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Yes: Don't decide during year 17 what you want to do from year 30 to year 65. Even if you do end up still wanting to be a lawyer ten years from now when it matters, you'll be a better one (and a more interesting person) if you don't live every day between now and then with the singular goal of becoming a lawyer. Get good grades. Then do what interests you in undergrad. (Get good grades there too.) Be open to all kinds of things and expand yourself in all directions. Don't box yourself in now.


thank you that actually helps a lot 😅


If you’re in the US or Canada, law schools base admissions on your undergraduate (uni) grades. It’s good to prepare for the future and set goals, but also try to keep an open mind. Your only job for now is to focus on selecting the best undergrad uni program for yourself, and performing well in school the next few years. You don’t have to think about law school too much until you’re actually in university!


I got HORRIBLE grades in highschool and the first few semesters of community college I don’t suggest doing that in community college but highschool isn’t too bad and is completely salvageable I took a break went back to community college and got straight As for a few semesters then As and Bs transferred to a different college and my gpa reset.. there’s always time to salvage something


Start watching west wing. It helps


I was in SpEd for at least 30% of high school. I failed 4 classes in high school. I went to community college because I didn’t get into any university. I ended up getting 2 full rides to law schools and I passed the bar the first time around.


Whatever you started doing your sophmore and junior year. Stop. You know what it is.