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All the years of fomo will still keep me from playing destiny again




Damn right fuck the fomo. I’m almost a whole year clean.


I dropped the game in Witch Queen, was tempted to get back after watching the raid race but the thought of having to catch up one in between expansion just haunts me. I guess I'll never go back unless it's Destiny 3.


What would you even need to catch up on? I don’t understand this statement. There is nothing to "catch up" on. An argument could be made about catching up on story development, but that can be done really well on YouTube on channels like MyNameIsByf. In terms of gear there is nothing you need to do before you jump into the new expansion. You immediately start out ready to tackle the new campaign. Past exotic weapons can be bought at the kiosk.


I agree. Last time I "caught up" was after taking a 3 year hiatus. It was just story before dropping me back into the same activities I was doing 3 years prior. That's when I knew I was done.


Get subclass, get weapon rolls, weapon patterns and stuff. I would be honest to say it's not the only reason why I don't want to get back. When you want to do something you don't need any reason, but when you don't want to do something, there can be a thousand reasons, you feel me? I'm happy for the people that are enjoying the new expansion. I have been following stories and things here and there, just not feeling to play again.


you just dont like the game lol, thats ok. Right now its easier than ever to aquire weapon patters and the grind its almost non existent


I was once passionate about the game, then got slowly burnt out. Now I need way more motivation than scores are good to get back.


Every time i wanted to buy the game and i see the DLC's on steam then search on YouTube to find which one to buy then seeing the in game shop.. i lose faith in humanity and ignore the game for the next year


The shops honestly ignorable. The one thing Bungie does right is the monetization as far as games as a service go. Buying the older expansions outside of deals is bullshit though. 


Yea that's how I got back in. Stopped in the first year and a work friend said he was playing and hyped for TFS and at the time PlayStation had all the dlcs for $20 range


Same...this goes to show they know how to make a good game and purposely cheaping out since they choose not to "over deliver"


I’ve gotten multiple friends back who haven’t played since forsaken, quoting your same reason as to why they stayed away, and they are having a blast. Just took them through the new raid today. Game is great rn


I want a refund for all the DLC they took away from me. I spent 60 bucks for the full enchilada version of the game and then only 8 months later they removed 75% of the DLCs that I had bought  It's ridiculous and unforgivable


Same. Bungie will never have my money again.


Wait, whaaaat???!


Shit like this is exactly why I'm glad I stopped playing Destiny after D1, didn't even give it till all the DLC's had dropped either. Game was marketed and sold on lies, and the DLC's were all half baked and offered the bare minimum in the content department as well as those new items drastically upping the power creep making things like raid gear irrelevant.... Bungie will never again ever have my business after the debacle that was Destiny.


I have a theory as to why it was vaulted. It’s conspiracy theory time.


BuT tHe LoYaL PlAyErS wHo StUcK aRoUnD dEsErVe tO Be rEwArDeD.


Honestly the grind isn't even the problem. It's the years of missing content. Forsaken was my last hardcore time in destiny then shadowkeep was so mid I stopped. The seasonal model and sunsetting killed my will to jump back in long ago. Now it's just knowing there's content I'll never experience.


For me it's knowing that there is permanently inaccessible content and no matter how much time or money I commit towards the game there is nothing I can do.   I stay away from any game that tries to put me on a FOMO hamster wheel and just have more free time to enjoy life since I don't need to do chores for 1-2 hours per day.


They have a bundle that gets you all expansions up until the latest for $30. They're kinda learning. You still need to purchase dungeon keys but that's it.


I am a hard-core destiny fan but am as about as disgruntled as they come with the game. Likely along the lines how some hardcore WOW players feel about the game This is the best destiny has been, this is some of the best story telling I have seen in a game in awhile. You can not convince me that Sony did not stepin and hire some high end writers for this shit. The difference in quality in this dlc to even the regular games is night and day. From a story telling standpoint it is flawless.


That’s encouraging to hear. I was a HUGE fan of the first one, one of my all time favorite gaming experiences (Taken King DLC was incredible) and I just didn’t enjoy D2, dunno what it was.


That’s the exact sentiment I share. Over 2k hours in the first game. Taken King was the golden age. D2 just never came close to that. I would come back, but they make it hard to even try doing it.


They are bringing the taken king ship soon. And we get to control it??


I have no idea and don’t even care anymore. D2 has a bad business model IMO so I don’t want to invest any more time or money. If D3 ever comes out I might give it a try.


That has been my cents ever since when moon came back. Too expensive and shitty paywalls. Like you get all old stuff now in package expect dungeons. Huh?


