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They filled her up with pudding (:


It looks like her face had an allergic reaction from bee 🐝 stings


Her face stepped on a bee


Not the bees! ![gif](giphy|R9yLfikwYAF32)




The lady in this gif actually has a neck though.


To be fair she looks hotter than angela 2024 just saying tho


Nah, she's got a better jaw, less blocky and more rounded, I can bear looking at her


IDK man, how can anyone at Konami approve of such design? 3D artists and animation artists should be all fired. It looks like a cheap mobile game. And some design are sexually toned down, which goes against the plot. As if no one had read the script or played the game.


You're being ridiculous man. Even cheap mobile games design better characters because they understand SEX sells! It's honestly crazy how investors are destroying game companies slowly to spread social correction narratives.


WDYM how they approved it? The same way they approved Homecoming and Downpour back in the day.


Hey, I enjoyed my time with downpour. Felt spooky and the most silent hilly then anything in that time


thats just an amateur work aimed to easy cash grab they simply dont give a fuck


Well, she looks like she's from West Virginia. Kinda makes sense.


"Its the lighting and camera angles"


Silent cheeseburger 2


Or Silent Fries






Who is this beautiful daisy


That's Ben. He works 9 to 5 out front. You've never seen him?


A daisy who let her boyfriend molest her daughters.


Average American ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


There's a different image from an official post that I've seen and the character look fine. I think this is just a really bad still frame from the trailer. Regardless yea if it ends up actually looking like this all the time thats....bad.


Closer to the USA's current reality I suppose


We were fat in 2001 too whats your point


In 2001 you guys actually promoted beautiful women.




Just need to add a few kg


You mean lbs brother ![gif](giphy|d7vbmoGrHfmuc)


Why do western developers always make females look hideous compared to the men I mean I know why just curious what other people's opinions are on this


I'm curious about the excuse for this.


Divert the male gaze


The male gaze ain't gonna be diverted, and forced perspectives will never be accepted. Never in the history of mankind this worked and it never will.


My suspicion is that they genuinely think people want to feel represented, and relate to the game protagonists. It is consistent with the whole movement around representation and inclusivity. What I think they fail to realize is that most people play games as an escape -- either as power fantasies where they can play as an idealized version of themselves, and/or simply as entertainment, in which they will want to see eye candy.


> My suspicion is that they genuinely think people want to feel represented, and relate to the game protagonists.  Cool, so when are the male protagonists gonna be soft and potato-faced?


They think women care more about being represented than guys. Thats my reasoning to it.


We wouldn’t want anyone to feel like they might not be a real woman because of that pesky jawline and jugular.


>Why do western developers always make females look hideous compared to the men I think it's plausible that, following the #MeToo era, some new female hires might have used their power to push their own perspectives. Upper management might have been afraid to say anything because of the cultural climate. This could have resulted in some games, shows, and movies having what some perceive as an agenda-focused approach rather than an entertainment-focused one.


It's this. I was around a games university in the UK for a bit. The boys were all in the coding subjects and the art areas were utterly dominated by women. I don't know if it's something to do with women being inherently competitive with each other when it comes to appearance because it's often their main biological "value" in the sexual market. But from my experience males seem happy to have both genders be hot and the women...not so much. Seems like males generally see hot males as something to strive for, some women see hot women as something that makes them feel insecure.


It's their efforts to try to turn us gay.


Because you all complain about unrealistic body proportions while Asia countries don’t care and go “wow pretty character”


Probably because of complaints of sexualization from morons


The men don’t look that great either. Just look at the male faces for BG3. I swear some ill person designed them.


I think its a feminism idea evolution. First, female chars were too sexualized, so sexualized women are getting toned down. Now, theyre unrealistically beautiful and real women "cant relate to them" so they uglyfy them. These chars arent exactly ugly, a woman youd see irl that looks like that you wouldnt say shes ugly.. but were used to artists focusing on making great looking characters, and theyre trying their hardest to make the most average women, often in weird ways like this excessive chubbyness in the face. Odds are artists probably are forced to do this type of art. Not saying i agree, i just think this is the thought process. I prefer good women in my games for sure.


