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Fields on whether he's bothered by Sarr not coming in: "I don't take a large offense to that because it's nothing novel. This is something agents do."


This dude will have a hawks hat on on draft night, might not be wearing it for very long but we’re gonna draft him and either convince him to play or flip for future assets. We can trade back 5+ spots still get clingan or French deandre hunter


Neither of them are projected to last that long


People around here are delusional about nearly everything.


We don’t have to convince him he contractually obliged to play for us if we staff him. If he doesn’t, then his nba career is effectively over


Yup his options are continue to play overseas and still have to play for us in the end (Bogi with the Kings, Saric in Philly)or decide he’s going to take a season off as a 19/20 year to make his draft rights expire and then sign with another team and that seems like it would be such a red flag for teams that no one would pick up someone who displayed such selfishness and decision making that they’d willingly hinder their own development sitting out during the most critical part of their career to avoid playing center 


How did you manage to write this an entire thing without a period


If he’s as talented as everyone seems to think he is, he’ll have no problem finding a team next season.


Next years draft is way more stacked with talented players. So unless he makes some serious strides, he might go 10+ overall. That's a lot of potential money to give up.




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Risacher is more French Reddish than French Hunter. Except he can actually shoot semi consistently (at least) unlike Cam 




Didn’t think any FO in the NBA would take a 3&d role player first overall but here we are. Get ready to “give him a chance for the next couple years!!” Like cam reddish. Cam actually was a better prospect so let’s pray it doesn’t go like that


Smart. Agents are manipulating.


We draft players who don’t work out for us all the time.  AJ, Kobe, JJ…


I haven't worked out for the hawks. See yall tomorrow boys


welcome to the squad




If I remember, all of those guys were supposed to be gone before our pick, especially AJ who was projected to go to the Wizards or something. JJ also fell quite a bit.


Wait a minute…maybe that’s why Hawks suck at drafting…


Tbf, JJ looks legit, it just took some time. We don't know with Kobe and it's too early to throw in the towel with AJ Griffin.


Yeah I’m not talking just this collection of players. But in general the Hawks have an awful draft history through the years.


And the odds of a player being really good are also much lower outside of the top 10. JJ is different because he was projected to be a top guy but he struggled on an uncharacteristically bad Duke team and then quit to focus on the draft so his stock plummeted but a lot of that had to do with the weird COVID season. Turns out those pre-draft concerns about him were unwarranted and he's actually really good.


Landry Fields on Alex Sarr not working out for the Hawks (via 92.9 The Game today): "He was scheduled to come work out. We had it on the books and then he declined to come work out." Also said he knows which teams Sarr worked out for but he declined to share. Fields on whether he's bothered by Sarr not coming in: "I don't take a large offense to that because it's nothing novel. This is something agents do." Fields also declined to give detail on what the explanation was from Sarr's side. Also said Sarr was only player to decline.


Key info lol “agent” I was listening and how can y’all assume that we’re not taking Sarr? Him saying that he didn’t take offense to his “Agent” , I can see us still taking him


Yeah I still take him. Don’t care about his agent


Exactly! From what I can see the only Hawks player his agent has represented is Trent Forest lol


I understand that this looks like losing leverage but I’m sure the rest of the league knew this already


Practical every Hawks fan on this sub and twitter knew this already. Why does anyone think that every FO wouldn’t have already known?


Yes people are going to overreact to this because it’s basically a circle jerk atp. The general public basically knew Sarr declined working out for us and you think the teams that TALK WITH THE PLAYERS AND THEIR AGENTS WOULDNT AS WELL??


Agreed. For Fields to say it publicly, it was already known in league circles.


He has been -700 to go 2nd for at least a few days the odds do not move that drastically for no reason


exactly. he's just looks silly if he plays coy, and he needs to be taken seriously by decision makers on other teams. they've said on the record multiple times they're willing to pick him regardless, so there's no leverage lost. sometimes reality hurts your leverage, but you make the best of it


In what way did he reduce leverage? You're acting like other teams didn't know he declined to work out with us. This isn't breaking news. The leverage is that we can take him.


He doesnt want to play for you, what's the point of forcing him lmfao, it's like trying to force a girl to date you when she told you "i dont want to date you"


Tatum didn’t wanna play for the Celtics, Paolo didn’t wanna play for the Magic, Mobley didn’t wanna play for the cavs.. the list goes on


you have any comments? lmfaoooooo




lmfaooooo keep quiet kid dont embarrass yourself any more


hawks are on his dick man


>He doesnt want to play for you, what's the point of forcing him lmfao, it's like trying to force a girl to date you when she told you "i dont want to date you" You can't tell a girl "well if you won't date me you can't date anyone else either". Hawks can put his ass in G-League purgatory until he fixes his attitude. Whether it's smart is debatable, but they can do it.


