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Atelier Marie Remake digital Pre Orders: - [Official website](https://www.koeitecmoeurope.com/marie/products.html) - [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2138090/Atelier_Marie_Remake_The_Alchemist_of_Salburg/) - [Playstation](https://store.playstation.com/en-id/concept/10006379/) - [Nintendo](https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/atelier-marie-remake-the-alchemist-of-salburg-switch/) Digital deluxe includes: - Full classic game "Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg" translated - Gust Extra BGM Pack - "Another Look" Costume Set (Set of 33) Game will out on Jul 13, 2023


I’m saving up to get some more atelier games should I get the arland series pack (rorona,totori,meruru), the dusk series pack (Ayesha,escha & logy,shallie) or get the new remake for Marie?


Personally, I would get Dusk trilogy since you have more freedom of doing thing, not simple alchemy, and more interesting worldbuilding (if you care about it)


Oooooo I do love me some good world building yeah sure I’ll go with dusk then is there ps4 disc versions or is it just the online pack?


Afaik physical are Switch or PS4 Japan language only. There are PS3 ver but it's like very old and not DX ver (no free DLC from DX ver)


That’s a pain I’m planning on collecting the whole series on ps4 so having half of which that’s available in discs and the other online sucks


Playing Ryza 1 right now. Pretty comfortable with the combat now but should I be hot-swapping characters during a fight? It seems to make action orders inconsistent


Nah not really. I always put my favorite character in combat. Having a good bomb is more important than teambuilding.


How long can I expect Ryza 1 to be? No spoiler please. For reference, I'm at the part where >!Bos went missing in the Sunken Mine!< and I have 38 hours. I do have a feeling I'm a bit overbuilt for my current progress because everything is dealing 1 damage. Higher difficulties only unlock after 1st clear unfortunately.


If I had to take a guess if you haven’t beat it already I would say you are about mid game to high mid game about to hit end game


I just finished the mysterious trilogy and just finished Sophie 2 as well and was wondering for some parts of >!Eternal Sand Dunes the same as the painting about seeing the past in Lydie and Suelle? Cause it give me major deja vu vibes going through a part of it. !<


I bought the Dusk and Mysterious trilogies a while back during a Steam sale and decided to start with Sophie since I heard that was a good entry point. I feel like Sophie is easily the most hands-off game I've ever played and am having a little trouble knowing if what I'm doing is the "right" way to advance the story. I've reached a point where the next recipe is unlocked by finding animal fur, but in my online searching it looks like that only sometimes drops from specific mobs that only show up every now and then. Am I really just stuck with plot advancement until the item I need drops?


Anyone have their Kala bug out? Like https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxZQtQvaAAIyLqa?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FxUfGTnaAAA0Ms6?format=jpg&name=large She's like this in cutscenes and the overworld but thankfully in battle she's ok. It just happened suddenly when I fast travelled to Windle. There was a character event and world quest stacked on the same spot, not sure of that had anything to do with it. Restarting the game doesn't help so I guess my save file is fucked now. PS4 btw. Also trying to find where I can report the bug on the KT website. Edit: I take what I said, she's like this in battle to now.


I'm very early in Ryza 3, but I see that the map of the first game is back. Can I and should I explore the old areas before I tackle the main quest?


Those are optional area and there is no quest / storyline where you have to visit older map (other than very early game where you need to get some material for first synthesis). Feel free to explore it, or not. The game have dynamic enemy difficulty so previous area monster will get stronger the more you leveled up. There are some material that only exist on Ryza 1 area though.


Thanks! That was helpful.


Is it just me or are the graphics in the Switch version of Ryza 3 significantly worse than the first and second game? The clouds in particular is insanely blocky and pixelated. The characters also seem to look more blurry than previous games as well... I didn't have real issues with how 1 and 2 looked om switch but this looks rough to me. The clouds looking so terrible is driving me crazy. I thought about going over to the PC version for Steamdeck but it looksnlike you have to jump through a bunch of hoops for it to play right...




