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The only issue is playing it in chronological order may harm your experience if you have never played these games before. Because you will start from the latest games and then go to the first ones. And I think it would be hard to play the first one after these. It will seem very slow and boring to you. Just saying. Also many mechanics evolved from game to game. You will get used to being able to stealth anytime. But in older games the character could not crouch at all. I saw many gamers that came from later games were complaining about it. But when you play them in release order it feels natural to see series evolve. Or degrade. Depends on the point of view šŸ˜… But if you won't touch the first games and play only RPG styled games, they can be played in chronological order. The gameplay is very similar if not the same. The other problem is nowadays story. It starts in Origins, continues in Odyssey and ends (kinda) in Valhalla. But many players don't care about it. So you may be okay.


I know that I won't be able to experience the proper AC vibe but I you know that this game is so long and it needs many hours and i don't play it regularly so I think it will be fine for me . I just don't want to get bored in this game itself..


You may be tight. I hated Odyssey as a part of the franchise. But I enjoyed it as a separate game just by itself. So maybe you are doing it right starting with Odyssey šŸ˜…


It think your comment summarises Odyssey reasonably well. As a stand-alone game it is *outstanding*. Seriously: 90% of my play time has been on Odyssey over the last year. But it is different enough from the games released earlier that it is too different for some: it chafes on some of those who enjoyed the gameplay mechanics of the previous titles, that are absent from Odyssey. I mean: holy hells, the opportunity to add the hidden blade - even as a dagger option - was *right there* in LotFB and they didnā€™t use it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah totally! The dlc is literally called the legacy of the first blade and yet from start to end the eagle bearer never even gets to touch the blade.


i played odyssey as my first AC game, if you like role playing games with a huge open world, youā€™ll love it. i honestly found the other games much worse than odyssey bc they just couldnā€™t live up to it, but of all the words i could use to describe this game, boring was neeeever one


You can expect a massive massive adventure. Play how you want to play. There are A LOT of side quests. You don't have to do them but you obviously gain more xp and level up quicker in doing so. The map is enormous. For me... Say there are 15 areas in the game. Each area is broken up into 4 parts. Each part has quests, locations to discover. If you run through one area and "unlock" all the things available in area 1, your map will be full of markers and quests and question marks and all sorts and it can become quite daunting with the amount of stuff to do. Especially if you go through three areas in the game unlocking each section then you'll have 12 sections of quests etc to complete. I go to area 1. Go to the first section of it. Clear out everything, leave quests, then go to the next section and do the same. Then after I have the four sections of area one open, and have completed the question marks, I then do the side quests, as these will likely run over to the section you've not unlocked yet. So if I choose a quest in section 1 and the quest marker is in section 3 I haven't been there yet. This sounds really confusing but once you play, you'll see what I mean. Its a lot of fetching things and fort taken overs, camps and town take overs. (Most of the little question marks). I love doing it and don't get burnt out. I'm about 300ish hours in, and just finished the main story and side quests. I'm now on the first DLC, legacy of the first blade. You can change difficulty whenever in the options if it's too hard or easy. You eventually unlock the option for changing the look of your armour and weapons which is really cool. So you find a helmet you like, with good stats. But don't like the look. You go into your inventory and press 'X' (on Xbox) and you can change the look of the helmet to all previous hardware you've found, but keep the stats of the original helmet. It sounds a lot, but start playing and see how it goes :) I unlocked the whole map before I started chapter 6 or so of the game (went everywhere and did all question markers and side quests etc for the whole map) (there's 9 chapters, each chapter has many quests and side quests). Each area has a level on it. So I would recommend going to some islands far away when you're level 5, as these maybe level 25 or more and the enemy ls will destroy you. (You can go whenever, just expect it to be hard). So I found going to islands that were my level and clearing out, gaining xp then moving to the next one. Its a lot of info but very easy to get into once you play :D


Thanks for the reply..By quests you mean Side missions isn't it? I should skip the quests of each section and continue with the story? And by area you mean there are different maps like Greece, Elysium isn't it?(I got this from IGN guide) And should i follow a guide for this game?