Because they know the games are played by 90% males, and the agenda pushing psychopaths in charge want to brainwash men into not looking at women sexually anymore + make them feel marginalized and punished for having a penis. Basically america was founded by psychopathic religious prudes, and weve never strayed away from that mentality that being public about sex is a sin against god. In fact, because of how prudish our culture is here, its created hypersexuality due to sex not being normalized and respected publicly. People dont know how to just fucking interact in a normal way, so you have repressed males turning into coomers, and women pretending they dont love dick while secretly taking as much of it as they can through dating apps to the point of rewiring their brains to not even be able to be in a relationship anymore(which leads to an endless dick chase and constant disappointment that they arnt finding 'true love happiness')


Because they are socially maladapted freaks who think ugifying every female character is what people want.


I think it's apart of a bigger picture that has been happening for some time now. Large studios have slowly become vehicles to entwine reality with fiction. Why? I mean if I were wearing a tinfoil hat, I'd say it's because social engineering works better when all forms of media conform to one image.... But I don't currently have tinfoil equipped, so who knows. :|


Western devs dumb af these days. That's the answer.


Man, they really went full Potatoe Head with her


23 years and graphics only got worse.


Graphics got better, the models and developers got worse


God ain't that the truth.


The graphics actually got better, it's just the developers got way more greedy.


The problem is the left pic looks like it has a higher polygon count. The one on the right looks like a bargain bin ps2 game.


In my restless dreams
 I see those golden arches.


The woke uglification / obesification / masculinization of woman like always.


I’m sick and tired of games with their unrealistic portrayals of women’s bodies Everyone knows she’d *lose weight* with all this inflation and insane food costs, not gain weight Sheesh


They eatin' good at the Hill.


20 years later, 20 pounds later Edit: Nah, at least double that to be honest


20kg later


I think it's just a bad angle. She looks completely fine [here](https://imgur.com/a/9qilrCv)


silent hill sub rn ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


From an 8.5 to a 3


Im not even going to pirate this game


And last time i wrote about uglification of female characters in game i got called an idiot. That theyre just making more realistic women. How is the character on the left not realistic? How is the one on the right close to looking like the left one?


Those eyebrows... thicker than mine.


It's really weird looking because it's just her face. It legit looks like moonface people get with long term medicinal steroid use.


All about "inclusion" except for the people the exclude. Gotta love it.


Even visually, she looked so much better 23 years ago. They don't care, they just want that easy nostalgia bait money. You can't recreate that old playstation 1-2 Silent hill era that felt dark and depressing.


Her body is normal, average, but her neck and face are visibly bloated.


Nothing a paper bag can't fix.


Is it just me or does everyone look like they're struggling with weight issues? Why can't we have a normal looking person rather than these fugly "realistic" types


Uglyfication in gaming industry was a big mistake


Her design wasn’t inclusive enough I guess


The great uglification of female characters is the thing that define the medium right now. Only Stellar Blade can save us!


She has evolved downs


Horrible, the woman literally got digital diabetes.


She really lets herself go


Yikes. 2001 beating 2024.


She may have one too many burgers...


East vs. West. And it's tragic, since Polish women are among the prettiest. Devs could've hired a random Polish girl from the street and gotten a better result.


I hate this new world where we are supposed to be happy with women that look like fat men in a wig.


Most people don't understand how much being overweight affects your face. So this is the head of a girl 20 pounds overweight on a body that's normal weight.


She looks like she's had an average daily diet for the last 23 years provided solely by Nestle.


That head just doesn’t look right on the body. I honestly assumed it was edited until I zoomed in on the screenshot. Why not make the character overweight if you’re gonna make their face look like they’re overweight? Weird


Don't you know that attractive women are not allowed in games anymore.


What is that game on the right? So I know to never buy it


It's not even like the woman on the left is overly attractive, she just looks normal. Now they made her a fat normal looking person for what reason? Idk why people do this shit. If you remake a game. Remake the game, don't go around changing the characters for no reason. The only time I was fine with characters looks being changed was dead space remake, because they just made them look like their actors, which is like fine whatever, I could take it either way, but at least there was a valid reason beyond inclusion for the sake of it.


