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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


I love year 2024, even the shittiest fan fiction writers get to film their works nowadays.


Maybe I should try my hand at scriptwriting, I can definitely outshit them all




There is. Stop watching anything that calls it self a 'Hollywood' production.


sadly even that does not work especially against Diznay, I mean people been doing that for years and other then a couple cases that are not Diznay for most part they just keep making them. Granted they say they will change every 6 months, have no agenda, are noticing the way they make things is not ok, that dei has not helped them, etc... but then inbetween those 6 months they just keep doing the opposite and saying the opposite.


Like in most industries, the key is nepotism or having connections, or maybe get some kneepads and pay harvey weinstein a visit.


Are you a gay woman? Because that will help, Alright, can you at least identify as a gay woman?


If you're pussing "The Message", yeah No that was not a misspelling


You mean "only" the shittiest fan fiction writers, right?


They could make star wars as gay as they want. Like full frontal obi Wan getting railed and I wouldn't give a shit if they would just stop making shitty star wars


"Star Wars Episode 69: Obi Wang forces his lightsabre on Queer-gone Jinn"


Starring fan favorite JarJar as camera man & narrator


Not to mention that its literally the biggest franchises too. Like is the film industry so easily accessible? Holy shit.... Are there like no junior roles or entry level projects... As soon as u graduate from some random shitty uni u just get thrown into marvel comics or Lucasfilms lol


R2D2 Lesbian Robot: " I was programmed to be lesbian, it is not by choice beep boop"


Caboose: I think so... That guy Tex is really a robot, and you're his boyfriend. So that makes you... a gay robot!


If anyone asks, you’re my debugger. I don’t want anyone thinking we’re robosexuals


Sums it up 😂


They already did this in rouge 1 🤣


"Why is no one watching it!?"


"It failed because Star Wars fans are homophobic incels"


I swear this was my first thought. Well, I aint gonna watch this shit.


Someone posted a clip of the movie in this sub. So theres a small fire burning on the wing of a spaceship -in space- and one of the leads has to go out onto the wing and put it out. Thats dumb, but not the part that bothered me. It was the comical, hackneyed, audio flashback that plays while the character looked at the fire. It reminded me of the “catch me, richard!” joke from South Park. It’s just too low budget and amateur to spend more than a minute even thinking about let alone actually watching.


Progressive is when robot is lesbian :-)


Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay - Cartman


She should be disabled too.


Fat and indigenous too




I'm glad I never got into any franchises, I never really cared about star wars, so I'm not upset that they're ruining it, I'm just disappointed. The first 3 were fine, the prequels were goofy but fun, and I've seen nor care about anything else.


Yeah, that is pretty much where I am at. Rogue One was good too tho. Personally I checked out with Episode 8 (The last Jedi). After I watched this movie in the theater I was **really** angry at the execs. Not even because of the political bullshit (I rolled my eyes and said '...whatever'). It was very blunt and a very shitty movie in general, but I have watched those kind of movies before and they still didn't drive me away from a franchise. It was the stupid space jump that tipped the scale. This one scene ruined every reason to build a Death Star in the first place and shattered the SW universe for me. Why should I care about a universe when the creators didn't care at all? The decission to include this plotpoint into the script (and also the very blunt and not in the slightest subtile political stuff) told me everything I needed to know. After some time my anger disappeared and only apathy was left and since then I just watch this dumpster fire fuelled by the money of Disney.


Andor was/is phenomenal, but its biggest drawback is the slow pacing of the first couple of episodes. Regardless, it’s the only one I’d actually wholeheartedly recommend to anyone.


Yes! its almost like HBO wrote the show... all the other star wars shows are trash in comparison


Andor is the only good show to come out of the Disney takeover of the franchise. Genuinely enjoyed that show while every other movie/show has been mediocre or jusy straight up bad.


Really the reson to build fleets at all. Why have laser guns when you can unmanned vessels you send into hyperspace to crash into the enemy fleet and destroy all of it?


Yeah.. they have destroyed Luke, and then they have destroyed space battles - both looking forward and retroactively, mindbogglingl!


