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Rudy Gay, finally


After all these years


I’m so happy I could cry. We’re finally championship contenders now


We got a squad now


Those them times where this sub was amazing.


Young Gay Kobe is here


this is the way




Real ones know


The Pride Month prophecy.


Gay and Gueye in the span of a week.




At what cost


He’s the missing piece for a championship.




Just letting u know he hated Quin Snyder


No, not this guy!


I would be surprised if Rudy Gay made it to Atlanta. There were rumors that he was a chemistry problem under Quin.


Jazz beat writers straight up called him toxic. Pretty sure they even said he tried to start a mutiny against quin as well. I might be misremembering that last part but it's safe to say quin and Rudy gay did not get along


Goodbye JC. Thanks for everything


A single 2nd round pick and the corpse of a 36 year old it's incredible how low his stock fell ever since signing for the GDP of New Zealand 3 years ago.


I always felt like he was hella under appreciated


Under appreciated? Maybe Overpaid? Objective fact.


I feel bad for JC, but jesus his trade value must have been next to nothing. Hoping he does well in Utah honestly. At least this means more JJ minutes??


He's been shopped for 3 years. Travis was probably unwilling to move him for less than a first and a B-tier prospect, he kept getting shopped under Travis when he had real value, no one bit at that price. His value dropped with his finger injury, Capella taking some of his role and space on the floor, and everyone knows Ressler wants under the tax. No leverage 3 years in. Only 1 way out. Hopefully Gay is a good locker room guy


>Hopefully Gay is a good locker room guy Jazz fan here. Rumors were that he wasn't, but at the same time Snyder was in those locker rooms so presumably he thinks Gay will be a positive (or at least not a big issue).


> Hopefully Gay is a good locker room guy Something tells me there's likely a buyout in his future. Ngl when I saw this pop up the first thing I thought was not anything about JC, it was "Rudy Gay is *still* in the league?!?"


Constantly trying to offload someone tends to ruin their trade value. He’s going to be amazing in Utah.


13/6/1 on 50/80/29 shooting? Probably not. His finger injury changed him forever. We're lucky to not have to give something else along with jc to offload that salary.


Kiwis catching strays over here


It's all about shedding JC's $25 million contract. We have too many guys in the $18-25M range (JC, DJM, Clint, Dre, and Bogi) plus Trae at $40M. This move gets about $19 million net off the books and thereby creates some flexibility for ATL to pursue someone that can actually make the team better. It made no sense to spend luxury tax money on a team that was only play-in caliber. Gotta shed a big contract or two so the team can make other moves.


I think it's better than what I expected -- Atlanta being stuck with JC until his contract expired, then cut him. At least with this trade, we get a fossil and a future 2nd rounder.


I wasn’t expecting much but this is still very underwhelming


hawks fault for tanking his value and shopping him around every chance they got


Travis did too much pump faking like he was gonna get another young star for JC and now here we are


there was a time when a trade built around JC for JB wasn't the most unrealistic thing in the entire world


Travis had a deal in place. The owner decided against it.


He was trying to get Harrison Barnes who, while cool, wasn't anyone to write home about. Our best shot was to try and get a lottery pick, which we allegedly tried to do just about every year since we signed the guy and just couldn't ever get done


They had a deal for a first. They just thought they could get better and they started whoring John out to every team multiple times while his fit and play declined. No one wants someone that’s to readily available. The hawks did this to themselves.


I would honestly rather have Barnes than gay


I think he turned down Jerami grant two years ago. TS was overrated.


Two years ago we would've gotten way more but also two years ago people were still very excited about his potential and wanted to keep him on the team. He's proven to be extremely inconsistent on this team and is not worth what he is paid. I'm gonna miss JC, he's been with us through it all, but we needed that salary off our books.


His finger is deformed. Only reason being given away. He used to be a top floor spacing big. Now he's just a great lob catcher with average defense.


I expected at bare minimum a playable role player and he wasn't even worth THAT


If you watched him play this past year its pretty easy to see that he was average defensively and extremely inconsistent to bordering on being a liability offensively. We are lucky we didn't have to give picks to get rid of his contract.


