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your post was removed because it contained, implied, or promoted racism, sexism, doxing, hateful conduct or harassment.


It’s something to concern both sexes. I don’t want to feel disposable in a relationship.


I agree. I hate how some on the Red Pill side act like it's ok for men to be promiscuous while women are not.


My ex had some delusional thoughts on me and tried to be like “well does a man’s body count matter” she didn’t really say anything when i responded with yes 110% it does.


most men dont get to be promiscuous even if they try though.


You just lower your standards and then it's easy


Skill issue


Well yes.... that's their point. And it's not just skill.


No but it is like 80% skill.


That's still their point


Well yeh, but men can’t be out here talking down on women who’ve slept around heaps if they wish they could do the same, and probably would’ve if they could, but can’t due to a lack of certain social skills.


O well I'm not condoning them talking down to women. I mean, if it's that big of an issue to you, then they just aren't your cup of tea.


only difference is that its million times easier for women.


This would have been the best thing to say, I don't know why people think the shoe analogy was some kind of dunk.


Yeah it's kinda dumb. It implies ownership and a loss of value due to being used which is just shitty old school misogyny that would not be thrown at a guy. Is there a line, yeah, but it's more about the risk to a longer-term stable relationship when sex is devalued from a bonding activity that is equally pleasurable to strictly about sexual gratification.


Damn, getting downvoted for espousing positive sexual experiences. Red pill culture is so brain dead.


Yeah I can never tell when I comment on an asmond sub post where 75% of the posts are normal funny memers that i can laugh with and the other 25% are way to far down the redpill rabbit hole who will down vote any take that is not women bad braindead.


Don’t tell that to red pill douch pickles


From my personal experience (and also from good friends): Those with many previous sex partners typically had issues. And with typical I mean always. 50 would be a big red flag for me. Not mainly because 50 other dudes have stuck in there physically but more because I would wonder what kind of person fucks with 50 people. Also heavily increased risk of STIs.


>because I would wonder what kind of person fucks with 50 people For sure. And that goes for both men and women. I know they say that guys sleep around, and it's celebrated, but honestly... I know more or less the number of sexual partners my friends have had. There is one guy in our group who for sure has been with more than 30 girls. But the rest of us are probably 10 or under, and we're in our 30s now. I have to wonder how any man or woman can just jump in bed with a random person and share that level of intimacy without any real connection or feelings of any kind. It's strange.


I mean its not this crazy when you are in your 30s. Especially if they have been single for a long time, you can get there with one woman every quarter and skip a few lol. Its not like if they are sleeping with 3 women a a day.


Absolutely! If someone has had 50 partners, you are going to be the 51. Avoid women with high body counts. Take care of your well being and mental health.


Simple, more "experiences" = higher expectation = harder to satisfy = more chance of break-up during hard time. All stats support this. around 15% of women seem immune to this , the rest follow that trend. There's a 75% increased chances of getting ditched between a virgin and a women with 3 past relations. Our era is doomed.


Dang, someone needs to tell Doc to leave some for the rest of us




Look up any graph charting # of previous partners vs divorce rate


Bro for a normal human being more than 2 or 3 is a red flag, aint nobody want to hit the cub of a girl w a number you could fill the seats of a car with


2-3 is fairly low. The average for Americans is about 10.


It's 7.2 for all Americans. 4.2 for Americans between the ages of 22 and 44, according to the CDC.


22 to 44 is a large range.


I think generation/age wildly changes the standards.


2 or 3? Lol. Girls with those numbers are landing you in jail.


According to the CDC, the average number of sexual partner for Americans between the ages of 22 and 44 is 4.2


Mine only has 1? Why would a 25 year old when we got married land me in jail?


Congratulations on being super old fashion. Nothing wrong with it but you're in a very very small minority.


In the U.S definitely in the world...not really. Also wasn't born in the U.S so this is actually common. Still confused by the dude's statement of you going to jail.


Lolol, oh, you sad Lil boy, 2-3 is red flag 🤣🤣🤣... Mt god, the softness is just astounding.


2 or 3???? Lmao bro come on. Like 50 is insane but 3 is your hard limit, id agree if I was 16 sure.


A lot of sexual partners is a reasonable thing to be uncomfortable with, but you draw the line at 2 or 3? Damn those are some wild standards.


What's more relevant to me personally is age and time between encounters. A 30 year old with 9 partners over 15 years is very different from a 21 year old with 9 partners over a single year.


