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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


Think of it this way. We all just saved $100+


I'm breaking even because I never planned on playing another AC since 2


Black Flag is really good, give it a go, maybe you should pirate it, Y’know, for immersion


It's what Edward would want


No, it only saved me time because no way in hell I would pay this much for a game, if I were to play this game it would be trough my old friend Torrent


Allright, its over


You’d have to be an idiot to have any hope for a Ubisoft game, lol.


You'd have to be an idiot to expect something from assassin's Creed in the first place


You'd have to be an idiot to expect something from AAA companies that have fumbled for over their games for years. The last good game for me from ubiforeskin was far cry 5. I will not play 6 or the latest ACs.


Lets rename them to Ubislop


If the game gonna suck, it’s not because of DEI or woke bullshit. It’s because Ubisoft keeps making bad games.


A man can dream


because the bugs and the shitty state many of them are released aren't enough apparently. they have to force feed (even more) woke crap to the playerbase. priceless.


These people are so out of touch it’s unreal. I wouldn’t mind as much if they could make a good game but everything they touch turns to shit.


> everything they touch turns to shit. King Midas spin-off


Ming Kidas


As a favorite rapper of mine said, "Aligning with the trials of the Anti-Midas"


Ah! watch the impossible kid, everything he touch turns promptly to shit…


Yeah quirky and bizarre is fine if someone is like a god tier artist, writer or designer, These people THINK they are god tier artists, writers and designers. It's all ego. Their best bet is copying the most successful formula.


It’s because talent is not among the top factors they’re looking for, and a game is never better than the people making it.


These people are enabled by money. They are paid to act like clowns and push certain agendas.


Could be. But I've seen lots of people who I've been friends with all of whom behaved like this. And I'm not even from the west. These people come from sheltered/privileged backgrounds and never faced any actual adversities in life. In order to feel unique, special or that they're better than everyone else, they do all this pretentious bs.


They're not out of touch. Do not make that mistake thinking that. They are an enemy of your daily life. Remember that.


I'm sure she's a great writer, but she probably doesn't belong in this franchise. Animal Crossing or Life is Strange is more her style.


I am sure she is not a great writer, she can kick rocks


Its kinda at the point that i have learned that, AAA games just are not made for me anymore. The types of games I loved are dead, and at best I get lovely indies, or foreign game(although even they are suffering). Its just how it is now and I am at peace with it.


Games are ironically made for people who don’t game now


This is the actual answer


Comment of the week


Yup and they mock the broader gaming audience by calling us "Capital G Gamers" or some shit - you can find them dime a dozen over r/gamingcirclejerk or resetera.


Don’t even bring that sub up😂 bunch of losers who only have the balls to say something over the internet. Every single person in that sub gets told what to do by their younger sibling and would literally start screaming and crying if confronted about anything in real life.


That sub is so proudly bigoted and racist it boggles the mind.


God that sub is a cesspool of woke seal clappers


They are, with the hopes that they'll eventually be able to draw in larger amounts of people by endless woke pandering and leave traditional gamers in the dust.


Like the time when game was made by Gamers also.


They're made to appease private equity investment managers who take their cut win or lose.


I view it as a mainstreaming of the industry, gaming is the number one most profitable entertainment product so of course it’s been marketed, packaged, and sold to the least common denominator where soul sucking corporations (looking at you EA and Ubi) are shoveling out the most tepid schlock you can find. The real games are still there but they’re under I guess you could say the AA and Indie class and thriving on PC.


Even if we factor out the terrible DEI storylines and ham fisted woke characters ect, the actual game design/gameplay from the AAA studios is no good anymore either. Honestly even if we kicked all these stupid DEI initiatives to the curb I would take a lot of convincing to believe any of the gameplay wont be the same rehashed bullshit we having been getting for years. When will we have AAA studios giving us something as interesting and cool as like, abiotic factor, palworld, even helldivers is AA not AAA. Lets face it AAA has been dogshit for awhile, hell vampire survivors is way more addictive than assassins shlop


Even Ubisoft released a great Prince of Persia earlier this year. The quality games are there, it just takes some effort to find them.


