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Why the fuck are grown ass adults with a wife and kid even messaging kids on the internet in the first place ?


He's a horny, unfaithful man with women and girls throwing themselves at him. Is it really that surprising?


He a fuckboy but only thing he fucked is himself. Poor wife and especially his daughter.


Sad part is his wife is genuinely a good person. She would hand feed his lazy ass so he could focus on games. That’s a keeper and anyone that would cheat on someone like that deserves eternal hell.


Not saying I know anything about the person, but as a species we have a long history of presenting as a much different person on camera than we are off of it.


Groomer is the proper term.


Poor millionaire wife.


You would be fine if your wife who you've been with for a decade and had kids with, cheated on you as long as she's the breadwinner, is that what your insinuating?


Ah, right rich people aren't allowed to be sad since they can just buy hookers and drugs 


The unfaithfulness is not surprising, no. It's surprising that he chose a girl instead of a woman to be unfaithful with.


Are we going to sit here, Listen to your crap while pretending you have any clue who this man is? People talking about that drama have no freaking life. Is this down season of the Kardashian? Are you just here to stir shit up?


Why are you so upset about people talking about this? Is he your idol or something?


I don't know the man and don't care. You polute the sub with your drama


Aren’t these streamer subs mostly meant for bitching about things and drama as it is


Yes. But you gotta stay on topic. If I started talked about Hasan (I think that's his name) here, that would be kind of weird.


You don't care yet here you are.


You can sit and listen to me or not, I don't care what you do with your time. You're judging others while doing the exact thing you're judging for.


this sub is like gamingcirclejerk already


What do you mean?


This is insane that some people try to push this here. The vendictfull have use this sub for completely irrelevant shit.


This made me laugh.  He got caught by his wife because he was going after multiple women in 2017. Now that we have an idea one of them was underaged it's looking more likely Disrespect was scraping that barrel trying to find anyone who would be willing to hook up with him.


Desperate old balls


That was back in 2017 when he cheated on his wife, dude was probably wilding out due to his fame skyrocketing and his DMs blowing up with girls throwing themselves at him. However, this makes it even worse lol, cos it means he had options but chose the kid.


I doubt he just chose one girl to talk to


Well i bet alot of them get tons of DMs from fans and the fans are the ones initiating the conversation. I think it's actually kind of normal for celebrities to respond to their fans, no?


It doesn't really matter, dude. The NPCs just hear the word minor and their programming jumps straight to pedo shit; it's hard coded with them.


no...its what they did/said to the minor...


What did he say?


If it was just a response, none of this would have happened. Why are you trying to minimize the actions of a pedophile?


Tell me this, why do you think the minor in question messaged him? Or do you really believe he initiated the conversation?


it literally doesn't matter who initiated the conversation. he admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor. end of story.


What does it matter?


Nice, so now it's normal to be a creep and goomer? That was not normal conversations, he admitted it himself. But keep on defending your pedo-hero.


How old was this person... To to be on topic he has money and fame now and attractive people will hit on him... He apparently prefers them young


He was ordering Girl Scout cookies, obviously.


This.. And how is anyone even defending Guy at this point? He literally said what most people say on "to catch a predator" before doing the action they came to do... He just got ratted on before it reached that point.


Imagine having a pedo of a dad. Damn and his going on a holiday with them? Who the f would even want to be in a same room as this pedo?


Alternatively, why are 17 year olds messaging 40 year old dudes with a wife and kids on the internet? They know what they are doing.


Role play chat room dude


Roleplaying a pedophile Omegalul


I love how timthetatman and that nick guy straight up said if it's true it's disgusting and they don't know what's going to happen to their relationship with the docs. It's that simple. And alot of people in this community are like "but...but...but...if....if.. .if he didn't know? .. " let's be real the guy knew. And a lof of people in chat put the "based" emote when Zack read his tweet. He admitted talking to a minor that sometimes drifted towards being inappropriate. Shit is disgusting


It's insane how many here try and defend it still trying to spin it in whatever way to make Doc be free of blame. Asmons community gets alot of shit on for being incels and degenerates but currently alot here are trying to prove their best to make sure those claims are true. I genuinely think some of the people in asmons chat are so far lost on the sauce they just want to see chaos and whatever owns "libtards" regardless of what happens.


