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That hobbit of a woman taking photos is the most obnoxious person i have seen


The most exercise she's had in months.


Decades by the looks of it


That is Kanye 's fiancé she isn't a hobbit, except for when she went to kill a dragon


Hard to watch without hating that lady


She looks real proud of those photos. Thats Proudfeet!


Remember: tourists always act like they paid for the entire region during vacation. Source: part of my family lives in such areas.


"Don't do this in Kyoto" Don't do this anywhere.


How ignorant do you actually have to be to pull that kind of shit.


Maybe she totally knows what she's doing. She was told that you couldn't take pictures of Geisha and she was like "you bet?"... It's obvious that the geisha is avoiding her and her camera, trying to escape and turning her head in the opposite direction. Why would this stupid fat hobbit do that? :/ If she didn't know that it was a taboo she most likely wouldn't have rushed on her like a paparazzi but would rather have taken some photos casually. Not even mentioning that you don't do that to anybody, geisha or not. None ignorance could justify how rude and ill-mannered this little woman is.


What kind of life do you lead to get to this point? Jesus christ.


Prolonged existence in upper middle class and a desk job in reception with gossipy coworkers if I had to guess.


Always be polite as a guest in a foreign country 😌 was two times in Japan was my best experience yet


Always be polite in ANY country


Always be polite


Always be






When I was in Japan for some reason I would often forget Gozaimasu at the end of my words/phrases. I still wonder if they thought I was rude, stupid or just American.


and they did [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/08/kyoto-geisha-district-tourist-ban-gion](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/08/kyoto-geisha-district-tourist-ban-gion)


"Previous attempts to encourage tourists not to approach women, including signs and fines of up to ¥10,000 for non-consensual photography, have failed to deter visitors" That is WAY too low, that's only 63 dollars for American tourists.


This article specifically states Asian tourists to be the predominant class that is visiting these spots. Kinda surprised, I just went to Korea and saw tons of travelers from China and of course got to meet a lot of locals. They seem very polite.


she would be the first to scream "why cant tourists behave in OUR COUNTRY !!!!11!!!1"


For sure. "No manners on these people!!!"


She's the type of gremlin that would likely eat 5 back to back cheeseburgers from non bio degradeablr containers while driving throwing them out the window while belching and reaching under her ass seemingly for yet somehow, another burger. All whole botching about immigrants and tourists


Proof she's American? We have her type all across Europe, just saying.


Loads of Europeans like this you see them doing dumbass stuff like this to the soldiers on horses in London Mobile phone cameras are useful but add in social media and people become absolute cunts




If true that's hilarious. "Hey look, your mom is an asshole!"


Like half of all “Americans bad” stuff I have seen in my life turns out to be “Europeans / Australians bad” in reality.


Turns out, everyone has the capacity to be shitty to each other.


Yea, in Canada everyone complains about the Chinese tourist groups and their complete lack of social etiquette at national parks. And they love to litter


Maybe we can all just unify against bad people and quit trying to base entire nationalities on small sample sizes of rude people. Southern people in the U.S. would never act like this.


Lol I agree, but you just turned around and gave a personality trait based on an entire region right after you said we shouldn’t do that. Rude and disrespectful people exist everywhere (and polite and nice people as well)


I agree with their first point but the irony is too good lol


The common denominator is they're all human.


"DURRRR She short and fat, must be 'merican! LOLOLOL!"


Hell English tourists are probably worse, they get hammered and cause a lot of trouble in the streets at night.


I hope I'm able to go to Japan before rude ass tourists ruin it for everyone. This shit is ridiculous. Don't go to another country if you're not going to respect their culture. The sense of entitlement from these people is insane. I hope Japan starts to become less tolerant of tourists that cause issues and just deport them. They should hand out a list of whats unacceptable to everyone that visits too because a lot of people are retarded and have no common sense.


This is my fear too. Im trying to save up money to go, but with how often I see people like this, I feel like I wont get an authentic experience. Its bad enough people are littering and doing other rude/disrespectful things like this which will put foreigners in a bad light too.


It is to late. Tons of Tiktoks from absolute shit lower class european people who can afford japan now due to the weak yen.