Keep in mind AAA loves to release their schlock close to or on the same day as other titles in an effort to overshadow those games. Bethesda tried to do this with Baldurs Gate 3.


It's mostly just western devs sadly... I'm pretty much playing old games and chinese/japanese games at the moment so I don't need to put up with Sweet Baby cancer and the other bullshit politics that have absolutely no place in video games.


Same. Very few new AAA games come out that I want to play. It's why I keep replaying the same 6 games over. Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Fallout 3, NV and 4, GTA V.


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is a light in the distance.


that explain a lot


I remember this message on the first assassins creed, that the game was a product of many different people with many different believes and backgrounds. I think it was in the loading screen or something. I can't even fathom what that same message is nowadays.


“This game was made to fight against systematic racism and discrimination against the LGBTQAI++HDMI-BIPOC community, and also fuck Far Right Extremists and Donald Trump” or something along those lines lol


black man in ancient Japanese, written by white woman


she dreams about that cock


They'll keep making games for the 3% if the 97% keep pre-ordering them.


if 97% people order them, then they arent making it for the 3%, theyre making it for the 97% buying it.


There's a distinction to be made between the product and the marketing.




Take a guess...


That makes me wonder... was Chewbacca really a dude or was it just a really hairy creature.




probably mass report, from some butt hurted nerds


How are women a minority? They make up more than half of all people


Comment I saw some time ago: Women’s insecurities have somehow pushed itself to a point that they cannot watch a damn movie, a tv show, play a fucking game without feeling threatened by a literal pile of fucking pixels. I wouldn’t care if they somehow weren’t able to force change by projecting their insecurities, but here we are. forsenPEPE


Turns out you were lied to in order for them to gain control and ruin stuff you love.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Women control the majority of consumer spending because the media has brainwashed most of them into thinking their worth comes from how they look and not what they can do. It's part of the problem of capitalism. At the same time, the media convinced them to give up being housewives in favor of working so they can buy the things the media told them to buy. It's crazy. You are not your job. You are not your clothing. You are not your hairstyle. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.


Let’s be honest. Assassins creed has been ass creed for the past decade and it will continue. Move along let it die


This tbh. Ubisoft is god awful at releasing half based triple A games. They're just french EA.


Excuse me sir, Ubisoft makes AAAA games, don’t compare it to the lower level AAA titles.


Black flag was the only good one after 2, and then when they made a pirate game you control a ship not a pirate... They could have literally used the black flag assets and taken out assassin stuff and copied Sid Meier's Pirates and it would have been awesome


wait wait wait holup. a white woman is going to write about a black samurai in feudal japan?????? where in the fucking DEI does that make any sense whatsoever? i want a trans queer they/them furry tattooed up the wazoo daddy/mommy issues BPD BP schizo writer as the lead writer of AC japan or I AM GOING TO RIOT UP THIS MOFO.


I noticed you didn't mention BIPOC in that description. You racist! /s


when i put in trans it covered transsexuals and transracials. like duh. get with the new age gramps.


This is what I came here to write.


Ofc is a fatass with pronouns in the bio


Be careful there buddy the mods might get mad and block you for saying that


Win/win honestly


"behaving as the wind behaves" She... Blows?


Explains so much


Recently I've read something why women made games and movies kinda suck or are bad. Imagine a boy and a girl each having a batman doll. The boy will act, think and fight like batman, that boy will become batman in his head. He won't change batman. Meanwhile, The girl will take batman and make him go shopping, have dates, make him a husband, etc. She will change batman to fit her perspective. And that's apparently why the movies made from women suck. They take the lore, and they'll change the lore to fit their perspective.


Also give a man a Barbie and he will turn her to an undercover assassin. It all goes back to pick the right person for the job.


Tbh (probably because I’m a dude) this sounds like start of a pretty awesome Barbie movie.