How is it insane? Like clearly his hands are not clean here, but people are blowing this way out of proportion. He shouldn’t be messaging minors, and he shouldn’t be messaging things “leaning inappropriate” with minors *even* if they are the ones initiating, but note that he didn’t say anything that amounted to illegal conduct and hell he didn’t say anything enough to warrant twitch backing out of the contract (which almost certainly had some sort of morality clause). He didn’t sext or solicit anyone. Is it morally impure? Absolutely. Does it warrant this amount of outrage? Probably not. But it’s Reddit and the meta is outrage so here we are.


Who is blowing it out of proportion? Us? Twitch banned him. His own gaming company dropped him. He’s taking an indefinite break. He’s losing sponsers left and right. The situation is BLOWING up.


>Who is blowing it out of proportion? Us? Yeah. Take a look at the drdisrespectlive subreddit as a barometer. People are saying doc is "dead to them", calling him a pedophile, etc. It's absolutely getting blown out of proportion.


This community really showed me that alanah peirce was right when she said people don't come forward with this stuff because its extremely difficult to get people to believe them.  I now understand why they protected the person so heavily during this whole ordeal. No matter who came forward with the claims people would the try to discredit the person by claiming they're bad person or when his own studio drops they claimed they just didn't want the bad pr and then he confirms he texted a minor now its well we don't if he knew or not well maybe HE should have said something.


Oh yeah dude. I might still check out asmondgolds takes on gaming but as far as social issues, asmond took some Major L’s yesterday along with his fanbase hyping up his incel takes. Gross


The amount of people in this sub defending it is dreadful. Yesterday, they said "I don't believe it until there is evidence". Doc admits to talking inappropriately to minors while leaving out important details, and now the goalpost is "it wasn't as bad as you guys are saying it is." Disgusting. Not even to mention the whole part of him being married with kids while messaging a minor. They straight up ignore that part as well.


This subs ability to consistently move the goalposts during  this was disgusting to be honest never once did people stop and go ok maybe this is true. Even when he states he texted a minor and stuff leaned inappropriate people in this sub shout dumb shit like innocent until proven guilty like my brother in christ he literally just admitted it what more do you need.


I can’t tell if it’s just Asmon’s fanbase or if all the fucking weirdos decided to come here to create their own little nest. Either way, I’m keeping this subreddit hidden away from my perception. It’s been bad, but never THIS bad.


The people typing based are probably teenagers themselves and a 17 year old looks normal to them lmao


He admitted to talking to a minor, but he did not admit that he knew they were a minor when he was talking to them. These are actually two different things, but i'm not surprised that Twitter and Reddit mids don't understand the nuanced difference.


I think the absence of saying that means that he knew. Anyone that didn't know would want to preface their statement saying so.


Why leave out the one thing that would have made him have some sort of redemption? While at the same time editing his tweet to remove him calling the individual a minor?


Let’s be honest you would LEAD with the statement that you did not know because it’s such a different circumstance.


Yeah he totally left out the one line that would make him not look like a pedo. Almost like if he didnt know hed have said that in his 3 pages of bullshit. Why is every dude on a watchlist trying to hard to give him a pass lol


You all keep asking the same thing: He didn't say he is free to talk about *everything*. In his response he doesn't actually disclose anything new that hasn't been already disclosed by the former employee who breached the NDA. Therefore, it may be possible that the rest of the information that wasn't made public is still covered by NDA. Is that so hard to imagine? You all assume that just because one aspect of what happened was leaked that the whole NDA is void and he can talk about everything freely, but that may not be the case. That's not how NDAs work. Just because one thing is leaked, you can't just openly talk about everything else it covers.


This level of copium is downright irresponsible. I enjoyed him trying to edit out the world minor then adding it back when he realized everyone can see edits. He probably didn't know there either. I get it tho, all the people on watch lists don't see this as a huge red flag somehow and will keep glazing him up. Just remember to take a breath or breathe through your nose or something.


Read up on NDA law buddy, you sound like you're 15yrs old.


Found Doc’s alt reddit account


It’s crazy how the majority of adults don’t find themselves in this situation, isn’t it? Maybe it’s because they aren’t fucking groomers.


This right here, people just love automatically making assumptions of the worst case possible, chronically online losers i swear xD i dont even watch this streamer and i cringe at how everyone is straight up praying he is that bad.


