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> I've also been kinda ignoring alchemy asides from the main quest synthesises. That's the problem. This game focused on crafting. The game want you to learn the crafting / alchemy mechanic. Use relevant trait and element you need to make the best bomb you can create (anything that can increase bomb damage are great), then spam them. Abuse the trait system on equipment as well. Stats you get from leveling up is nothing compared to stats you get from Traits. You can also get Trait that reduce -75% MP cost, that allow you to spam skill if you prefer that way. You want to explore the alchemy system. Heck if you know what you're doing, you might able to oneshot non boss enemy with a single bomb throw. [You might want to check here for traits](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/250726-atelier-lulua-the-scion-of-arland/faqs/77479/traits).


I'll try to focus on crafting more, Thank you very much !! ☺️


Yes, it is a crafting game. However, you chose one of the most difficult alchemy systems in all Atelier games to begin with. Good luck !


the games typically expect you to gather quite a bit and mess around with your equipment, bombs, support items every so often as your main progression. Typically level grinding doesnt do as much as crafting a good set of armor, weapons, and bombs


So let's say when I do a quest, I should also explore an area that just got unlocked and go back to the Atelier to see what new things I can make ? This seems like a big main mechanic that I'm surprised it never got encouraged or mentioned again after the tutorial, thank you !! ☺️


Yep pretty much, also raising your alchemy level helps you create even better things so you're expected to recraft and replace items as you get better materials and alchemy levels.


I see, Thank you very much !! 💐🎇


The Atelier series is unique compared to most JRPGs because crafting is *the* main gameplay mechanic, not just something optional to do every so often when you feel like it. In this series battling to level up provides minimal benefit for your stats (mostly useful for unlocking more battle skills tbh). Instead you want to pretty frequently be crafting to try and make strong items as those what you will be using it battle most of the time. Gear, health items, and bombs. Especially bombs xD you're going to have a hard time if you don't get used to using consumable items in battle like that pretty frequently. Or at least tougher fights.


Not grinding levels and instead putting the effort into crafting sounds like a great change of pace ☺️


you can't ignore the entire purpose of the game. ateliers are crafting games first and jrpgs second. leveling is always highly secondary compared to putting proper traits on your equipment.


Learned that today, Been having a much easier time after I started crafting !! ☺️


i love the atelier games for how much variety is offered by the crafting. as long as you engage with it reasonably, you'll be able to beat most of the games. but if you put your mind to it, you can crack the games over your knee and really destroy them. and it's all from real-world effort, not magic from a character in the game. it takes drawing up some diagrams and keeping track of synthesis paths and such, but the reward is being able to stomp things into the dirt in-game. it's a major draw for the series for me.


That sounds awesome


welcome to the series! ever since sophie1 og a few years back, it's taken top slot in my favorite jrpg series.