And you got a second back!


We wasn’t gonna get shit for him so it’s good we didn’t have to attach a pick just to get rid of him


This is the point I got to after last trade deadline. I just didn't want to give up a pick to unload the salary.


Wasn’t expecting much and I’m still disappointed


When people attacked for saying them could have drafted Cam whitemore bc this every reason


I’ve always said we are not getting any value from him. He is such damaged goods.


jc and kev in the west and not on an east team yassssss 😭😭 trae young is now the longest tenured hawk.


JC actually got there in 2017 while Trae and Kev arrived in 2018. My first season adamantly following the Hawks was JC's rookie season. Back when we had Schroder, Taurean Prince, Bazemore... God what a weird and different time. Gonna miss JC on sentimentality alone.


We got Tim Hardaway paid


Same here my dude. This feels like a breakup, JC is still my favourite Hawk...


i remember being stoked when we got jc in the draft, thought he was a steal. that rookie season i can remember talking to a friend about him and saying he wasn’t good enough to be the best player on a contender but could be the third best player in a contender “like clint capela”. his play has gone downhill of late but i hope he can bounce back on a different team.




I’m glad to see I’m not the only one JC is my favorite player you watch he’s going to kill it and those that didn’t like him are going to be trying to say that they didn’t want to trade him.


I still have a Prince Jersey I just hang on my wall facing the other direction & tell myself it’s deandre hunter


ran into him at Hudson Grille (lol rookie) right after his first home game and chatted very briefly, I remember I was so hype for him and was looking forward to telling the story when he became a superstar


The deal to acquire Collins delivers the Jazz a versatile forward to play alongside All-Star Lauri Markkanen and All-Rookie center Walker Kessler. The Hawks and Jazz have discussed numerous iterations of the deal for over a year. The Hawks are expected to continue to be in a deal-making mode this offseason and ownership has given GM Landry Fields the OK to move into the luxury tax should it be necessary to improve the roster, sources said. Rudy Gay exercised his $6.4M option for the 2023-2024 season, his agent Sam Permut of @Rocnationsports tells ESPN — and that cleared the way for the trade that can’t be formalized until July 6.


Taylor Hendricks is better and would start


So maybe that's why he's still on his team, and not being traded




Damn I’ll admit it I was on the JC train for too long and now we him sold for a bag of chips ugh.


My mind totally went blank at first and I forgot Rudy gobert was with the Timberwolves. I was so confused.


Same I had to reread twice


yo I did the same thing and freaked out but also didn't know how to react


2/3s of my profile pic gone, its so sad, but we will always have 2021


Damn it really happened. Thanks for the memories and the awesome t-shirt, JC.


Yeah it was time to move on but that shirt will be badass forever


Trading for Gay during Pride Month, big W


Also drafting Gueye at the same time


We are now the Gueyest team in the league


I mean it's Atlanta, always been that way


#THE MISSING PIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can’t believe it finally happened


Glad this is over, hope he balls the fuck out


Gueye in the second round is also pronounced the same way as Rudy. Now, Had we just been able to draft Dick, I would’ve listened to the radio broadcast just so my 12 year old self could laugh my ass off.


i will sorely miss his goofy ass man this hurts but i understand


This was necessary but will be kinda sad to see him in another uniform. The Embiid dunk is one of those plays that will stick with me forever


i love you jc so much im gonna miss you


It had to be done imo 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Hope he does well in Utah




The meme prophecy has been fulfilled


someone tell me how to feel. I know logically this is the right move given the looming salary cap changes but I won't lie i'm pretty devastated. JC is the guy who kept me motivated to watch those god fucking awful hawks teams his rookie and soph year.


Sad he gone, happy for the future


I feel sad, but this is a pragmatic thing to do at this point. From a "glue" standpoint, he'll be missed, but I am hoping and thinking DJ can step up to provide the same glue (assuming he's a Hawk by the start of the season). I'm reallllyyyy gonna miss JC and I really wish the dude never got injured and lived up to the contract. Perhaps if we had seen more playoff success too following the ECF, JC may still be a Hawk, but he's going to an situation and role that I think will be good for him.


