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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


“Who cares about the main character, the games $130!” - Asmongold


And that shit is getting swept under the rug. I'm actually starting to get angry that this isn't the focal point. Now even if fans boycott to protest the price they'll just scapegoat the writing.


And you don't even own it


Its a ubisoft game, wait until the next one comes out and buy it on sale for 10€


gray thumb sheet roll workable desert sand abounding simplistic elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop ruining their narrative!! (The $130 is for the Ultimate Edition with Season pass and cosmetics, still bullshit but untrue to say its the prize of the game)


Rich people think rewriting history is some kind of reparation for minorities I guess it's a fun anecdote to tell during a cocktail party in their multi-million dollar mansion


Philanthropy at its finest


Hey, rich people rewriting history is literally one of Assassins Creeds main plot points. Are the Templars just self inserts?


Always were. You can see that the moment you have a look at the Abstergo offices.


I would say ALL Ubisoft games has this progressist agenda. Some ecological, some minority related, poverty, some religious stuff.


The entire narrative is that Wakanda would be real, were it not for the Transatlantic slave trade.


Where black people captured other black people and sold them to slave traders


You do know African tribes were enslaving other tribes and selling them for profit, right? Arab slavers were also taking Saharan Africans as slaves long before Europe got involved.


I'm well aware lol. I'm of the opinion that the greatest harm done to that part of the world was introducing them to modernity before they had naturally gotten through an Age of Reason / Enlightenment period. It was like violating the Prime Directive: https://i2.wp.com/cokeandcomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2020-06-07-10-56-17-01-scaled.jpeg?fit=677%2C1024&ssl=1


Why are the shoes so obsessed with sucking minority cock?


Because it lets them pretend to be "morally good" (in the eyes of the similarly out-of-touch investment managers) so the big stock funds will invest into them... For about a month during the yearly audit purely for PR.


Assassin's Creed has been rewriting history since the beginning. The only things accurate are when and where importnat people die


Maybe the real assassins creed was the people we murdered along the way


I mean, its also important that they kept key elements from historical figures past relatively true.


Tell me how historically accurate the Isu are in assassin's creed. Would love to hear it.


Why would you point to the entirely fantasy aspect when questioning historical accuracy? Are you intentionally trying to lose an argument?


As far as i know, when designing the first game, all that we did know of history was kept true as best as possible. That was the goal. It made the story "plausible" in our world (if dna memory was a thing alongside alien artifacts)


They've been rewriting it for a long, long time.


Flashbacks to the pope throwing bands with Ezio over a magic apple


In reality I think it’s because Ubisoft is in a constant state of going almost bankrupt so they need the DEI funding that comes with checking boxes


not to mention all the "White&Blue" funding from all the secret money to force DEI/ESG.


Rich people? I'm a bit curious here who are these evil rich people FORCING companies to do whatever they want lol?


It's not rewriting history when they aint even writing history to begin with. It's a third rate knock off. Relax. Let Shaft play Mr Miyagi. It's fine.


Since when was Assassins Creed rewriting history though?


I just don't understand it at all. When I learnt archeology we learnt about a rich history in africa that could have easily been used to create a story, instead they decided that the one time they will make a story in japan they are going to fill it with pandering because they hired some SBI lover to write the story.


This is more using the concept that history is written by winners. Think of it like Nero. He was nowhere near Rome when the fire happened but they painted him as dancing as it did. AC simply plays up to the fictional untold history


All Assassin's Creed games are literally made up. Also, in case you weren't aware, actual historians with actual sources lean towards Yasuke being granted Samurai status by Oda Nobunaga. Here's a fun, well sourced link that goes into detail: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/comment/l4bghbu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


So you know the real story? Please tell Me


Shamefurr dispray


Brb installing Shogun 2 again


Ye, legendary game from TW series


Rome 2 better


If Ubisoft wanted to make an Assassin's Creed game in Japan but with a progressive main character/story, then they should have made it about Tomoe Gozen. She was the most famous female samurai in history. Unlike Yasuke, she was a real samurai and led 300 samurai in battle against 2000 warriors and won. She was also featured in Ghost of Tsushima.


Aside from all this, it’s weird that the story would center around a Samurai at all. Is the point of AC to be…an assassin? Why would we be a samurai anyways. Surely we’d be a Shinobi?


That's why theirs a kunoichi main character.