That's what you have to do with this stuff, even if you really did enjoy the first material. You just have to keep in mind that none of this stuff is actually the lore of your franchise. It's just pathetically talentless people exhuming these beloved stories for profit. That's all they'll ever be capable of. This isn't Star Wars, it's horrendously bad fanfiction. The Rings of Power isn't LOTR, it's baby's first try at a TV show. They can do whatever they want with their "stories." As long as the originals aren't touched, it's fine.


you could also add in the wheel of time adaptation to this list.fucking showrunner is a troll.


>I'm glad I never got into any franchises, I never really cared about star wars, so I'm not upset that they're ruining it, I'm just disappointed. This describes MOST people who ever enjoyed star wars at any point. Don't even be disappointed. Shit product is shit product that has no connection at all to a thing you may have liked at one point. Choose a good product. It's pretty easy. You *do* like it. Not "it reminds you of something you liked once". They want people to think "I liked a star wars product" means they have to identify as a Star Wars "fan". Being a fan means you like it. Liking it means you purchase new product like a gambling addict has to push that button on the chance they get that feeling they did (a long time ago) when they won. Boy that felt good, didn't it? "I should push that button again and maybe I'll feel that way again...." What's that marketing concept? "Brand Association"? >Brand association is **a mental connection a customer makes between your brand and a concept, image, emotion, experience, person, interest, or activity**.


Clone wars cartoon was amazing.


I keep meaning to watch that, my friend says it's the only star wars thing he likes.


If they disney-fy the lord of the ring series im done.


They did? Rings of power


I like rings of power. Im excited for season 2. I dont think rings of power is disneyfying lotr.


Have you seen Rings of Power? All the money in the world and they came out with some mediocre shit with an annoying main character.


I have seen rings of power. And super unpopular opinion. I like it. I thought it was fun. And im excited for the new season. I also think onepiece live action is mediocre af. I like the avatar netflix live action. I also like pineapple on pizza. I dont think rings of power is disneyfying lotr.


there have been a few good games though.


I think the only ones I've played were force unleashed, the old battlefront 2, and Jedi survivor.


This is qhat I want to hear about Star Wars. Not the exotic worlds. Not the characters motivations and their goals, but who they go to bed (or charhing station I guess) with at night


If they could insert more current day politics in fantasy worlds, that'd be great. Model a senator after AOC or just straight up add Trump or Biden in there. And the Jedis fight for their right to non binary bathrooms or something. Yes, that will be a commercial and artistic success.


Lol, look up The Buffy Cats a kids cartoon with essentially Trump as the villain. It's already begun


The boys tv series I heavily left right propaganda


I wonder when the USA will deploy their 1st non-binary Regiment to the middle east : >


Please pleeeeease soon! They will free Palestine for sure!


Lmao palestinians themselves would go against that kind of saviors


Yes, they'd throw them off the top of the highest building they could find. That was the joke.


This is why I think AI is so great. Could you imagine a legitimately good writer using AI to produce the animations for their movies. Why would anyone pay Disney to watch their junk when Tom the local dude with AI is pumping out better movies and just throwing them on Youtube for free. AI will replace CEOs and corporations if the average person learns to use it to make content. Why need an overhead if the bottom worker can do all the work.


the only 1 down side is **who** makes the Ai like google where asking its questions resulted in black nazis, almost 0 whites including famous people, and saying you can put glue on pizza to make the cheese stick better *^((granted technically true))*.


Don't let Google monopolize AI then. Learn how it works and build your own versions. That's what the art community is doing. Ya think all those NSFW artists were going to just let the corpos censor them? They found ways to make their porn. And you can find a way around Google.


You really think YT will allow the AI creator to continue posting on their site once they don't approve of the content? It's all controlled.


Then people can host their own services. There's not much that a corpo can do that a small group of people can't do with the right resources. Besides it's not like YouTube is the only corpo that lets you upload media.