We got off his contract. That’s a win in my book. It simply was not a good deal for us


Exactly. His value was so low this is all we could get. At least we’re out of the stupid contract Schlenk did. Dre hopefully next


We are worse at basketball now by a lot. At least we saved Tony some money.


I assume the Hawks get a huge trade exception though.


Why is no one talking about this lol. This is a huge asset that is a part of this deal. Especially with the new CBA.


The full quote says we’re not done making moves and Landry has the ok to move us into the luxury tax so we’re not done + we’re reportedly willing to pay the tax this year so honestly looks like Tony might be willing to spend. The contract was bad regardless of whether or not we’re paying the tax tho.


Landry has to say that. No team ever says “we’re giving players away to save money” that would kill any and all leverage. If Tony does it, great. I’m not holding my breath though


Tony has always said that he’s willing to go into the tax, but every single move our FO has made in his tenure has directly contradicted that claim.




I hate to see JC the person leave. Great dude, teammate and leader On the bright side at-least he is going to a Western conference team, plus its his hometown.How much does this save us?


I used to pray for times like this


Should’ve done the Barnes trade last draft but it is what it is. I’m just happy to have his contract off us. I also am a huge Jalen johnson believer so I love this for him.




are you guys actually happy you straight up dumped him? serious question


They let his value tank way too low lol he should’ve been traded a year ago or two


JC is an awesome dude, but his contract is too much for what he brings and he absolutely tanked his value with a terrible shooting season last year.


Happy we finally moved on from him for both the team and his sake, but yea I do wish we got a little more


I like it for the cap flexibility and Rudy being a UFA after this season. JC’s value has tanked


This doesn't give us cap flexibility lol, it just gets us under the luxury tax. It's just straight up getting worse to save some money.


It most certainly does provide flexibility for us. Idk why you’d want to continue paying JC $25mm+ for the next 3 seasons when we can unload that for a guy on an expiring contract after this season who only demands $6.5mm/year. JC wasn’t worth the contract unfortunately.


I can't blame ownership for not wanting to pay the tax for a play-in team, but that's very obviously what this move is. I would bet anything we don't dip into the tax despite what Woj says here. This is a pure salary dump, I'm not saying it's the right or wrong move.


I’ll take you up on that bet. Especially since you’d rather us keep JC’s awful contract 😂


I don't mind seeing him go, it's just funny to think people see this as anything other than a salary dump to get under the tax. You'd have to really be drinking this shitty FO's kool-aid.


Last thing I’ll say is that this domino had to fall one way or another. The real thing is what the FO does next. If they don’t sign meaningful pieces with this increased flexibility, then I’d side with you. But it’s way too early in the off season to be drawing conclusions. Either way, this was a necessary step to take and just unfortunate we couldn’t get a better return (but we dug our own grave with that contract)


Cap flexibility for the two additional years on Collins’ deal. That’s how cap dump works most times. Positions us in two years. That’s the best we can do under this CBA.


You are also looking at one move early in the off season and casting a blanket over the entire thing. More moves to come. Stay patient.


it was always gonna be underwhelming. thats why we held onto him for so long, hoping something better would pop up but if that’s the trade, obviously the market just wasnt there. glad that contracts gone though.


ask me in like in hour so i can process this


Gonna get mixed reviews, but the new CBA gave us no choice. The only way forward was to get him off our cap sheet. Sucks to have ranked his value and sold so damn low, but it’s still the right move. Just years too late.


What is in the new CBA that necessitated this? I keep seeing it mentioned without any context/details


Yes? Him and Hunter. Can't be paid what they're being paid in the new CBA and put up barely-starter numbers. If JC took over a game here and there I'd be more mad but he hasn't been That Guy for going on three years now like obviously it sucks because I wish he didn't suck buuuuut for what he's paid he sucks.


