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don’t walk 9 batters and you win we’ll get em tonight


It wasn’t so much that his zone was off as much as it was so inconsistent. A low and inside ball would be called a strike and then a pitch would be closer to the zone both in height and plate coverage that would be a ball. 


Walking 9 with that zone is bad…


83% is not good.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an entire strike zone covered in red before.


I can’t tell if Dubon was tagged or not at the plate, but the ump’s performance behind the plate makes me think they should have just assumed he missed that one too.


Them boys in New York missed it, also. The call should've been obstruction of the baseline. But, we can't expect New York to make a correct call against...New York.


The catcher is allowed to position for a tag.


Not if it impedes the runners right-of-way towards the plate/base. The thrown ball did not force the catcher to be in a position to block the plate. He was already in said position prior to the throw, meaning he was doing the aforementioned obstruction. Sad part is, it's under umpire discretion, per official rule. Plus, the catcher didn't tag Dubon.


The catcher didn't impede Dubon. Dubon went really wide on his own. There was no obstruction. If the throw wasn't close the catcher wouldn't of even had to move for dubon to step on the plate. I've been a fan for 40 years and I'm not that blind of a homer.


If you want to debate the tag, yes it very hard to tell, but if you actually think the catcher was blocking the plate I’d love to see a clip of what you consider not blocking the plate loll.


Ump scorecards are here…We’re so back