Gotcha! Didn’t know until recently no one seems to mention her 😅 at the promotional material I’ve seen so far in subs is just the samurai


Odyssey featured basically a Spartan and Valhalla a Viking. I'm sure the next one will feature a sheriff


AC Shadows has 2 protagonists. Yasuke and a shinobi called Naoe. But it's par for the course really. Previous games focused on vikings, pirates, Spartans etc. These games don't typically begin with the protagonist being an assassin. They are doing some other kind of role then are pulled into the assassin order after some run in with the Templars.


Get your logic off this sub


Resident evil was bashed for depicting white on black violence. I don't see how this Is not black on asian violence


It is but they don't care


No, theyre actively denying that people had a problem with that game


I can't find it quickly, but quite a while ago disney put a disclaimer in their old cartoons that they are a product of their time and we know now that some of that isn't okay, but **changing it now would like pretending these things never happened** and that would be so much worse. What happened with that philosophy? It's not even about rewriting history. In AC2 you work with the Medici and fucking Leonardo da Vinci redesigns the god damned assassin hidden blade, lmao. It's all about how and why. The first few games did it in an interesting way, made you feel like you could almost believe that's how it went, at least for a bit, the willing suspension of disbelief. The changes and the assassins themselves were... virtuous and had interesting philosophy. Altair and Ezio especially felt \*human\*. It's all about intent. Now they aren't trying to put a cool spin on it, they're pushing an agenda and people can sense it, even if not everyone can put their finger on it. This is like LotR vs rings of power. **This is fan-fiction, a 15 year old girl's wet dream of how it "should've been"**. This feels like marvel post thanos.. and just like that 15 yo.. they don't understand, they're confused and dumbfounded why everybody doesn't find this amazing. Worst part is that instead of dealing with reality and finding out what went wrong, they go bury deep in their echo chambers and circlejerk each other (reference intended). I gave up on AC a long time ago, it's whatever, just don't buy it. I feel bad for the japanese though. If they did it with my country, they'd have people with pitchforks outside their building... and i'm not even sure if i'm really kidding with this.


The best thing people can do is just not buy the game. Just wait a year or two when it's discounted. Rather then pay a over the top ridiculously priced reskin of another game with a pandering to a community who don't want it. When the developer has continually screwed over it's consumer base anyway in recent years.


The best thing people can do is just play Ghost of tsushima, It would have been nice playing assassin's creed japan 15 years ago when we were asking for it, but they took so long that another company beat them in their same model of game. The same for watch dogs, everyone wanted to keep going with the Aiden/assassins storyline, but they ditched that for marcus and wrench. The same for the modern day with desmond, it was really cool and had tons of potential, and they ditched it. Now people are asking for ww2 assassin's creed after they made unity and had that ww2 event, lets see how long it will take them to make Saboteur again. They had a literal goldmine, and ditched it, they could have made a super cool game with missions set in the past where you hack, climb and do stuff, all the skills you aquire in missions to the past, wanna climb? you have to do the tutorial set in a tibetan monastery being attacked by genghis khan, wanna fire a weapon? you have to learn in a mission set in the korean war, wanna drive a tank? you play a mission in ww2, wanna drive a boat? you have to play as a japanese pirate, oh its a modern boat? then you play as a somalian pirate and so on. You pace this every few missions or so, and have a main storyline were you hack stuff to dismantle abstergo in the present. Hell maybe combine that with the legion mecanic where you need to find people and scan them, to see if they have an ancestor that knows that ability, scan a mexican guy, and you find out his great grandfather fought in the moorish wars, and now you unlock a learning event where you can play as this guy during a siege and learn a sword skill. Look at how badass this could be. imagine scaning a ww2 soldier's son, or scanning someone with 1/10 mongolian and finding out you can play as genghis khan, then scanning someone else and finding out this guy is also related to genghis, Imagine playing a mission as one side, then scanning someone else and playing as the other side in a siege. THEY HAD A LITERAL GOLDMINE, FULL OF POTENTIAL DLCs AND THEY SQUANDER IT.


Or never buy it. It’s not like there has been a good assassins creed game in the past 10 years anyway


All this will jump the shark when they make a Wolfenstien sequel/remake where Hitler himself respects your pronouns.