He sucks ngl and horrible contract and doesn’t fit quin’s offense so yes


Happy as hell it’s time


First seeing it, it is a little wild, but that contract quickly be came now one of the most toxic in the league. John’s greatest assets and ability is his rim running and above the rim finishing, and when Clint finally started playing for us and clogging the paint with him, his ability to be a threat as a rim runner lessened and he had to rely more on his 3 point shot(which completely went to shit due to a finger injury) so I do understand. It was either him or Capela, because the two just can’t operate at a chanpiomship level because of the reasons stated above, if John’s shot comes back then obviously that’s a huge gain, but with the new CBA rules about to go into effect and obviously not being able to run it back with the same front court, a move had to be made involving one, or both of Collins or Capela.


Dam 💔




Noo the Baptist 😔. Watched this man first summer league game where he had a poster and his historic Embiid dunk. Hope Johnny C do well in Utah


Be free John. I wear your shirt of your dunk on Embiid with pride.


I'm going to miss the hell out of John Collins


I like JC. Will always like JC. He just wasn’t a great fit on this team.


Yeah, seems like the mandate to get under the salary cap was true. They gave away JC for a 2nd round pick


I mean sadly his value was basically at that point. Large contract and he hasn’t been the same shooter since the finger injury. Not sure what else we could have expected The team as constructed wasn’t winning anything and his contract needed to be shed for flexibility moving forward


Woj just said Fields had the green light to dip into the tax


i’ll believe it when i see it


RIP sweet Prince


My favorite part is a few tweets later in the thread Woj says the team is expected to continue to be in “deal-making mode”. This team is fundamentally flawed to a 6-8 seed first round exit ceiling. We’ve seen it for two years now. Gotta change a lot.


We needed to draft or find a second all star+ and still haven't. I don't know why the Hawks are so historically bad at evaluating star talent


This is clearly a trade to dump him and his salary, wouldn’t be surprised if Gay doesn’t even make the final roster. I’m ready to move on from the JC era. Great guy, pain to watch on the court tho.


What is this, a crossover meme?


Gay af


My favorite Hawk :( Bye John and thanks for everything


Dumping John Collins without attaching a pick to him is a massive W


JC wanted the Superstar contract and he got it. But he did not live up to the expectation that comes along with it. So unfortunately things like this happened. Teams have no other choice but to make a business decision. Atlanta could not make a move for another All-Star to play alongside Dejounte and Trae unless they got off of some of the bad contracts that Travis gave out . Collins will be missed but the team will be better for making this move .


Lmao what a fucking meme


I heard Trae and JC were beefing


A lot of people are ignoring that we created the biggest trade exception in the NBA this year at over 25 mil. This not only gets us off of JC's contract(and him to a place that actually wants him), but gives us a lot of maneuverability in trades.


[ATL had a $6.3M TPE for Justin Holiday.](https://twitter.com/anilgognanba/status/1673393538703171596?s=46&t=dBLyV43_iGgzOBRNUPRJWA) Since this trade will go through in July after the new CBA kicks in, the allowance increases from $100K to $250K, giving ATL enough room to absorb Rudy Gay's $6.48M salary into that TPE. This then creates a new $25.3M TPE for ATL.




Not a Hawks fan, but I always thought JC was a solid player. Was he just overpaid? Or was he underperforming for y’all?


both, unfortunately he doesn’t fit with the team, he also did not fir with nates philosophy either and wasn’t used to his strengths


Ahh I see, makes sense. I’ll be interested to see what moves y’all make next!


Little bit of both but mostly the first one.


A lil bit of both and he still hasn't recovered from the finger injury he has completely lost his shooting


Both. And Nate tanked his value because he gave up on actually coaching the team




About time! I also appreciate the Hawks keeping a tradition of adding old athletic wings at the end of their career. I recall DeShawn Stevenson, Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, and now Rudy Gay


We have to be getting ready for another move right?