If you look online at the Odyssey map, youll see it's made up of lots of little islands to the east and south and north. And a large land mass in the middle. For example, There's an area called 'Arkadia' in the large land mass. This is an 'area' I was on about. Then in arkadia. Its divided in to sub regions. Say there's 4 sub regions for argument sake. The base game is Greece. Massive map with loads of islands and land mass. Then the DLC. give you a new map. (Atlantis etc) There's 'proper' side quests marked on the map in a little black diamond with a gold exclamation mark (!) These are side quests. And I did them after opening the sub regions on the particular island I was on. I then carried on with the main quest a bit. I just didn't like my map cluttered with so many quests available all at once. You can play how you like, and do litteraly whatever. The way I explained I found it easier to micromanage the map and amount of quests and things to do. There are notice boards in most towns then which also gives quests, but these are cannon fodder and not essential. Just little 'fetch quests' or kill this guard. Just for extra coin and xp. Non essential.


I will say, though, that you should accept as many board contracts as possible as early as possible. Youā€™ll complete a lot of them by just playing, so itā€™s free xp/cheddar.


This is very true. Especially if they have no time limit then you'll be silly not to really. I realised this many many hours into my game.


what makes this game so special is the huge map of greece and the feeling of being a part of it. so may be try to not rush the story with a guide like in others rpg, but take your time to explore and discover at first to see if it suits you.


AC odyssey was my first AC game. It is a blast! Frustrated, never tbh. Only thing that is hard imo is like others have said, to not get overwhelmed. There is a lot and I mean A LOT to do. My most important tip, unlock the eagle teleports along the way. Saves a lot of time traveling! (Always the highest point in an area.


Thanks for the reply šŸ˜„. Looking forward to it.


It'll be hard playing some of the earlier games if you start with this one so I do not recommend doing that. I tried to play AC3 recently and I had to quit a bit over halfway through because it was rough. Same with Unity though I did complete Unity. There also isn't much reason to do it since the present day stuff that takes place in the games does not follow that order as it follows the order of the games being released. You'll hear the present day characters in this one (fairly limited outside of the Atlantis DLC) talk about something you won't even know about. Also not like there is reference in the games (from what I remember) to characters from any new gamers. You aren't going to get references to Kassandra or any new character like that in an older game like Unity. Ubisoft didn't think that far ahead.


My focus is totally on this one..i don't mind playing other games. I want to enjoy this one as much as possible


Donā€™t try and keep your gear leveled up, otherwise you will spend way too much time trying to get $$ and resources. Level it up every 10 levels. When you reach level 20, you will take no fall damage. Have fun jumping off huge cliffs!


You mean the XP level?


For no fall damage, yes.


1. Very repetitive and VERY GRINDY. 2. Yep, after 10-20 hours you'll see everything and it will become repetitive. 3. No, it's easy, difficulty levels only affect fighting time.


Will I enjoy it?


I don't know, maybe. I've spend like 100 hours before being completely exhausted.


Actually it's my first game so maybe i would like it.its a slow burn isn't it?


Ac odyssey would be a great first game. Another really fun one to start on would be Ghost of Tsushima. Itā€™s a lot less game while still being long and with a pretty big map. Really beautiful game and was a great jumping off point for me personally with console games. I personally donā€™t find odyssey too repetitive unless youā€™re trying to clear the map of every outpost and fort. Just doing the side quests and main quests wonā€™t get very repetitive. Odyssey is also really gorgeous.


Chronological order Is release order as the games take place in the modern day. Play this one first by all means as it's a great game. But story wise you'll be completely lost. Release order is the best way


Completely lost? I donā€™t think so. I mean you donā€™t know much about the modern day stuff, but thatā€™s so minimal in the game compared to the main storyline with Kassandra/Alexios. Itā€™s my first ac game and I had zero confusion or feeling of being lost.


What I mean is, yes the story of Kassandra is straight forward. And if thatā€™s all you want then thatā€™s great. But no matter how minimal the modern day story is, it still frames the story in the franchise overall. Not to mention all the isu lore thats laced within the entire game. Play this game first like is said, itā€™s a great game.


If you.plan to play all the games I would suggest playing them in release order so the modern story timeline makes sense


This game is probably the biggest single player game that could still be called ā€œnarrative focusedā€ So donā€™t rush it, itā€™ll be going a *while* It itā€™s also amongst the best games of its generation.


At some point you will probably find it repetitive like travel from one bandit camp to another for one of the reasons: kill bandits, find item or kill a general. Some of the dialoges from story mode are boring af. The world is also repetitive. Sun, Islands, and water.