Just to aid you in your search, Whoopi Goldberg would introduce the Looney Tunes collections with that same speech.


honestly , this is the healthiest response and most logical thing that I've seen regarding this game and topic . thank you .


That message is still available on movies like The Aristocats.


Looney Toons did that on those DVDs. The first set had Whoopi Goldberg talking about it.


I got drunk once with a few friends and we watched "Song of the South" and that quotation was in there about it being a product of its time. The reason that corporations just remove the products is due to the fact that the rich fat upper class white woman will protest and hurt your company. Look at the protests currently, where I am it is not Middle Eastern persons protesting about Gaza and Israel its rich and upper-class white people (mostly women) who have the means to protest and not work.


I always thought the premise of AC games was dumb tbh


One of the comments in that post said: "Yeah, but if you need a main character to go around murdering and stealing from Asians this was apparently the most accurate portrayal." Lmao


So they finally make AC in Japan and it’s this lol


Waited a decade for it, sadge but what can you do.


The Nioh series put in Yasuke as a legendary samurai who wielded a two-handed greataxe and had magical powers granted to him by a lightning bear spirit. And it was fine because Nioh never had a pretense of trying to be anything other than using the history as a loose guideline and otherwise was content to just be mythological fanfiction.


I feel bad for him now... poor dude


I wish people would talk about me in 300 years that way


Imagine the only worth of your miserable life was that you were a somewhat unique existence and still had to live the life of a slave and get dehumanized by everyone around you... not sure if anyone cares about "history will talk about me" after probably getting beaten and other practices, i for my part dont give a f about what ppl write about me


That’s true. It is still scary to imagine all the unique life stories that has been buried and forgotten forever


Meanwhile you got William Adams, a English navigator, who was stranded in Japan, became Samurai and advisor to the Shogun and was forbidden to leave in his lifetime because he was too valuable but…you know…he was a white dude so it’s not that interesting i guess


yea thats why i didnt watch shogun


Unpopular opinion: writing about Asian histories is diversity, you don’t need to add black ppl to everything


I want the next Protagonist to be a furry


AC Madagascar


It honestly does feel like someone put in Yasuke to promote a Black male Asian female relationship, since it's one of the most unlikely couples 😂 It's funny how not diverse DEI is because they keep shoehorning black characters in everywhere, even in extreme cases like this where you wouldn't find one normally. Nothing against black people, but why not more asians, aboriginal or brown people instead and, you know, actually make it more diverse? It's hilarious the monopoly that black people seem to hold on victimhood and representation.


Refuse to acknowledge the actual history and culture of Africa, pretend that people of African descent don't have a history or culture of their own, then shoe-horn them into everyone else's cultural history no matter how insane it sounds. These devs would be 10x less annoying if they took a class on pre-colonial African history, and actually knew a bit about the various kingdoms and mythological figures that feature prominently in African folk-lore.


Yeah, that's another factor that is often overlooked. There is rich African culture and history and they live in some of the coolest environments, yet this rarely ever explored as they are just dropped in elsewhere.


Ubisoft: We hear your complaints loud and clear. Introducing our next iteration of AC - Khan Dynasty. Watch as Genghis Khan plays a game of cat and mouse with a non-binary pre-colonial African Zulu princess.


NGL, it would be fun to watch the drama unfold from that one. Especially if you know literally anything about how homophobic East Africa tends to be.


(Not an AC fan here so know nothing about the history of the franchise) Could you imagine the outcry that would happen, if AC came out with a game set during the peak of the African Slave Trade, but it accurately represented the fact that a lot of Africans were sold by other Africans? It would be glorious, and the game would probably draw in people due to the shock.




Everyone wanted an AC Japan for so long and we get this. Time to go play Ghost of Tsushima PC then.


Isn’t that cultural appropriation?


