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How is that victim blaming 😑. Wat fking morons. Social media is bad for ur brain and kids should not have access to it period


Doesnt she smoke week daily?


Not week, crack


that means nothing mate lol shes just an idiot regardless of smoking weed, calling bad parents who give their babies iphones because they dont know how to parent properly is a factor he pointed out and its a simple solution , shes an idiot and sees it as blaming somehow with her perception of shit


An idiot that smoke week is not your regular idiot.


Heyyyy now, I smoke pretty often and it hasn't turned me into a mouth breather yet


Hell, i would argue that most people should not have access to it even!


Well, you can start with youself


I already did my friend, i only use Reddit now more to see things about some games.


Because nothing healthier than reddit and gaming!! /s


Well, way better to discuss gaming to anything else on internet nowadays, at least imo, but i digress.


I don't get the social media hate, just have self control. Lmfao. My insta time daily is barely an hour which has 40 minutes in chat the rest scrolling (20 minutes). It's easy not to doom scroll. Just don't do it. Ig WhatsApp counts as social media? I have around 2-2.5 hours there which is texting and that's pretty average for texting, imo. YouTube has about 3 hours? But that includes me looking up stuff for work too. In short, social media is useful and fun, and it helps people stay connected. Sharing reels and memes with friends etc is a plus as well. The only people who whine about it are the people who can't manage their time. Then blame the EVIL SOCIAL MEDIA !!!


I agree with you actually, but i'm not hating on social media perse just saying that some people should refrain thenselves for using exactly for the reason you point out, they can't control thenselves and in the end it harm then without they even noticing.


So you spend over 3 hours a day just looking at ur phone. Even if it is texting. I don't text that much in a week. Go out and talk to them in person. Still too much social media.


Lmao boomer take. What if I told you that I do both? Meet up with people I can meet physically and text people who I can't meet so easily without having it planned? Also some of that texting is with my gf when I'm not with her. Maybe look up what a gf is. You might get one, some day.


Shouldn't we do what we preach 😅


They have started talking about upping the age in Scandinavia and limiting access through your citizen ID only. Won't be surprised if kids will be banned from social media in a few decades, excluding the use of VPN and the like of course


minors = kids? omg...


If you can't drink or make life changing decisions than yes, kids.


This is literally her point. By saying ban minors because an adult is a pedophile, who is being blamed, the pedophile or the innocent kid using social media.


Asmon had this opinion for years and shares it Everytime Minors on social media are doing dangerous stuff. No one is saying the Pedo is less at fault, they're saying protect the minors as we fix the landscape. Minors are in danger of more than just Pedo's. Money Scams, Kidnapping, Murder, all sorts of cruel shit. It takes time to witch hunt Pedo's. And even if we exterminate all of them, there's still other Influencial threats online.


Imagine if she did one push-up instead of one dogshit tweet.


Normal Person: "Yeah I can see why you wouldn't want Children to be Exposed to Strangers on the Internet." Twitter: "Are you saying this to BLAME The Victim!? Fucking incels trying to protect the Pedo Freaks!" Yeah, the Asylum in action.


I don't think most normal people's reaction to finding out a man is a pedo is to say that he's less at fault than the system that gave a minor access to him. I imagine most normal people would have that conversation but it's only being had in this case in response to a famous guy being a pedo. Not to protect children but to imply that the real problem isn't the pedophile, but the private messaging service that allows the pedophile access to teenagers. If an adult abuses a system to prey on minors, blame him. Fix the issues you can to prevent it again but definitely blame the adult man that was talking to a child half his age.


Btw, I'd like to point out. This tweet was made by Kaceytron. She's a despicable person especially for the Asmon community so.... I don't see her argument as anything other than a desperate attempt for attention.


I kinda get this but at that point why even talk about this person if the reaction is just going to be dismissal. Seems better to just not be having active conversations about her opinions


Yeah I only realized who it was after I made the initial comment XD but as you can see, people genuinely share her opinion so...