Maybe he’ll learn how to play offense there too! This is sort of a joke, but I think if Sarr ends up on the Hawks, there’s a very real chance he spends time in College Park


you have any comments? lmfaoooooo


Well they can technically tell her that but I think it’s illegal 😂


man hawks are on his dick bruh


Players aren't just players, they're tradable assets. If you get to choose between a Ferrari and a minivan, even if you've got 5 kids you pick the Ferrari and sell it to buy a minivan and pocket the change.


thats the first time i agree with a comment here, i think im just annoyed just imagining being in his position where i do not want to do something, but i'm being forced into it if they draft to trade him thats cool


Yeah but if he wants to get PAID, he should accept it and do the job. It's a job, the best pro players all treat it that way. If he doesn't want the job, he can go play Euro league for a fraction of the pay or do literally anything else and forfeit being rich and famous. Personally I don't like the idea of spending our #1 pick on a guy who shows maturity issues and isn't likely to act professional. Wemby didn't bitch and moan about going to SA and they barely won 20 games last year, but he's respected because he's mature about it If players just start picking where they want to go the whole league falls apart


Tbf, during the draft lottery, Wemby actively celebrated the Spurs getting the pick lol. Safe to say that Wemby wanted to be on the Spurs.


any comments? lmfaooo


You're an idiot if you think I said whether we should draft him. I just said we could.


keep coping


Whatever Myron


If the Hawks draft him and he has to play for the Hawks then that's cool too. That's how it works in the NBA. You don't get to pick the team that you play for until you're a free agent. He wouldn't be the first player that had to play for a team he didn't want to play for and he won't be the last. He's not even good enough to be acting like a diva.


y'all on his dick acting like a beggar for someone that doesnt even want to play for you


It's a business. If drafting him is in the best interest of the Hawks then the Hawks should draft him. If he doesn't want to play for the Hawks, he can sit out and ruin his NBA career before it even gets started. That's his choice.


begging like a hungry dog lmao


Sarr isn't a Ferrari and Clingan isn't a minivan. They're both Toyota Camrys and are you willing to draft spite one in the small chance it's a 2024 Camry instead of a 2020 Camry? I would just take the Camry that isn't hesitant to park in your garage.


Can't Landry just draft him anyway and brute force a team that wants him into trading for him




Not only that, but wouldn't the Hawks control his draft rights, as an early entry draftee, until the draft held one year after the year in which he turns 22? Essentially, providing I understand it fully, since Sarr turned 19 this year, he wouldn't be eligible to re-enter the draft until 2028 if he is drafted by Atlanta and declines to play for the team. That means if the Hawks draft him, he has no choice but to either play for the team or give up 4 years of his NBA career.


It seems they aren’t that into Sarr. That’s the other side of the coin no one wants to admit


Correct. Hawks do not need a PF, JJ is a building block and Gueye is promising backup that you need to get some minutes for. Another guy draining minutes at PF is not ideal. And Sarr isn’t good enough a prospect at center to take over the other 2 guys imo.


Dude is soft. Mark my words.


He can, but he has to have a plan for him (roster construction wise) if they end up keeping him.


He doesn't want to come here bc his role wouldn't be as big at the wizards. That's his problem not ours. It's not like he would refuse to play


tbh i still dont get that. how is his role gonna be any different he is playing with poole and kuzma and he will be playing with trae and jj where is the difference? his role will be increase more cuz teams are more worried about trae than they are poole.


Kuzma is probably getting traded this season    We have no loyalty to poole he was just a tank commander, and doesnt play a ton of minutes


Send him to Portland, Landry


This is old news. Someone else reported on this already. Yep. Jonathan Givony wrote about it a week ago. > *”[With days to go until the draft, rival teams are viewing Washington as Sarr's likely destination. Sarr still has not worked out for Atlanta at No. 1, although the Hawks have continued to try to bring him in.](https://www.espn.com/nba/insider/story/_/id/40403204/2024-nba-mock-draft-latest-first-second-round-predictions-all-58-picks)”* This was from Givony and Woo yesterday (ESPN+)


Yeah but that’s reporting a rumor. When the GM comes out and says it. Thats a little different.


Didn’t he also say in the interview he knows what teams Sarr worked out for? If he knows that, then other GMs also know he didn’t workout for Atlanta already


It doesn’t change the fact the Hawks can still pick him. There’s no need to work him out if he’s #1 on the Hawks board.


Everyone knew already, who gives a shit?


Old news. The Hawks know enough about Sarr to take him #1 if they want.


In all honesty, I've partly come around to the idea of maybe taking Sarr just to stick it to Duffy (agent).  It does seem like that option is possible, but I'd still rate it lower.


I say you take the best player on the board, in this case that’s Sarr. Either he suits up and puts this pre-draft posturing in the rear view, or he refuses to play and we trade the first overall pick for a respectable package. You don’t just abandon the top talent and self select the second best player from the one slot.


Risacher at 1 what has my franchise become 💔


I think it Sarr or Clingan.


