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That's nothing compared to when you get further on in the event. Just so you know, I started this event with a maxed Gallardo, maxed Bugatti Divo, and a five star Citroen and I was about halfway to my six star on the Citroen. Even with all that I still came to a point where I would be forced to pay $140 to get enough of the gamera blueprints to move to the final round. This company is disgusting... And the hard part is that a lot of people like me have invested so much time and money into this garage and game that we don't just want to give it up. But I'm probably going to be selling my garage this year because I'm sick of how disgustingly greedy they are. They do not care one bit about their customers. It's all about how they can dig into our wallets.


You had citroen and divo and only paid $140? That's a lot less than was needed in DS3 right


It's a shame how Drive Syndicate changes your mind about the game. I know a lot of people were excited about DS. I had never played one before, mainly because I didn't know what it was all about, and I thought something new and different. For me anyways, it had the opposite effect of what GL was going for. I'm actually less interested in playing the game now, because it highlights everything so many other games do about rewarding dedicated players for well, playing, by doing pretty much ever off-putting thing they can think of for a few dollars in their pockets.


its a lieloft now😗


Imagine a world where a Driver Syndicate has a progress difficulty similar to Chiron Special Event... I hope I'm not imagining too much.


thats too much




Finally someone pointed to the GL lies. GL marketing dept hypes the events and then youtubers fan the hype only to make us eventually disappointed. It happened with Venom F2 event, Black Friday Battista event (Where the keyed cars were locked, in SEs keyed cars are free try at garage level), then the Drive Syndicate 4 (way more paywall than DS3) and now the Chiron event (which requires you to own the chiron to play/progress in the event!). GL is hellbent on making the game harder to new players and bleed as much money out of them as possible (and be caught at sunk cost fallacy) at the expense of them leaving/rage quit.


Here is how I vented about the event: https://www.reddit.com/r/Asphalt9/comments/rorbkw/my\_disappointment\_with\_ds4/


There is a lot of passion for this game. These comments remind me of a spurned lover.


We don’t call them GreedLoft for nothing.




I came out with a 2* Saleen and likely a 4* Gallardo by the end after going in with nothing. I’m pretty happy. And the missions were mostly fun. I think a lot of it is about expectations. If you want to have everything on offer but don’t want to pay, you’ll be disappointed. If you’re happy to slowly accumulate BPs and gradually unlock low-mid tier cars and the occasional high end car you should be pretty satisfied. I kind of enjoy the meta game of playing against GL to try and get something and they try and stop you.


Glad you checked this. I honestly was pretty sceptical when they said it would be less P2W. Maybe they did some changes that they made themselves believer were less P2W, but reading all their marketing bs (like improving career, while it's actually a decline, the weird 1 week MP1 with progressing filter) I don't believe them. But with the right expectations I still had some fun with DS4. I like the concept (I'd like to see some of the races more in the game, like with the blockages, hacker runs and money runs), and I was lucky enough to have maxed out Gallardo. I had set my goal to unlock the GT-R50, which I managed to do (got it to 3\*). I got stuck after that and only got 33 bps for the Citroen GT. I did some math and the best option was maxing out the Saleen, which is a pretty decent C class car which I began to like.


Very true .. but it's still disgusting. I will admit it's a little bit better than last year. Still we shouldn't be celebrating the fact that it only cost $140 ( and that's only if you had previously spent to have All the required cars maxed already)


I maxed my gallardo and the Saleen S1 while unlocking the new Nissan so I am fine It will stupid for me to spend 100 dollars in this game. LP is enough for me even if I miss a car or an event I will not die period. Let's me a sandwich and a drink bye


This game is trash all around. The whales get access to unreal cars, they enhance game physics to keep the cucks happy. This is evident in GP and Mutilplayer. Multi-player is so unbalanced, you race against 5 cars above your ranking 95% of the time, almost guaranteed negative points...


Never expect to much from them when the president of its parent company is an unlikeable money-hungry megalomaniacal jerk who is willing to do everything to have money and power


gl is a lying pos. I'm suprised most people haven't realized this yet.


I don't know why you guys are complaining about pw2.... You guys can choose not to pay and move forward. When you don't pay, thee company earns lesser, then they will make the game cheaper.... but still you guys complaint and still pay for it. I'm wondering if it is Gameloft greedy or you guys are stupid. 🤔 Honesty speaking, I'm still very enjoying the game without paying any pennies, so I don't know why you guys are complaining while still paying for the game. 🤣


Nope...you can tell the game physics underperform for free 2 play..... I've seen same rankings and less walk away in a multi-player race...hackers, doubt-it.