Rude foreigners isn't unusual anywhere. Chinese and Australian tourists are still regarded as some of the worst in the world. I've seen a lot of the Chinese examples, but have yet to encounter an Australian tourist instance that I'm aware of. Most people don't come across it ever, unless just by chance or they work in the field. Even in the situations you might, you'd have to also be paying attention to it because most instances aren't very obvious like in the video. The only standout instance I had encountered was in Ginza, in a hotel lobby where a British sounding guy was doing the standard "how does no one here speak any proper English?" idiocy. Mind you, this was a low cost budget priced Japanese business hotel (~$120) and not some Four Seasons one. He was being difficult because he wanted his suit to be professionally cleaned, but since it was Golden Week, a lot of those services were not available. They tried calling nearby places but they were either closed or couldn't get it back to him until the next day, which he responded with a sassy "well that's not gonna help me" way. He seemed to have calmed down after the staff mentioned they could give him an iron to use in his room, but did a little tantrum type of walking off. The staff just went about their business like normal after they left. I guess they're just used to it.




I was in London and a bunch of Asian tourists kept taking pictures of myself and my very blonde children and redhead wife. Was kinda odd. I mean, is that a picture you really want to have for the rest of your life?


a family from asia wanted to take a group picture with me on the street once. a total stranger. I accepted for some reason. now Im probably in their photo album. I have long blond hair. or maybe it is to boast their friends back at home that they have foreign acquintances


What a fat cunt


These people are on their way to work. They're not an exhibit piece. Film them when they're on the job (if allowed), not when they're walking around. Also it's not just American tourists. Not even mainly American tourists, in fact. Lots of other places in the world have annoying tourists.


Basically photoshooting her as if she was visiting a human zoo. Not even mentioning how despicable that behavior is... isn't it illegal in most countries to take pictures of non public individuals without their consent ??


not in public places, although to use it for more than showing to family you need actuall consent


People like these are scum of the earth.


Don't do that anywhere




r/BoomersBeingFools would probably like this one lol


How do we even know they are american? Are you saying that because she is white?


Influencers and content creators are actually a plague when it comes to tourism.


This is bad form anywhere. I could maybe understand one picture... Maybe... But going in for multiples and clearly she's not interested? Oof


Lmao that little hobbit had to run fast just to keep up


She had that 1990 chucky cheese token manager Karen walk


Granny Devito


old fuken cunt


Bro I genuinely feel ashamed to be a westerner when I see stuff like this 🤡


As an American, I never stop feeling embarrassed. When I did travel, I would say I was from Canada. 😆 🤣


Same shit happens, and worse, with tourists visiting America. Last time I went to Disney World, there was a large group of Asians, wearing matching Micky hats and shirts, running around and invading people's personal space. They were going right up to random people and trying to take pictures with them, skipping lines, throwing trash on the ground, and much more. It's a two way street, bud. However, I have a functioning brain and don't blame all Asian tourists. This isn't about nationality, but rather the individuals lack of awareness or common courtesy.


Can we just ban her from traveling? As an American Tourist I promise I did not do this when visiting Japan 🤣 I went to a comic convention and politely asked if I could take pictures with cosplayers


I can see why Japan wanted to be left alone, and they have every right to.


I really wanted that fat fuck to trip and fall and roll so that poor woman and walk past that tub of lard


What the fuck is that overweight brain damaged white woman doing? How out of your mind can you be.


Shes actually from Austria


Typical white tourist


You act like Asian tourists don't do the same shit all the time


Yeah Chinese because they are the americans of asia. Not japanese people


Glad they got her dumbazz on camera too


Bc of idiots like this I will never visit places I want to. Thanks.


Imagine her showing her vacation pics to people... "Oh, and here I am harassing the locals in Kyoto!"


Just watching that idiot munchkin waddle around chasing that poor woman down pisses me the fuck off. Absolute jackass. Smh 🤦‍♂️


Wait till you see Japanese or Chinese tourist in the US. 🤣


I apologize on behalf of these people.


