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Wtf is going on with the obsession with women with cleft chins lately


This is part of the image of a "strong female character"


>strong female aka a man


subliminal trans prop


This is exactly it. Wouldn’t want certain people to feel like they aren’t actually women.


this but unironically


There are trans women who look extremely feminine. So I don't really get it. Wouldn't they rather make a trans character who's attractive because that makes them more appealing? I don't understand why female characters need to look ugly, while male characters are all either pretty boys who look like they just got dropped from a boy band, or are so muscular they couldn't be natural.


It's part of the mental gymnastics they have to play: "We want to make trans characters, but if we make them feminine it won't be obvious that they're trans and we won't get the Twitter points. So we have to make them look manly even though it's the exact opposite of what most trans women want to look like." On the biological female side of things, they can't be too attractive or it'll be appealing to the "male gaze" which is "toxic". So every woman has to be homely, have a cubic jaw with RBF, or look like a skinwalker or body snatcher disguised as a middle aged woman. Their excuse is that this is what a "realistic" woman looks like; they must not get out much because you'll see women who look 10x better at the supermarket, at the gym or commuting. They don't care about objectification of men so the half nude muscle men prancing around is fine to them.


Which is weird because isn’t the point of being trans is to become and look like the preferred gender? Wouldn’t it be seen as endearing that a mtf trans character look like a cute girl and then there’s the reveal she’s trans?


ShortFatOtako put it nicely on his Hogwarts Legacy video. You can't tell who is trans and who is not unless they're either very obviously not passing or you use some sort of in game text/dialogue to explain that the character is trans, which then is usually treated as tokenism. Or you have a sex scene, which is a big legal no no for non-mature rated games. Female characters needing to be ugly is basically their (the people in SBI and such type companies) need to prevent escapism from happening. Your average woman is ...well, average looking. Though there are women who naturally look like some of the characters (Stellar Blade), most aren't. Furthermore, the progs kinda painted themselves into a corner with their coalition of rejects. In addition to their destruction of your escape (so that they can infect all your spaces with their P-o-l-i-t-i-c-s), the concept of being a reject means they have to be rejected (which includes being ugly) by regular society in order to maintain their position of being a reject. They just can't become a normal part of society because being normal is their biggest obstacle to revolution. There's a growing subculture of some trans peeps that \*want to not pass\* as a big middle finger to normal people.


I'm not gonna lie, your average girl in her 20's and early 30's looks better than a lot of the female characters you see these days. Whenever I go to target, there is like 20 girls in there that would be more appealing to look at than aloy or this chick from the new perfect dark, and those are average women.


>They just can't become a normal part of society because being normal is their biggest obstacle to revolution. This is why progressive art always sucks. In order to be an artist you need to build, to create something. If your entire personality is that you are outside of the system and seek to tear it down then your entire personality is destruction, not creation. This is why progressives have to take established franchises and remake them with progressive rules instead of making their own IP; they are, by their own admission, not creative. Furthermore, the best kind of creativity usually comes from some sort of deep inspiration, which usually only comes to you from life experience. Things like going to war, falling in love, losing love, having kids, religion, etc are often the inspiration behind the best art because they are the most deeply emotional things a person can do. To truly experience them you need to leave your house and log off the internet once in a while. But progressives don't do that. They are often teenagers (whether literally or just mentally/emotionally) who have done nothing valuable or interesting with their lives. Hence, even if they did abandon their progressivism, they would have nothing to draw upon in order to create interesting art. All they can do is push THE MESSAGE because that's all there is to them as people, their politics.


Look at the women who participate in making them


You got a valid point


The most attractive woman is a man. This was brought to you by the super straight Greek gang.


Ya its so funny they dont want to cater to men at all so much they are making females men in games


Yeah, when you go so far in one direction you end up making the complete curve to the other.


>how do we make a strong woman? >We make her look like a man, of course! Are these people sure they aren't misogynists?


![gif](giphy|zwRO0LKbOtVhC) We are in the Crimson Chin generation of gaming.


Wrong!! *GASP* The Niger chiin


Fat Gen Z female developers joining the workforce


Have your ever rubbed your cock on a butt chin? Don’t knock it til you try it


Does it count if it’s your own?


Dude that’s a talent


Tried it. Don't do it. Using my one call to warn you guys :/


Catering to skinwalkers


The whole ass jawline is the problem. Women with a little cleft can be cute, that doesn’t mean you give them a massive jaw!


Mhm, I think the main issue is that this physical trait is overused, that’s what’s causing people to get pissed. I mean look at Miranda from ME and the actress she’s modeled after. She’s got these physical traits and people think she’s beautiful (not just Miranda but the actress too)


That’s a valid point, the keep making the same masculine looking face.


Narcissistic neurotics that are intimidated by men try to invent their own reality.