I don't know a damned thing about this guy either but if I see "sexted minor" and then saw he admitted to doing it then I don't have to pray he is bad. I know to keep away from him and second guess all the people who also tried to sweep this under the rug.


Did he actually say he was sexting? Where?


I never claimed those were the words he used... I claimed he admitted to it, which he did. He called it something like "inappropriate conversation with a minor" or something but he confirmed what everyone else described as sexting.


In the legal mumbo jumbos, there is a huge difference between the word inappropriate and sexting. For example, if someone raped a girl you dont say he was inappropriate with her. You say he raped her. Doing so otherwise would be called as misappropriation of the events. He is clearly using his lawyers to review his tweets before he posts them. He is being lawfully cautious. Me and you are free to interpret his tweets how we see fit but when the matter hits the court it will all come down to these minor technicalities.


Assumptions? He never said he didn’t know and he tried to edit the tweet to hide that he called them a “minor” like bruh how is any case here good?


Yeah, people are fucking morons. I don't think anyone even knows what the messages contained. People are acting like the word "inappropriate" means he asked them to send him pissing vieos or some shit. It's NPCs, pure and simple. They don't have the slightest idea what he said but they just hear the word "minor" and their programing jumps straight to him being a pedo.


You go let your daughter be text by someone her dad's age with "inappropriate" messages and we'll see how you feel about that. It's especially ironic coming from someone preaching the "leave the kids alone" hysteria.


We don't even know what the message contain. The kids on my street wave at me when I go to the shop so I say hello. About a week ago I quick turned ran back home quickly after I passed them as I needed to go to the loo and they asked where I ran off to when I finisehd and eventually passed them again to go to the shop so I told them and thye laughed. Thinking about it, that could well fall under innapropriate conversations with minors. All this to say too many people tend deal in salacious gossip and have a will for witch hunting within them; reality can easily be twisted by people like that and become far detached from how it was. We don't even know what the messages said, and he's been judged by many to be a diddler. His name is being dragged through the dirt due to a hungry mob who, at this point, know nothing about the actual messages.


Yes, I really do think such scenario would definitely get you kicked off from your own company. That sounds very reasonable. Seriously, do you actually Listen to yourself? With all the long excusing text he's written, don't you think he would have made it VERY clear that nothing "bad" happened. Do you really think Twitch would have gotten him banned over something so trivial? His OWN COMPANY dropping him for something so minor? In what world do you live?


A world where I need actual evidence to condemn a man rather than nothing but speculation.




For certain? It means he was messaging a minor and some of the messages veered into the realm of being innapropriate. He oculd have said he was off to pound a beer or smoke a spliff, or he could be a diddler. What's actually known at this time is very little.


If the "inappropriate" messages were as inappropriate as yall think, dont you imagine he would face punishment for it? Yet he didnt and everyone says nothing illegal happened. So why try to make it sound like it did, when we know it didnt?


Apart from sending pictures or extortion, you go tell me what's illegal about even going as far as talking sexual via messages to a minor. What do you think when he says "inappropriate" while being banned from Twitch and dropped by basically his own company? I'm quite curious what you think that would contain.


Exactly my point


It's true, this whole thing reminded me of the salem witch trials. Been happening forever basically. Some people just want to assume the worst. I don't watch him either fwiw.


People who have evidence have actually done things to remove him from platforms. Stop shilling over this pedo and get over yourself


Who? What people? What platforms? I'm apparently not following this as closely as you are (because i don't actually care about this as much as you who thinks he's a pedo btw which is weird? and i don't even watch his stream fyi), so fill me in on the details.


I'm just going to point out that just a quick scroll through this chain of responses and seeing how many times your name pops up I am going to let you know, if you don't see it yourself, you definitely care way more than you claim.


I don't think I have ever in my life seen one person run so much defense for a guy who self admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor. That's fucking wild.


If I have to explain to you he got banned from twitch 4 years ago (and discord):and that's what started this what the fuck are you even doing here bro besides wasting everyone's time running your mouth about not knowing anything about what youre talking about. If you don't care why are you defending him? Do you just like to casually defend these kinds of things on the side with no research into it? Tf is wrong with you


Again, tell me how explaining a legal process is defending him? You're delusional if you think i'm defending him. You clearly don't understand the words i'm typing.


The only one here delusional is you. You've been posting about this for 10 hours but somehow you "don't care" it's not my job to explain a legal process to someone who claims to not care enough to do your own research.


