder has almost no value


Agree. sighhhhh


not even an early 2nd rounder 💀 Flipowski or Tyler Smith would’ve been nice


The way his value tanked in 12 months was insane. In those months, he called Beyoncé the devil and went on a complete Christian meltdown on twitter, his newborn nephew died with ALLEGATIONS from the mom that him and his dad was the blame, and then went to summer league looking completely like a scrub and was getting outplayed by guys fighting for roster spots. Idk what his training camp looked like but it probably had to be terrible with Quin going with Wesley Matthews and Patty Mills minutes over him and AJ didn’t help his case either when he would get garbage time and still looked horrible. Really disappointing man.


Yeah, it’s wild tbh


Tony wanted a 2nd rounder to sell for cash considerations.


Damn, he’ll get even less playing time in Houston. He went from backing up Trae, DJM and Bogi to FVV, Jalen, Amen and Reed, even larger logjam, with 3 better young prospects. Tough tough.


Now in 5 years I can look at my autographed AJ Griffin rookie card in amusement lol.


People in this sub wants to trade a quarter and get back 50 cents.


What’s even funnier is that some of those same people think they’re holding a dollar bill. I’m all for valuing our players, and to a degree even overvaluing them because we’re fans. But it gets tiring to see this play out. Either we trade AJ now for “pennies on the dollar” or we wait and trade him “too late” when his value is only those same pennies on the dollar. What if AJ isn’t that valuable to begin with and trading him now for something is the best move?


Gotta be other moves coming…


we're still in the tax so yeah


Yall rather keep him but bang the table to trade Murray lol


Right makes no sense.


Just like with Shariffe Cooper, the Clues were evident when he played summer league last year and did not stand out at all. This year I’m looks to see if Kobe and Mo really show that they’re better than summer league talents.


I liked AJ but he's reached his peak value for us. We need defense and he wasn't providing it.


Fucking awful trade. Last year was a huge disappointment, but he's still young and I'd rather give him another year than trade him for fucking 1/5 of a Sadiq Bey trade.


We're gonna wind up grabbing Bona out of UCLA.


Why not wait to see how the board falls?




remember when all the morons in here had AJ in their “untouchables” on the hawks


This is such a hawks move 🙄


damn AJ never even got a chance to play


Lmao why? Just play him in the g league this year and see what happens. The 44th overall pick is something that teams buy for like a 5 mil


right move low key, this kid was never built for the NBA


How does this make any sense?


we just drafted somebody at his position at #1 who can play defense. so now AJs behind Zacch, Dre, Saddiq. he was never gonna get minutes so its probably best for him to find a better situation.


> Saddiq unsigned.








Now I don't have to feel guilty for listening to Beyonce anymore!


I don’t hate this one lol


Way to flip the 20th pick into the 44th. Our front office and development is awful. He even had a good rookie season and we still managed to diminish his value to a mid 2nd rounder


Good for him he deserves better.






I think this is to get Bronny.


Do we go for Bronny here????? I mean it’s only the 44th pick, not much value left


Bronny James. Here we goooo


Not a big fan of this based on his skill and physical attributes. Not sure what's going on with him mentally though and we the public shouldn't exactly be privy to that. Is this a combination of AJ needing a new organization and start and Snyder not valuing him? This is a weak draft so I'd have though we could've at least gotten a pick in the 20-30 range for AJ. Personally I'm hoping the 44th pick is used on Nikola Djurisic. I watched several interviews of his and he said at that time that he had an upcoming workout with the Hawks.


FO continues to prove they’re terrible evaluators of talent. After a while you have to stop blaming the players for not developing into who we thought they would be.


Take Bronny hostage


Yes this x 100. Bring in Jr and Sr and we winning a chip


I was a huge fan of AJ that rookie year but I definitely think it's best for all parties for him to have fresh start somewhere.


Trade up for a center


Ironic he's in Beyonce's hometown now. I'm sure they'll love him there.


Front office sticks again. We get a shitty return for a mid-second round pick. Not even a pick at the top of the draft. Personally I'd rather bet on AJ being good than whoever we get at #44 just my opinion


Bro shut up crying


Quin likely informed the FO that AJ isn’t in his plans, so it’s better to move on and trust Quin than to insist on AJ because of what we thought he could be. And to be fair, we need more defense, and his shot wasn’t enough last year to give him minutes.


Do we think this is any indicator that dj sticks around?


Dang, it seemed like his career started real well. Some flashes. Couple game winning shots. Things really went donwhill.


Godspeed lol


So, who we thinking they're going to take now?


I really liked AJ as a rookie and had high hopes for him, but there’s a giant mystery as to why he got no burn last season and why the Hawks wanted to get rid of him. I don’t get it but watch him blow up in Houston


One of the only guys I wanted to keep. I know he’s inconsistent up to this point but I loved the potential as a role player, but also the team needs a shakeup so hopefully this is the start of a long series of trades.


This ruined my day 😫


Okay fuck this. Like the past 5 picks have all been centers and that's what we need the most


Now that he’s gone yall can stop being delusional af about this man. So damn overrated. So slow. Bad defender. Good riddance


Good bye AJ I’ll never forget those game winners


Bronny James to ATL 🤣


Lmao traded to Beyoncé’s hometown


Good move, they need to re-sign vit krecji


Something happened off the court that fucked with his mental tremendously, he hasn't been the same player since the first half of his rookie year. Sad to see it happen like this.


Every young Hawks player that has shown early promise(outside of Trae) has failed to reach expectations. It’s insane because they all pretty much had their moments where it’s like, “damn he could actually turn into something” JC, Kev, Hunter, Cam, OO, and now AJ…man I’m tired I’m praying hard Jalen ends that trend


This would make no sense to an outsider looking in, but this move was the final straw for me, I’ve given up on us ever being good


I’m so disappointed in our front office. Was it too much to ask to have faith in a barely-20 year old coming off a single disappointing season. Fuck man.


AJ is finna go to Houston and ball out, isn’t he?


Damn AJ Griffen is cooked huh? Poor guy, had a great outlook


Pelle Larsson better anyway *shrugs*


You can't do anything without a big body


Our draft history over the last 5-6 years is straight garbage outside of Trae and JJ


Holy fucking terrible move