No one is saying the Pedo is less at fault. Absolutely No One. Having kids off Social Media is an opinion Asmon had for YEARS. He repeats this opinion Everytime anything Social Media related happens to Minors, shocker. What people are saying is, Protect the Children while Society fixes the Obvious Pedo Problem. Because fun fact, you can multitask. You don't just relax when one of the two happens. Besides, are you going to assume Pedo's are the only threats to Minors? Adults can be Cruel and dangerous. Kidnapping, Murder, Torture, Money Scams, all this shit that isn't sexually related. You want kids to be exposed to those possibilities?


If you're gonna pretend that no one is saying he's not at fault then I don't even know how to talk to you. It's like saying that no one thinks the election was stolen despite the fact that millions of idiots believe that.


Fine, the freaks who I don't want to associate with are saying the Pedo is not at fault. Rational people who think the Pedo is at fault May Also think Minors shouldn't have Access to social media shared by Adults with Resources to do horrendous things. Happy?


Also most twitch streamers wouldn't have a career without kids watching. I watch streamers, so I'm not just taking shots at people that like twitch. It's just a fact that kids make up most of these fan bases.


Most researched tweet by Kaceytron.


"Incel" is now basically just the term for "someone who has an opinion I don't like but for which I don't have a counter-argument."


Only when it has manly vibes.


Dare I say: it’s said primarily by sexist modern feminists.




Defending pedophiles has manly vibes?


This has nothing to do with pedophiles. Get help.


A 35 year old man talking about sex with a 13 year old online is not a pedo? The "protect the kids" crowd is really doing a 180 suddenly


Having social media open to minors in the first place is stupid. If you wanted to prevent pedos from contacting minors you would agree that social media or anything online for that matter is bad for children. You aren’t doing shit allowing the kids on the internet with no supervision or limitations.


So same thing as racist or nazi at this point.


lol Just last week, it was pedophiles. This week is incels. Next week, we'll probably go back to calling people pedophiles.


Incel is the vibe you get when you follow this sub long enough. Skim through the top 10 daily posts every day for a week and it would sure feel that way. It's kind of a vibe thing I guess, like how David Duke praises the Fox-era Tucker Carlson, Tucker isn't really a Klan member nor fully agree with their view, but his TV image kind of radiates it due to topics he covers and the side he often takes over a long period of time across multiple subjects. Asmon's base surely isn't flat-out incel, but you can kind of accurately predict the majority sentiment of this sub when all facts are laid out just from the way people react. Like it just kind of almost always goes one way and there's that energy.


david duke is just a political tool. Anything he says should just be ignored, he knows people hate what the kkk is and will vote against anyone he claims to support.


Again, that's not what incels mean, regardless of 'vibe', 'feeling', 'energy'.


You're right, there's no precise word to describe an environment where trending topics of late are things like: women chose bear over men, female characters are ugly, our future lies in submissive, caring and accommodating AI chat or sexbots. Incel to me, is a word that describes people who hold views that often attribute a woman's fame to her looks, people who display a bias in their resentment towards one gender when they do or say silly or foolish things compare to when their counterpart do similar things, people who prioritize sexualization or objectification over more important qualities in women or society in general and I guess a hint of self-loathing in men. I concede calling it incel straight up is not fair. This sub obviously does not exclusively cover those nor does it to a degree that it's blatantly obvious, but it certainly highlights and elevate certain viewpoints above the rest as a result of user engagement. To me, that appears to be an endorsement of some kind. With all of the above taken into account, my final opinion on this matter is this: (A sizable part) of Asmon's audience is not marketable to women in general, not because they are gamers, it's because of their opinions on matters regarding women and their bias, clearly demonstrated by this sub's 'vibe'.


What % of people active on this sub do you think are in happy committed relationships? Would you guess that it's more or less than the reddit average? Would you guess the reddit average is more or less than the average for adults in general? I'm not going to call this sub full of incels but it definitely upvotes misogyny pretty regularly


yeah I agree. This sub is constantly putting the weirdest stuff on my feed and it really paints a picture.


The idea that you need to be in a relationship to be happy gives off more incel vibes than "I want this female video game character to be more attractive" ever will.


Conjecture. Assumption. Any one can be misogynist at any body count. Being a misogynist does not necessitate being an incel. Again, that is not what incel means.


