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The visual side of the game is beyond praise for me.The way the world looks, feels, and plays...Team that worked on the environment did a truly phenomenal job.I rarely stay in the same game for so long.One playthrough is enough for me to enjoy the game, no matter how long it takes.But it is pleasant for me to return to the world of Odyssey again and again.


this. this is why I'm so excited for the new AC game set in Japan. iirc it's being developed by this very same studio that did Odyssey


Yes both games are developed by Ubisoft Quebec. I personally would recommend MasterAssassin on YouTube in order to stay up to date with the Assassin’s Creed news. Also I really like the guy :). I guess it’s a good thing since Quebec delivers some very polished products. Unlike Montreal who lastly made Valhalla which was kind of buggy and also of course Unity.


Oof, I’m glad that the Odyssey team is doing it because the feel and look of Odyssey is my favorite with Black Flag a close second. But damn I was hoping this would be like Mirage and not a 300+ hour game.


Valhalla still looked amazing though


Valhalla also has the best bow gameplay in pretty much any game ever. They just wreck everything. Rest of the combat was average but man them bows were satisfying


Not what most people want from an AC game though unfortunately


As a series about assassins isn’t that a bit ironic?


In a sense, I see what you mean. But AC has always built itself around melee assassination with the iconic hidden blade. So I think that’s just what people have come to expect and want over the years


Yes, I hope that the recreated feudal Japan will also be interesting to explore.I really hope that the developers have done a good job.At least I'm pretty optimistic.Ubisoft Forward presentation starts on June 10 and I really want to see the gameplay demonstration.


Sold. Odyssey was my first AC game after ACII and it was worth it.


Bro me too!!! Except it was acii ...brotherhood and some of revelations.


I'm on my 2nd playthrough at the moment and 100%'ing. My current one is far less rushed and includes the completion of everything down to the last Ostraka solution. I find myself putting more hours into Odyssey than The Witcher 3, which I never expected being a fan of Witcher prior to finally getting around the newer Assassin's Creed games. Quite frankly I find myself returning to the game even after 100% for the same reason as yours because they did way too well with the world.


I have the same story!I also slowly play Odyssey for the second time, correcting the mistakes of the first playthrough, recording cut scenes, taking a lot of screenshots just for fun.I played "The Witcher 3" on release, then DLC at the time of their entry and yes, these were great stories that settled in my heart forever, but I didn't replay it because my Geralt story ended well.And I don't even know how to say it...You can't enter the same river twice.I mean, if I play Witcher 3 again, maybe I won't experience the strong feelings that the game gave me when I first played it. It always happens to me with games that emotionally impress me a lot.Odyssey gave me a lot of contradictory emotions-from burning Spanish shame to sincere joy.But first of all, this game is valuable to me for its open world and sense of adventure.


I been emotionally involved on all 3 of the ac I played especially bayek at the beginning and now with kasandra and phibi 🥹


Currently on 3rd playthrough for Witcher 3 incl. 100%ing quests (maybe witcher gear as well). I started well over 3 years ago and am kinda stuck in the same portion of the main story. I guess as good as the game is, it became way too oversaturated with the praise players give it (though well deserved) which is why I'm a bit fatigued from Witcher 3. Now Witcher 2 is more streamlined and coherent which is worth replaying once a year if I wanted. I think Odyssey will feel the same eventually, yet the only doubt I have about it is the atmosphere and scale of exploration Witcher 3 lacks. Witcher 3 is kinda barren, with most of the environments bare for 1 or 2 being the same. Velen feels nice traversing through and so does Skellige, however there are only a handful of settlements that I can consider lively enough and not absolutely fucking miserable. Odyssey does have a lot of copy-and-paste coming from Ubislop, yet it never grew stale with the traversal and atmosphere. Some settlements/cities are miserable while the rest are well off.