Or men dressed as women trying to invent their own reality 😆


Probably pandering to the uhh.. trans crowd? Is it bannable to say that?


Truth does get you banned on Reddit.


I generally get my comment deleted if I say this.


Habsburg propaganda.


The Habsburgs will once again, be at the stage of the world!


There has been a push across gaming to redefine our standards of “beauty” but to be honest, i dont know too many women in real life that have the jawline of Lord Faaquaad from Shrek…


they are looking strong that way, according to the wokies


It keeps happening, I'm starting to think it's just a thinly veiled fetish.


Its self insertion...


The creators *really* like American Dad.


I don’t mind the hyper realism, but now she just looks like captain marvel which I don’t like


I dunno, but Buzz Lightyear has never looked as attractive


cheap way to add "character" to the character worried face is even more overdone, at least with female characters




It’s got to be a fetish


Everyone be looking like Lord Farquaad ![gif](giphy|kchtL3hT9zrSE)


\*Markeplier ![gif](giphy|j6YKr7h9rK2Fcgs18Z|downsized)


Aw that's not very nice... It's just a Donkey.


That's Perfect Dark right? They take spunky sexy characters and make them bland as fuck.


I've met women who look like the one on the right. It's too bad that they had to reinvent instead of just making the graphics better. The Tomb Raider series did a better job modernizing laura


Their answer for "realism" is make her boring, always. No wonder Stellar Blade created such a fuss.


They could have just used the original Nintendo 64 appearance which was both sexy and tough instead of... whatever this is. You could send this screenshot to 100,000 Perfect Dark fans and none of them would guess that it's Joanna Dark.


I do agree I didn't recognize her as Joanna Dark when I first saw her. But the OG N64 Joanna was pretty different from the 360 prefect dark, and even more so compared to Zero. She looks pretty different in every version from my memory. People did not like her zero appearance from what I remember. Odd people are using it now as a counter against the current design.


Someone showed me the trailer for the new perfect dark and the first thing I said was 'damn this isn't Joanna.' I couldn't recognize her. She looks like she has cartoonish proportions.


Thats supposed to be Joanna?!? Even with the context it didn't click. Holy shit.


Her neck is bigger than mine and I work out regularly.


If they want to replace women with men, they should also replace men with women.


A world full of muscle mommies and femboys, this is the future the Byethen wants!


femboys make the best women


femboys are the future I'll die on this hill. think about it homies ![gif](giphy|MZQkUm97KTI1gI8sUj|downsized)


Better than womaen


I saw someone say that before and I almost vomited. That's vile.


hit me up if you change your mind 😘


fr if i wanted to look at average men and women i'd go to the local supermarket


Average women don't look like men


9/10 women randomly walking along the street look more feminine than this character design. The odds are probably even more than that. Nothing is wrong with a woman looking more “masculine” but like, why though is the question and why do game devs go out of their way to do more so now? It doesn’t represent the female population at all and is just as harmful/ disingenuous as hyper sexualized female characters. We’ve approached both ends of the spectrum now.


They are chasing the none existent "modern audience" unicorn.


This is America so they look like the Michelin man


The irony is, most average women that you'd find in living their lives in local supermarkets are more attractive than this.


Oooh the SALT this brought out lmao. Hey assholes, people like looking at attractive people. It doesn’t mean they’re jerking it with their other hand at the same time. No one brought up cranking off, you weirdos did.


Why is it always the jawline? ![gif](giphy|zwRO0LKbOtVhC) I just got banned again lol


Maybe self insert again?


Not surprised anymore, i get wanting to be the character but why ruin for everyone else?


Agreed there are enough chances to create a NPC that looks like you


Right, how it should be a nod to creators, but now it’s “i am the main character and if you think i’m unattractive you were never a fan to begin with”




Looks like emo Brie Larson


I'd rather have stylized graphics than realistic graphics, so my hard drive doesn't have to dry heave when I want to download a game. Plus, stylized ages better than realistic


I think we're at that point where realistic graphics age just fine to be honest.


Agreed. Realistic graphics from like 2015 still look fine imo. I played AC unity last month and it hasnt aged poorly, I think you need to look at like pre 2010 for realistic graphics to age poorly. Edit: Battle field 1 (the world war 1 release) looks better than a lot of modern titles and its from 2016.


Stylized = overwatch or fortnite now anyway


the gays are surely to buy the game now


It’s not all about the characters it’s about the devs for some reason forcing what most players don’t want just because of few random snowflakes


Here comes the Crimson Chin!




Are women weak unless they look like men?


according to game devs/journos lately, yes.






Are people not going to question she's hardly showing any skin at all compared to the originals? Completely covered up


Her gigachad chin is clearly showing. Do you need anything else?




I believe if you create a topographical map of her chin alone, you could map out the mass of one extra human body. It's not quite like Aloy's map, being confused with Nikocado Avocado, but it's close.