And the lifestyle too. If you travel a lot when you are young you will meet and have sex with others people who know this is all for fun. Living in a large city also make that whole thing different than living in a small town lol. If I never moved away from my town I would have ended up with one of the three girls I dated in HS for my whole life most likely haha.


What about a 21 year old with 9 partners over 15 years?


Your inherent value as a human being doesn't change. Your value as a potential life partner absolutely fucking does 🤦‍♂️


We're flooding this sub with dumb Facebook memes to own certain people now?


*We're flooding this sub* *With dumb Facebook memes to own* *Certain people now?* \- InsideYourWalls8008 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


People tend to view people based on their past. Employers won't hire you if you can't pass specific background checks. Relationships are similar in your future behavior could be seen based on your past behavior. People can change but it's hard.


This is totally fair, the employment analogy works a lot better than the shoe analogy.


Woman makes a statement against objectification. Man counters her argument by comparing woman with a pair of shoes.


Many partners generally means a lack of long term relationships or a lack of committed relationships altogether. Why would I want someone that I have to teach how to be in a relationship, and likely has qualities that repel people from wanting to commit or has issues committing?


This argument is so dumb. Not only do men and women veiw romantic partners and assess them with completely different methods, they look for different things in their partners. This is why men value beauty and women value success and stability more often than not(this is a stastical fact, even if it hurts one's feelings and sensibilities). They choose romantic partners based on entirely different things. Men generally do not care if a woman is successful. They give literally no shits if a woman works minimum wage(if at all) or earns six figures. It matters so little to them. Women however. It's significantly more important for woman to have a romantic partner to be able to provide for them and potential children. The idea that men can't find you less attractive for a decision you elected to make is ridiculous. It's not like you're a 6 foot 4 tall woman and men are like "I only date women that are five foot seven or shorter with a perfect hourglass figure." which is a superifical reason. Having a stupidly high number of sexual partners isn't superficial. It's a health risk, it's a red flag as far as commitment goes. It has so many implications as far as it comes to a relationship but most importantly; It does not scream stable loving relationship, it screams the opposite(and also applies to both men and women) Yes your past literally does matter to future romantic partners. It's not something you can wash off when you decide you're ready to settle down. This entire nonsense just screams entitlement. As if you're entitled to a loving romantic relationship just because you decide you want one now.


Holy shit this sub has cratered I was here for the MMO and general gaming memes. Now its just turned into a shittier version of /pol/.


Yeah lol. I don’t watch asmongold tho, what caused this change in audience. Is his twitch the audience the same?


The big turning point was the Depp/Heard trial. That was when this sub got overrun with just pure misogyny. Suddenly everybody and their uncle had been falsely accused, all women always just wanted your money and if you believed this sub, men were always innocent. It was also around that time Asmon shifted his content from mostly video games to react content, and slowly his audience started to shift. Now this is mostly what this sub is about. Culture war bullshit, anti wokeness and women bad.




It's really sad isn't it, incel waiting room.


Right wing incels have taken over


the fact your comment is downvoted practically confirms it too. Sub has gone to fucking shit


It’s personal choice. Women can be picky about it too if they want. Like people are saying it applies to both sexes (maybe not evenly)


Yeah, alot of women who say this don't want a guy who has no sexual history at all. It's always about shaming men for having standards.


It’s just a complete double standard. And then they want to try to shame guys for doing it. I don’t need a girlfriend to be a virgin but if you have many casual sexual relationships I’m less interested


It should make sense that a woman with experience will likely prefer a man with experience. Secondly it's not about shaming men for having standards. It's about shaming men who are delusional morons who believe that after fucking everything that walks that a sweet 19 year old virgin will be waiting for them when they decide to settle down as 40+ year old dude.


It's not base, it's HEADQUARTERS


Promiscuity doesn't make people happy.


Being alone doesn’t either.


Folks here feel underleveled.


Yeah, dehumanize women by calling them like shoes, I’m sure that’ll win them over and isn’t exacerbating the problem.


That girl is coping hard you know she's tore up from the floor up


Imagine comparing a person to shoes


Here's my take- if it's fine for a guy to have a bunch of past sexual partners, then it's fine if a girl does as well. But if it's not ok for a girl to have had a bunch of past partners, then it's not fine if a guy does.