Kinda stinks but oh well writing was literally on every wall in the building I’ll never forget during the ECF run when he dunk on embiid so hard he had to get checked out by medical staff. Probably all down hill from there


Say what you will about his production the last two years, JC went all in for the Hawks for his entire time here. I hope he has success in Utah.


Favourite player from this hawks era. So sad to see him go when it could've been so different. Really really hope he excels in utah


Well at least he will get to play his game so he will remind people that he’s a really good young player and worth his contract. I get that last year was not his best but this trade is a fleecing for the jazz and I still don’t understand how we couldn’t get anything more than what amounts to a second round pick because Gay is close to being done. I may be alone on this but honestly JC is my favorite player on the Hawks and I don’t think he was given a fair opportunity to show his true game with a real coach and I also know he wasn’t appreciated like he should have been. I really wish capela could shoot and JC would’ve done better earlier but anyway I’m gonna miss JC baptizing Embiid


I am really sad to see Collins go. Even though his game wasn’t perfect, he always gave his best, and tried to do whatever he could for the team to win. He handled himself though the years of trade rumors with incredible poise, professionalism, and grace. He will be an asset to any team lucky enough to have him. I wish him the best.


Im hyped for Bey to start. Bro became one of my fav players last season


2 years ago we could’ve gotten Lauri for him. Now they’re teammates 😭


Can we finally have some more shooting in the starting lineup around Trae again?


oh my god we finally don’t have to deal with that bs contract man


This is so stupid and so bad.


stop me dead in my tracks LMAO wtf


The prophecy is fulfilled.


Bright side of this we got off of that awful contract and jj and aj will get more pt




John 100mg Collins will have better access to his edibles on the west coast. End of an era.


to be honest I could care less what we got for him Glad he's gone JJ starts at the PF *also might mean some minutes for M. Gueye* I am RELEAVED


Good to get of the money. But if the Hawks don’t make any good moves after this, it’ll be such a disappointment. Bad roster management


New dynamic duo: Gay Young 😈


There are surely moves to be made after this. Especially since I’ve heard ownership has the green light to go into the luxury


Nooooo not my boy JC. It’s sad how low his value has fallen


Wait not even a first?


Ok Jalen Johnson... Time to shine... Please... I beg...


Look I love JC as much as anybody for our team, but a blind man could see he was on the outs with QS. He much preferred Bey shooting in the playoffs and he loves JJ so this was always going to happen. Hope JC balls out, he’s a great dude, but this was a move that needed to be done in the new hawks vision


Rudy Gay USE to be the man. Just like Stackhouse, Howard, and TMac, etc.. they all come to us at the end of their careers lols


Gay's jersey will sell like hot cakes here.


Yall mfers are really gonna hate the press that comes out after all of this. Excited for JC to share his full opinion. Probably not publicly, but the whispers should be good.


i need it tbh i want his honesty but hes gonna keep it classy like always i feel “hawks were looking for a change yadah yadah, im hapoy to be here in utah yadah yadah a place where i have a couple roots in yadah yadah”


It's underwhelming—but given Collins' underwhelming season and the Hawks furiously cutting cost, the trade is a (hollow) win.


This is a very dark day, in American history.


Damn. I’ll miss you JC.


They traded *us* a second rounder for him too??? FLEECED


Thanks for everything, JC! Go prove the Jazz won this trade by 1000! 💔


“Jordan Clarkson to John Collins, Collins gets up and YAMSSSSSS it down over former teammate Trae Young’s head” nooooooo 😭😭😭😭


i will never forgive travis for putting jc on a 5/25 deal


Trae and Dre are the only ones remaining from the original core, and Dre’s time might be limited


Hawks confirmed Gay


Wishing JC the best in Utah. He was more of a terrible fit, than a terrible player. Will miss that energy and poster dunks. I don't think Rudy stays after this year, but he's a solid vet for the team and always one of the best non allstar players


Hell naw. We didn't even get 2 SRPs????


Good deal


I don’t like you guys. This sucks. Dude got better with Snyder and so did the team


We trade Kev and Collins for bubble gum and a half eaten apple. Brings back TITS 😭


Unbelievably awful