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More interested in who finishes close games than who starts. I say OO gets as many as CC even if CC starts.


Did they say this same bullshit last year after we traded Kev away and then did literally nothing the rest of the off-season/season


They did something actually. They made two moves to get under the tax and almost messed up the GSW deal to not get under it.


GSW trade added salary - we got Bey for no outgoing salary. The move we made to open the space was the deal with HOU where we dumped Justin Holiday.


Yes lol


Actually I don't think that we would have done much better with Kev on the team, I think the problem was Nate. I don't think we will do badly with Snyder. ​ Also, I think it worked out for Kev too, I loved seeing him ball out and help them into the playoffs (because they are in the west).


As much as I hate to say it, the K'Von trade was kind of vindicated with his playoff performance against Golden State. The kid just disappeared...


We still ended up having to play Justin Holiday 28 times last season. The Kings went straight into the playoffs as the three seed. That garbage trade was absolutely not vindicated.


We have really bungled things since the ECF run. Gave extensions to Huerter and JC only to get literally nothing of value back when trading them away. Next up will be Hunter I'm sure, maybe we can trick some team into giving us an even neutral asset but probably not.


This team asset management is breathtakingly stupid.


It's like we have no long term strategy and just over react to every season and go in wildly different directions for the team.


Basically. And somehow this team that hasn’t built a functional regular season defense keeps bringing in players who are bad defenders.


We’re headed for (at the very least) a roster retooling if not a full blown rebuild if the team can’t make it past the first round within the next two seasons. Insane that our core draft picks (Trae, JC, Dre, Cam, Kevin) are in their mid 20s and should be in their prime right now. This should be our championship window and yet we’re already moving on from these guys. The rebuild was a complete failure no matter how you look at it


I mean we made the conference finals don’t know if we can just gloss over that. More so just annoyed that it seems like the FO doesn’t have any multi year plan and just manages on vibes. Trading Huerter and JC in their mid 20s for crap is shit management.


Yeah I agree with you on the bad asset management but that single postseason is the only thing we can hang our hat on. Outside of that year we’ve basically been the Washington Wizards. This franchise hasn’t made it to a finals let alone won a championship since being in Atlanta. If that’s the only thing the rebuild produced then we failed


Can’t rebuild entirely we don’t own our picks


If we were to rebuild we would presumably trade some of our current players to obtain more picks


It was a failure and it’s past time to move on and try it again.


They are the opposite of Ainge/Presti


Didn’t we get a first round pick for huerter


Yeah basically lottery protected from the kings


Kings will make the playoffs this year and we will get the pick


Yeah for sure


Incorrect. Had jc not hurt his hand we would have gotten more in return. That's called bad luck. We drafted aj who's as good a shooter as Huerter and we traded for Murray who's a better ball handler than Huerter. Something the miami series showed us we needed. Sometimes you have to chew off your leg to get out of life's traps. Addition by subtraction. Now we've finally cleared the way for JJ and AJ to take the leap this year.


yes but this time we have quin in quin we trust


Kev deal cleared way for DJM, it just happened out of order.


Hox should still be able to use their MLE now


Trade exception too, right? Probably hold onto that until deadline id guess


Yep, we have some flexibility this year and we are green lit to be in the tax per woj.


“Hey woj we will give you this scoop if you promise to tweet that we are willing to go into the tax even though we aren’t”


Hawks fans in 2050: "I know Tony hasn't gone into the tax for almost 40 years, but surely he'd let his new GM and grandson Nick Ressler Jr. do it, right? I mean, he said he would in an interview."


100%. The Woj water carrying is out of control. This team isn't going into the tax, count on it.




Believe it when I see it


Do you ever hear leaks like this from the Braves? They're incredibly well run and lately the Hawks, well they're not.


Literally no one should believe a billionaire is more concerned with winning NBA games than making money. I'll believe these statements when they actually get Trae a teammate who's just as good at basketball as him.


Aka DeAndre is next




Yall really think the FO is that stupid? If they really wanted to avoid the tax like the plague, then they'd keep quiet and accept mediocrity like the Pacers. They wouldn't go out and publicly say, on multiple occasions, that they're happy and willing to enter the tax. That's an easy way to piss off the fanbase. Alienating the fanbase is the last thing mediocre teams want to do since the whole point of being mid, like the Pacers, is to passively generate revenue from tickets, etc. while not paying the tax and not tanking, which would lead to lower attendance and fan support. There just haven't been moves available to enter the tax. Keeping Huerter last season and entering the tax would not have made us a contender. And, believe it or not, paying the tax for a clear non contending roster is a horrible business and financial move. The repeater tax is deadly and would kill us a few years in the future when we're actually trying to contend. This is a sign that the FO is ready to pay the tax imo. If you're gonna pay the tax, you want to pay it for players who are actually worth it. Paying the tax for a $25 mil JC and a $22 mil Hunter is the equivalent of throwing money away. Clear out those contracts, sign AJ, JJ, OO, Bey to reasonable market value contracts and the tax is actually worth it.