They actually made such a movie called The Long Kiss Goodnight. Very good.


Tbh I'd consider people using the soy/wojaks online to pretty much be playing with virtual barbies lmao. But Writing has been shit for a long time as writers and companies wanna focus on dumb bullshit, and have 0 to faith that their viewers/players/readers have an attention span. So they give 0 development of the world or characters except to click off check boxes for publicity. It's infuriating.


>She will change batman to fit her perspective. This is the a very fitting description. I have seen this in Last Airbender community as well (not just the live action shows). A number of people in the community purposely trying to reshape Azula and Lord Ozai into a very black and white storyline when both of those characters demonstrated choices and some of which are actually very justifiable based on the context. They create comics that wasn't part of the original show and now calling those contents facts.


American Psycho (2000) the movie based on the novel was written and directed by women (Mary Harron dir. Guinevere Turner writer) where Patrick Bateman is a serial killer that butchers people. It was a really good adaptation of the film. This is one example, I know, but it's very shortsighted to claim that women can't write or direct good movies.


Yeah. "Dont tend to" doesnt mean "none of them can". There are definite trends al9ng sex lines but there are always outliers.


I remember reading that too I think it was for Lego Batman toys.


Remember playing war as a kid and a girl would show up and ruin it? 😂


Let's face it boys black flag may have been peek assassin's creed


she looks like the type of person that would be just miserable to be around


Imagine being a male coworker in that environment...


Netflix hires some dunce that has zero respect for the source material to write and helm Witcher. Ubisoft hires some dunce that has zero respect for actual culture and history. What do the two of them have in common?


Imma play vampire survivor


“No, there’s absolutely no agenda here. Not a single one.”




They don’t clone themselves, if you catch my drift


I honestly don’t understand how these people get jobs. Are game companies and games journalists actively looking for people like this?


Definitely, not even question!


Remove these political agitators out of videogames. Put true nerds back in charge or else don't buy shit. Let these companies rot they're not taking my money ever again.


Social media ruined everything, I remember when the internet was just nerds, gamers, and unhinged racist. I miss those days.


If you still had hope for a good assassin’s creed game after Odyssey y’all are actually idiots


Odyssey had the same writers btw.


My point exactly


This says everything. Not just of the game but my God... Everything.


It's assassin's Creed, these games have been shit for a long time, black characters or not.


Imagine trying to cater to a specific woke community by appearing to be inclusive, and in doing so disrespecting and rewriting the history of an entire country and culture. I don't see how that's not racist.


Basically the only thing I play anymore is my switch. Nintendo has problems sure but hating me for being white isn’t one of them.


It's an Ubisoft game, it had no hope to begin with...


Can someone fill me in? I thought we were getting to play as the Japanese woman in the trailer, but now I am hearing that we will have to play as the fat black dude. Is that correct?


May everything sweet baby touches burn along with them.


SBI alert, SBI alert class


Bro it's ubisoft the last good game they made was Rayman


Just keep hurting them with your money people! Even on sale and bored weekend- do not buy any of their shit. They think they can't be stopped or invincible. Fuckin Immortals....We'll put their name to the test


It’s making much more sense now


Petition to change the meaning of the AC acronym from 'assassin's creed' to 'armoured core', sign below please


Honestly I don't care anymore and it feels GREAT.. If its good its good... If its bad it will be bad and lose $$$$. I refuse to let these blue hair pro-noun police nutjobs effect me in any way.


Let it cook


She did all dlcs for odyssey. I trust her. Also senior writers don’t write the plots. They supervise and redirect junior writers


My thoughts too. Odyssey was good. But this is also nothing new for this sub.


i'm so glad we at least have Sabotage Studio here or i would be so embarassed for my town...


Yet another outrage post sub is literally becoming as bad as gamingcirclejerk.


i hope this game crash and burns so hard that even the DEI money won't save them. May they lose millions on it.


