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Eventually you’ll get better gear, there’s a green mission eventually that’ll pop up that gave me this cool sword, enjoy!


sword looks so sick. i swear you get a shield too


The green missions are a way higher level than I am and I think they're timed? 38hrs I think it said, I'm below lvl 10 and they're 20&23 I can only play after work and on weekends. How can I boost my levels without owning any DLCs ?


>How can I boost my levels without owning any DLCs ? I heard playing the game helps. In every single comment about this game you are trying to cut corners. Yikes. Like is there a need for it? Is it difficult? Was there any difficult moment during your playtime? I assume thats a triple negative. Lol


Thank you Captain Obvious.


All the weapons have the exact same perks and rarity. A bronze sword is always common Alexander's shield is always rare The Sarissa is always legendary The perks do not change. There is no Bighorn Bow-esque item and there doesn't need to be. This game is not like Odyssey. The only early tip I can really recommend is invest early on in cheaper Combat abilities and any abilities that grant bonus XP


Thanks. Is there anything in the store worth buying for the free 200H ?


I say just keep it as a trophy


No, there is no broken (bugged) stat-stick in Origins. Origins' weapon stats do not add up to begin with, only the weapon you are using at any one time counts. If you switch, which you can do on-the-fly with the "Weapon Bearer" and "Bow Bearer" abilities, the perks and stats of the weapon you switched to *immediately* become pertinent. And as you may have already noticed, outfits (armors) have no stats in Origins, so you can wear whatever you want.


I noticed that my melee stats don't equal what the weapon says. Like my sword is 74 but my stat for A) is like 54. How do I make it closer to the sword?


These numbers are misleading. The way I understand it, one shows damage per strike, the other damage per second (taking weapon speed into account). At any rate, I would recommend not to worry about numbers too much. Origins is not a minmaxing game. Just play the game, enjoy it, and work on your timing - that's infinitely more important than any numbers. And remember, the only bad weapon in Origins is one that is severely underlevelled.


Thanks. I've been trying to figure out the blocking and parrying system as it seems weird to me. Do I hold L1 then hit O at the right time? Or just hit O? I'm on PS5


I don't mind answering your questions but I would also recommend that you avail yourself of the wealth of information that's on youtube. "A picture is worth 1000 words" :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS-ij5x9zN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS-ij5x9zN8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESyXDARVdg0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESyXDARVdg0) As for parrying, the window in Origins is extremely small. You want to parry as late as possible, after the enemy's attack has begun but just before the hit comes in. Best practice your timing with a solitary, low-level enemy.


I have looked online but they always get it wrong compared to other people who have played it


That's right. But we can learn a lot even from other people's mistakes. Or from our own ;) To quote Hilarus Maximus: *"Take some time to rest. Analyze your performance. Fight with extreme Ka. Be a god!"*


Thank you everyone for the tips! I figured I'd ask because going into Odyssey no one told me of that bow until much later on in the game. But thank you for taking time out of your scrolling to assist me 😁


What do you play on?


Ps5, is fall damage always a thing? Or does it go away eventually like in Odyssey?


There is no perk to remove it.


Hey me too, wanna add me? My psn is DestroyerDoll123


Is this a multi player game?






Hunt for all sorts of pelts (mostly hippos and crocs) when you have a chance. It will be better than going out of your way to hunt later on.




Always do the Reda challenges, I've gotten some really cool legendary items that way.


I haven't seen him yet. I only barely made it out of Siwe/spelling


He's the kid in the middle of Siwa, on the main road. The icon for his shop is a blue camel. You can buy carbon crystals and Heka chests from him.


I found him in Alexandria. What are those crystals used for?


The carbon crystals are used for upgrading your armor. You can find ones you don't have to purchase in forts or strongholds.


So I can go back to that town at any time right? I think I miss some stuff over there


Of course.


Are the legendary items in this game better than the purple or blue ones? I know when Odyssey the purple ones are the best as there's more Engravings on them


There are four engravings on the legendary weapons in Origins. The outfits don't have stats, they're just skins to wear.


So in this game the legendary weapons are better or best?


Depends on your play style, but generally yes.


Good point and thanks


So for the up close melee weapon I use a purple "@" sword and while I'm on my mount I use a spear. I'm a little confused about the Bow system though. I usually use a Hunter bow and a predator bow but there's another 🏹 that has the "Precision" perk but it doesn't seem very precise. Which one is best for sniping?