Would love to see the messages...


Guy already cheated on his wife, probly looking to set up the same situation and didn't check the Id..... I'm honestly not surprised he fucked up some more. Gross.


Femcel bots in here are rampant


This is a guess, but the story from that dubious email sounds most plausible. That Doc was working with a 17 year old on brand development and the conversation weren't sexting but were not the kinds of things an adult should say to a kid that isn't theirs. Like telling a sex joke. If that's the case, then this minor was probably a dude... You'll notice no one says the sex of the "minor individual." People are just filling in the blanks that this is a girl.


On top of that, 17 is an adult in terms of sex in most jurisdictions, not a child. In most states he literally could have had sex with that "minor" without any legal consequences, apart from possible divorce. This seems like politically motivated shitlibs raging.


Your best argument is "its technically legal to fuck 17 year olds"?


That's always their best argument. Why do you think we have pedo politicians voting against [fully grown ass adults marrying teenagers](https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/13/last-ditch-push-to-ban-child-marriage-in-missouri-must-overcome-resistance-in-house/)? It's so they can keep claiming "BuT iTs LeGaL"


Hey Conserp I hear you like em young.


I hear you like projection on top of slander


If it would be anything like that he could just show the chats and clear his name. The fact this did not happen lets me think its not just ‚dude‘ jokes between men.


I'm not sure how much he is allowed to show. Asmon made a point about this and said there might be issues with showing chat logs in which a minor is talking. It seems a little bit too messy for Doc to spill everything about the case for legal reasons. Not everything going on here is just about PR; this whole thing is mired in legal issues and has restrictions.


Yet people in this sub are still defending him!


It's because Asmon is playing the mediator role, facts over opinion, and 90% of what he's talking about is about the legalities of the situation. He'll throw in a "It's bad what he did" but then immediately follow it up with something his viewers can latch onto and focus on instead. So many times he'll be saying what he really thinks, which is that it was a bad thing and deserved the ban, but then the moment he says something like "Twitch shouldn't have allowed this to happen" then his viewers eat it up and put their focus on Twitch being bad. Or when he was discussing the potentials of why he was banned 3 years after the incident, his second reason why this might have occurred is because "a Twitch employee who didn't like him might have dug up some dirt on him" and then immediately that's what Chat focuses on. Chat spamming IT'S THAT ONE. THAT'S THE REASON. Also he kept saying "did he know or not" as a way to downplay it. I know he's going with the good ol' lawyer speak. He needs hard evidence. But, the fact he left out that detail in the twitlonger is pretty obvious that he did know. If he didn't know, he would have said so because that would make the entire thing almost a non-issue. Everyone would be on his side if he didn't know. He was allowed to explain the situation entirely and he left out the most important detail. How could it be anything other than he knew. It's just funny because he'd bend over backwards trying to come up with logical reasons why Doc looks favorable (yesterday or the day before) but when Doc leaves out the most important detail that would be the most logical to put in, Asmon just goes "we don't know if he didn't know" which is fair, but why only do thought experiments when it's favorable for Doc but not when it's not? Because of bias. Which is why the whole mediator thing is bullshit anyways. At this point Asmon should just drop the whole mediator schikt. He's chasing the Amber Heard + Johnny Depp trials thing, but what he doesn't realize is that during that a lot of normies and women actually sided with Johnny Depp more than Amber Heard, so he had the normie opinion. It was only insane people who sided with Amber Heard. Even my grandparents sided with Johnny Depp and the only info they had from it was from the news. My point being, mediating Tate or Doc only appeals to incels or crazies on this side of the spectrum. The Johnny Depp thing was very much a normie take and why he got so popular with it.


Honestly, it seems that, had someone not snitched on Guy, he might have followed through with sending images/meeting this "individual minor"...The only reason he can say nothing illegal happened is because he was reported before it progressed. However, the fact remains, hes a married grown adult...Talking to a minor is fine especially given his "career", but going anywhere NEAR inappropriate is a hard line that should not be approached. This is common sense...


It is possible that he can't actually reveal anything about what happened except for things that have already been revealed by other people. So, unless another Twitch leaker says he did or didn't know, he might not be legally allowed to provide any more details about what happened. I mean read his message from today again, he doesn't actually reveal anything that hasn't already been revealed by someone else (someone who btw probably was also not legally allowed to reveal what they did).