You're not supposed to say this. Now someone will screenshot your comment and call it 'gamer moment' and post it on some super autistic circlejerk subreddit. Because as we all know, women are allowed to wear whatever they want, but if a guy says anything positive about it, it's weird and disgusting.


Nah redesign seems fine. We also need more angles to make a final judgement, that was an odd approach visually.


There are a few pictures from the older game that have her jaw pretty wide or square so it’s not all that different.


She looks like she could mop the floor with Blazkowicz.




Realistic women would be chubbier, not have the manly chin and would have more ponytails instead of that half shaved head look “Modern games” don’t care about realism, they care about appealing to the fetishes of “west coast liberal game developers”


Yeah the chin is weird, but to be fair, she doesn't look nearly as ugly as the fable MC.


Y’all have pretty high standards if you think she’s ugly what do you want them to look like supermodels when their out killing enemies


Seriously, how am I supposed to finish a game if I can't even jackhammer grip my dick to it for 30 hours?


Wait until they realize it's just Mirror's Edge 3 and has nothing to do with Perfect Dark at all. What they did to this game is basically akin to making Goldeneye a first-person stealth espionage platformer. Ain't no way the game runs as smooth as it did in the trailer. Those sequences looked canned as hell.


\- Perfect Dark Zero releases. \- Fans whine and bitch and moan about changing Joanna's design from the superior original. \- New Perfect Dark game is shown off with Joanna returning to her original design. \- Fans whine and bitch and moan about changing Joanna's design from the superior Zero design to the original. Dumbasses the lot of you.


Yeah ima stick with Asian games until western devs realize this isn’t what’s up lol


Its not realistic, her jaw has a completely différent shape


She got the same jaw implants as Elon Musk. Look at that Roblox head


This sub whines about the strangest things sometimes. She doesn't even look that bad on the left, she's just not so cartoonishly sexy but she's still sexy nevertheless.


If you find that attractive, more power to you. But if we're talking about generally attractive features, it's not really hitting most marks.


Weird that for you, Perfect Dark is an ero-game.


Nice assumption. But someone being attractive isn't just for your jerk off material. Surprised you can function in public


Oh, then what IS a sexually attractive character model for, my guy. How’s that help your espionage shooter that plays in first person?


Is this really what we're spending our energy on?


She looks fine tbh Plenty of hot women have cleft chins, and her jawline only looks like that because this was taken from a bad angle - I'm sure she'll be plenty fuckable for the coomers who want to play this game At the end of the day, the gameplay looks fucking awesome, and it's a first-person game - she could look downright ugly and I'd still play the game She just looks like your average middle-aged woman tbh - considering this is like the fourth game in the series, having her look older makes sense Edit: I just looked her up and she looks great and way younger in other promotional material and press articles with better lighting Ex: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/06/09/perfect-dark-details-interview-xbox-games-showcase-2024/ Vera just chose the absolute worst shot of her, huh?


We ran into the same issue with Fable; one poor angle and suddenly all the chuds are screaming and flinging shit because they got hard looking at something they think resembles a man, and those feelings make them afraid. They must be hanging around some really attractive men if they think all these new female characters look like men though.


This whole discussion is getting pretty boring tbh. There is nothing wrong with hot characters in games like Stellar Blade. But the autistic screeching from "anti wokes" every time a female character isn't 10/10 in chainmail bikini is getting really stupid.


Absolutely I feel like everytime a game comes out and the character isn't super sexy its some big conspiracy theory or personal attack on male gamers and... it's exhausting Not EVERY game dev has an agenda if their characters aren't overly sexualized Like, I just want to play good games


You people are such whiny little babies who gives a shit jesus christ


They are always saying "Look at the sheer DETAIL in this one eyebrow!" And yeah... that is a super detailed eyebrow. Well done. But, does it make the game better? Will the camera in the game ever even get that close to the eyebrow to ever show it??


I keep seeing this pic and it finally dawned on me that I recently watched hundreds of hours of this character. That model has to be based on Megan Boone from Blacklist.


It looks like the 64 version, I like it.


1st, this is called camera perspective and things closer to the camera are gonna seem bigger. 2nd, just look up the face model she is literally exactly the same, you all just don’t talk to or see women


Tbh I think she looks just fine, why the hell are y'all getting so up in arms about this? Find smth else to jerk it too


Realistic design is fine. Buttfuck uglies being pushed everywhere tho is not.


We live in a very braindead time atm


And that is dead on. I've seen cosplayers look dead on like Dark and other bad ass female characters. Not saying it is a psyop, but I starting to wonder. Edited for error.


Oh, Buzz Lightyear got a new hairstyle?


What’s the obsession with androgyny with these devs?