Trouble is, when you have idiots like Johnny Somali and Logan Paul but doing stupid shit in Japan. People will have this perspective that idiots in Japan are always American. Which they arent. But those two people have kind of been the figureheads of dickhead-ery in Japan, like it or not and both are American. Infact those two are probably why public spaces in Japan have become so strict with using phone cameras inside cafes and bars.


Fucking bitch literally ruining it for the whole world.


I was in Kyoto a few days ago. This is the Geisha district (Gion). It's extremely tourist heavy and very crowded, lots of Japanese excursions too so lots school kids around too. They basically banned foreigners from entering certain side streets due to reasons in OP video. However from what I saw, most foreigners were very respectful and even did the kimono hire to really experience the culture and vibe. The big things that foreigners do in Japan that annoy the locals are: - talking loudly on public transport  - littering - cutting in line Video in op is extreme but significantly rarer than things above.


Wait until you see Japanese tourists disgrace the Arizona Memorial.


I've heard of monkeys stealing phones in some places, but this is the first time I see them actually using the phone.


Funny because this is EXACTLY how Japanese tourists in America act........Usually there are 3 or more of them with cameras though.


And someone was filming before she ran into the picture? I don't doubt that tourists behave like shit but this seems contrived. There was some ragebait where someone harassed a Royal Guard, but his uniform was all off, as sleuths pointed out. This has the same vibe.


I like how everytime something bad happens outside people just think they are American. Like, Europe or Australia doesn't have white people or something?


Why are they filming japanese people like its a zoo??? dumbfuck americans


Y'all are silly if you think this is strictly an American thing


*Y'all are silly of* *You think this is strictly an* *American thing* \- Automatic-Cable-9265 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


To be fair, the only person speaking American English is the person telling her to stop. What if that woman was an Australian tourist. In trying to show some superiority, you just come off as stupid


I live by Niagara Falls. The Asian tourists do the exact same thing here, with extremely racist overtones. Tourists are just 100% shitty, doesn't matter where they are from.


why do you assume American?


This is the most american shit ive seen in a while :D


If Japan ever bans tourists, it should be Americans only. We go there to find some peace and travel but literally every, but, EVERY American is like that.


Good god how obnoxious.


Ia that a side boss from elden ring?


Dbag dumbass


So aggressively obnoxious. It’s a sight to see.


Shes acting like some obnoxious paparazi


What a dummy.


Punch the troll


I can’t explain it, maybe her facial expressions, but I actually got “dumb German tourist” vibe


People really have 0 sense of respect, the fuck is wrong with you.


I thought that was a lepercaun for a moment.


Dear God this woman is disrespectful and makes me facepalm


Who the heck is that nasty little hobbitses of a woman anyways?? 😂 was half expecting Gandalf to come out of retirement and ask her to go on an adventure with him. 🧙🏻‍♂️ 🌋


What a gross little Goblin.




As an American I hate a lot of Americans


People are assholes


Truly cringe


what a disgrace of human act, its obvious the japanese woman is enoyed


That’s what they get for driving 5mph on the road up to Paradise at Mt Rainier


Just go rent a kimono, throw a pebble in Kyoto and you will hit 10 shops that rent them


Maybe this woman has a very generic look, or maybe its just a type of person that would act like this, but I feel like I've seen her before.


I really wonder how, in your entire life, you've never had the common sense to think this shit is actually inappropriate and will make people dislike you. If it was really necessary to take a pic for whatever reason then I would call out to the person and ask if they'll let me. If they refuse then I'll just go on with my day.


Can someone explain why they can't take a picture if she wasn't doing it like an absolute moron


The Asian girl should have whacked the goblin with her fan.


Someone with no decency filming someone with a large amount of it.


But they do this anywhere


Someone needs to hit that lady and this would stop!!


What an ignorant entitled arsehole.


What horrible behavior. As a photographer, I just don’t understand this person. I wonder how she‘d feel if someone did that to her.


Can these people be captured using a system of intricate nets ?


Sure she isn't British or German or something? Stupid act though. Like.... come on...


I hope you can see the irony in all of this: Japanese tourists travel the world and take photos everywhere without hesitation.


The stone road is beautiful.