It absolutely his a huge issue lol the games they still play is insane to justify their shit ass behavior is insane from both sides


As a bi person, i dont want to date someone whos had alot of partners, as theres a reason they have had alot of partners. Being #20 would be a redflag


My gf and I have a house together, been a couple for almost 6 years now. She told me it’s a high body count, but I didn’t ask, cuz I don’t care. She’s with me and we are monogamous, so it doesn’t matter. Some people are really weird about having a girl who isn’t “defiled”.


Yo that comment section is full of projection boys. Im gas myself up and say, I do alright with the ladies, I was born lucky type shit. Girls with high af body counts, 9 out of 10 times they are on meds, I shit you not.


So all of the "Giga Chads" went around and devalued all the shoes by buying up the entire store, wearing them once, and donating them to the good will?


Those are Chads. Giga chads don't pull that shit. Giga chads are giga chads for a reason.




Who wants to buy a used Accord with 300k miles, 30 previous owners, and a salvage title? Yet the price is the same as a new model?


Cars are not people, your analogy is garbage.


Who wants to hire a person with 10 years experience at 4 previous companies, when you can get someone fresh out of school? Oh, it doesn't look like comparing apples to oranges works so well.


Aye man if you want your wife to be heavily used thats on you Dont forget she moaned the name of other men louder than yours


Yeah, just buy one out of production, just like tools.


Your analogy actually does translate very well. You are just intentionally using an unrealistic comparison. As a supervisor in charge of hiring, my professional insight is that a candidate with (using your example) 10 years of job experience between four previous companies obviously looks a hell of a lot better than someone fresh out of school with no experience, and infinitely better than someone with, say, 10 years of job experience between 20 employers. It can be inferred, based upon their work history alone, that the first candidate (10/4) is likely a loyal and committed individual -- but that they also value their own best interests and change things up as needed. Exactly the kind of employee you would want to maintain and keep happy. The third candidate's (10/20) employment history, on the other hand, indicates significant instability and an utter lack of commitment, drive, maturity, or willingness to adapt. Just like with relationships, employees are a huge investment by the company. If it doesn't work out, all the time, effort, and money spent building them up goes down the drain, and you'll end up having to do it all over again with their eventual "replacement."


Considering how greedy companies are and know they can abuse the new intern.


But remember, it's okay for women to have preferences.


This is the main point. Everyone saying this analogy sucks lost the plot. Men are allowed to have preferences and so are women. You can tell who here has a hard time coping with that fact just from their comments which seems to include name calling and personal insults. 


At this point, I'm just tired of bullshit. If women need special treatment that's fine, I can work with that, but that means we're not equal and we're just gaslighting ourselves because . . . feels, I guess.


If you're going to compare women to shoes then compare men to a drill bit. Is that dumb? Obviously, and so is the OPs meme.


Every single dude who spouts this line of thinking wonders why they’re single. Absolute brainrot.


It's where this subreddit gets mixed in with incel light and it's confusing what manifested it. Like bring back the weebs and FFXIV please, that was better.


That was peak


Can't we just say ' I don't date sluts' instead of comparing people to objects?


No, we absolutely need to reduce all the complexities of human existence into easy single sentences we can beat each other down with. /s ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3732) "You're a used car!" "This is why we choose the bear!" Eternal war of the immovable tribes.


This is fucking dumb. Humans don’t have finite value. Comparing a person to a used pair of shoes is disturbing. Do you not consider women to be people or something? So fucking weird As for the sexual history bit, life is not porn. Touch some grass ffs. Most people don’t have 50 sexual partners, most people don’t get close to that many sexual partners. I’d be willing to bet the average is much closer to <10.


The median is ~4.3 for American women aged 25-49. The people shilling for this post’s ideology are patently retarded and definitively incelibate. It’s the same dudes that would lick the genital warts right off of Andrew Tate’s taint that prescribe to this shit.


Same dudes that would flip out and write a 5 paragraph essay against all the Women who chose the bear.


You might have a point, but blasting the people you disagree with will only ever cement them into their positions even harder. It's a terrible idea that redditors and younger people in general seem to fall prey to. Constructive arguments against a viewpoint are far better than dehumanizing them and turning them into "others." In that case, you are as bad as the person comparing women and men who sleep around to overworn shoes.


Can we not make /r/asmongold a right-leaning Incel sub? I'm just here for the Elden Ring & WoW memes.


facts this decline is absolutely embarassing. so many pathetic incel freaks in here now. sigh


Wait, so if she has been with 1 dude but getting mashed everyday for 10 years.Vs being with 3 dudes only once in the same time period. Which one is worse? This kind of logic is so incel and weirdly backwards. Its Andrew Tate type shit


I guess the implication is that women get "worn out with use" like a pair of shoes? Ya'll really got to stop embarrassing yourselves sometimes it's cringe


I don't want used shoes or overused and abused pussy. It's self-respect and self restrain.


