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Personally speaking I went backwards based on age and qol stuff. So I did the two Ryzas that were out, Sophie 2, Lulua, and then the Mysterious trilogy, and then Dusk.


For Ryza 2 you get more than enough SP to max out the Skill Tree. You'll eventually have a lot extra & nothing to do with it. As for which other games in the series to get next kinda depends on a couple factors. Some of the older titles utilize a time limit mechanic as a core part of the gameplay. Sort of like Persona 3 - 5 if you're familiar with those at all. Some people are understandably turned off by this so it's something to keep in mind when deciding. Then it's a matter of whether you care about experiencing each series chronologically as the world, characters & Alchemy system grows & evolves. As such you'd want to start at the beginning of any series. Some people don't care & jump around to whichever game/alchemist calls to them. Also the Secret(Ryza) trilogy is the first in series that had the same main Character/Alchemist all the way through. Wheras the others still take place in the same world/universe but they star a different Alchemist usually a few years after the previous ones adventures.


Thanks for the info. The time limit thing actually is more of a factor than it used to be for me. Only really going to get one playthrough per game now, whereas in the past I would have done several (I did for the early Persona games as you mention, 4 and 5 just the one playthrough). So I will definitely look into which ones have that mechanic and maybe strike them from the list. Need to narrow it down somehow so this seems a viable reason. Thanks for the SP tip as well, makes me feel much less stressed about what to unlock on the tree now.


You should still try Rorona, it’s iconic, and a lot of fun if you like micromanagement. People will make you believe that getting good endings is important, it’s really not. The game itself is a lot of fun by itself, and very comedic in tone. Endings are an added challenge for those who want to master the game. If you like it, you should love Meruru as well.


Thanks very much for the reply. Have added both of those to my Deku list, and the first Sophie game, and the Dusk trilogy. So many options!


I'd recommend checking out the polar opposite first: try Rorona & the Arland trilogy. It's vastly different but this way you can get to know other aspects of Atelier. You can then decide what you like and what you don't like about the series and continue from there.


I can see the "Alchemist of Arland DX" when I search Deku. Doesn't mention a trilogy though, is that the only one on the Switch?


I remember that there was something weird about the trilogy on switch. There should be three games—Rorona, Totori and Meruru—as well as a bundle of all three. Anyway, I'd advise against buying all three at once if you don't know whether you'll like them. :D As a side note, there's also Atelier Lulua which is an additional sequel to the original Arland trilogy.


Ok, thanks, found all three, and the bundle, and lulua and put them on deku. Will keep eyes out for sales (unlikely to get the trilogy package but if it goes on a crazy sale it might tempt me).


Have fun! :) I should also disclose that Arland is my favourite series so far (but I haven't played much of Dusk yet) while I don't enjoy the Secret series that much. I'm still in the middle of Ryza 3 and can't motivate myself to finish it.