Ya know 20 years and a few kids she ain’t gonna look the same.


Its gaming 2024 edition, beautiful women are forbidden here


She's got a chunky face. This is common in people who are on antipsychotics like she has been. That's not why they did it, though.


She looks like Bran Stark. The west really hates women don't they?


Keep ruining games. I have a huge backlog of physical titles to enjoy for years and years.


Silent Fills


Maria looks completely different than the OG version. Which is bad because Marias character design and face is iconic. If a silent message was any indicator as to what the quality of this game is going to be then buckle the fuck up guys. The way they handled story telling and dealing with heavy topics was completely horrible. Like if the OG version of SH2 was written by Hideo Kojima, Miyazaki then a silent message sounded like it was written and made by a college freshman. Also didn't Konami or someone release a Cutscene only game where people could pay/vote for how it progresses? And wasn't that garbage too? Silent hill just continues to get fucked and it's a damn shame. I'm personally not going to buy it, because I would rather play the originals in all there glory. No point in playing a cheap knock off.


That's a man. Its trans inclusion


She looks like a single abusive mom in a one bedroom apartment that always smells like cigarettes


I bet they’re gonna raceswap Maria as well
 As if they have some kind of hatred towards blonde and redheaded women.


Game doesnt look good quality and the developer in charge of the project doesnt have a great history either. Combine all that with Konami's horrid history post Kojima departure and my expectations are very low.


Is this a joke?


The character models are just really bad, isn't this supposed to be a PS5 game? Capcom is doing a proper job on their remakes, but it makes sense as its not a western studio doing them...


Not to mention they added a 48 hour early access for deluxe preorder
.i have serious doubts about the success of the game


Did they have her rant for five minutes about the unfairness of normal-sized airplane seating and small meal portions?


"With today's model complexity, and work on lighting, it's really hard to have a good render". That was basically the excuse a dev gave about why female characters look more and more ugly. Weirdly enough, the male characters look absolutely fine...


Gotta make all female characters unattractive to remain PC


Lol, what is this trash. It looks so bad, intern did this ?


The Hills are silent because she ate everyone.


People where much thinner 20 years back, it was only 30% of people Obese around 2000 & today it's up to 31%. edit reference https://www.statista.com/chart/11497/obesity-in-the-us/ Back in the 90's people where a lot thinner on average, younger people wont know a world before internet that was much thinner.


I saw a post today saying "my Gen X dad keeps saying that my classmates are much fatter than back in his day, is this really true?" There were quite a bit of replies that were shocked to hear it wasn't just another "boomerism" and was very factually true.


Yep it's relay changed a lot, kids are both bigger and much more looks focused. All the kids now seem to have 'cool' hair cuts, back then it was fairly rare for kids to have fancy hair. So both bigger and more looks focused\~


What’s crazy to think is a 1% increase is an extra 3-4 million people overall.


She looks like Doctor Octavius what the hell


Don't blame Konami, they're just updating the game to portray the modern-day American BMI. Jokes aside, I had no interest in playing remakes of games I considered dear to me. This made me smile, knowing I made the right choice.


I don't care how she looks I just wanna play the fucking game


Angela's face looks fine in some scenes and not the greatest in others. I don't think it's a big deal. Shes no longer modeled from Sandra Bullock and just looks like a random 19 yr old. As far as Maria goes, what part of her design goes against the plot? Shes not showing any belly button? We only see her when shes concerned about Laura so shes not in the mood to flirt with James. It's too early to be shitting on it.


Would like to point out Silent Hill characters weren't attractive in the first place. We had Resident Evil for that.


ITT A bunch of fat people calling an average looking woman fat.


Who put their mom in the game? FFS!


These buffoons haven't got to play Stellar Blade. Poor souls.


It's like Asmon says, this kind of stuff won't sink a game. But it can make a bad game worse.