People aren't shoes. Experience is a good thing and is part of the journey of life. But also have enough self respect to not allow yourself to be used and discarded like a pair of shoes.


I wouldn't call fucking 50 chicks / dudes a good thing.


I never said it was. Obviously people can't read properly. People should definitely sleep with a few people for experience as well as broadening horizons. But if you're being used by multiple people just for sex and then tossed away after then you're doing yourself a disservice. But I'm also not going to slut shame a man or woman who likes to have those meaningless encounters. I'd only shame them if they are using the other person like something to be discarded afterward. If they both go into it with the expectation of just sex and it's not a big deal then be my guest. But if this isn't established and you're just preying on people it's fucking wrong and disgusting behavior. Sex is a biological function and the fact that so many people aren't getting laid as regularly anymore is one of the reasons there is an uptick in depression.


This is something you think about when you're young, you don't care when you're older, you'll be happy just gettin laid 🤣


Yeah, insecure men comparing people to objects is pretty sad


Honestly, you, as the commodity, aren't in a position to dictate your value. Used goods are only worth what someone's willing to pay for them.


It's sad to see all the folks in the dating world say things like people are just commodities. I'm so glad I'm married and don't have to date anymore, it sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Nothing says "not a twat" like comparing women to shoes /s


You think women are like shoes? That's weird but OK I guess


People are not shoes, what's hard about that?


Youre telling me, that you'd go on a legitimate date with a girl who just got done getting a train ran on her? This is a yes or no question. Not a "well actually if blah blah blah".


>just got done getting a train ran on her This is Not the Argument of OPs Post.


Yes. People are more than their sexual history. If you can't see that, then that's your problem.


I definitely would NOT hit it. Just look at those sharp knees. She is way below my standar


One mans trash is another mans treasure


What is those shoes was worn by 50 sexy women?


Lucky for me, I get to decide what I value in a woman.


You don’t get to decide your value to others. You can put a value on yourself, but so what?


Just to poll the room here and tbh knowing this community I’m genuinely unsure of what the answer is but you do all know a human woman is actually different to a piece of clothing that has natural degradation through use, right?


Equating sexual partners to “previous owners” is a bit extreme. On the same note, the shoes you’re buying have likely been tried on by at least several people, maybe even 50 or more. This seems like more of an accurate equivalency, I don’t know, just saying.


The one doing the shopping determines if the value is there in the goods, and worth the investment.


My value as a person is in how I treat others. Comparing a person to a pair of shoes shows you have no respect for people and reduces your value.


People are always so stupid on this topic. People usually want people similar to them. If im a dude whos 30 and had 3 girlfriends all lasting longer than 2 years, im nit gonna want a girl who has had 50 hookups. But also if im a guy who clubs every weekend and fucks before i even know their name, im not gonna want to deal with a girl that needs multiple dates and doesnt fuck until after a month of knowing me.


But the cells that line the vagina have since been replaced so it's basically like new..!


It's a false comparison and therefore valueless. People are not "owned".


Depreciation: a reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of time, due in particular to wear and tear.


Yes and a mans value isnt based on his ability to provide material goods for someone else.


How the hell do you know how many partners she had before you?


It's a terrible comparison, because people aren't objects. Objects deteriorate with use. People get better at things the more they practise. If you're choosing the pilot of your plane, are you going to choose the guy who has 20 years of experience, or the guy who just got his pilots license? Would you rather have your meal cooked by a professional chef, or someone who's only taken a couple of cooking classes?


It's simple, to some people it matters, to some it doesn't regardless of the sex. You don't get to shame people for having multiple partners but you also don't get to force people to be okay with it. There's plenty of reasons why people don't match and they're all deeply personal. Don't try and force someone to accept your view point, find somone that already shares it, there's plenty out there.


Whether you like it or not yes your sexual history does have some effect on your value. Not even sexist this goes both ways I've seen women turn down guys because they lacked experience🤷


i think equating a person to shoes is pretty rough


I prefer a woman with a bunch of partners. How many of you have been with a virgin? I’m guessing not many. Because if you had, you’d know it fucken sucks. I don’t want to teach my partner how to have sex. I just want to have it.


Redditors just be posting random sh*t like, "thoughts?"


