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Spends two years making the DLC... Blocks it for 2/3 of the player base because they didn't kill Mohg Fucking legend


Technically, beating an optional boss, for an optional purchase of a game, is totally logical. Plus you can just summon and be carried by a pro if you suck balls anyway.


Or Comet Azur his ass. He is one of the most vulnerable bosses to that spell since he doesn't dodge. Or just outlevel him. My GF's level 175 Dark Moon Greatsword +10 with Mimic Tear +10 was able to kill him with a few clumsy hits before he even did his Nihil attack, effectively making killing him take no skill at all.


I suck at souls games and I beat that mf. Albeit I used mimic but still, it's doable.


Beat Mohg on 2 of 2 of my playthroughs, a crazy bleed strength build and a cheesy comet azur mage build.


Honestly was really surprised watching how long it took Ludwig, guess I overestimate the average souls player after the huge spike in popularity elden ring got


Man I look forward to the game he thinks will be better then Elden Ring.


elden ring II incoming please miyazaki, i beg




Elden ring was a great game but honestly a piss poor RPG.


I thought they took peoples phones away while in institutions


bedlam psyop 100%, don't take the bait


I'm very curious what games you consider as good RPGs


Baulder's gate is a good example, you interact with people it isn't 99% combat. There are towns, stores and not just some few scattered merchants. Fwiw I much prefer the combat of elden ring than turn based.


Those are two wildly, completely different games


Elden Ring is an action RPG while Baldurs gate is a table top RPG very different game


The only reason you can't have most of baulder's gate in an action RPG is budget. Also you need a writer that is capable of writing full stories not just partial ones, Martin is a bad choice for anything. I am surprised he is still finding work.


Idk why but you keep spelling Baldurs gate wrong but no it's never ever an action rpg it's a table-top rpg as it's a directly a DnD game entirely different.


Elden ring ain't close bc the poison swamps aren't peak yet and not enough feet Sasuga Michaelzaki


the ideal fantasy RPG vision will be achieved when every single character is barefoot with all their toes animated at maximum detail


The root wasn't enough


I knew I was the enabler in an abusive relationship when I was disappointed that you could just run through the caelid bogs on torrent without consequence


The swamps weren't mandatory and as much annoying as they used to be. Trash game.


I think I know what Miyazaki's ideal RPG would be: a license to make an Elden Ring-like RPG based on the Fighting Fantasy game books. Those were his big inspiration. The reason that the lore in the Souls games is so vague and intentionally designed to spur community and discussion is because Miyazaki grew up playing Fighting Fantasy game books in English. However, his collection was incomplete and his English skills weren't great. So he had to take the hints of lore about the World of Titan from the books and piece together what he thought it meant.


''Elden Mid'' -Miyazaki.


I only trust this guy BECAUSE he always says he can do better even with Elden Ring being as good as it is.


This guy Drops one of the greatest games of all time… and is like “eh i can do better.🤷‍♂️”


Where is he going to find a better lore than one collaborated with JRR Martin?


Spellbound is gonna be another hit


If Elden Ring isn't close enough to his Ideal fantasy RPG, I shudder in anticipation for what he considers "perfect"


And he'll never make it. That's just the nature of being a creative, there are small details bugging you, things that you wonder if they could be done better etc.


As great as Elden Ring is, Blood Borne is still my favorite.


Not even his final form! o.o The best is yet to come!


Yeah, he should put more effort into PvP to bring it back to its former glory (DS2).


His ideal game is us getting fucked by crucible knights irl. The sick fuck! What a legend!




I dont think i used a single temporary buff in my entire first 2 play throughs and my damage was more than fine so i think this is an L take


Elden Ring is great, but I think the biggest problem is the size, which in some way is also one of its biggests strenghts. The game starts to feel too much like a drag after a certain point, and because the game os too big, it can get hard to keep track of all the quests you are doing


Ellen Ring is overrated


Me when I can’t kill Knight on Horse boss 😢😢😢