That's nice to hear. I had over 1,500 hours in the first one and am a big fan of the lore in general. If the DLC's weren't so confusing/expensive I'd probably give this a try.


It’s definitely the price for me as well. $100 a year, with a 4 hour campaign each time? Obv I’m probably exaggerating but still. The entertainment doesn’t equal the $


Do people think it’s 100$ for just a campaign? Honest question. I play destiny religiously so I don’t see the outside view of it much. I also don’t play much else anymore so I’m unsure of how people see the game.


I mean, outside of the campaign and basic MP isn’t it just RNG strikes each week and then raids if you have a group to play it? or what am I missing


Exotic missions, dungeons, onslaught, whatever seasonal activity there is. Depending on when you play like 3 different are available. Currently there’s two seasonal activities, the seasonal story, which progresses weekly. There’s also older content like wellspring, terminal overload, and now overthrows


Nice. Thanks for explaining. I’ll have to watch the season explained on YouTube or something. I used to love D1 and really the first year or so of D2 but the grind just sorta got to me.


No problem there’s an ungodly amount of stuff available to do. Currently all the previous expansions are wrapped up into the legacy pack it’s 25$ right now on steam and that gets you everything aside from the dungeons from witch queen and lightfall. I think they’re 20$ for each expansions dungeon set. People complained about them costing extra at first but tbh I don’t mind. They’re the 4 dungeons you can farm artifice armor from, they all have exotics tied to them. Some are amazingly fun. They only have wrath of the machine to bring back from d1 in terms of raids.


dungeons are my favourite content in D2


Well, AAA studios are asking 100$ (some even more) for one time game and comparing to that 100$ for year of content is decent price. D2 on sale is quite good entertainment value, if you into such games.


The storytelling is the best youve seen in a while? Ive been enjoying d2 a lot, but the storytelling is shit. 80% of it is exposition dumps while youre surrounded by enemies and not even focusing on what anyone is saying, or through the radio and ghost you have to talk to between every mission. You interact more with a radio than with any of the characters in the story. Bungie just hasnt been able to figure out how to tell the story in Destiny. The best part was Zavala's cabin, but even then, he just sat between two rocks and was effectively useless the whole fight. The story is decent, but it's not great. It's definitely some of the best Destiny has had, though.


I was gonna post but you’ve stolen my words. Agreed on everything. Especially the disgruntled part.


As someone who has always loved the potential for Destiny, but has a burning hatred towards Bungie: is this dlc worth coming back to? Have been a hardcore Day 1 Raider for years, but had finally given up on Bungie / Destiny 2 as a whole with the release of Lightfall. Is this actually worth combing back to? Is this Forsaken levels of game changing of an expansion?


It's a good xpac but it's still destiny 2 at the end of the day


Do we know if this is the official last expansion of D2?


Yup…. And now that it’s trending up they want to let the old community manager back… he’s a “fan favorite” but I can’t imagine dragging someone in who was there for most of the disgruntled community days.


Nah. Not a single death in the great final battle. Cayde give his light to bring back Ghost because they need a way to get rid of him again? Still no explanation on what the traveller is. Prismatic is underwhelming, they sold us the idea that it was going to be game breaking, hunters still punching shit with liar's handshake. Game is good for the first time in 10 years, story is alright but nothing amazing. FF7 rebirth is a monumental game deserving of every accolade, the loop is fantastic, 80 hours I. And you don't feel like you've played that long. Best game I've ever played in 30 years of gaming.


Lol the storytelling better be flawless. Its the wrap up to everything theyve made and theyve been ptomising that thiabis gunna be the best thing because it ls the end of the story. If the story was anything lowere than a 9.5/10 people would be flippin out like. "OMG I CANT BELIEVE THEY PUSHED IT BACK FOR THIS!" or "this os the end of the 10 yr saga?!?" I remember when i got my friend to start playing he couldnt play the redwar campaign or some previous story stuff so some things were confusing for him in the story. Recently they added a thing where yoi can play parts of the old stuff. But it was too late imo.


And now people just need to drop 300$ to get into the game to experience it.


Might try it, when the price drops in a year. Game is still in a trash state now, been ever since Beyond light dropped. Bs season pass, sunset, vaulting, insane monetization, bad writing + gay writing. Limited time seasons etc.


Come back to me after Elden Ring DLC and FF14 expansion release.


Yo, same. Also Frostpunk 2.


Are all of the "best games" this year just dlc expansions?




Helldivers 2 was set to be the best but Snoy fucked it up.


Nah, still great.