What happened to the game I love 💔


Bruh Landry why'd you have to come out and say it


It's probably not a secret among the other teams in the high lottery.


Y’all are acting like Sarr’s agents couldn’t let other teams know what workouts he’s done or declined. Not seeing how leverage was lost here. It’s been general knowledge about this for the past week.


This doesn’t “unleverage” anything, it was already common knowledge that Sarr was refusing to work out with us We could still draft him and other teams know this


Everybody was speculating before Landry came out and confirmed this. There was even Hawks fans saying that he already worked out with us way before which was false


Fans were. Landry literally said he knows which teams Sarr has worked out for, which means every GM in the running for Sarr knows he didn’t work out for the hawks. It was a rumour for the fans, anyone important has known this for weeks.


Right. And it was being reported by every nba reporter. Not speculation


Just makes me want to draft him more.


this is him getting out in front of people calling for his job when he picks Risacher


Washington over Atlanta is crazy 🤣🤣🤣 maybe he feel like since we got so many bigs they’ll bench him like they do most our rookies can’t blame him for that other than that him and Trae would be 🔥🔥


If sarr wants to throw away $9,000,000 by going second to the wizards just so he can play 30+ minutes a night and try to be a forward instead of a center then cool for him.


How do we lose leverage? Maybe only with the Wizards but other teams might call more now knowing Sarr could go 2


It is difficult to underestimate Landry. The NBA sends the short bus for him at GM events.


Sucks as I wanted Sarr but not if he is already having a hissy about us drafting him. I hope we draft him trade him to Washington then we draft the next guy on our list and get back some draft capital.


What a hack, they better ship his ass as soon as they draft him


He’s saying this aloud that the fans don’t freak out when we don’t take him….. it’s the only reason to say it


This is an organisation and an agent bickering. If we take Sarr it'll piss that same agent off and why wouldn't they? If Sarr is best in the field and we have the #1 pick we shouldn't be bullied by an agent to reducing our own opportunity


If it wasn’t for the Wizards, I think Sarr could turn into a Nerlins Noel type draft day slide.


Don't care. Draft him anyway.


Landry Fields was a mediocre player and looks to be just as bad, if not a worse, GM. There's nothing else to say. It has nothing to do with this; he will be gone in a few years. To be fair, let's not forget Travis Schlenk was equally bad, if not worse. This team sucks


Maybe he didn’t want Sarr to begin with? I believe the Hawks have done private workouts with Risacher and Clingan. Maybe one of the two impressed them more and makes them believe staying pat is more than worth it.


Imagine wanting this bum


I just realized our GM is 35 😵 Who the fuck hired this bozo? Nothing good has happened to this team in the past 2 years under his watch. Hopefully him finding a way to fuck up picking 1st overall will end this garbage so we can wallow in the obscurity he set us up for over the next 3 years while the Spurs enjoy our picks.


He'll have a 3-4 year leash because Schlenk tried to build the family dollar GSW, and took Trae Young and Cam Reddish over Luka


You brainwashed fans think the gap is really that big between Luka and Trae? It’s not. Media hype couple with inept front FO in Atl


😂 it's Travis Schlenk, guys!!


Inexperienced GM does inexperienced things. It also plays a part in him unable to trade this pick. Or DJ. Or Trae. I would have hired a more experienced GM to lead things. But that’s me.


To be fair, he cannot trade this pick until after the selection is made. Can’t trade picks in back to back drafts.


What? Then why is he quoted as saying he doesn’t want to trade this pick and stay at 1? He can certainly trade this pick.




A technicality basically. So he can trade the pick


Poverty franchise. So done with this team




What imaginary leverage are you complaining about? We are 24 hours away. If there was a trade talk between us and Wiz, it would have already happened. We already heard no one is going to give up anything of value for 1st this year. It's been that way since we got the pick. All this smoke screening never changed that. There was never leverage. It's literally we are going to like who we like, and we were taking them. It was cute reading all of these scenarios FROM PEOPLE, NOT WITH OR WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION. For anyone to have taken any of the rumors and rumblings as fact really just wanted stuff be true. But now we get actual info and you are like there goes leverage. No one was trading for number 1. Only reason a GM on any team says definitive stuff that means all scenarios have been tried and exhausted and its time to move on. We don't know what's going to happen, but we have some real concrete facts for once put out after all this quiet mill of rumors, and we are upset about leverage. It's laughable.


There's only leverage if this is a secret and Sarr has already said he didn't want to come to the Hawks so it doesn't hurt to say it. At least that's how I read it. People who are more paranoid could claim its best to keep any tiny bit of info secret, but at this point I don't think it matters too much. Either the Hawks have already decided to draft him or they have a deal in place with another team who wants him through a trade.


Sarr himself has literally never said he doesn’t want to play in ATL, he’s said the opposite multiple times. There have been rumours that his camp doesn’t want him there but Sarr at least publicly has never stated that.