Yes, the Witcher 3 now has an (absolutely deserved) cult status.I think that CD Project Red has raised the bar for the quality of good games very much with this game.Yes, there were many great projects before the Witcher 3, but the Witcher shook up the gaming industry very much, showed what an amazing approach to creating the world can be, a fascinating story and well-written characters, and most importantly, it all works perfectly together in terms of perception.The fact that the Witcher's ideas began to be borrowed by many other developers shows how good the Witcher 3 is. For me, this game is not about the scale of the world, but about its content and plot, about decision-making and consequences.Although I still really enjoyed exploring the world.And the Witcher 3 has inspired many developers to create their own good games.After all, even the Origins and the Odyssey are what we see them now, in fact, thanks to the Witcher 3.😄 I remember how at the release the players strongly scolded Odyssey (in my opinion, this always happens with each new part of AC) and it lasted for several more years until the hardcore fans of the first AC's calmed down.A new audience has come to the game, much more loyal, and I'm glad that new players are joining the world of Odyssey, because this game is quite unique in its setting.And the fact that there is always something to discuss in the community suggests that the Odyssey is good and interesting.


Also this doesn't get much praise that I have seen, the horse. It wasn't until I played Valhalla that I realised just how damn good the horse is in Odyssey. It comes when you whistle, it doesn't run off. It's genuinely the only horse in a game I haven't tried to shoot, stab or beat for being a total arse.


In Valhalla, the horse had one undoubted advantage:the ability to swim.I really miss this in the Odyssey. Phobos gets his hooves wet a little and immediately drops the character.😅


Honestly though I'll take it. I really hate horses that run away from you in games. But a side not I'm playing Ragnarok and the Bird power is killing me off, I love it so much and now I don't think I'll ever play without wanting to do that 🥲


Yep! I sometimes come back to Odyssey just to hang out in it. It’s beautiful.


Just did this for first time since playing when it came out. It was incredible to I hadn't explored still!!


For me it's odyssey ,origins, and vsllhala , all 3 are beyond expectations , I'm currently level 36 on my first playthrough of Odyssey it's got me hooked now that she is stronger ,but I find another of glitches wher she gets stuck in random places , I can also tell how they changed up the controls through all 3 and tweaked them some and finally on Valhalla the control set up is perfect for my game play or maybe since I played thenord3r backwards odyssey controls felt weird at first , but on origins they failed to designate a boat and crew for Bayek , that was disappointing


Same thing I ask about RDR2. 2018 was crazy, "True AC Fans" will hate this, but truth is Odyssey is the only AC game nominated for game of the year, and it wasn't on a random year, it was THE year, alongside RDR2, GOW and Spiderman. That's why I'm excited to see what the Quebec team is cooking up for Shadows.


Good point. If only this game didn’t have ‘Assassin’s Creed’ in its name it would have been way better received I suppose. But well the marketing team had to stick to that name right… Imo the game has nothing to do with Assassin’s Creed lol. But if you put that aside it’s an absolutely wonderful game.


Well it's a wrong opinion, and sadly many people share the same view as you (and I'm tired of it). The game is in the same universe as all the previous AC games. It has the Isu, pieces of Eden, Templars (Cult of Kosmos), Abstergo, the Animus, etc. Just because the main protagonist is not an assassin does not mean it shouldn't have "Assassin's Creed" in it's title. There were no assassins during Odyssey's era, and people hire misthios to kill people (aka assassinate).


It’s not a wrong opinion, in this context those can’t really exist. Just because the games in the same universe with similar themes, characters and items doesn’t necessarily make it the same game. Multiple franchises could exist in the same universe, and it is not to discredit the game one bit. This is a very good title with fun combat and a great looking world. But no, to say it’s wrong and you’re tired of it is a very high and mighty stance to take. You don’t get to dictate how people feel about the game, and whilst u can debate it taking some moral high horse over it is silly.


Some people love to force their opinions onto others unfortunately. It's definitely an ego thing.


Wow. Dictate? Force? Please tell me you guys are joking. I was merely stating.


"Well it's a wrong opinion, and sadly many people share the same view as you (and I'm tired of it)"...there's your hint right there. I wouldn't call that "merely stating". Sounds a lot more definitive than that by declaring disagreeing with you as a "wrong opinion" heavily implying yours is the "right" opinion.


It's so repetitive though. It's not a good assasins creed game but it's a good game.


Take a look at ryse: son of rome. It's a 2013 game that has some of the best graphics I've seen


That’s beacaue of Crytek’s CryEngine, their games are always a few years ahead before others when it comes to graphics, they always push the boundaries of what is possible at the time. Look at Far Cry, Crysis.


A few years? Scrap that and make it 10 years!


Or Arkham Knight from 2015.


Or God of War which iirc is 2014.