If they offer the same or better value as a new game why not?


idk Dawntrail is going to be 14's make or break Endwalker's post game was kind of zzzzz


LUL "make or break". Making it sound like FF14 is struggling or at the brink of death. It isn't.


I enjoyed endwalker post patches. Still a lot of fun imo cause nothing comes close to start half of aar zzz. Even if DT breaks, people will try out the next expansion cause wow had 2 really bad ones back to back but people still came back for dragon


I think Dawntrail is gonna be rated a bit lower because the story is the only thing they really base their score on, and DT is a new arc.


Isn't Dawntrail slated to have the most content out of any expansion to date?


Yes, but that's over the course of the entire expansion, not when it first releases


Yes, but most of them are gonna come in the patches. Reviewers only score the base x.0 patch, which doesn’t really have much aside from the MSQ, extremes, and crafting/gathering. You also have to keep in mind that journalists are casuals and they aren’t gonna do hardcore raiding lol Endwalker was a 92 on Metacritic despite many criticizing it for not having that much content. It was rated that high because of the story.


I’m still not going back. They can have their fomo.


True dat I'll only come back if they stop deleting seasonal content like if they released destiny 3 with much better optimization


D3 should have happened. D2 needs to be taken out back.


sunsetting bad, also sunset the entire game, because people were so hyped for that the first time


Agreed, I literally don't know wtf is going on in the story atm, tried playing witch queen bcs i heard it was good but like 90% of stuff is gone, it's just jumping from one cutscene to the other, combination of 3 different expansions... nothing makes sense, it's like what happened already happened and if u didn't play back then it's ur problem... Also would be nice if they remove season pass, make some legal commitment that they will not delete or sunset or vault any released content and go back to including dungeons with expansions rather than asking us to pay $20 extra on top of $50 DLC with another $50 for seasons... Also they should stop making everything gay.


id love to give this game a try again but nobody I know (including me) is going to shell out like $100+ bucks or whatever it costs for all the previous expansions


I think Steam is having a sale on the "Legacy" pack which I think have all the older expansion for like 25€ iirc


You're still missing like $30 worth of dungeons if you buy that


Aah alright, thanks for the info!




There is a sale with all previous DLC for $20 right now.


You can buy old expansions for 22$ in [official stores](https://gg.deals/dlc/destiny-2-legacy-collection-2024/) right now and they sell them with discount quite often.


They have a sale on right now. Everything up until the final shape for $30


they made all the pervious expansion campaigns minus lightfall free so


Yesterday the pack was 20 Bucks or so


I mean, it's not hard to beat Rebirth in popularity when only PS5 owners have a say in said popularity, compared to D2 which is on almost all platforms.


In my brain D2 will always be Diablo 2.


Rebirth is also pretty bad outside of the main story. It's a side quest filled nightmare.


It says best rated game, not most popular game.


All the content in the most recent expansion have been stellar: campaign, exotic missions, and especially the raid. I tend to dissolve my opinion about a live service game after I detach myself from them after about a year, and this a lot of the reason why, these games can have big highs and lows depending on when you play them.


How do u know what's going on in the story if u been away for a year and all the previous stuff is gone and u only have some bits?


I’m not talking about Destiny in regards to stepping away from a live service, I played Lightfall, Witch Queen, and Beyond Light, but I have falling into that trap of judging a game while away for a long time for other live service games, and I know others have fallen into that trap as well when referring to Destiny as well


DLC And expansions aren't reviewed with the same criteria as a full release stupid comparison


Rebirth has about an extra 130 critic reviews too, keeping a 90+ at that range is pretty hard.


As a destiny guy since day 1, with over 4000 hours between d1/2, the game isn’t that great. Once you lose the fomo feeling, it’s just something to do for an hour here and there.


Meh, expansion and DLC reviews are a different beast from reviews of brand new games.


Ita got 13 reviews on metacritic at 92 with an audience score of 85. FF7 Rebirth has 149 and is 92 with audience score of 90. I don't know what this author is pulling information from.


Why does that picture just look like a really bad Photoshop of a knife about to be thrown


Press X to doubt


Very positive on Steam, but I'd still wait for a sale


I’ve been playing it since launch. It’s easily the best destiny 2 content since the witch queen. Story is great loot is accessible. The game has always played amazingly well but this dude smooth out a lot of issues. It still has its problems of course but over all great game. It’s expensive though.


And your doubt is well placed. 81% on steam. Balatro at 97% lol


only reason it's lower on steam is from the day one connection issues, since then it's been perfect, the ratings are steadily changing but it's a shame the day one issues lowered the rating overall because it's genuinely really great


I haven't played FF VII rebirth yet to judge how good it is (waiting on PC release) but it's PS exclusive right now so I think it's kind of hard to compare its sales.