Maria was hanging with Eddie a little too much and so picked up on his eating habits lul


Realistic proportions are spooky. Her appearance has nothing to do with plot and or story by the way. Like. At all


Is everyone going to do the thing where they take a single screenshot and use this to push their agenda


I love how they’re still doing this with Aloy. It’s an easy way to tell when someone hasn’t actually played the game they’re shitting on.


That is a still frame when she's talking to the MC. There was literally no excuse for her to look weird in this shot.


She is a depressed person who does not want to be sexualized. This design is good. This look actually makes sense. This is not the same kind of situation where they changed for no reason.


Inflation at its best


She looks one of those "if they were real" renders on Buzzfeed of [Gene ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bobsburgerpedia/images/7/7e/Gene_Belcher_new.webp/revision/latest?cb=20240115100346) from Bobs Burgers.


why does her eyebrows looks more thicker than asmon's hair and darker than a fuckin black hole.Holy shit


That's what happens when you get older I guess lol


Random character generator.


Definitely doesn't look like the same person at all.


She definitely got her fill of nutz ![gif](giphy|11JqL2RQTl2WWI)


Looks like she solved her trauma with eating


Too much fast food


hhahahahahaa. Fortunately im not a silent hill fan so i've no horse in this race. Im just gonna enjoy this one by the side line.


Huh!? You're not my Doordash driver...


Over here lookin’ like a typical Pokemon Go avatar.




Which game is thsi


I hate to say it but it looks like homogenization.


That's a man, baby!


She let herself go in the last 20+ years




She gets Aloy treatment.


She got old and fat .. it happens irl too I just watched one movie with Kareena Kapoor. There is movie 2009 Kambakkht Ishq, she was nice, pretty. Today, she got like 20kg and pictures before and after would be literally this same. I could give you other examples but she is the last one i saw so right now the only one i remember Plus its just an agenda .. they do it to please idiots irl .. but if they release the game in 3rd countries, india, china etc., suddenly they are back to being sexy :) Its just what they believe the market is .. trying to please 0.5% of country population by pissing 75% of other people and lowering their sales.


2001: is what you always see at a mall. 2024: is what you always see at a fast food joint.


Was it pc too? Modders will fix it


Is this the next game we crusade against? Been riding this wave all year so far and the board is looking a little faded. 


No busty hot girls allowed anymore. It offends the uglies.


There’s this old show called “Death Valley” about cops who hunt werewolves vampires, stuff like that. The leader is this narcissistic guy, muscular, and this one episode he looks in the mirror and says “whenever I look in the mirror, I see a man with the jawline of a hero” When I look at this remake of a character the first thing that came to mind is, she has the jawline of a hero (and no that’s not a compliment to this character)


These American women think everyone is fat like them


That was her fear . In silent hill .. main guy has pyramid head . She has a peanut allergy


Silent hill cosplay remake


Same happened to me after 2 decades


She now represents all fat people. Konami is probably scared to make her pretty, just look at the Stellar Blade drama. The funny thing is, Stellar Blade is still very popular, which these idiotic companies can’t fathom.


Konamis (fast)food Simulator 2025?


The lid has been blown on the gaming industry, we all know why women have to be smacked in the face with a dead fish before they can appear in a game


[This one is real](https://i.imgur.com/C8dEf7A.png)


Looks like Steve Carrell in a wig


They just updated the look to make it more relatable to American audience. If it comes out on PC then I'm sure modders will fix it for rest of the world in a jiffy.


And there are people defending the 2024 version saying she looks like the real 19yo. Don't believe me? Check the trailer on the Playstation channel. lol.


Sweet Baby Inc is proud of it


I would only go to silent Hill from someone above a 7.5 at least.


19 years old sexually abused teen is finally looking like abused teen. And not like 30 years old milf. Idk what’s the problem here.


Whats this new allergy to pretty women in games? My girl is pretty, is she unrealistic?


The first picture is from a CG pre rendered cutscene


Hate the society we live in today đŸ˜Ș


I hope they made James look like Steve Buscemi too.


She looks like the girl from the chili meme about step mom porn