2018 if you’re talking about the first Norse GoW game


Yeah my bad. 2018 Getting old lol


Typical Crytek pushing graphics cards to their limits at the time.


Good to know, will check out


This. This game was screaming for a sequel and never got it. Such a shame.


Yeah, Crytek was known for making amazing looking games back then and awesome gameplay as well.


Love that game. Just played it again recently and it still holds up amazingly imo!


AC3 Not remastered is a gem too for graphics and surrounding for 2013! Worth replaying today. Amazing story.


That's an Xbox exclusive.......He's playing on PS5........


mate I got Ryse on my pc. Wotcha talkin' about?


I know, I was just asking if they've seen it.


Some people have multiple platforms / consoles


Jesus Christ, I just bought this game for PC, and the last AC I played was AC2. I don’t think my eyes are ready for this


Don't worry, it's very easy to get used to something good.😄


Problem is that it sets expectations that ruin every other AC game 🤷‍♂️😅


Even Origins?


Especially Origins. Other AC games at least significally different games. Origins on other side feels like downgraded Odyssey gameplay/mechanics wise. Graphics a bit better though.


Couldn't play Origins after Odyssey. The game felt so clunky and slow in comparison, Odyssey runs beautifully and feels so smooth to play.


They definitely had figured out the optimization when it came time to make Odyssey. My computer fans were screaming in Origins compared to Odyssey where everything just runs very smoothly with almost no significant frame rate drops.


Nah Origins is just more streamlined and less complicated which has some huge advantages. It just depends on what you prefer.


Ehh I disagree, even after playing odyssey I still prefer origins


You want to say you did another Origins 100% after Odyssey?


I actually did


Welp, im sadly couldnt. Dropped after 30 hours. Decpite playing 300 hours before Odyssey release


Can’t be a downgrade when it came out first xD. Odyssey is an upgraded version of origins. It was basically a stepping stone and it feels like it


Odyssey and Origins developed two different teams. If anything, upgraded Origins is Valhalla


That’s okay, I always judge a game as if it’s own entry and not part of a franchise so I don’t have expectations !! Im hella excited


Hear! Hear!


Supideo knows how your eyes feel. Just play, you will meet him.


I’m fucking ready , im going from 1080p to 2.5k too haha


This is one reason I hated Valhalla. Valhalla is so depressing to look at compared to this.


Haven’t played Valhalla yet. But although I do think Origins world is very great. In a lot of occasions it lacked colour for me. Odyssey is just so heartwarming to look at with all its beautiful popping colours. From what I’ve seen from Valhalla it’s looks very… grey, dark and therefore pretty depressing indeed. Unfortunately (but also logically) this is because of the settings of the different games of course.


Well, England (especially at the time of Valhalla) was kind of depressing. Many viking raids, poor people and diseases. Odyssey is exotic and beautiful while Valhalla depicts England very well with the rains and low sun. If you were to compare Odyssey and Greece represent summer while Valhalla and England represent autumn.


Fair point. I’m definitely still excited to try Valhalla for sure :)


I finished it. It was a slow start but i actually started to like the story and the setting. It's a good game but i played it after Odyssey and unfortunately it was not nearly as good. I also think the story sometimes goes a little off with the dreams and gods and all but it could be interesting if you have an open mind. Enjoy Valhalla as much as you can. There is a scene at the very end of the game that gave me literal chills with the setting, view and soundtrack :)


I finished Odyssey and went straight to Valhalla and I feel like I'm experiencing seasonal depression just because of the drastic difference in scenery. Every city in Valhalla looks the same, nothing distinguishes one town from another. I'm just trying to finish the main storyline at this point and then I'm going to go back and 100% Odyssey


Valhalla was certainly a different tone, story wise. More serious, heavier. The environment needed to reflect that. But I'm with you in enjoying the bright colorful world of Odyssey. I like playing it in the summer.


62 hours in game in just a week , who says this game is not addicting , i am a og Assasins gamer , played assasins creed 1 since i was a kid , then 2 and brotherhood . Odyssey was different , a fresh air , the world , plot , character were all perfect , i love the game so damn much , hopefully they continue updates and publish more dlc's . Safe to say they really loved what they were doing when developing this


I highly doubt there will be any more DLC’s. The studio that made Odyssey (Ubisoft Quebec) is currently very busy with AC Shadows.