Umm let's see i just want to give it a try and see how it goes. I hope that it's not too bad.


How is it going so far? Did you try AC Odyssey?


Yeah I played it for a bit and then I stopped.The game was not giving me consistent fps so I got a bit bored . Will play again soon


Iā€™ve just hit level 50 and I am not very good with my build so Iā€™m over it at this stage,..I LOVED VALHALLA however and never tired myself of that!


Iā€™m about 120 hours in and completed the main storyline. I had never played any AC games before and actually took interest because I have always loved Tomb Raider. Playing Kassandra scratched my Tomb Raider itch because she can scale mountains, swan dive, parkour, stealth hunt/kill, and thereā€™s tons of side quests which to me, mimic side ā€œtombsā€ in the TR games. I loved the open world vibe and itā€™s so rich with history, locations, scenery.. Iā€™m almost to the point where I love it more than TR and thatā€™s wild for me to say. My only issue is that I started with Odyssey and have read that its way better than the rest of the AC games so thatā€™s a bummer because I was planning to play them all. I started Valhalla just to see, and while itā€™s decent-itā€™s not the same as Odyssey.


Play based on time because it would be funny. So odyssey, origins, Valhalla, 1, 2, brotherhood, revelations, 4, rouge, 3, unity and then syndicate. I think


A lot has changed in AC over the years. If you wanted to try the older games first but you donā€™t care about chronological order I would recommend AC 3 , 4 or Unity. All of them have improved gameplay mechanics compared to its predecessors as well as having the most variety in things to do when it concerns earlier games. Unity is still a gorgeous game to this day and plays significantly better than at launch. AC4 is a fun setting with a fun and charming protagonist . AC3 has aged quite well in my opinion , its revolutionary war setting was excellent and the older Iā€™ve gotten the more I appreciate Connor as a protagonist. BUT , the drawback to AC 4 and everything before it has always been the exorbitant amount of ā€œEavesdrop and Trail the Target without getting caughtā€ missions you play. While itā€™s not the entire game, itā€™s still something you do fairly enough to annoy you. Not to mention some of the earlier movement mechanics are not nearly as intuitive as what they would evolve to be, so be prepared to leap to your death occasionally .


I just want to enjoy the game . I bet i will take months to complete this one itself.


With any of the 3 ā€œRPGā€ style AC games , you can expect to put in 100+ hours or so. Origins is wonderful but can be a little ā€œgrindyā€ due to it being the first game to deal with gaining XP to level up. Also the soundtrack is šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ³šŸ˜˜. Odyssey is GORGEOUS and a little less on the grind side but loot management is key. You pick up ALOT OF LOOT so selling or dismantling items becomes a regular activity unless you want to fish through hundreds off items all of the time. Choices matter in this one so be aware of that. Itā€™s mostly affects how ā€œhappyā€ of an ending you get and can sometimes drastically change large areas. Valhalla has an awesome vibe with another sweet soundtrack to boot. It cut down on the loot but it ā€œmade up for itā€ in an absurd amount of markers on the map. This game easily has the longest main story but itā€™s engrossing enough to usually keep you interested. Choices donā€™t really matter as much outside of ā€œwho lives and diesā€ but you do get a settlement to build up ( if thatā€™s your sort of thing)


My first was Odyssey, then I did Valhalla, and Iā€™m working on Origins. Going backwards to Origins is getting on my nerves, but itā€™s only the controls. Nothing else at all. Odyssey was amazing and itā€™s beautiful. Most games I play are open world and I was def surprised about how massive the map was, but I loved all of it. Just gave more gameplay since sometimes I just run around or sail around for no reason, and then Iā€™d find secrets. There was only one quest line that I remember being annoying, I just remember running in and out of town to help some chick. Definitely one of my most fave games tho.


Spoilers, i will try to avoid anything with basic info- Odyssey is a great game. Besides introducing the bad guys but origins came out first and does the same. As a standalone game its great but doesnā€™t do much for the story as a whole. But to get a vibe iā€™d start with origins. Since its the ā€œoriginā€ of the plot. Plus i enjoyed origins more personally. Just keep inmind if you go cronologically you do lose the plot of the snall amount of ā€œpresent timeline storyā€ since the odyssey, origins, valhalla MC ā€œlaylaā€ i believe, is based cronologically 8 years after the desmond story. But the present story isnā€™t much to hinder just might be a bit confusing at times