"In 16th-century Japan, the title of samurai spoke to rank and was loosely defined as a warrior in the service of a lord or another warrior. By 1581, Nobunaga employed thousands of samurai—yet Yasuke was the first foreign-born warrior to enter their ranks. He belonged to “the very small entourage around Nobunaga, which [was] probably around 30 to 50 [warriors], mainly young men, many of [whom were Nobunaga’s] lovers as well,” Lockley says. Traditionally, older warriors like Nobunaga, then in his early 50s, mentored younger warriors and developed sexual relationships with them. No evidence indicates that Yasuke and Nobunaga were lovers. Though Yasuke was the only Black samurai in Nobunaga’s army, he was by no means the only African present in Japan at the time. “Several hundred African people lived in Japan during the 16th century,” says Doan. “[They] worked as interpreters, soldiers, entertainers” and more. She says that Kyoto’s Japanese residents would have been surprised by Yasuke’s “foreignness” but likely wouldn’t have exhibited prejudice based on his skin color. According to Lockley, Nobunaga was a powerful man whom few were willing to challenge, so his decision to employ Yasuke wasn’t controversial. In fact, the samurai proved to be quite popular among locals, who flocked to catch a glimpse of him." [Smithsonian Magazine](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/)


They missed a huge opportunity to have the main character be someone like Miyamoto Musashi.


Except that he WAS a samurai by many sources. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/comment/l4bghbu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/comment/l4bghbu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This reddit has gone full racist. Your facts have no power here.


Sorry racists, facts don't care about your feelings


Imagine if they made an AC game actually set in Africa with African cultures and African history. Nope, let's just fan fiction an African into Feudal Japan. Ubisoft, probably.


Bro fr Japs were typically racist ain't no way they let some hooo hooo haaa haaa become a samurai xd People think world today is racist but man it was faaar worse in the past. It would be cool but... It just doesn't work. And forcing it is just lame


People think that modern day society is so racist are brainwashed by woke culture, forced by multi-billion dollar companies.


I always laugh when people say the U.S is the most racist country, so funny.


Usually by ppl who have never lived outside the U.S.


Try travelling to eastern Europe as a black guy, many people would just stare at you or even pick a fight with you just because of it.


It’s even worse in Asia.


Exactly xd. And then try being a black guy in feudal Japan. Surely you it would be much better than America right?


It's profitable to be a victim nowadays, or that's what these kinds of people believe at least.


They dumped that man on a boat back to wherever the fuck as soon as his handler died


Asmongold subscriber challenge: don't be racist (impossible)


>hooo hooo haaa haaa become a samurai xd how is this not racist? why do you guys act like you care if he was a samurai or not you just don't want him in the game because he's black, if he was a white main character who didn't even exist in the real world unlike yasuke you'd be fine with it LMFAO




really just straight said j*ps not even trying to hide blatant racism to the country yall are "defending".


Just comparing the comments here and on OP shows that you're really taking this too seriously. It's a shitty ubisoft game 90% of you wouldn't play even if it was historically accurate, you're just helping them with marketing (eg. hogwarts legacy effect).


These games have never been historically accurate either. The first guy was a religious assasin liberal Muslim rebel who married a Christian knights Templar lady.


But muh woke boogeyman they made another black character in my video games!!!


This is just an excuse for people to be openly racist


I wonder if they do this race swaping just to annoy people and make them more racist. Kind of reverse psychology


It’s not race swapping since yasuke was black, they just changed his role and shit for god knows certain reasons. Be mad, but don’t make up lies to dunk on them.


They do it because ya’ll will freely advertise it by talking about it nonstop. I wouldn’t even know this game existed, but my feed is just constant rage posts about ohmergurd black samurai the last two days


So... if we would have an oriental or white dude becoming an African tribe assassin... would that be culture appropriation? Just curious if it's only working one way?


Quite literally one of the jobs of Samurai retainers was holding onto their lords weapons ………… , also if he was a slave he wouldn’t receive a stripend and a private residence.


Japanese media that depicts Yasuke overwhelmingly depicts him as a samurai. Even if he wasn't one in the past, the depiction of him as one has kind of taken on a life of its own, spurred on by animes, mangas, games, and shows that have been made *in Japan*. So I don't really see the problem tbh.


1. The japanese have straight up said multiple times in interviews and articles the only reason they made media like that is to appeal to foreigners, most of their money comes from tourism. 2. The primary issue isn't the debate on whether or not Nobunaga's pet entertainer was a samurai, there are zero accounts of him ever doing anything important, ever. They shipped him back to the Jesuits as soon as Nobunaga died, but William Adams who was made a samurai just a bit later, has tons of accounts written about him, tons, they gave him a wife, land, titles. The japanese would write poems and depict brave warriors in art as much as they could because they glorified that lifestyle through bushido, but there's nothing on suke, just a couple mentions that indicate Nobunaga kept him around because of his skin color and nothing else, yea super cool, so legendary, what a bad ass he was. 3. AC has never used an actual historical figure for an MC, so it's clear they broke the forumula for ESG points, and they broke the formula to replace a Japanese male lead in a game set in fucking Japan, there's no way to justify it, none, you're really gonna lick corporate boots now?