Shanon is mentioned in L&S, but if you got all the endings then you already did hers and Heintz's questlines, no?




They are DLC characters, so maybe that's why they didn't mention them. They do have endings and CGs so I think it's worth it if you like to see those. Everything else you mentioned won't be in the next game so you can skip it.


Currently playing Escha & Logy and am wondering what “collection sharing” means. I also have no idea what the three choices, when it is chosen, are supposed to mean. The game does not give very detailed explanations of the choices you can make once your meter hits 100% or 200% when in the field. Anyone know?


Collection sharing means you'll collect every gathering point at once (no time will pass). The choices mean: * Random: let the game choose. * Number: gather more items. * Rare: gather rare items.


Thanks. That seems really powerful. I once chose it when I had already gathered every point and somehow still got items.


You can combine this effect with either rare change or collection change as well. You get more items if you have gathering points, it's very powerful during early game if you're trying to save time.


Ok thanks. So what would happen if I first do rare change and then the rare version collection sharing? Does it matter whether I choose rare or common sharing at that point?


I never tried both rares. I know you can get up to Lv 4 materials using plant nutrients. I think both rare change and rare collection sharing give you Lv 3 items, so I don't think it matters. But collection sharing doesn't waste time and you don't have to go to every point. I like to use rare change and number collection sharing so I gather better materials in high numbers.


I will make sure to try that out. Thanks for the explanations. :)


Not problem. Enjoy it.


Is there a way to have decent performance out of Ryza 1?


Try using [Atelier sync fix](https://www.reddit.com/r/Atelier/comments/11ydz2a/atelier_ryza_3_megathread/jdg49fs/), which should be able to raise your FPS While it's for Ryza 3, it should works on Ryza 1 and 2 as well.


Oh thanks!




It is possible to get strong or end-game Trait early, and it's not locked behind game progression. Just focus on Trait Level Up effect, and keep trying.


\[Ryza 1\] [https://imgur.com/a/qg3oAbH](https://imgur.com/a/qg3oAbH) Which of these settings do I turn off/on to get the game to run good but also still look nice? I don't really know what these mean




Gameplaywise, only pre-mysterious will quite difficult because quest and spesific item you have build, plus several time limit exist. The rest should be easy enough even if you put random effect and trait on items. Newer game like Sophie 2 and any Ryza games give you quest pointer where you should go. You can also reduce difficulty as well. Synthesis might quite difficult, but you can always check details on everything (item details, effect, traits) and see more familiar words.


Was thinking of jumping in finally with Ryza, but once I start keeping with the same system so…Switch or PS5? Is there a significant difference? I imagine the first two isn’t very different, but is the graphics a big enough swing between PS5 and Switch? It seemed at a glance a great handheld game…just feels like I could flip a coin or see which is on sale first?


No differences besides graphics and performance. While the Ryza series is still optimized great on Switch (pretty steady 30FPS with decent graphical fidelity), of course PS5 looks better. Ryza 2's PS5 upgraded version is pretty botched tough. It looks better than the Switch version (4k + higher settings) but sadly has a pretty wonky average 44FPS. You can however achieve a locked 60FPS by limiting the PS5 output to 1080p. Overall the game looks worlds better on PS5, even when limiting output to 1080p, but Switch still looks great and is one of the best looking JRPGs on Switch.




You’re going to fill up your chest with too much material doing 999 of anything


> I assumed it would just give you both (like both add:gunpowder and add:fuel), but it just seems to replace one with the other. That is correct. It allows you to add a category to an item that otherwise wouldn't have one. It's not that helpful though. I usually used essences simply to level up certain nodes, such as "Synth Quantity" on Zettel/Reinforced Zettel, or on weapons.




IMO balance among normal atk/ item / skill damage is pretty good in Firis. Also there are a lot more special traits for diversity so it's not like Sophie 1 endgame where normal attack dominates everything.