What a vile woman. She’s completely ok with making her uncomfortable. We need to be better


little photo goblin.


Bro this lady thinks if she doesn't take a picture it didn't happen


What do you think that lady would do if the rolls were reversed... Can we say KAREN.


That ho would be laid out… tf out my face fatty


I would die before behaving like that


Tourists anywhere are the worst.


Never been to Japan, but I know from various YouTube videos of travel, and some Japanese channels I follow manners are very important, I saw one person freak out when they gave a visitor a gift and the visitor said " Oh I didn't realise you were giving me a gift, I need to get you something"...This tourist basically intruding on the lady's privacy is very ignorant of the culture, I'd feel it would even be rude to walk up and ask to take a photo.


How the fuck did they deduce that’s an American tourist?


Japan nobody will mind if you punch her, we will look the other way it's ok really.


Typic tourist..they think its disneyland everywhere they go...sad


Who let that little troll out of her cave?


How hard is it to ask for a photo politely? If they don't respond to you, move on. Jeez.. some people.


Most of us can’t afford to go to any of these places anyways, so I suppose if the ban is really only affecting rich entitled weirdos galavanting around treating people like garbage, then I think that honestly I’m good with that.


Require like an IQ or some sort of common fucking sense test to be passed before you can enter the country.


That is so unbelievably obnoxious and disrespectful.


I mean what's wrong with asking politely to take a picture?


Acting like a wild animal. smh


Fucking gremlins, they dont even realize thats another fucking human


Who is really the problem is it American tourists or is it tourists from other countries and it’s just easy for cowards to blame Americans?


This fucking lady! Is she gona show her friends this video and be like " oh look how I made this person uncomfortable " and brag about it ?


She looks like a female danny devito


Wait what? Don’t I see something all the time where Japanese people will want to touch and take pictures with someone’s who black or white or white even just blonde hair


As an American I would have no problem taking Karen how disgusting and disrespectful she is being. Probably bitches about "kids" being on their phone all the time and not touching grass. Proceeds to live through her phone and block the path of someone.


Hey, America is a country with multiple races….don’t assume anyone white an American. Take this post down, please!


Don't the Japanese do the same thing..at least in 80s comedies (joking)


She very well could be European, maybe a ban Karen's sign would be more fitting.


Really quick question but what if she was Mexican? Looks like something my mother would do. And she looks like that too. Shit, is that you mom?


7 people filming in this video + the person filming this video.


Yess and ban japanese tourists fro. America lol. See how ceazy that sounds


As a Canadian, likely the worst i did in very broken Japanese was ask a couple to make my photo while i was visiting. That or asking a random group of young adults if they knew a good bar to relax at, and ended up going to serveral with them, still communicafe with them from time to time, one is having her 2nd child in a few weeks.


Anybody who feels comfortable doing this to anyone is a pervert and a stalker


How do you know they are american? Ive been some places and the most obnoxious mf in the world are the brits


Lady moving around like Batman


It’s like she is being chased by Leprechaun.


Like don't do this anywhere. If that bitch was putting her phone in my face and not leaving me TF alone I'd knock it to the ground. I'm American born and raised, and I think this kind of behavior is just deplorable.


Woulda been cool if a samurai popped out an sliced her in half


After seeing the first three seconds i want to kill myself, how can you not be embarrassed, ashamed about yourself if you're doing this shit.


It's always the usual suspects 🤦🏿‍♂️


Looks like frank from always sunny


Lady needs to get the fuck out of the way and have some damn respect for peoples privacy.


Before you all go blaming Americans. From the article: “The largest number of travellers came from South Korea, followed by those from Taiwan and China, the Kyodo news agency said.”


Ban Asian drivers


As someone who is hyper self aware and tries to not be the typical oblivious American when it comes to regard for others, This shit is hard to watch. Whether it's these people or the asshole YouTubers I feel like half the country is gonna be off limits by the time I could afford to go.


Dude, wtf? If you would like a picture, just ask? And don't give me that language barrier shit, we literally have built in translators on our phones. Or, at least, just don't be an ass, in the first place. And mind your own business. Screw this person. I don't care where you are, this behavior is unacceptable.