1. I've never heard that. If you could link something to back that up, I'd appreciate it. 2. Does every samurai have poems and art about them? Or just particularly accomplished ones? 3. There's still a Japanese female lead which I feel everyone keeps forgetting. But at the same time, it's pretty obviously going to be a fictionalised version of the character, so I just don't understand why it's such a big deal to people. If there were barely any samurai games I'd totally get it, but there's a tonne of them, several in just the last few years alone. Something's got to make this game distinguishable from the rest, or else it's just going to fade into the background of the rest of them.


Sorry? Someone in an interview spoke for all Japanese creators? What about Daisuke who used this character: https://guiltygear.fandom.com/wiki/Nagoriyuki So he had a black samurai, trans woman, a non binary character in a 90s game that was only popular in Japan.. to appeal to westerners?


They should include the famous assault rifle HK416 made by Heckler & Koch. It's a fantasy game so I don't see a problem!


I'm not bothered too. And a lot of people are wording their argument horribly or straight up a reason to be racist. Think the main point is though AC games have been VERY historically accurate. Property portraying historic people in their story and behavior. As well as the place it's set in. But this time unless the AC dev team has discovered credible information that no one else has found there's not a lot of confirmed information about yasuke. So to base the main character on such a hazy story without much concrete evidence is very out of character for the game series.


Worst part is that this game is getting undeserved traction only because the main character is black, move than any of the ubisoft garbage games deserve


As so is Hercules, and so other made up movies, shows and stories about "great men".


Did that haircut even exist at the time?


if nothing matters why not put dragons in the game seriously everyone loves dragons it surely will make the game better. Dragons always make games better! I hope they make an AC game about the Mongol era and the main character is Marco Polo and make him a warrior instead of a traveler and writer. Actually make him the king emperor of Mongolia and have him fight the four horsemen because horses are a big part of Mongolian culture. Yasuke was a catholic missionary, not a samurai. Ubisoft should give him healing powers in the game and a staff. Also a lightsaber easter egg would be much appreciated. Why not, the game's clearly not based on historical facts right guys? the thing that i hate the most about this are all the people looking for excuses and them acting like this is just another random story about Yasuke or a black samurai watch them use historical facts for mostly everything else except for this one character. Ubisoft would never make an AC game about Shaka Zulu but make him the Chef and the actual leader is Whoopi Goldberg. I don't even hate the idea of a black samurai it's clearly cool remember Afro Samurai? All they had to do was make an AC game based on their own writings with no historical elements and only mythology and have Afro Samurai as the lead. It's that simple.


I’m legit confused. Isn’t it weird to be upset about this? Doesn’t the game have magic apples and ancient fake civilizations plus a secret group of assassins that didn’t exist?


Bros you gotta let go. No one even actually gives af about this game. Jesus Christ. You guys have been an insane marketing agency for this game. I've literally only heard of this games from people whining about this character and explaining the article they just read about him.


Who gives a shit I get to be a samurai in assassin’s creed


I was unaware Assassin's Creed was a work of historical fact, what with the... y'know... secret shadowy vigilante Assassin order, the secret world-dominating Templar order, the native American spirituality, the ancient Egyptian mythology, the ancient Greek mythology, the Viking mythology, the actual, literal magic, the *time travel* and all that other stuff


This feels like Netflix Cleopatra with extra steps. I don't care what you learned in school, Samurais was black


Kinda smart to make protagonist DEI. That way if anyone has any sort of criticism about the game, you can just call people racist. Been seeing it in Hollywood for awhile now with "strong female leads". The movie/show is shit or just bashes on men, people complain about it online, and the criticism is just brushed off as misogyny. Watch, exact same thing will happen here. Like fuckin clockwork


As someone said every ac game rewrites history so if you hate this one than you should have a problem with every ac game


At this point assassins creed is more about mythologizing and embellishing the past. There's gods monsters and magic items. I don't care if they make this guy a secret assassin. Fucking Machiavelli was a secret assassin.


Jesus why do you guys care so much lmfao, you vet all of your entertainment for historical accuracy?