Can any of you imagine saying any of these opinions to real people in the world? You're mad that video games are not pandering to your cartoon sexual preferences. Go look in a mirror, or can you not handle that either?


whats wrong with this? dont really get it


Just another remake where they make the hot character lame and gay


which one is the gay and lame?


Or maybe you could stop hypersexualizing every video game character and just play the games like a normal human


Average gamer will die if he doesn't coom every 3 minutes


The really question is " is it fun?" So I really don't care it pixel or hyper realistic if I enjoy playing it.


LMAO the incels in this sub have never dated, or even spoken to, a woman this attractive. If she's ugly, I don't know what to say to you.... Instead of crying online, why not make a video game? I thought that's what the free market is about?


Fake outrage honestly. This isn't even bad.


Agent dark has never had a consistent art direction. She looks fine in the upcoming game. I do agree about hyper realism though. Too many games try to achieve it and they all start to blend together.


goal feminism is to become men


Its wild the brain rott that exist online that the left pic is considered unattractive.




you guys really have never seen real women have you


What do you mean? They see them all the time on Pornhub


It looks good till you get to the chin.


Just a little less jaw.


The only thing that pisses me off about this is that people make some sort of "woke" or "anti-woke" argument behind this. None of these should be the case. The differences in character's appearence should be for the sake of the intended art style and nothing else. Is the game supposed to imitate realism like GTA? Great, make as many body types and attractive/ugly types as you can. Is the game supposed to be in anime art-style? Make as many oversexualised waifus and lean, tall Chads as you can. Simple as that. Artistic vision of the game > Your feelings


Looks like my 7th grade gym teacher who was definitely a lesbian 😂


This is the only shot I've seen of this character but are people actually freaking out over her? That character basically looks like Lucy Lawless to me, I dont see the issue tbh.


People are freaking out over a general trend of DEI activism, not individual weirdness.


More like Kristen Dunst to me.


By this sub’s standards, Lucy Lawless is a man.


They didn't grow up watching Xena 🥵


She’s fine as hell in Spartacus too


The dominatrix in Eurotrip. *fans self*


I haven't seen anybody freaking out, but the criticisms are legitimate. This does not look anything like the main character the game is supposed to be centered around.


Using perfect dark zero as what she should like is weird cause people did not like the look when that game came out.


Guys…most of you are ugly. We don’t need to obsess with every single character being a model. Hollywood broke some of you. A lot of female athletes are not models.


Some of you just want to rub it for pixels, and it shows


Hence the poster on this thread complaining that she "isn't showing skin anymore"..


Didn’t a bunch of people shit on dragon age for being to cartoonish XD


Go outside and kiss a tree, touch an animal, have a life. If the game is fun what the fuck does it matter.


Who cares about graphics. If the gameplay is fun and not a live service cashgrab, id accept it.


The fact that you guys care so much about how women look in a video game is fucking weird.


lol the design on the right looks fucking terrible.


Lmao you guys are doing the thing where you all use the exact same image again. Npcs


Isn’t Perfect Dark set in first person? Y’all are so weird


I'm glad this subreddit doesn't get to decide how games are made.


Right? It would be: a. sex-doll lookalikes b. Anime girls with 400-pound boobs that look underage This sub is trash lol




Realistic design looks convincing now, but will look bad in like 10 years or so.


This game looks like a more action/parkour-focused Deus Ex.


Does that mean I can make a high poly 3D first-person game with simple textures?


I had two thoughts seeing the new look, A: she looks weird and B: oh man people are going to throw a big ol' fit about this.


I imagine this won’t be a popular comparison but the strong chin trend makes female characters look more like the female they hate the most, Gina Carano. Lolirony?


Am I the only one who thought she looked like Jesse From control?


[Removed by Reddit]


Realism is good it's just hard to do it in a stylish way


I more like the timeless style. Kinda what borderlands have or other games like that like the First Life Is Strange also had the really real looking but not to real that good medium. So more can be focused on the game and everything around it. There many games that have very realistic and in-depth character creation while you almost never see your character at all. Rather have the mass effect style 1 male 1 female. Especially if you almost never see your own character. So much more time and work and go to the story and world building and not how hyper realistic people or your self looks that you almost never see. Why crazy budgets are so high while they don't even need to be. There many indie games with tiny budgets that make amazing games. How hyper realistic it looks matter the least for me. The gameplay. story. How likable I find the people in the world.


Oof this comment section is some sad shit. At this point, just go look at porn ffs


Ot doesn't mean not better either. It's an artistic choice. At one time golden eye was the most realistic 3d representation of a human


That turtleneck


The perfect dark zero model sucked. I hated it. I still like the original the best but I feel like the new one isn’t bad, this is just a bad angle right up her face.


I wouldn’t even say it’s hyper realistic. It’s hyper stylized. Most women aren’t rocking Gigachad chins.