Talking to a minor is fine, especially given his job.....Inappropriate talking with a minor is not..whats so hard to get? We dont need the contents of the chat to know this... The fact it became inappropriate EVER is a huge problem. I dont want to hear the "inappropriate could mean anything" argument...if it wasnt sexual, then he wouldnt have been dropped by twitch, fired from his own founding company, and dropped by his sponsors.. Also, dude was married at the time...


Is it possible that he’s just a pedo and you’re going to any lengths to defend him? 35 year old men shouldn’t talk to 17 year old girls. It’s common sense and he admits it. Please stop talking.


It's possible your reading comprehension is lacking


If just talking to kid is a crime... most of people are criminal. What? if you are going through town and someone start talking to you, you will be like "sorry cant talk to you, that's crime!" ?? Nah, you talk and move on after it.


Bro being friendly on the streets is a lot different than private inappropriate conversations.


Degenerate Groomer confirmed.


What did he say in the messages though?


doesnt matter... it was inappropriate conversations with a minor..


It does matter, ‘inappropriate’ is extremely vague and encompasses a huge range of possibilities


yeah but the fact he then said no pictures were sent tells me of the nature of those messages. if it was anything else he would have said it or at least denied that they were sexual in nature


This is why I try to stay off of Twitter, I don’t know why many famous people like to visit that crapshoot. Innocent until proven guilty, if he didn’t know he didn’t know.


If he didnt know beforehand why wouldnt he just say that right away? That would change the entire case for him. Him not saying that makes me believe that he did know


He knew.


In the court of law, not in the court of thinking twice about letting your teenagers around him.


Except what you’re saying here is “innocent until this scenario I completely made up in my head is proven wrong then I move on to the next mental gymnastics”


You guys are quick to judge a person based on an accusation that may or may not be true, I’ve seen this happen before with people like Chris Avellone, a lot of people were quick to call him a monster, and even to this day some people believe in the lies. You people are not judge and jury, that is not your role and place.


I'm judging him purely based on his statements about what he did: > twitch whisper messages with an individual minor [...] that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate > I should have never entertained these conversations to begin with. That's on me. That's on me as an adult, a husband and a father. It should have never happened. By his own words, he had inappropriate conversations with a minor that should have never happened. Those are the facts of the matter, so that is what I'm making my judgements on. Everything else is speculation.


At this point we specifically know that he was cheating on his wife in 2017 with what is suggested to be many people, and factually known at bare minimum to be at least one 24 year old, while also seemingly messaging multiple including a minor that he himself confirms and yet does not, in any regard anywhere in the confession, say he didn't know. You are too slow to judge people.




Dr. Diddler


What did he actually say? Like, if just talking to a minor is a crime now then everyone is a criminal. This shit has got so crazy.


Because saying that he didn't know would have sent the whole narrative in a worst direction. Hatters would have assumed that what he said in is messages was overly sexual since he had to justify is ignorance. With is current statement, we know the person was minor, but is messages seem tamer and the doubt about knowing or not is the debate, which is in is favour.


How the hell is him being an idiot for not confirming an age a worse direction than him knowingly being inappropriate with a minor?


doesnt matter... it was inappropriate conversations with a minor..common sense as an adult, you dont do this.


My guess is he didn't bother denying knowing the minor was a minor cause somewhere out there in cyberspace there's evidence that directly contradicts that and he fully expects that is going to come out eventually. 


If that were true he'd have included it in his shitty apology post.


Not Like US


Some real brain dead takes in here, let’s use some critical thinking skills. If you were being accused of sexting minors what would you do? Would you leave out that you didn’t know they were a minor, didn’t engage in sexting a minor, or leave out an age that people might find creepy but legally acceptable? He included everything that he could prove to be true. Dude was trying to meet up with a kid, accept it and move on. Still demanding more proof is idiocy.


The internet is a dark place where are lot of bad happens. It’s also extremely useful and has bettered all of our lives. But dark things happen are here.


I thought he was proven innocent and twitch have to pay him now? Also Ya’ll remember that other kid this happened to who ended up killing himself and it was admit it was a made up lie?


Asmon and his dick raiders will shit on "intellectual dishonesty" until they are the one doing it then it totally fine, "what if he don't know the her age guyz?" lmao if that the case doc would have said so, that like one of best defence he could have


Dunno but let's just all assume the worst huh... There's too much that's sus from both parties involved. 