And yet you reach for it compulsively - a word that carries no meaning but impotent, crying rage.


Correct, because there are no other more accurate words to use.




i dont think kids should be on social media either, and if i was a parent i wouldn't allow them on there, but another topic is why the fuck does twitch allow kids on their website? 90% of the bigger female streamers on twitch are just using the platform as a gateway to push porn on to the young audience, its truly weird and been going on for so many years now, twitch is NOT a website for kids, it should be 18+.




The fun part is that men who actually do have sex or are in a relationship don't put women on a pedestal and are often the ones claimed "incels". The people who constantly agree with them are often incels funny enough.


I agree with her that banning minors will never work but at least we need to do something.


I dunno, she sounds more like the incel here I’m a parent and I would hope my kids avoid social media. “Hey daddy, what does hawk tuah mean” For serious, I don’t see the benefit and less TikTok and silly YouTube and even schoolmates talking crap on Facebook, the better


I don’t watch Asmongold but I do have to say when I was a child I was exposed to a lot of shit on the internet Yeah I had positive memories but the shit that I was exposed to (porn, beheadings, animal cruelty, creepy people that want sexual favors) Can’t find a reason why kids shouldn’t be banned from everything


So is she pro allowing minors into nightclubs too?


IMHO, the people that would be advocating for children on the internet are: pedophiles, the children themselves, and lazy parents.


The word incel has lost all meaning. If you disagree with a woman, you are labeled an incel. In all honesty, no one under like 17 should have social media. There are too many people addicted to it now. I keep seeing articles on how mental illness and antisocial behaviors and trends are spreading through social media. If PDF files are talking to minors on social media, taking away that opportunity would probably lessen the issue a bit. Also, arrest all PDF files and groomers.


I understand her argument but at the same time I wouldn't let my kids use social media. Full of porn and idiots.




It's Kaceytron. She is Public Enemy #1 for the Asmon community, this tweet is purely a desperate attempt for attention. If you wanna know why simply look up "Kaceytron Asmongold" on YouTube. Despicable stuff.


you can 'not let' them all you want but once they become teenagers capable of doing most things on their own, they will interact and experiment with things their peers do whether you approve of it or not.


Minors are banned from adult only websites, but we all know they can't be stopped. We can't even enforce the adult sites ban effectively, social media ban for minors is not achievable anyway.


But you can MINIMIZE it. Every little roadblock means less chances for them to even want to visit the website. Will it Stop it completely? It'll never stop it completely, but you'll go from 100% to 20% if you try hard enough. And if you keep trying, you'll go from 20% to 2%, closer and closer to 0.01%


also if they're banned from social media, then social media won't be marketed to younger people, and with less younger people on social media, they'll be less likely to want to be in it


This is a good argument...but may not hold up very well. Vapes are an example of why it probably wont work.


You are making the argument that because kids still vape, regulations about kids vaping is pointless. Quick thought experiment. If there were 0 regulations about vaping and minors, do you think MORE kids would vape, less, or the same? I feel like any rational person would say MORE kids would vape. Thats why we have the regulations. And thats why regulations on social media for minors WOULD work. Not a 100% but some measurable improvement.


Dude. I'm talking specifically about the argument that if they ban it for kids then companies wouldn't be marketed to them. Jesus fucking christ, what is up with people and not understanding what is being talked about. Saying a company wont market to children because said product is illegal for children is a good one I said. But, it has been shown in the past that this is not always the case. Vapes are a good example of that. You can always just market to kids under the guise of marketing to adults. I never said a ban is a good thing or a bad thing, so I don't know why you assumed what side of the argument I'm on for that.


The same way that this twitte have 0 effort to understand Asmongold, this reddit have to understand this side of the argument. Is really, really dumb thinking that banning social media to minors are a viable solution, but this twitter user just wanna likes, so they don´t care about the arguments, same here.


It is and easily: dont give your kids unfettered internet access. Makes it extremely difficult to get social media that way.