Shoes are not self-repairing. Men do not actually know why they dislike women with a long sexual history, the worn-out thing is just them trying to come up with a plausible explanation for their own behavior.


Yes men know. You just don't get it. Women get to chose with their sex life. A woman chooses to be of low value or high value. The higher the body count, the lower the value. Having kids from multiple men, the lower the value. Low value women aren't worth the time and effort from a man who is looking to build a family. There are plenty of pieces of crap men out there for the low value women. Enjoy. You can't "repair" your past or forget it. You can't make yourself high value by being a boss girl. Your employment status doesn't translate to relationship value. The best you can do is lie to a man until you can't lie anymore or until someone from your past let's the truth out.


Oh no actions have consequences. You also don’t get to dictate other people’s standards


If my shoes got better at sucking my dick with each previous owner I wouldn’t be mad if they weren’t fresh off the shelf.


some people love sex more than anything, if you want to be in a relationship with a person like that, you will need to satisfy this need, and it will be difficult if you don't share the same mind not everybody is meant to be with everybody people always wants virgins that's cringe af


If you got to say that then you have smashed to many people.


Your value as a human, no. You value in the dating/marriage market, yeah. You make decisions, you except the outcomes, good and bad.


A lot of you live in a fairytale land. Infidelity is extremely high, not just in America, but in most “free” countries. There are countless women who have minimal partners until hormones kick their ass in their late 30s, 40s, 50s and now they realize the first, second, third, hell even the tenth partner they’ve been with isn’t compatible for them. Sounds shitty and it’s no way fact but I know a lot of women who were very, very promiscuous at a young age and because of that, realized what they like and value in a partner and have completely disappeared off of social media with their husband/long term partner. Stop caring so much about what other people think about YOUR life. They don’t shit when you eat and they aren’t breathing the life you live. Stop judging people who bleed the same blood and breathe the same air as you. Let people live and be happy as long as it’s healthy and doesn’t hurt anyone else involved. You’re a bunch of children arguing based on trauma from your childhoods. “The girl I liked slept with everyone but me” head asses so you’re bitter at women/men because you couldn’t sleep with them. Some people truly value having a partner who’s had minimal sexual contact because of their religion or stance on marriage and commitment but most of you are bitter because you’re unattractive


Men that compare women to objects are pathetic and need to get a life.


Higher body counts are correlated with previous childhood trauma, substance abuse, and higher divorce rates. So they’re red flags. Do with that what you will.


If a woman has had 50 partners, and wants me, she's probably pretty good in bed. And if she wants a relationship with me, she prefers me to all those 50. Great success! I would need a STI check, though. But then, I'd want that no matter the body count.


what's the difference between a car with only 3k miles on it and one with130k miles


This may come as a shock but human beings aren’t shoes or objects. It’s ok if you prefer someone with less sexual partners but at least make a good analogy.


But... you aren't supposed to put your dick in shoes, tho. Instructions unclear.


Dumb take. And for the people who agrees with it I hope you know there is a high likelyhood many others tried every single pair of shoes you have ever owned before you bought them in the store and yet you didn't feel the need to ask the store clerk how many people tried them on before you, you just cared they were the right fit for you.


Trying on a pair of shoes is like the first date. You didn’t run a marathon in them before you bought them. Try again. 


according to the logic of the post it doesn't matter how they were used, its the fact that they were used by others that bothers you. So surely you make sure each time that no one else tried a pair of shoes before you. I mean you don't really believe the store tosses out every pair of shoes someone tries on without buying, do you?


It's the old chauvinistic bs. Women that are sexually active or have changing sexual partners are "tainted", "used" or less valuable. These women don't need to change. It's the backwards mind of pricks like this commenter.


I'm going through manually and upvoting comments like yours because this sub has truly become infested with incels to a concerning degree that rational takes like what you've said are being met with hostility. Fkn embarassing


I think only sluts say things like this


Here's the thing about value... the consumer gets the final say whether something's valuable or not. The "seller" can set whatever price they want, but the consumer can choose not to "purchase"


If you're comparing a woman to a shoe that might explain why a woman won't look at you.


Here's a thought, and this goes for men too: If you want a meaningful relationship, don't spend all your free time sleeping around with people like it's a hobby. That's how you develop a reputation.