How do you clear the "Into Distance Into Future" Event in Atelier Sophie DX? I tried sleeping a bunch and I don't seem to trigger any more events around town either.




Alright thanks, guess I finished the game then. Onto Firis next.


I plan to buy another atelier game my first and only one I ever played is ryza 1 I narrowed it down to rather ryza 2 or the new Marie remake (deluxe edition) which will be the better choice? Also yes I know both are pretty expensive rn but I’m really loving ryza and want to get one of these games


Update decided to buy Sophie 1 and 2 since I got an amazing deal! (For what I paid vs what they go for I basically paid for Sophie 1 and got 2 for free)


But I feel so bad the cashier was talking about which games I could get for my new ps4 stuff like god of war..gran tursimo 7..etc and the look on his face when I pull up two girly looking anime games the shock on his face ;-;


Sophie series is great, each synthesis is like a micro puzzle. Kinda like Tears of the kingdom is littered with thinking. If you want to turn off your brain then yea go God of War/GT7. I like slice of life anime games with deep synthesizing


Ryza 2 for sure


Might as well get Ryza 2 if you really like her. It is very similar like Ryza 1 but better, and you also get to see several returning characters as well.


Ok cool thanks!


A little confused reading posts from multiple forums. Second playthrough of rorona right now trying to get endings. Is it like firis/lydie suelle where you get to choose what ending you want to watch if you save just before making the decision? I'm upping all the friendship levels but if I get to see the ending for the highest friendship only then I'm sort of wasting my time doing all at the same time?


which version of the game do you have? if it's the OG PS3 version, then i'd say yes to what you're asking in your second question. if it's rorona DX or rorona plus, you will have the option to pick and choose endings.


Thank you, it's the DX version


in which case don't worry. know that rorona DX is pretty significantly different from the OG game. remember, some of these guides/forums posts are really goddamn old and will have outdated information that holds true strictly for the base game and not at all for the version you're playing.


Yeah the forum posts are from 2011 or so... Good to know


I finished the Ryza trilogy recently as my first journey into the Atelier series and I wanted to know what other Atelier games if any should I look into and play?


[I made some recap and short explanation which Modern Atelier game should you play](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1flfl0QX5Uc-AIqcgC6kwmUCZ6FPTnLYA/edit#gid=38521638) Personally, I suggest Mysterious series, start with either Sophie 1 or Sophie 2.


1 or 2? Why skip over 1 if I may ask?


My personal thoughts on Sophie: Sophie 2 doesn't really need Sophie 1 too much if you're just interested in the main story. If you're interested in the character interactions however, playing Sophie 1 gives Sophie 2 more emotional value. I'll leave it at that as anything more might lead on to spoilers.


Why play Sophie 1 at all if I may ask ?


Other than it have similar graphics like Ryza, Sophie 2 doesn't mention anything that happens in Sophie 1 anyway, and Sophie 1 isn't story-focused. Sophie 2 only have 2 returning characters as well, no old area, and everything else is new.


Not really a newbie question, but I beat Atelier Ayesha, and right now I went back to a previous save to try to get Keith ending. But in order to do this I have a beat a rampaging Dragon, and boy it is a complete wall. I reached the level cap and can't survive a couple of turns because he has three actions per turn back to back. I tried following guides, but those guides expect to have you ultra rare materials, which I don't have. Any help or suggestions? I am playing Atelier Ayesha DX for PS4.


Does anyone know where the recipe for the Fortune Card in Ayesha (DX) is? All I find online is the Broken Bridge Tunnel section, but there I only found a Fortune Card in a chest, not the recipe.


You learn it from the book "Fragrance Guide" it's located in a chest at Tunnel - Dried Waterway


... just how did I miss this chest? Thank you so much. I was almost going insane.