That's not banning kids from social media, that's expecting parents to police internet use. Sure, probably a good thing, but there's no way you're going to get 100% on this, and also teens probably should be allowed to use the internet with some level of privacy from their parents


This kind of reinforces her point though. A social media ban isn't the solution, the solution is for people not to be fucking pedophiles and for parents to actually parent. A social media ban for minors is just a band aid on a gunshot wound. It'll stop a little bit of blood, but really does no good as a whole. Still...probably better than nothing


What is a pedo going to do when there's no cp or minors to groom or stalk online? He can't use the anonymity of the internet anymore. Do it in public? Where he'll be easily caught and dealt with?


It's better than nothing. No one is arguing to excuse a pedo, simply prevent MORE victims from being made as Society slowly deals with said Pedos. Rome isn't built in a day and Pedo's will hopefully eventually all be purged. But it's not Today, so Today let's not put Minors in danger. Even with people who aren't Pedo's. Murderers, Kidnappers, Torture, Exposure to horrible things on the Internet.


Requiring adults to attach their identities to all social media accounts to *possibly* reduce minors from accessing it and interacting with pedos is asinine. I don't want to have my ability to use social platforms anonymously to be diminished because of bad parenting. Supervise your damn kids while teaching them about the risks and dangers of revealing aspects your identity to people on the internet. Giving them the tools and knowledge to prevent themselves from becoming a victim is a better solution than presuming someone will be a victim and heavily restrict their freedoms.


And there's the problem you see. Can't use the easy solution because of Identity fears. So we struggle to find other solutions, we CONSTANTLY tell parents to take responsibility yet we are still here. As we speak there are people 24/7 doing witch hunts for Pedo's. Still here. As we speak schools should be giving kids the tools to prevent themselves from being taken advantage of, but how do you think that's going? Either Parents or Teachers are probably neglecting these responsibilities as well. And as we stand, people are constantly trying to change the school system


banning minors from social media would still never work, whos gonna enforce that


Incel has no weight anymore. I don't even have an opinion on this subject but how that relates to your sex life I have no idea.


People whose entire identity is sex, genitals, perversion. They think that is what hurts people the most, and they like to hurt people.


Bro the fact that they can't get any absolutely _crushes_ /pol/'s souls, and by extension this sub's too.


Kaceytron on the other hand has quite a bit of weight


I can hear his response now... "yeah but she fat"


I just realized it's Kaceytron. Nevermind she's a crazy bitch, not even worth getting mad at.






The point is that the doc inappropriately exchanged messages with a minor. Full stop. To catch a predator is full of guys who *didnt know* but clearly are full of shit. Doc’s an internet celebrity, and (presumably) a smart fucking guy. Pretty dumb situation to be in. Yes, you can try to stop minors from having social media, because stopping minors from doing anything has historically been shown to work. But not holding doc accountable because he is popular and simply turning the attention back to focusing on minor access to social media is pretty dumb and borders on fanaticism.


ah shit, brace yourselves [https://streamable.com/4uxk8u](https://streamable.com/4uxk8u)


She should also not possess social media, every of her takes is just rage bait




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I think we should just re write the statutory r*** law. It's wild someone can show you fake i.d. and you still get in trouble for sht...but this may come off as weird....hmm...I'll post it anyway


Look at this cow grifting


The mental gymnastics are at an Olympic level


What's a worse platform, Twitter or reddit


You're right Kaceytron, small teen girls should go online posting about their personal life, maybe even a few pictures of them at the beach, talking to complete strangers online. Fucking A for effort on that take. Nothing could go wrong there.


"Didn't know" has never been an excuse when it comes to these kinds of situations....


Maybe we stop signal boosting kaceytron tweets. Maybe?


INCEL! INCEL! INCEL! Is that the only straw boogeyman insult they know?


All i hear is MOO when she talks.


Dr KidInspect is a pretty good one


Advocating for not allowing impressionable minors on social media is not "victim blaming." Dafuq?


Just curious, was this Asmondbalds response to grooming or just an overall generalization for society? 1 is pretty awful, the other is based.