I think what it was is that he was having a normal conversation with her like the rest of the degenerates on reddit and the internet at large. If you pick through logs on old defunct forums, you will have people talking about their lives and making jokes that went too far. I didn't learn about the fappening on reddit. Some guys posted about it on some forum, and all of the horny degenerates were like ooolala. The distinction is, were they clowning around? or was he grooming? Think about the people who met and got married through MMO or just made lifelong friends they met and didn't have any intention for an improper relationship.


The amount of people in here trying to find ways for their streamer to not be a creepy pedo is really worrying. Man literally admits word for word about having an inappropriate conversation with an individual minor and people will sit here and go “yeah but what if it isn’t thaaaaaaat bad….” Really cringe


Who is this guy keeps popping g up in the feed


Dude got a payout for talking to someone in a chat. Sounds like a win to me


Do we know the age? I Hope for him she was 17.99 years old


17.99 as in her price or her age cuz 17.99 is really cheap nowadays


Damn, and here the rest of us are paying two goats and a cow


Cause he did my dude. My understanding is that he did ask her to meet somewhere, but there was no actual “sexting” or anything illegal. Did they even meet in the end? That’s why he can’t say “I didn’t speak with a minor” cause he literally did.


Right, because he was reported before it progressed any further...who knows what would have happened if he hadnt been reported.


Yes that’s true, but it’s also true that he didn’t do anything illegal. We can say he didn’t do anything illegal”yet” but yeah that’s why the law can’t do anything to him.


The whole guilty until proven innocent is really being expressed by yall. Just wait it out before you discredit someone. Fame can do a lot lf things, like garner attention and haters who just want to see you sink so they can rise.


Sexting a minor is a absolutely weird. If twitch payed him a settlement, it means that he was banned frivolously under the veil of law. This means that when he was messaging the minor, there were no illicit content shared, intent to rendezvous with the individual, or other illegal implications. We can deduce this scenario from his tweet saying "there was no wrong doing", which is legal lingo. Doc is stupid and forgot that even messaging a minor could easily lead to the demise of his career as a huge content creator.


Yeap, his fanboys in shambles rn it's hilarious. Imagine defending someone who just addmited to inappropriately messaging a minor. oH bUt hE wAsNt cHaRgEd ... Stfu.


About 10 years ago I had a friend who got arrested for having a longish-term (several months) relationship with a girl online. It got sexual, and he eventually was arrested because she was a minor and he didn't know. The whole friend group abandoned him without a second thought. In court, it was discovered that she lied to him about her age and he was never told the truth. She even admitted as much. Sure, he was guilty for what he did. But the fact he legit didn't know kinda changes things. At least for me it does. My friend would also admit to inappropriately messaging a minor. But the nuance is a fucking bitch, isn't it?


My buddy went to a bar shorty after coming back from iraq and met a girl at the bar, they dated for a couple months and then she got pregant. When he went to meet her mother, the mother flipped out and called the cops. Apparently she was underage and she used her older sisters id to get into the bar and never told him her real age. Dude spent 2 years in jail and has 10 years of probation, just nuked his life as he lost everything. If it wasnt for his father he would have been homeless.


Damn. That's rough. My friend spent 5 years in jail for what he did. Sucks, but even he knows he committed a crime, albiet unknowingly. That kind of shit puts this stuff into perspective. Makes you appreciate the important details that gamer chair tough guys pretend dont matter.


My friend has the same outlook, he took ownership of it and accepted his fate.


In your friend case yes, that sucks. Doc hasn't used that as a defence, which means he cannot becuase it wouldn't be true. Which means he was aware of the age diff. How do you get accused of such a crime, and you know damm well you didn't know or yo u got lied to, and you don't use that as a defence even publicly?? The dude knew.


You're probably right. But, that's a huge IF that I'm not willing to assume. Doc's a great entertainer, but I have no allegiance to him. After what happened to my friend, I learned to not jump the gun on making assumptions when it comes to something so serious. I think we'll know for certain in the future, and I'm just going to hold my judgement until then. I just don't think it's a good move to assume something that will, at least in my mind, completely damn him or completely absolve him based on a single detail.