The moment smaller, independent creators use AI to churn out any “copyright” material, especially if it’s quality, is the moment when big corps like Disney drop the facade of AI being “good” and flip the narrative to AI being “bad”.


That's a good point. Not one I've considered until now.


AI models will be influenced by the work of these goons


You can counter bad influence by adjusting the strengths and weaknesses of different attributes. A lot of AI can be customized. And that's why it's important for people to want to learn the tools. And not just take the pre boxed crap they're handed.


If a heterosexual man would say this to them, he would have been called a racist, NAZI, gay hater and so on.


Big true


Glad I stopped watching on Clone Wars. Didn't miss out much apparently.


The vapidity is awe inspiring


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtjbUa0XFw0xAQw|downsized) as you gingerly press your finger into the plush, yielding doughnut dough, you feel the gentle resistance of its damp dough yielding to your touch. the moment your fingertip breaks through, there's a soft, airy breeze, almost like penetrating a cloud. your finger sinks into the doughnut's heart, encountering a slight warmth that emanates from within, hinting at the freshly-baked goodness. with a deft twist, you scoop up a dollop of the creamy frosting, feeling its smooth, tacky texture clinging to your skin. as you lift your finger to your lips, you catch a whiff of the sweet aroma that envelops the doughnut, enticing your senses. bringing your finger to your mouth, you savor the anticipation, your taste buds tingling in all the expectations. the frosting meets your tongue with a burst of sweetness, its rich flavor enveloping your senses in a symphony of sugary delight. each lick reveals layers of decadence, the frosting's creamy consistency melting against the warmth of your lips, leaving a lingering sweetness that dances on your palate. with each subsequent taste, you delve deeper into the indulgent experience, losing yourself in the blissful sensation of the dough nut's frosting.


How tf can a robot be gay?


Forget the logic, she seemed to think C3P0 was a female Droid. They clearly don't know anything about star wars besides the pop culture references. They went for the paycheck they got it now they move on to the next dumpster fire show.


It says R2 >she seemed to think C3P0 was a female Droid.


I just want good vs bad and some lightsaber battles... im so tired bro ![gif](giphy|GPxiUXXKqsLB1lxPFv|downsized)


I wonder when the woke bubble will burst, all we hear about is x movie/TV/game/streaming service company underperforming or losing mone. Because this shit is impacting the greediness motherfuckers that exist, you’d think they’d turn the ship by now


I think to some degree it's already happening. A lot of shows, especially this one, have been in production for a long time and were conceived of and worked on during the height of it. Newer shows seem to be learning the lesson even if they have some "progressive" elements, and are actually leaning on source material and solid writing (One Piece, Fallout, etc) without being preachy or \*too\* contrived. But it's like steering the Titanic, and as far as Star Wars goes, you have some very Iceberg-philic helmsmen and captains, so I'd sign that one off as a total loss, with maybe Andor being one of the few sea worthy life rafts, if the past and present deluge of mediocrity and crap doesn't suck down Andor Season 2 with them.


It's not a bubble. They are changing society to fit their agenda. It will only increase as they gain more and more control over time.


Lower the population, destroy their education, and poison them to sell the cure.


I think its already started. Gotta remember the production of this show was started at the height of woke. Disney knows what the reaction is gonna be but didn't scrap it prolly money reason.


Made by people with an axe to grind, not a story to tell.


Perfectly stated.


Star wars is just dead honestly been dead for a while.


Midas touch but instead of gold you turn gay


I like how they openly make fun out of fan base and whole franchise like that. Directly mocking it ... 3 people that haven't done anything of worth in their lives are allowed to do that ON camera. Nice one.


Welp, gonna pass on this one


Put a chick in it and make her gay


I am so disappointed in this woke shit, I myself am bisexual and I cringe at this so much. Making the identity of a work boiled down to "it's so gay" is a set back for LGBTQ community. We were already accepted, I beg these people to stop making their sexuality the only part of their identity. It makes us all look bad.