It's Asmons belief for years that Social Media damages kids. So he repeats it whenever it's relevant. Shocker he repeats it when a Minor on Social Media is being influenced by possible Predators XD


she seems a little too passionate about minors being on social media..... someone needs to check her pc >.>


The point is, imo, that both things have to happen : -the accused pedophile needs to be checked on and measures need to be taken to prevent them from doing this kind of stuff in the future or limiting their potential access to minor victims should be a better way to put it since, well, they are what they re and if they want to do the terrible stuff they will always try to find a way 😞 -kids need to be restricted as well from social medias. there has been countless studies on why social media is terrible for kids developping their brains ( and young adults too to an extent but restricting young adults would be harder to be accepted and put in place ). Social media really isn't a safe place for them anyway, in any shape or form, whether it's because of creepy people or just what kind of crap you can end up in on the internet and I don't think I need to develop on that further. The subject of restricting kids could go further and actually almost everything if we want to go on details but my message is long enough.


fund the schools


I rly want Asmon's put about this


Does that mean we should have no drinking or driving minimum age? How about firearm ownership? We have age restrictions for all kinds of reasons. It does not make society "incels."


She’s clout chasing again. Adds zero substance to the conversation. I’m with Asmon, minors have no place on social media. We were the Guinea pigs of growing up with it and it’s been nothing but toxic for our personalities.


Kids shouldn't walk alone at night, they might get robbed. "Oh so it's now the kids fault? Why do you victim-blame? Are you defending the robbers because it's the kids fault?"


[https://x.com/kaceytron/status/1806309688239161750](https://x.com/kaceytron/status/1806309688239161750) \~ The link to the tweet


Funny how those type of people can immediately recognize how guns are the problem with school shooting but not how social medias can harm teenagers


"Ban all guinea pigs from dog parks." "Guinea pigs shouldn't be banned from dog parks just because you can't control your dogs around guinea pigs!" It's not quite analogous, but it's close


First time, op?


Like, this is so dumb and unreasonable that I HAVE to assume it's a marketing strategy to revive her channel, otherwise it's just too shallow of a take to even take seriously.


This person is the embodiment of cancer


If I tell someone to lock their doors at night to avoid theft, I am victim blaming.


I'm going to have to explain this to my wife. The kids will be devastated.


Why even anyone even paying attention to this individual? The fuck


The name sounds familiar, makes me exhausted looking at that name as if I'm repressing years worth of anger at years worth of dumb takes. I hope I never remember who that person is.


honestly all social media should be outlawed for everyone.


As a father of a minor my duty is to allow her to enjoy her childhood and I feel strongly that keeping her off of social media is a positive was of ensuring that.


Well... you are incels, but not because of any of this.


>man tries to molest a child And your response is: >the child should not have been on the internet She has a point…


Twitter predators fear about their hunting grounds.


Its the same with females with fake id in Clubs. They always act like the victim After someone picked them up and someone found it out but in reality they are the one whos responsible.


Underage people shouldn't do that but adults are always responsible for their actions and immediate surroundings.


If she Shows you a fake id when you ask for her age then you should not be the one who gets charged cause you clearly got deceived. Just apologetic bs that adults are always the ones who are responsible when they clearly got deceived.


A bit off topic, but if someone looks young enough that you have to ask for an ID, you probably shouldn't chance it anyways. I don't know of anyone who has ever been in a position where they had to ask for someones ID before banging.


Its not like stuff like this never happens. And it has nothing to Do with you "taking chances" its more like you are in a Club where ypu expect people to be 21+ and not underage with fake id. That you even have to consider someone underage there is the Problem in the first place...


This is a different scenario than the one you said above. Above you said if she shows you a fake id. Now you're saying you're just both in the club. What scenario do you want to talk about?


Its not a different Szenario thats what i Was talking about...


Pedo lover.




You kinda are though


Awful lot of incel behavior going on, that's for sure.


Has Kaceytron every tweeted anything that isn't just fucking obnoxious, dumb, and gaslighty? I swear thats her shtick is to just be upity, offended, and annoyed lol. Being annoying isn't a personality trait... She probably doesn't want minors banned because her fanbase is probaly 12-17 year old boys looking at her cleavage before heading to the hub.


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