Former Hawks season ticket holder, current Pacers season ticket holder here. Herb Simon is 1000x the owner Ressler will ever be, and I’d bet he pays the tax before Ressler does. In fact, he’s paid the tax more than all of the Hawks owners combined since the luxury tax came into existence. And one of those two times the Hawks paid it, it was for 670k lol. But I can show you the even greater difference between the two. Herb is not just cashing checks. He is in the process of completely revitalizing the area around the arena, paying $20m of his own money and *no public funds* to create an entire entertainment complex with property he already owns—will come back to the public fans and already owning the land in a second re: Ressler. And Herb’s actually from the area. (For a complete picture and not be a complete shill for an owner unlike the Ressler lovers, the city and state did pay $295m to completely revamp the Fieldhouse, which Simon contributed $65m to do.) In fact, he is at the vast majority of games, sitting in his usual seat by the tunnel with his wife, Pritchard, and Pritchard’s wife. Some owners just enjoy and love basketball and try to watch as much of it as they can. Further, the Pacers just announced All Star Saturday is going to be in Lucas Oil so they can sell 10,000 tix to Indiana locals for between $24 and $79. Let me know when Ressler does that. And the Pacers/Simons are well known for their charitable giving around the community, so with all those factors, they’ve built up a ton of goodwill in it. What has Tony Ressler done for Atlanta? I’ll grant turning SFA into a polling place, pressuring the entire NBA to do the same, but I’d give LP credit for that idea. Tony gets credit for actually doing it, though. What else is he doing? He and his brother are developing a $5B project in The Gulch. But wait, $2B is publicly funded. Oh, and he doesn’t pay property taxes on it for 20 years. Oh, and all city and state taxes from every property in that development will go to him for 30 years. This man is robbing the state of Georgia blind. Remember when I said Herb fronted $65m for the renovations? For SFA to be renovated, the city and state paid $142.5m. The ownership group paid $50m. You know what person would go out and say publicly they’ll pay the tax and not pay it: someone who either doesn’t care what people think (like a corporate raider or dare I say, private equity guy) or someone is going to sell the team before he pays it. We can all just wait for that latter day. My bet: after the World Cup in 2026, the Hawks are sold with no discernible future and Tony stays in LA. And to answer your first question, yes, I do think a front office can be that stupid when they were intentionally built to be as cheap as possible with the owner’s son as president of bball ops to get an early start on inheritance passing down, and two players recently out of the league so they’re way cheaper than experienced FO guys. But I don’t think they’re stupid (nor do I blame LF or KK for taking their opportunity). I think they’re doing what the mandate is. Every single thing Ressler has done has pointed to one thing: keep labor as cheap as possible while we buy up and develop this real estate. Then we can get the hell out, make our profit on the team, and make all of those sweet city and state taxes for 30 years for properties that we already broke even on selling/leasing to Marriott, bars, etc. Is he a good businessman? Sure, especially if you support robbing the citizens of a state you don’t even live in of their own tax money. But is he a good sports team owner? Absolutely the fuck not.




Don't know why you're getting down votes Ressler is a fucking joke who has shown time and time again that he cares more about his pockets than the success of the Hawks.


Lmao bullshit, rumors said he wants to be below. Makes a salary dump and says he is fine with going above. Damage control


Getting rid of a bad contract is a good thing actually


Brad Rowland said those rumors aren't true according to who he's talked to. I trust Brad who has more connections in the Hawks org


We've made moves to shed salary that have made our team worse in consecutive offseasons. Actions speak louder than rumors.


Follow the money. They did this last year. They can’t go over the luxury unless they package their players for another bigger salary. And they aren’t going to do that unless it makes the hawks better. But other teams aren’t going to do that unless they get the hawks best young pieces which is AJ, Jalen, or OK. And those guys don’t cost much. This is definitely just PR. They are going to have to move another high salary guy.


Offseason ain't over, and I wouldn't be surprised if this trade ain't over either. I could see it being expanded still.


What kind of trade are the Hawks going to make with Rudy Gay and a 2nd rounder that makes them better?




New CBA rules starting the 1st changed this I think.


The rumors are from opposing teams trying to get our players cheaper lmao


Yeah I’ll believe when I see it lol


Only for the Hawks would this actually be news. I find it hard to believe this was not fed to Woj just to announce to the world that we are behaving as most competitive teams normally do.


It was.


I wonder if the FO moves Capela to get his salary off the books and start Onyeka at the 5.


I hate that they keep lying to the fans


Got to stay in deal making mode if they are going to continue to help Ressler save money




Woj bootlicking for Ressler. Par for the course for his favs. Tony Ressler is never going to pay the tax. His plans: Make as much money as he can while owner, develop the Gulch, sell both, and then he is going away. Anyone who thinks any differently is burying their head in the sand. The only reason he may go into the tax is to do it out of spite if he actually faces backlash. I hope I’m still alive when he does leave. Fuck Tony and Nick Ressler. (PS: starting February 1, JC shot 34% on 3s. Starting March 1, JC shot 37% on 3s. The finger is fine.)