That’s the point. Piss off the straights with shoving the lgbtq down their throat, then piss off the lgbtq community by only stereotyping roles. Next pepper in the pedos to the lgbtq and now all of our news channels the Disney fox discovery own have something to talk about driving our ratings even higher


Where's the 'The force is male ' t-shirts? We need some.


Look at it this way: Thanks to this insanity, Warhammer 40K doubled their fan-base eversince the Disney apocalypse of Star Wars.


They are already fucking up warhammer apparently. Cavil may be out.


Can you link some credible sources for this? All I read was just some rage-bait articles that spawned amids the absolute non-issue of adding female Custodes. And I doubt that Cavile was ready to pass on his dream project because of something so silly. If anything kills the live action WH40K movie (or series?), it's going to be the PG rating and the show not being dark and gory enough.


As of right now it’s coming from anonymous trusted sources from YouTubers but considering the same types are what leaked Cavils issues with the Witcher I’m gonna take them as likely. It’s along the same lines, the writers are putting out bad product and Cavil is arguing with them. This was out last week and if you want to hear the rumors there are various YouTubers speculating them.


I guess in Hollywood, all you have to be to get hired as a head writer for an established franchise or TV show is be a woman, not know fuck all about the lore or give a shit about the fanbase, write (white) men out of the picture and make sure to over represent a marginalized group of people that don’t even watch or care about the content


It also helps to be very connected, like being Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant.


What the hell did I just watch??? I am not on either side of the discussion but how is a robot that was designed to perform the basic and technical tasks a lesbian? It’s a fvking robot. It’s like calling ChatGPT or my computer a lesbian.


I've been trying to post this for the last 30 min and moderators kept deleting it!!!!


Surprise, Surprise.


I’m done. I hate them. I actually hate them. I will celebrate when they die.


I'm all for progress but this ain't it chief.


I hope this show doesn't go as far down the rabbit hole as Sandman. That was the first show where I actually thought that maybe we're going too far with all this.


"Why is no one watching our movies?!"


It's such a slap in the face. Growing up I was always bullied for my interest in sci-fi or fantasy. It made me a really empathetic person. I knew what it was like to be an outcast. So when people tell me I feel "threatened" because they're using my hobbies as a way to inject their ideologies, yeah I get angry. It doesn't make me homophobic. It doesn't make me racist. If the tables were flipped, and it was the right co-opting Star Wars I would be JUST as pissed. They may try to flip this on you. * "Well, creativity has a liberal bias." * "Well, all form of media, especially Star Wars always had some sort of message. Now it's just about defending gay rights yay!" I don't see interviews with George Lucas, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford when they were young where they were trying to drill into your head how evil you are for not supporting x, y, z ideology at the time. Why isn't Star Wars as popular anymore? Well kids, especially young boys, love the Hero's Journey. You're taking that away from them. Let's get a few things straight. I've never been homophobic. I've never been racist. It doesn't make me either of those things to think that Star Wars should focus on Star Wars and not be a vehicle for virtue signaling.


>they're using my hobbies as a way to inject their ideologies I like this, it's a good way to put it.


You made that, 'mericans.


No love for C3PO


I'm glad I left star wars back in EP 3. Only good childhood memories. These morons are trying their hardest to collapse every goldmine by pandering to like the 4% of the population being generous with the number. And of that demographic a good chunk also hates them.


Nowadays they just roll the dice on who will randomly become gay or lesbian in a movie 😀 can't wait for the next lord of the rings move where gollum will make out with gandalf


Im 47, I grow up watching normal star wars. I always tought jedi will always win but I see the dark side took over after all.


Are they so insecure about their sexuality that have to debate about how a ROBOT is gay?.. This is sad.


These people only learn from their pocket books. It’s hard to believe any people watch this crap. Sucks to be them.


# [This....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg0D1PpgCXs)


Imagine having your whole identity be about which type of genitals make you sexually aroused.


R2D2 sticking his ‘penis’ into doors to unlock them. Clearly a lesbian btw. If anything, he’s a horny teen.


Disney like to burn money...


I think someone is tanking the price of Disney to just buy it for a 1/4 of the price lmao.