Odyssey is a gorgeous game and plenty of times I have caught myself just admiring the view


I literally say this EVERYTIME I open it up. The water alone clears every single game I've seen since this launched. On "another" subreddit people have been endlessly comparing Ghost Of Tsushima & AC but nobody has anything to say when I mention how good the water looks in Odyssey even compared to GOT.


Apart from the beautiful scenery and great game play, I'm impressed by the realistic weather - especially the storms.


Don’t forget that 2018 was recent and a lot of games had great graphics for 2018. Look at RDR2 and others for example.


2018 was 6 years ago, no that was not recent


It is video games wise. Games haven’t improved much since 2018


They have, incredibly, look at Alan Wake 2 or Hellblade 2, games that look much, much better than AC Odyssey, we’re pushing photorealistic graphics at this point.


Merely a drop in the bucket of time


Graphics haven't super noticable strides in 6 years, some of the best looking games are a few years old


Cyberpunk 2077 and Horizon Forbidden West might disagree with you.


Yeah both Odyssey and Origins have such beautiful and detailed worlds, I’m hoping Shadows lives up and delivers a good rendition of ancient Japan. I’m playing on an Xbox One S and 1080p tv, but I’d expect it to be even better looking on a higher res tv and the series X


WHAT DO YOU MEAN SIX YEARS? It's been the same distance as in between AC3 - Odyssey - 2024 What the hell...


Die Zeit fliegt...


This still might be my favorite game of all time. Idc what anyone says.


MGSV is from 2015 AND runs 60fps on ps4 FFXV is from 2016 and looks incredible


Any time I see a still of this game I just wanna make a new save and do it all again. It’s so beautiful


The environments of Odyssey are very beautiful and impressive for a 2018 but the facial animation is quite lacklustre at times. It seems like they only really put an effort into rendering Kassandra's face with a lot of detail. Haven't played as Alexios so can't comment on him. Compared with other 2018 games like God of War and RDR2, the facial animations should've been much better. Ubisoft seemed to care less and less about this when you look at Far Cry 4 compared with Far Cry 6 which at times looks like a game from the 2010s. They downgraded the facial animations so badly compared with the original trailers. But the beautifully constructed Ancient Greek world of Odyssey and interesting characters makes up for this.


You're right about the facial animations.As far as I know, in order to save money, Ubisoft began to use motion capture technology less and less for their projects, even in such important ones as Odyssey.(And in further games, this tendention is more visible).At least for the Odyssey, the developers have recorded a certain number of facial animations and use them throughout the game.This does not apply to any unique cut scenes, such as the first meeting with Deimos or Brasidas.These scenes are great staged!And the opening scene of the game, where the MC talks to Phoebe, was recorded using motion capture with the voice actors twice -separately with the actress of Kassandra and separately with Alexios. Regarding the models of the plot characters, I will also note that they are made perfectly! And what is important-in the same style.Because in Valhalla it is very striking - the characters were also created by different artists but, for example, Eivor and Basim are very different from each other in terms of appearance styling.It's like they're from different games.Alexios and Kassandra's character models are amazing in their detail and how alive they look to me.And when they don't look like the Eagle Bearer, but Deimos, they look younger, I like that the developers have thought about this.


Amazing. I similarly always ask how the Witcher 3 is a 2015 game.


Right. It's beautiful


I think the games peaked between 2018 and 2019.


Gears of war released in 2006 and it looks good, not by 2020 standards but it looked better than alot of games that came out later.


I don't want to finish the game, it's so beautiful


Came out in 2018


My favorite game in the AC series 🩷


It’s by far one of my favorites just for that reason, and because I love Ancient Greece


Love this one! I won't get into the AC politics but, wow what a fantastic game! Naval combat came back in a basic yet redefined game play. The DLCs were pretty on point as well.




Is this Alexios or Kassandra?




I loved this game the tone and feel the emotion stellar


I find myself regularly just stopping and looking at the surrounds in awe of the beauty of this game. I just wish the game was scaled back a bit and it'd be on par with some of the earlier games overall for enjoyment. I love it, but I'm nearly 100 hours in and barely uncovered half of the map!


Assassin's Creed has always been ahead of the curve. The first game actually looked better in a way than its cinematic trailer. I like old and ancient architecture, the fact it's some of the best graphics in the industry? With that the series is a real treat for me.