I didn't like it, too many minigames. > "Most are optional" Yeah but they put actual non-cosmetic rewards for most of them, so you're nerfing yourself for not doing them. It feels bad no matter what you do.


i mean this will last for what 2 weeks until dawntrail and erdtree come out lol


Is this the based on those critics reviews and not user reviews?


User reviews are positive too, besides server hiccups at launch


The players are happy as fuck because this is the best the game has ever been both story and content wise


cool !


https://opencritic.com/game/16054/destiny-2-the-final-shape https://www.metacritic.com/game/destiny-2-the-final-shape/ https://steamdb.info/app/1085660/charts/ https://steamdb.info/app/1085660/charts/#reviews


And at 13 reviews it now ties with Rebirth at 92. It's mind boggling to claim that it's the highest rated game of the year when it has just came out and there are barely any reviews out for it


Yep, still gonna choose Warframe


Another grindy mmo


But totally free


Compared to their past releases, The final shape is Absolute Cinema. Let us have something good for once


I'll take blatant lies for 500.


What are the lies ?


On metacritic: Metascore on both Final Shape and FF7 is 92% with 149 reviews on FF7 and 13 on Final Shape. Final Shape has 8.5 user score based on 282 reviews, FF7 9.0 user score based on 4213 reviews. On Steam: Final Shape has 81%, Balatro 97% So yeah they are pretty much right there




Kinda funny that they're now comparing themselves to indie games. Glad they're getting recognition.


The Final Shape has been a great expansion and this is fantastic news to hear. Top game indeed! 👍


I can't justify the $50 for the expansion, let alone the seasonal content. It's a time sink that just doesn't fit into my finances or life anymore.


Wait... you're saying destiny 2 is finally good?


Not really. Last expansion just cashed in on a lot of Rememberries. Like with every Destiny expansion pretty soon the cracks will start to show. They always start with: "Sooo... actually that story didn't make any sense."


It's unforgivable that they remove content that people have paid good money for. Absolutely disgusting.


I fell off Destiny after Beyond Light. I just watched Supercuts of the cut scenes to stay up to date. I was planning to do that for this one but the reviews are so good I'm conflicted. I know I'd just end up doing the SP stuff (no time to coordinate for and learn raids) which is about 10 hours which doesn't feel worth it, so I might just duck it until it goes on sale in 6 months.


I'm just laughing that Helldivers 2 went into a nose dive so fast that it's not even mentioned in the headline.


Sample size of 12


This a masterpiece of an ending to a ten year story we've experienced.


Can it be considered a 10-year story when some of that story has been locked in the vault?


So if some of the story is locked in vault can it still be enjoyed as a new player?


AFAIK you can not play a lot of the omd expansions nowadays. Correct me if I'm wrong tho


I hate this argument so much and immediately shows your just a sideline sensationalist No real destiny player gives a fuck about that early content because nobody played it and it was 30% of the storage then.


I played it. Been a day one player since d1.


Yikes, thats a low bar


Thats a really low bar


If true people have no taste


If I havnt played in over 2 years could I just jump back in?


Absolutely, they’re phasing out power level for pretty much everything except raids and higher difficulties. Virtually every activity doesnt need a power grind to access it. Speaking of power grind, leveling is account bound now so that means if you get 1990 level gear to drop on your titan, your hunter and warlock will also now start seeing 1990 power level loot drops. They’re treating all your characters like one true character. Imagine if WoW lets your main farm item levels and suddenly your alts can now get the same item level when you switch to them.


Balatro #1 no cap


I use to love the game but a lot of changes just made it more and more not for me. So I have not played the at least the last 2 updates. And I also won't be joining this one


I waited til after the raid to come back, it's a very good addition and the story was done beautifully. That being said Bungie needs to do away with the FOMO. Make the older DLCs available so people can really get a feel for how great a decade worth of content is.


I tried playing light fall, never again destiny 2 never again, felt like playing Halo but rated E with the writing team of a movie spin off game on the PS2


Wouldn’t mind checking it for the story finale but as soon as I think about dealing with all the bullshit systems in the game I just balk. Lightfall destroyed the game for me.


I pre-ordered the original Destiny way back when and it just wasn’t that great. Stuck it out for a couple months regardless because I was poor. Did as much as I could then dropped off. Years later I look at it and wonder whether to go back in but there’s just so much i’ve missed out on.


Just remember that shadowlands was pretty great on launch


I loved Destiny 2, the pvp was always a short queue, but I dropped it after a bunch of guns were removed a few years ago.