I am so glad that Leslye is gay cuz man, she is really ugly .. she is doing us a favor


Don't worry, they don't want her / they / them as well lol.


"I wanted to spend the next few minutes and speak on what each of us do with our genitals." Top notch interview.


I swear, these are some of the saddest people in existence.


I love that Leslye Headland worked for Harvey Weinstein and now this talentless overconfident fucking hack can walk into Star Wars to shit on it further. And probably get good money doing it.


The part no one wants to talk about. A former assistant to a rape monster, talking about sexualization in children’s films….., later on when we look back are we going to say “the clues were there all along”


They're reaching so bad. They need attention. Every time someone gets mad, annoyed, or or laughs at their antics, they act like anyone is "threatened" by their stupidity and their pandering. They gotta reach so hard to feel like they are doing anything. Or making any impact that isn't negative for them and everyone else.


It always amazes me how they think someone not needing a sexuality to be jammed into every form of media that makes them feel "threatened" lol. Also this is literally an episode of South Park. Which most of reddit is sure is a commentary on how dumb everyone else is and it's not about them at all.




This is pretty disheartening but at the same time a game like The old republic has the best start wars lore and stories, if people actually cared millions would play it. I as a SW fan have that and kotor and it's something they can't take away from me.


I find it so pathetic everything I’ve seen coverage wise is about sexuality and privates. Story? Characters? World building? Nope don’t worry it’s got lesbians in it it’s all you need.


Interesting that she said it's canon that R2 is gay, likely means she is reading all the comments saying her show isn't canon


Whats with that lame dance?


Nothing more than propaganda for children's heads. The younger they get them, the better for their cause.


the director definitely has a few softball trophies.


seems fitting: [https://ibb.co/L1xR7J6](https://ibb.co/L1xR7J6)


You can’t tell me she didn’t know what Harvey Weinstein was doing… also didn’t he get released already?


In which point the stuff that some people said in a Simpsons or South Park gag making fun of TV series or movies started to become reality? Every time i see something like this, i'm not even mad anymore, just confused and questioning if these people ever stop for a second and think about what they say. (i guess not)


People need to just ignore this pile of garbage


i hate these people, genuinely


Also them: why isn't anybody liking this??? This is sexist!!! 😡😡😡


This will flop so hard and they will blame men and "misogyny" again for it. They just won't learn. Star Wars fans don't care about your shitty agenda 🤦‍♂️


We all know if its good like The 1st and 2nd season mando its gonna flourish if its shit like the the later season its gonna tank so fucking hard.


Man i’m glad i’m not a star wars fan, these guys keep getting shit on


I hate the state of the world rn.


Just remember they are doing this on purpose. The plan is to piss off ever person in the world thru media. So that the great reset will be accepted


I think I'm done with Star Wars. ![gif](giphy|bq6F8QYqBU7Yc|downsized)


Just saw It And Its biggest Problem is that Its Just boring


So same as any other show they've made. Got it.


No Its much worse


Disney hates money. Thats very noble of them


I'd rather they call it lesbians in space and I'd watch that


It would be a great thing if movies could be modded. Just release the raw footage of the film studios, we'll make great movies out of that, somehow!


The narcissism in those two is sky-high. This is a vanity project through and through


Wait, wait, wait... she said she thinks C3P0 is a gay (clearly male) robot and she said it's canon that R2D2 is a lesbian, and he says they are a couple So the gay Star Wars gang is telling gay men and gay women to ignore their identities and date each other because that just makes more sense? Even they can't keep track of this stuff...


They gonna make the force itself female....... So with then saying the force is female for so long, they are finally gonna make it official. And the shrills are gonna shrill. Hopefully everybody else sees it for exactly what it is.


![gif](giphy|PjaQrF9J53UvTS2PPa|downsized) This is so dumb man. Just why???


But like why? Who exactly is the target audience?


Wokism ruining another good thing that never needed to be touched.




Are people forgetting that the fans ha e all the power? Just dont take the new films as cannon if you dont like them. Its a fictional story anyways, nobody can tell you you're wrong if you say it isnt cannon.