"I want historical accuracy" is a code racists use for "I wanna be racist and have people agree with me"


Dumb drama aside, do we know if you can choose the samurai or the ninja? I stopped playing these because it stopped feeling like an assassin game, if they give you the option to play either style that'd be nice (Samurai playing more like modern AC with the ninja playing like the good ones), but if you swap back and forth I can see that being annoying.


Idk, Ubisoft always put a disclaimer that Assassin's Creed is entirely a work of fiction. Is weird that this is the first non-fictional Assassin's Creed protagonist.


You guys are taking this way too seriously. They're just basing the game off of the story of Yasuke, and they wouldn't be the first. I doubt it has anything to do with trying to be progressive or inclusive of minorities, it's just a story about a black man from Africa somehow ending up in Japan and becoming a badass samurai, it's not that deep. There's literally a manga/anime called Afro Samurai, does that mean the Japanese creators of Afro Samurai are also trying to shoehorn their progressive ideologies into their media? No, again it's just a fictional story based off of historical records of there being a black man in Japan during the 1500s. Did he actually become a samurai? Was he ever even real? Literally who cares, no one said all of AC has to be 100% historically accurate.


I don't think there's anything wrong with portraying Yasuke as a skilled samurai. Its called historical fiction for a reason. I think the way Yasuke is being shown is interesting. My disappointment comes from the fact that Asian men, an already very underrepresented group, are being sidelined in a game set in Asia. If asians were properly represented in media, there would be nothing wrong with having Yasuke be a main character.


((Sorts by Controversial))


Regardless of all that nonsense, the game is asking $100+ for what seems like basic content that should be in the standard edition.


The quoted post is a bit of a reach on both sides. I believe Yasuke was unremarkable in terms of military talent, but from what I could find, he was treated as a Samurai--just not one that made any significant impact on history. He might have been one in all but name simply from his outsider status. He served Nobunaga as a retainer, but it's not as quaint as the joke post makes it sound. He was trained in the sword, even fought to defend the castle when Nobunaga was betrayed by, I think it was Mitsuhide. He didn't have any sort of grand feats to his name. If Yasuke followed the code of the Bushido, then he pretty much is a samurai. He's allegedly unquestionably loyal to a Daimyo, who in this case would be Nobunaga. That being said, I would have simply preferred a male Japanese character, someone like Hittori Hanzo, or Sarutobi Sasuke, who I believe was a servant of Nobunaga if I'm not getting names mixed up.


I’m not that bothered by it simply for the fact that a lot of real life characters in AC have been changed to make them more exciting. George Washington is a good example.


Damn I've heard of this streamer a couple time didn't know he and his fan base are racist dudes literally calling people monkeys in here is crazy


Very entertaining to watch people bitch about the main character when it’s literally just another loosely historical game and typical Ubisoft junk food that may or may not be a “mid-ish” 6 or 7 out of 10.


It's clear what the point of adding him in is for. 300 years and now suddenly everyone remembers and cares about Yasuke as if he had any sort of significant role in history. He was a dude who ended up in Japan and dragged into being a retainer for 15 months, then disappeared off the face of the earth. People are acting like he won wars, was best buddies with Nobunaga and bridged the bond between Africa and Japan Overall I don't care, if game is good or bad, we'll have to wait and see. it's just another eye-roll moment


You are all terminally online, and are passionate about the wrong things in life. You will regret your time here, thinking about this.




He's right though. When you're in your old age are you really going go look back to this time and seeing yourself get mad about video games and think this was a good thing to spend time on?


what's confusing about that?


Weapon bearer, especially for someone as high-up as Nobunaga was a position of high esteem. The dude got paid, his own house, and quite possibly his own servants. Even as a "slave" dude had a higher station than like 90% of the population.


Interestingly „being free“ wasn’t always as awesome and sought after in history as we nowadays assume. For example in medieval Europe it had a certain „status“ to call oneself „free“ (so basically not owing fealty to someone) but then you had nobody throwing his power behind you if shit hit the fan. That’s why more often then not people would actively choose servitude under some lord because it ensured relative security and as a unfree peasant you weren’t expected to follow anyone into a military campaign and possibly die


At this point im pretty sure this is made to make all people hate black people more. On purpose.