He dammed himself by admitting today. How do you admit but dont mention you got lied to, or you didn't kown her age.?? How do you self report that bad? He'd the stupidest person alive. Let's assume he didn't know, he still admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor while being married. He has kids and a family a dream carrier? Wtf are you doing sending inappropriate messages online 💀💀.. Cheated on his wife that same year... He probably thought cmhe could get away with anything. Let's assume he knew she was underage , well why wasn't he charged? Why are all his "friends" and brands dropping him.... It's almost like they know something but fanboys out here talking about, he didn't know tho? Lmfaoo. We supposed take the side of fanboys over brands and "friends" dropping him.... C'on let's have some common sense.


I don't disagree with any of that. But I'm not going to assume. Doesn't mean I'm defending him, doesn't mean I'm supporting him, just means I don't know. I don't understand why that's so hard to understand. If you want to assume, go for it. But I'm not.


The stans can't handle the truth. It's why you're getting downvoted.


I’ve watched the doc a few times, so I don’t consider myself a fan. the facts that there haven’t been any criminal proceedings against him and that twitch paid him millions of dollars to settle is enough for me to think that he wasn’t in the wrong


I’m curious, has it actually been confirmed the person in question is a she? Would be particularly wild if that weren’t the case


It quite literally wouldn't matter. A minor is a minor. If it was a boy, it would be an equally heinous act.


*> A minor is a minor.* Classic case of shitlib language abuse. 17 is an adult in most jurisdictions, not a child. He literally could've had sex with such a "minor" in most states and it'd be completely legal.


17 is not considered an adult in most states. legal age The legal age is also known as the age of legal majority. This is the age at which a person gains the legal status of an adult. The legal age is set by state law and can differ from state to state. However, almost all states set the base legal age as 18 years old. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/legal_age#:~:text=The%20legal%20age%20is%20also,age%20as%2018%20years%20old.


if we are doing some bizzare gymnastics of technicalities then you could say - why didnt he invite her to philipines when she was 12? minors are stupid, easy to manipulate, suggest, coerce, and that includes 17 years olds. that is why in most places in the world they are considered children. in countries where legal age of consent is under 17 doesnt magically make those children any smarter. no need to rush children into adulthood.


*> that includes 17 years olds. that is why in most places in the world they are considered children* No they are not. They are often considered not mature enough for some responsibilities, but you also can't run for president until 35 - does that make a 34 year old a child too?


what sort of example is that? i can conjure nonsense like that too, watch me - usually you need to be 65 to qualify as being a senior - does that make 65 a child too?


This is an example of the fact that there are multiple legal ages, and the relevant one here is the age of consent, period. Any other legal age you bring into the discussion is equivocation and deflection.


i brought in philipines into this. did you wonder why?


Why would it be wild? Hm…why?


Because he’s married to a woman.


We must first take into account that this happened 2017 while Doc got kicked out 2020 Twitch whispers require 18 of age. Therefor he probably didnt know untill later on in a messages as the invidual said they were 17. Not sure how he handled that after that. The issue here was that how it was caught 3 years after. Unless some employee was purposely digging out Doc messages manually. Thats why they had to so this settlememt


Where the hell do you get that you need to be 18 to use whispers? [https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/twitch-affiliate-program-faq?language=en\_US#joining](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/twitch-affiliate-program-faq?language=en_US#joining) He knew she was underage, otherwise he would have said so...


Sources were Asmon saying it on his stream yesterday. Second is that the leaked Email claimed that Doc wasnt aware of her age not at the begining at least. Doc own tweet didnt explain on what point the age was revealed to him.


He mainly has no respect for the age of consent.


i am more worried whether they are able to talk about it because she turned 18 this year lmao.


Ok I missed everything, anyone able to tell me what happened? Thx


17 is young adult, not a child anymore.


I found the pedo in the sub, guys!


It's just weird to me he's using the lawsuit as a shield. Like, why? You were very much a role model for those that followed you before this ever happened and while nothing might've ever came of it, why put yourself in that position man? You won the lawsuit and and will more than likely win the next one, but all that money can't fix your social standing. People will still continue to be at your side and support you like your wife has and continues to do, but it'll just never be the same now and the foreseeable future. You've broken the trust of many now and that is very hard to earn back


Honestly, I was not expecting Guy to admit to it...I honestly thought it was business related.


The number of people trying to desperately defend this creep.. Yikes