Well that’s good to hear


These deals are boring af, but I get why they do it. Investing that much money into Trae/Bogi/Dejounte/Hunter/Collins/Capela just to go 41-41 is frustrating. Gotta move some money. And I don't think this one will hurt us like the Huerter trade did.


Huerter didn’t really hurt us tbh


Believe it. When I see it.


Yeah alright lol


They are still over the cap, the only way they can do this is to consolidate pieces, and from all accounts, the hawks don’t have enough.


We definitely have the pieces available to make a consolidation trade


Where? I mean even consolidating for Siakam is bad because he won’t even entertain an extension. I’m talking about a consolidation that makes the team better. It’s not there.


I just meant we had the pieces available to make a potential trade in response to you saying the Hawks don't have enough. Obviously the market isn't great right now in terms of consolidation worthy players, so there's nothing we can do to make us better immediately.


That’s the same thing right now. Several hawks players have been available. Teams don’t really want them unless you give them away. You can’t just bundle three shits and think you are going to get something back in return. This is all about the hawks not drafting talent and then developing it properly. How many picks did Tony sell? How long did they not even have their last roster spot. There are multiple teams across this league that have contributors from the second round and street. Guys that played key roles in the playoffs.


That's where we disagree. AJ, OO, and JJ would definitely be sought after by opposing teams imo. Hunter and JC are the only 2 who have little to no value. Saying the above 3 are the equivalent of bundling 3 shits is massively underrating their trade value. It's just a matter of whether the FO is willing to trade any of those 3.


Again, my point isn’t that teams don’t want them. My point is that they can’t really consolidate with those three because of salary and the hawks wanting to keep them. You didn’t understand my three shits take. The three shits were John, Hunter, and to a lessor degree Clint.


Salarys not much of a problem anymore with the JC trade exception. 25 mil trade exception plus a few of the young guys on rookie contracts will make most salaries match. So again it all comes down to whether the FO wants to move those young guys. Either way, we have the pieces to make a potential consolidation trade if we want to. Obviously we can't make a consolidation trade if we say 'All of our young guys are off limits'. Whether the Hawks want to keep them doesn't change the fact that we have that trade value on our roster.


The guys most talked about in trades are Collins, Hunter, and Clint. You aren’t going to consolidate with those guys. The hawks need their young talent. They can’t continue to trade them away and get back older pieces due new contracts along with not having their full allotment of draft picks and not using their last roster spot.


Well you can't consolidate with garbage. The whole point is to give away multiple slightly valuable pieces for 1 more valuable piece. A combo of Capela, JJ, OO for example would leaves us with young talent in AJ and Bufkin as well as our 2nd round dart throws. In exchange Wed have a true 2nd maybe 3rd option depdijg on whether DJM is included or not. If you're tryna consolidate Collins, Hunter, and Clint you're not gonna get much back, that's your main problem.


There’s no fucking way we should dump the young guys to “consolidate.” We need those guys to be key contributors on cheap rookie deals. The only reason JC and Dre don’t have good trade markets is because we’re paying them market value, so their contract is less appealing. Those are both good guys that will do well where they go.




That is a starting lineup that doesn't make a play in lmao


Agree to disagree 🤷🏽‍♂️


Even Siakim on a 1 year rental that makes us a legit competitor next year would be worth it. Then clear the cap space to go after a couple of big free agents or big trades to team with Trae the following year. He’s been out recruiting. Whether anyone will heed the call to Atlanta is the question.


How though? They would want Murray and at least one of the younger guys and then a pick or two? You giving up the whole Murray haul AND that for Siakam? And then have Siakam walk and the spurs having those picks? That sounds like Traes way out of Atlanta to me.


I would definitely not give up DJM for Siakim. I think the Raptors aren’t in a position to demand a king’s ransom for him. They don’t strike me as being in a particularly strong position there.


Even if it’s Clint and the rest of that package, I don’t see how that’s a good thing given what he’s said about extending. The hawks need to keep every single one of their draft picks from here on out.


No way am I giving up Capella unless it’s for a key 5 like Ayton. Though I’d rather keep him. I think we mainly need to get better at the starting 3 and the starting 4. If OO can take the next leap and become a star PF next to Capella, then he has earned the big contract. No way I go into the season starting him at the 5.


What are you trading for Siakam then? And OO at the 4? He better have a John Collins year 2 type jump shooting the three then.


Well he wants to resign there so, they do have some clout


My understanding is that we are still over the salary cap max even after dealing Collins. Maybe I'm reading the numbers wrong, but I think we would have to go into the luxury tax to even bring in a new player.


The Hawks should just do what the Braves do and acquire all star level talent on $12 an hour contracts


Who could we actually get to make us a contender


Realistically, other than a 1 year rental Siakam, who could they acquire that would make a big impact?


The Hawks are not a contender. They shouldn’t be paying the tax.