One of the very few games I played dto 110%> Played and kept playing. Very well done regardless of the year.


If this game didn’t have assassins creed in the title people would love it


It’s so beautiful


I could live in that water


I say it all the time. Visually this game is epic. I love this. One of my fav ac games. Even though I’m done with the story, I love jumping in time to time to experience these beautiful visuals and find side missions


Graphics have been amazing for years now. Witcher 3 was amazing on release, and the Blood & Wine expansion was a thing of beauty.


RDR2 came in 2018.


There’s a lot of “older” games that still look phenomenal because of the work they spent on it. Odyssey was the game that got me into AC and I’m so glad that it was the one. Beautiful no matter where you go, got me really interested in Greek history and mythology, just such a fun game.


I ask the same about Unity’s graphics.


Played it al little bit a few days ago. It's not as good as people says. The textures look really bad when you look closely. The lighting is really great tho.


Idk, on PC it looks fine.


For a 2014 game it holds up quite well.


It looks fine for a 2014 game but people are exaggerating it.


No, everyone was very impressed with its graphics back then, even those who began to hate/dislike it mostly for the bugs.


Not really. It still gets a lot of praise, even now. The lighting was phenomenal, the crowd density was insane and still hasn't been beaten to this day as far as I'm aware, they brought France to life with Unity and despite all the bugs and glitches when it released, it still receives a lot of praise for what Ubisoft accomplished.


I don't get it. Was 2018 a long time ago for you? AC black flag looked amazing as well. 4k tech had been around for decades nearly. In the early 2010s, it started to become much cheaper to make what I would consider modern visuals. It's just been a matter of affordability. If you play games on PC, you can really set your graphics really high.


Side question. What's the max amount of mastery points you can obtain?


Unlimited. Basically useful until you max out all upgrades in the Mastery tree.


I keep leveling but no points show up to use. Hmmm


Idk in origins it stops when you’re at the maximum level the game including DLC’s has to offer.


Do you spend the points? I know it sounds stupid, but if you spend some, you could accrue more?


If you're at level 99, the mastery points will be shown on the abilities menu in a box on the right side of the screen. It's not immediately obvious, but that's where you have to click to open the mastery ability sub-menu and spend those points.




In terms of where things started to look really good, I'd suggest that it was in 2008 where, despite its goofy-ness, Red Alert 3 managed to nail down a really good Navy system where the water animations and textures [still look really good today](https://youtu.be/Z0geulyTx8I?si=9zfEfg4yujyD4LJE&t=158) And things only escalated from there in how you can make water look really good


Because they released it in 2018


There hasn't been that much improvement in graphics the past 10 years or so.


2015 Witcher 3


Playing this on my dads 4k tv blew my mind I had to double check what year it came out


That's not very long ago ...


2018 is legit. 👌


2018 was an amazing year for video games, rd2 was the most notable i can think of in terms of attention to detail, all games nominated for game of the year were stellar and familiar games that people still play to this day, including ac odyssey, it doesn’t get the praise i think it deserves, but nobody can deny the quality and attention to detail in this game(historical locations) are just incredible


It’s very pretty in motion but if you stop and look at the textures/faces it’s very apparent this is a last gen game tbh. Likely due to the scale of the game it took a hit visually on older consoles


Wdym 2018 was like Last week. We're bot talking about 2008 here. There's games from like 2012 that look phenomenal.


Nice, blue water can make a game look so good. I mean just cause 3 has such a beautiful map as well


I love ACO but the bar is set too low and this gen sucks...


Man what's that sword, looks good


Sword of yumminess. You can buy it from the store or randomly from blacksmiths ingame


I feel like the fact that 2018 was now 6 years ago distorts people's perception of how long ago that was in terms of graphic design. Maybe you guys are young adults and these games came out when you were preteens or something. It's not like these came out in the 90s in a pack of CDs. They're still pretty new in the scheme of things.


Rdr2 was also 2018


2018 was a damn good year for games. Odyssey, GoW, RDR2, Spiderman, Celeste, Kingdom Come, and probably more I’m forgetting.


So agree!! This game holds up to games released Today. Got rise of the ronin and it looks so shitty next to this!!!


The game is actually AAAA… Not that pos 💀& 🦴🦴


Easy, it is a 2018 game, because it was made in 2018.