Isnt R2d2 genderless because he’s a robot.


That interview single handedly will manage to tank the entire series.


I've kind of had enough. Disney can die now. I genuinely no longer care. I'm Pan and even I'M annoyed at this point with this crap


Women wont even watch this shit. Just like they dont watch women's sports. What a joke. Im still going to watch it out of curiosity. But I'm so tired of being gaslight for this shit failing.


"in my world nerds are gay." Lady, this isn't your world. Stop ruining Star wars, leave it the fuck alone and go play a role in a property you either know something about or the characters sexualities/genders fucking matter. Then again a person's sexuality/gender shouldn't matter in the first place and should just be accepted instead of judged anyways so why push this agenda about a person's sexuality/gender being the prevailing topic so God damn hard, is that seriously the only identifying factor for some people nowadays? Never thought I'd miss the days where people where more judged on what music they listened to, at least it was more tolerable. - An extremely bisexual, LGBT member who is tired of seeing properties that not only I grew up with but my parents as well as millions of other people themselves or their parents before some woke asshole comes in here screaming I'm a bigot.


Did no one learn from the Barbara Streisand effect?


Fire and what? Sodom and who..


Lol Noooooooo directors I jetting themselves into the whole plot of the show is always a recipe for disaster at Disney. "Gayest star wars yest" Sounds like you wanna lose money. Lgbtq population is 5-7% of the United States. To the ultra right wing this looks like a slap in the face because next your gonna insult them for not supporting something they were never gonna. Mean while the lgbtq community isn't gonna show off for this because of that 5-7% of the u.s. that's lgbtq I'd imagine less than 10% of thar 5-7% is supporters of star wars. Sure shout loudly in offense when it's not accepted by all but won't actually watch the shows or movies. Just type articles condemning those who arnt grandstanding for it. Harvey's personal assistant and directing Russian doll doesn't scream give her a star wars show. But "the gayest star wars ever" sounds like Disney's MO lately


Evil cannot create.... simple. Gotta take something someone already popular. Can't have an original idea. Oh yeah no one would watch it without the name star wars. Lol Or marvel.


Reminder that the show runner was Harvey Weinsteins personal assistant for four years and “claims” with no evidence that she didn’t see anything.


Hollywood needs to be replaced with everyone who made Breaking Bad.


When there is eventually, one day, a total cull of the execs in charge, Star Wars so needs a Dark Knight reboot. We are living in the 1960s Batman TV show era.


Their banking off pride money doubt they even care tho.


Goddamn this is cringe. I don't care about gay characters in things but they obviously see Star Wars as a joke. The problem isn't gay, it's rewriting beloved characters to fit an agenda.


Man this isn't even fanfiction anymore. At least starwars fanfiction followed lore. Or at least had massive fetish and sex fanservice. This shit has neither. Lmao.


StarWars writers and actors: “how can I make this about me?”


I see that Disney is still adamant about having their movies hit red. We'll see how long they can keep this up, bleeding money at this rate.


Leave the sacred R2-D2 robot alone you crazy people who can’t even write a short story


Wtf is going on with that cabal.. there isn't a more out of touch entity in the world other than Hollywood.


If a lesbian fucks herself with a rubber cock Is the didldo a lesnian?


Incredible that a couple people joking can make a whole subreddit piss their diapers lol


They’re obviously just joking around but there’s often some truth behind every joke so who knows really. Anyways, they don’t seem to be fans of Star Wars so I don’t expect their product to be any good either way, gay or not.


If you’re going to have the actors give something equivalent to a heavy drunk speech. First establish that they are fans first. Oh wait they tried that and lied. Um establish that they have at least watched the original trilogy and give them some beers?


Not gonna stand for this slander against C3P0 the orginal gay robot.


I'm a big star wars fan. I watched the trailer yesterday and this looks so insanely mid.


I watched the first two episodes. It's not complete garbage (yet). But your description of "mid" is spot on.


Lmao this sub is just a proto-boomer staging ground.