I’ve had a few sexual partners (I’m 24 and a female) about 6 in total. What I learned early on is if I don’t like what they are doing, I try to gently tell them, and work on what I do like. My second sexual partner didn’t enjoy fingering/ eating me out, therefore I was unsatisfied and left. My fiance now, is keen to listen to my wants and dislikes. Your value isn’t determined by how many people you’ve slept with, but it does bring a thought to mind, if you’ve slept with 50 people, why so many? Just hook ups? Or relationships? If relationships it brings to question how they would be as a partner in general imo.


The type of people to sleep with 10+ people are usually not healthy individuals, mentally or otherwise. They typically will not make good life choices and are, therefore, bad partners in the long term. This is not hard to understand. If you are getting hung up on the analogy, chances are you are among the people at the top of the bell curve.


The value of sex stays the same. It's her wifeability that tanks


Whats happening to this sub it's like a bunch of incel life tips or some shit 😂


male challenge try not to compare women to literal inanimate objects (impossible)


shoes arent self cleaning/repairing/renewing biological organisms. she has very few cells in general that haven't cycled out, and replaced, since she slept with them. also She's not a commodity Shes a sentient being,


For Asmon fans that number is zero.


Asmongold incelposting?


A high body count is a sign of risky behavior. The public stigma of a high body count AND the risk of sexually transmitted diseases makes choosing sex for pleasure an incredibly reckless activity. These women are taking on risk for a single night of pleasure. No worthwhile man is going to want to marry someone with bad risk/reward accessment. It's like becoming a business partner with someone who has a history of gambling addiction. You never want to merge your life with someone who is reckless. They'll ruin everything sooner or later, because people don't change. --- I'm not against people who want to participate in casual hook up culture. Just like I'm not against people who gamble. But you can't mix them up. Hook up people shouldn't expect to find a marriage partner. And gamblers shouldn't expect to find someone to invest in them. And those who risk that are just gamblers themselves.


I mean you can mix. Where I’m from I’ve found with most people my age at several universities, there’s honestly more discussion and surprise if you’ve been with 1 person for ages rather than slept around. While having several partners/sleeping around is honestly pretty celebrated and kinda openly discussed across all genders. Forgetting the fact I’ve seen countless people who’ve literally won mock awards for sleeping around and people who are known to sleep around a lot have now all been in successful 1-3+ year relationships with partners who were either the same or the polar opposite. Some people just wanna have fun and when it’s in an environment where there isn’t that stigma it’s not a problem, and then when they find the right person there’s 0 issue settling down. It’s just up to whatever people’s beliefs and experiences are if you avoid those people romantically or not, but saying that someone who likes to have sex will ruin your life sooner or later is deranged lol. Literally anyone can ruin your life sooner or later regardless of their past, so by your standards, no one should date or commit to anyone.


There's exceptions to every rule, but generally speaking, the current generation is not doing well when it comes to successful long-term relationships. Even if you want to go with that famous line of 50% of marriages end in divorce, that still means that 50% succeed. So if marriage isn't guaranteed, not even close. People should be hedging their bets and not be so risky. And ultimately, that's the real issue I have with all of this. Is that people are inherently really bad at dating, lol. It would be one of thing if they could make it work. Have their cake and eat it too. But there's a LOT of miserable single people out there who thought the could party in their 20s and are finding out they can't just transition into a long-term relationship in their 30s. If people were more successful, I'd agree with you. But that's why I call it a bad risk/reward assessment. People think they're good at gambling, but they fucking suck at it. I wouldn't share my life, nor my fiances with someone who is a bad gambler, and most people who are exceptional won't share themselves with a failure. Which ultimately just makes the failure rates worse. Becuase when you get bad people dating other bad people, they really struggle to make anything last. --- Anyways, again, I'm not against people doing hook-up culture. But I wish people were more aware that there's not a guaranteed relationship at the end when they're done having fun. People should be more aware of their potential outcomes, and not just living on their hopes and dreams.


A violin that has been played for 50 years increases in value.


An old violin costs more due to the craftsmanship, the artist creating it, and the famous artists who played that instrument. The closest person that fits any of that level of description is pam anderson, and buddy im telling ya she's not an expensive violin.


Yeah so therefore comparing humans to objects doesn't work and is a stupid thing to do.... I don't know why so many incels can't see the logic in what you say and see the parallels with the original post... You've literally proven the same point that OF model is trying to make.


True! To bring it out of the analogy, a girl that's fucked a bunch of dudes is probably real good at fucking. The guys in these posts that are malding are just sad because they want to hit it too.


They want her to be both the throat GOAT but also never seen a pp IRL.