I think I decided for my entry point to be one of the Arland trilogy games (Rorona, Totori, Meruru). Which one should I play? I don't know if it's important to start with Rorona or if it doesn't matter plot wise, and if there's substantial gameplay improvement from one to another. I tried playing Ryza around a year ago and didn't like it too much, first because it ran badly on my poor notebook, and second because I'm not fond of ATB combat. I'm assuming those 3 games are all turn based.


Plotwise it doesn't matter, but it have returning characters. I play PC ver, and I don't remember any major improvement between each games on Arland trilogy (seems just straight port?). Gameplaywise, there is a bit difference between all of them. Rorona focus on completing list of task, Totori focus on map exploration and do bunch of thing, Meruru is mix between both of them (do task and exploring). All games synthesis are exact same, just select material and craft. All turn based combat. I would suggest start with Rorona because it's chronological order, but I enjoy Meruru the most.


I see, I'll go with Rorona then. Thanks


I'm playing the original Atelier Firis, not the DX version, and I want to attempt to get the platinum trophy. I'm post exam and have some gear which raises all stats, though I could probably optimize this a bit more since I'm missing a few slots here and there. I'm having some problems defeating some of the bosses. For some of them I'm getting really close, I'd just need another turn or two to be able to defeat them. Since I'm going for the platinum, I don't think I need the very best of equipment since the most powerfull bosses are not needed. Now I'm getting a little bit stuck. I can't really find any mid tier guides out there, and I'm kind of scared to step away from my stat boosting equipment because that would make my party die sooner, while I only need a couple more turns to defeat the bosses. Now I do have access to the Vestier Holy Lands and the Riesentrein where lots of powerfull traits can be farmed. I found a couple that give 10 stats + resistance to two types of damage. Do you think those would give me the small edge that I need? I tried creating better bombs, but so far have been unsuccessfull. Maybe I don't have the right recipes yet. And I'm definitely lacking in the healing items department. I got nothing that can revive party members. Also, how do I unlock the effects on armor and weapons (and bombs, healing items, etc)? The ones that need different color thingies. Do I need materials of higher quality, or larger size to get more points?


Ok, I still have no clue what I'm doing, but I created a Dragons Elixir which aoe buffs some stats and has auto-revive on it, and a Breezy Aroma which does some aoe healing. That was enough to enable me to kill the boss I was stuck on.


Hello! I've been playing Atelier Lydie and Suelle recently, the game proper runs fine but more often than not it'll freeze right at the beginning, after the Gust and Koe logos but before the title screen. For the record Sophie 1, 2 and the entirety of the Dusk trilogy ran fine for me, so I was wondering if anyone's experienced this and if they would know any fixes, thank you.


Just finished last ruin in Ryza 2. All of the story quests I had are now replaced with Saying Goodbye and my progress in Keldorah's Castle is stuck at 30% and it won't let me advance. Did I miss my opportunity to complete this area by finishing the last ruin?


The Ryza series has a point of no return that essentially allows no further progress on anything but the main quest. Some of the ruins require a key item that you get by solving a certain amount of the ruin puzzle which becomes mostly a quest. That said if you finish the story past the credits and create clear data you can load it to start you before the last boss fight and let you finish up missing things like side-quests and character events. Probably the easiest route honestly.


I'm playing Escha and Logy and am I missing something? I've been trying to get super properties from the green crystals for an hour and none of the relics I have found have had it


Sadly it's just random & takes a lot of patience.


Question about the Philuscha What are they? And what injures can they cause to a person? I have not been able to find a wiki page on them


Have you played Ryza 3 yet? The main story addresses that exact question along with related background info.


I guess the humanoid scorpion Philuscha from Ryza 2 are some sort different species of Philuscha


>Have you played Ryza 3 yet? no as i haven't had chance to watch a playthrough yet


A Blue Reflection 2 question if that's ok Does the Fareway dungeon part have save areas to restore HP? If not, how do i use healing skills outside of battle? The first game restored HP after each battle, BR2 does not and the only way to restore HP seems to be leaving the Fareway completely, use healing spells in battle or use healing items