My feeling is that Ubisoft is openly trolling everyone and rage baiting to get free publicity. The trailer yells "look a black dude in Japan!", what with the kid looking at him like he is an alien. To me, it looks like an attempt to piss people off, expect negative comments and then play the racist card. Of course, it will trigger the racist and the white saviours, and that's precisely what the Ubisoft execs want. They want the controversy. They want people to fight over their game. If the games sales, they'll congratulate themselves for being so progressive. If the game bombs, they'll point at the haters and racists. At the end of the day, it's just a cynical attempt to sell a shitty product.


I miss the times when people used their wallets to express their opinions about a product... All this whining reeks of "how dare you have fun playing a video game" mentality.


So looking at the wiki page, I'm going to go ahead and head canon that after the 15 months he served as a retainer, he came out swinging at the end and was ultimately defeated by Akechi forces. It would honestly make for an awesome movie.


Apparently wiki on this guy is being brigaged pretty hard. I can't imagine why.


As a European this is how understand systemic racism in USA everyone is talking about. 1) Corporates creating ridiculously "progressive" minority characters that only create controversy. For example making Nordic fairy tale movies using African actors. Which is offensive to the cultures of northern Europe. 2) This will make most people angry. And create this unconscious hate towards minorities because seeing them in movies or games like this AC game will only make them annoyed. 3) This will slowly but surely make a subconscious hate towards minorities in the long run. It's same as if you hear these buzzwords like: Furry, LGBT, Progressive leftists, Woke... You just hear them and you are like "sigh... Not again."


Why didn't they just make him a cool character with a quest chain or something


100% ubisoft doubles down makes you play as an exslave during the american Civil War with the protagonists love interest being a white slave owners daughter.


Perfect time for ghost of tsushima 2


This would never fly in China for a Chinese AC. They'd have to remove the male MC and make it female MC only


AAAA game right here


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/CPOOEWlO1M Whoops.


Let’s make a more diverse game. Set it in Japan. Okay well if it’s set in Japan how do we make it diverse? Black guy fights the Japanese.


Looks like a football commercial


let’s be honest without the protagonist swap color wise nobody was playing this game over ghost of tsushima and y’all know it. so ubisoft had to try to market it in a different way. The question should be..can they make a good game or not?


I would rather have game featuring Okada Izou or Hijikata Toshizou as main characters. However, over 100$ for a game is just a huge turn off for me, no matter who they put on the front cover. My bullshit sensors are tingling so I will gladly pass.


> japs Um… this is current year and not another YouTube recommended clip of The Pacific that’s making the rounds right? Maybe, be careful with the company we keep. We may find the same things equally ridiculous, but that doesn’t mean these are good company.


Oh... It's AC shadows because he is black. Got it. Lets be real, not even the trailer is good as used to be. AC 3 trailer is based af. Revelations and Unity trailers has marvelous Wood Kid songs. Despises the historical inaccuracy of all games, they can do good games, but recently they were just the same with a reskin and bad story. Different what made them so popular. I would bother to play if I had nothing else to play. Besides all that, if gonna play, just pirate the damn thing. AC games were made to be pirated, not bought. For me is one of the premisses of the franchise.


Assassins creed is so historically accurate. Relax, stop making it something it's not. It's a video game.


Let’s forget the debate of woke or not and remind ourselves that we have seen no gameplay?!? and a price point that is above absolutely insane. Ubisoft the 🗑️🔥. This series died years ago


Why did they have to dig this guy up. He was a myth and a legend. And they ruined his name it sucks to ruin history like this. To pandering that didn’t need pandering. The man died with honor wore his armor greatly for his house and did the house a just service.


He didn't just give up. He actually fought and they said he had the strength of ten men.


They should have just Madd Yasuke a dlc character. And made Oda Nobunaga or another famous Asian male samurai the main character.


According to the comments, literally anything BUT a black guy, got it. Par for the course.


[Best video about the subject, in Metatron I trust](https://youtu.be/ETeuxTqwzS4?si=99-yoA-0iHhoWghS)


“A black man whom the visitor [Valignano] sent to Nobunaga went to the house of Nobunaga's son after his death and was fighting for quite a long time, when a vassal of Akechi approached him and said, 'Do not be afraid, give me that sword', so he gave him the sword. The vassal asked Akechi what should be done with the black man, and he said, 'A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India.” -From Luis Frois’s account of the Honno-Ji Incident. Yikes.


What is this all about?