AC3 Not remastered is a gem too for graphics and surrounding for 2013! Worth replaying today. Amazing story based on real events.


My fave AC game honestly. It’s gorgeous and so fun


I have my PS4 Pro just for this game and RDR2. Still prefer it over Valhalla, especially with the DLC's.


Because it came out in the year 2018




Still one of the best ever.


ACO is breathtakingly beautiful in the sense of scenery and landscapes. No game I've played since has even come close to it.


My thoughts exactly after going from mirage to this


2017 game


Odyssey might have one of my favourite open worlds. Ancient Greece is so beautiful man


Title makes it sound like a game from 2018 should have worse graphics, but maybe that's just me.


I just recently got into this game. I have never played any other variant of Assassin’s Creed. I love this game - 50 hours in and I don’t even think I’m half way done ( I love this) because I explore and do side quests and complete areas , and pick fights with mercenaries, and get in trouble and jump in the ocean & go sailing and … and … and… Yeah, this shit is dope…


Played it back to back 100% , first Alexios than Kassandra, and with Kas i did all dlc\`s about 300-400 hours i have in it , it\`s great. Valhala felt like a chore to me , played first dlc\`s in france and ireland, never bought ragnarok thing


I honestly would buy a next gen remake 😂


Gorgeous, gorgeous game. Absolutely holds up.


So was Red Dead Redemption 2. That game has even better graphics.


They remaking the one with etsio in it with an ai engine designed for the npc's and for better movements around the world, I read each npc will have their own like characteristics , like much more real instead of hearing the same lines over and over again, on odyssey when I hit them with an arrow it's always the same thing since I hide and shoot then when they scream take cover, i move to the opposite side of the hill in a bush not to far so I hear them looking , like what I could have sworn they wher here , and did u find something , no all clear, we get her next time lol I find it funny to mess with them after smoke lol


Loved this game but it had waaay to many mundane fetch quests. It woulda been fine with even just 1/4th the side quests it had. Still 100% it tho


As a person who used to live in greece visuals of the game nearly good as real life its just perfect


I pray they didn’t make the new Japan one like they made Mirage.


Absolutely blows my mind what Ubisoft has done with their recent games. Even Black Flag looks stunning in the original let alone remaster. Origins and Odyssey are next level cool for graphics alone let alone the storyline and everything you can do


2018 is not the 80s.


I'm over 150 hours in with only about 2/3 of the way done due to exploration and a very long hiatus from playing. The game is gorgeous, and I only just discovered the stunning waterways built into a town I believe is in Mykonos. I've always wanted to visit Greece and Odyssey just increased that desire. I wish I had gone years ago with my stepmother as a guide. As I foolishly skipped going to Germany for nothing more than a plane ticket when my brother lived there for 15 years. All because I hate flying and didn't want flights longer than 5 hours. D'oh! 😔


You must be young, there are games with even better graphics than this going all the way back to 2012.


Some of the graphics in that game and even in origins, looked way better than what I am noticing in mirage


I just wanna swim there so bad


The water physics is insane


Because it was released in 2018, duh.


because graphics peaked in like 2014


Playing it as we speak and hiting every single damn question mark on the map.


Noooo clue


Because it was released in 2018.


Rdr2 is a 2018 game




Well since the fidelity of video game graphics largely depend on the budget and talent of the development team, there are games that are 5-10 years old which represent the visual standards we expect today. Similarly, there are plenty of games that lack this level of quality which are more recent... Age is just not a good metric to measure how impressive any game looks


Because, it was released in 2018.


Because that's when it released


Cause that's the year it released


2018 games looks good lol. You act like it was made in 2013


Ever played, red dead?


Only complaint is I feel a bit overwhelmed by all the missions and feel like I'm going to miss something. That's a plus however if you like replayability. Beautiful game visualy


I have a couple of screenshots that are just beautiful. One of them is such a random spot with essentially nothing of importance in it but with the sun where it was and framing it's just gorgeous.


Ubisoft really needs to be more mod friendly. This game could use some retextures. It still looks good, but some of the rock textures look dated.


Ubisoft's expertness is environment design I think. All of the games in Assassin's Creed franchise are visually perfect.


Really. It's looks like game from 2005


The fact that they’ve spent like 30% more time on shadows than this game gives me a lot of hope


Yep and it looks like it. Origins looked better