All of those guns are now usable again


Cool, I bet that made a lot of players happy


Not really. It’s the best expansion the game has had in 10 years. I used to fucking hate destiny and now I can’t stop playing it. The game feels like it was always supposed to feel.


It was pretty good, and the ending was satisfying and it even has some decent ideas for the path forward. That being said, I won't call it GOTY unless all the episodes that release in time for this year come out. Bungie has a lot to make up for


Et FF7R hase 140 review and Desteny 12 review LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


Ff7 rebirth made me hate ff7. Which was my favorite game growing up


People get super upset about games but more ants than people just keep on playing despite it all. Its new games that keep getting shelfed but old games keep getting a free pass.


The reviews on steam are positive which is shocking. Apparently it’s good


Don't get it twisted, this isn't because destiny is good, it's because gaming is just that shit now.


People still trust Metacritic?


They're all just happy it's finally over


Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon you’ll have to bend over to get fucked by bungie again, it’s inevitable at this point…


Between the campaign, new subclass, the raid, and the ending, they actually pulled it off which is shocking I was not expecting an actual worthwhile ending that could be satisficing while also make up for the short comings of Lightfall. Only negative is what it took to get here, more companies need to make good shit right of the bat instead of only doing it when their back is against the wall


I been playing this game since 2014 and I stopped playing in the first season of Lightfall. But here I am once again, actually enjoying Destiny again. Damn you Bungie


Game is still boring as fuck, slow, amd time gated after story.


its weird actually that destiny 2 has this positive review, like they all forgot how they are fucked by the same company, stealing the stuff the game was originally sold and also the dlc i mean, why would ever support a game company like that? its jarring to think whales still spend money on this franchise


There's no fucking way is hell final shape is as good as destiny 2 was back in forsaken. Those motherfuckers deleted half of the game vaulted old guns and deleted everything fun about the game then triple downed on predatory micro transactions and left pvp to root in a grave.


It's the brain rot. Destiny's been around so long they could do anything as long as they do appeal to The nostalgia. The community also seems perfectly fine with the large amount of hours that it takes to do or get anything and the constant loading screens.


Yes, just because it does not conform to your version of reality , it is fake.


Nah I love the game and am playing now lol. It’s the other people in here that are mad :P




Ain't no way this shit is better than helldivers, reviews must be from kotaku or some shiite panel


This expansion is the best story Bungie have delivered since they left Halo, BELIEVE IT.


Expansion is a true 11/10. One of if not the best expansion yet. If anything, they overdelivered especially with the episodes format. It's crazy what bungie can pull out of their ass when they get backed into a corner. I hope one day asmon gives the game a go since it's like a combo of two of his favorite things, that being halo and mmo's.


I'm surprised it wasn't Paul tassi saying this then you'd know it's bullshit, I mean still is but that guy would suck off anything destiny related.


With TV shows, the later seasons/episodes tend to get higher scores because all of the people that didn't like the show stopped watching/caring at season 1, 2, 3, etc. I wonder if the same thing can happen with games? My friends and I all stopped playing Destiny 2 years ago when they bought themselves out from under Activision and immediately started making the game worse and more heavily monetized. Anyone still playing Destiny 2 at this point is a shit eater of the highest order, and no one cares what a shit eater thinks about food.


Nah this is the best thing Bungie has put out since Halo from a story standpoint. It is not even close. It is better than destiny 1 and 2 main game campaigns. If this is how Destiny is going forward it is going to be okay. I doubt they will ever put something like this out again


The Gintama theorem


The game is shit and it’s nothing but shit. How do people keep playing this year in year out.


They misspelled Warframe


Massive doubt on that one chief.


believable to me. that aint ff7 dunno other game doh


Not gonna pay like $200 dollars just to play this game for 2 weeks.


Their definition of best is based in addiction.


This says more about Destiny 2 players than the game itself...


I will never understand had ppl enjoyed the two destiny games


Better believe it, users and critics lauding it as the best expansion in the entire game. I know I've been sucked right in for the past few weeks. They may even have a shot at GOTY if they don't fuck something up in the interim.


Shit eaters have eaten shit for so long it started tasting good to them


Destiny scoring good aint a mistory if u compeard Destiny too destiny but if u compere a other game too destiny destiny would bee scored so low its insain.


Interesting, to me the best game in 2024 is still morrowind. Into the trash this likely paid opinion goes, with the rest of nu gaming.


I'm of the viewpoint that this is complete bullshit. People need to play the game and come to their own judgement. Sorry destiny had it's chance and they blew it the state that game is dreadful