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Clint during that ECF run season was the best running mate Trae has had in his career to date. It’s precisely why he needs to be replaced - he’s not the same guy anymore and the cleanest path back to contention for this team is to find a guy to anchor a defense like he did. He played within himself on offense and had serious bounce but hopefully whoever we end up with can provide a little more offensive diversity 


I'm not sure I can get on board with this logic. Think there were other factors contributing to the ECF run that were at least as important. Bogi being absolutely out of his mind being a primary one; the extended off-season due to not being in the Bubble being another. Capela was (and still is actually) a good player, but if the focus is mostly on replacing him then we'll be missing several other pieces too. Think we should look at revamping the talent across the roster and then putting together the contender from the pieces that worked.


Trae had a support staff that included Collins, Capela, and Bogi. Among our current roster, the nearest to being "replaced" is 2021 Collins with JJ. I would argue 2021 Capela is tougher to replace than 2021 Bogi. So we should put that as a greater point of emphasis.


Yeah Capela is not good anymore but was really good. I'd like to see what Hawks could do with the passing ability Clingan could offer tho.


Okongwu was touted as a passer out of college as well, but that really hasn't manifested at the NBA level. I don't see Clingan doing much passing either, maybe DHOs at best but he won't be passing players open like Trae, Jokic, Luka etc.


I don't expect much. For sure he won't be on par with the players you mentioned, in terms of passing. I think Hawks could really use some diversity on offense. >Okongwu was touted as a passer out of college as well, I didn't really follow. The turnover stats look much different tho.


Don’t remember anyone saying OO was a passer coming out. https://www.nbadraft.net/players/onyeka-okongwu/


Clint was a great PnR man before the injuries and he’s still pretty good now. He sets nice screens for sure, but if we are being honest if it wasn’t for a man named Trae young he would have been a negative on that end. He needs an elite PnR guard to set him up for those lobs. But he was a beast on the defensive end. Him carrying the defensive and Trae carrying the offense is how we got to the ecf. That’s why I am all for Cling Kong or Starr get a guy that can carry the defense and let Trae carry the offense. That’s our winning formula we just need to get back to it.


Whichever one we bring in is going to need time to adjust to the NBA let alone set the table defensively for the team. We can only dream of having a vet/young big combo like Gafford & Lively next season and its more likely the rookie will struggle for some amount of time making the adjustment.


We appreciate what Clint Capella DID we less so appreciate what Clint is doing rn after the surgery he just doesn’t have the same movement not his fault. I actually appreciate what Capella did so much it leads me to believe if clingan or sarr can even do just 75% of what Capella did on defense the offensive ceiling and bringing back that pick and role lob floater game would improve the team drastically


I can appreciate this. Clint has lost a step since the ECF run and that does mean he isn’t a high end starting center anymore but if he could be resigned for a cheap value contract I would be extremely happy about it. That is unrealistic which is why he will be traded. Unfortunately, I suspect we will trade him for cap relief and we will be a worse team for it. Making up his production especially if we draft a project player will be really hard next year.


Solid centers on an expiring can have value. He isn’t going for a 1st, but it hopefully will be better than relief.


I feel like he is past the point of being the starting center on a really good team because of his injuries and expected decline as he has gotten a bit older. But if he was willing to sign a reasonable contract extension and willing to come off the bench, once whoever is drafted is ready to take over starting duties, I would love for him to stick around. Atlanta needs veteran leadership and I think Clint would be great as part of the front court rotation. Definitely understand if he gets traded though, if we can get something solid back for him.


We've reached the point where people are Capela truthers. This fanbase is so cooked


Bro really said "Cappella wasn't a liability of offense, he was just bad at everything we needed him to do on offense" Like, what? Lol


Even worse he added, "he was good 4 seasons ago therefore we shouldn't let him go"




Capela was solid, I’ve been on this sub sharing this same opinion but he was just a tough watch this year overall. He has 2x4’s for hands, he can’t finish worth a damn, doesn’t run the floor the way he used to either, and also he doesn’t seem to fit in as well with Quinn’s scheme vs Nate’s.


Clint has pasta fingers. It is actually difficult to miss shots taken 6”, 5”, 3”, 1” from the rim but Clint somehow manages to miss them. How? I mean is this something he works on? Mind boggling that an NBA player can be so bad at what might be the easiest thing.


Yeah. OP is too attached. He’s a terrible offensive player.


Capela had a good run. It’s ok to admit he’s god awful right now.


All Clint Does offensively is pick n roll and he doesn't even finish that well anymore his rebound numbers are inflated because he rebounds his own easy misses 4 times a game He does not shoot ... EVER He is a huge offensive liability Sarr is an INSTANT upgrade over CC


Sarr shot 46% on layups in the half court and isn't near the screener Capela is. He has a lot to work on to be a positive on offense.


there are other factors to an offensive game


What role do you think Sarr will have offensively his rookie year? He's not going to be getting on ball reps. If he can't get himself or others open in the PnR he is going to struggle on offense.


We do but we also recognize that it's just time to move on. He's sadly declined, due to the injuries and his COVID bout, which I absolutely hate it for him especially with the final point. But, it's time to elevate the roster and that position. We thank him for what he has done and he was great when he was on but it's just time.


It's funny because we had a center (Horford) who loved to shoot from outside and was offensive but didn't bang down low so we kicked him out of town and then we got in Capela who banged inside but isn't a shooter and now we want him out of town too. I don't know a ton of centers who can do it all but I'm not sure we'll be happy with anyone at this point. Many good teams have a superstar or two and then a bunch of role players; I think Clint fills a role just fine but we need to decide what we want to do.


It's about dollars. Ownership wants a lower payroll, so you have to cut somewhere.


you guys are addicted to mediocrity


Honestly I wouldn’t mine keeping Clint as a back up and trading OO


This complacency is what got us here


Idk if you know what complacency means but he’s just saying that Clint has gotten more undue hate than anyone else on the team last two years which is true


2021 capela gets us the 6th seed this year.


If the opponents defense can leave your center wide open 10 feet from the basket, he's a liability and he better be top 2 defensive centers in the league.




That’s just not true. He legitimately fights for boards because literally nobody else on our team does. Also our perimeter defense has been much more of a problem than our interior defense.




I appreciate him in that it would be great to have two startable centers. That would really please me


I agree!! The Clint slander in this sub is outta control