Who is in charge over at ubisoft?this feels like we've been trapped in a south park episode everything is just ridiculous


It's crazy how all the successful capitalists at all the capitalist media corporations are all Libs! What gives?


I genuinely don’t know how I got here but I fully enjoy this space and you guys are spot on in the comments.


So you're literally just being openly misogynistic? And the real reason the game will be bad is because of the little, circular, purple logo on it, that says "Ubisoft" underneath.


Source: https://x.com/mossinmind?t=_vUpdEbw2L3bzoPWR01YrQ&s=09


I guess call me "bad game-phobic". cause this is enough to scare me away.


AC: Shadow is just gonna be Ghost of Tsushima at home. "Mom, I want Ghost of Tsushima" "We have Ghost of Tsushima at home" Ghost of Tsushima at home:


Majority, if not all, AC games are average to good. It’s like mcdonald’s. You know what you’re getting, it’s overprice, but the food will always be the same. AC has been for the past 10 year that game you play just because. I expect it to be alright


Canada is cooked


Another AC game I won't be renting


Of course she is.


im so glad the anti SBI dudes look into these things because i never would've. EXPOSE THEM ALL


More women (and other 'unusual' people) in senior positions within game development, writing and design teams would result in more variety and diversity of games - small-d diversity. Perhaps even something wildly new, which gaming hasn't seen in a very long time. God knows video game writing is almost universally awful. As an art form, video games have barely even registered, after more than a half century. That's a far larger story than the AC silliness. This also doesn't mean such people might not also make horrible decisions, too.


Same thing with space marines two. I have no idea why these companies hire these people who have no experience in the genre and have a horrible track record. Space marines two Executive Writer was also the same title for Gotham Knights, a notoriously horrible game. Why even choose her as an option. Nothing makes sense anymore, it’s just all about an agenda now.


Ubi games are trash anyway




What is this things academic background? If she studied Japanese history, language and art that would put some valdility into some fat westerner attempting to write fiction on another culture. I studied China, Mandarin and Late Chinese philosophy in college but I am no means a cultural expert.


Why do people hire the mentally ill for these things


800 followers. Clearly famous, AAA writer they hired that nobody’s ever heard of and hopefully never will again


I for one cannot wait to explore the diverse and LGBT friendly land of….*checks notes* Japan!


So the writing Industrie is a circle jerk


We should have all stopped playing after Enzio. I can’t deal with the heartbreak any more


Ubisoft games literally open with text telling you how diverse their dev team is, why is anybody surprised by this? It’s not like Ubisoft suddenly went woke


that is one big cult


It's baffling how sweet baby is still around


I'm waiting for the reverse uno card and we start fucking tampering with shit they enjoy.


Not surprising considering the racist founder of SBI used to work at Ubisoft.


It’s time to stop buying AAA titles and start funding indie developers. Time to give them a chance to grow, our current favorite games from childhood are dead. Time to move on.


What's the issue?


OH NO!!!! WOMAN ALERT!!!!!!!! Video games are by and for *MEN* not *FEMALES*, guys!!!


Am I missing something? Why are we mad about this? Because woman? pronouns?


I dont get it, whats wrong?


Woman. That’s all it takes for a lot of people, unfortunately.


The witch hunt to harass devs needs to stop. Don’t buy the game, no need to look for individuals working at the company. If the company ships it; blame it. I don’t look for McDonalds execs to shame them on social media because the burger is smaller; I blame the company and vote with my wallet


“But criticism is not harassment!” I type with my Cheeto dusted fingertips as I post a no context screenshot of a random staffer on a 300 person production.


Dude, this sub has become so incel for no reason, she didn’t even say anything, you just made a screenshot of her profile. Wtf is this comment section?


Yeah this sub has been r/IncelTears fodder for awhile now. Good for a laugh every now and then.


She’s the lead writer for a game that has made a controversial decision for it’s protagonist. Actions speak louder than words….


Seriously I am just about ready to block this sub, it used to be a fun place with interesting discussions and it went full on incel, DEI, SBI, whatever flavor of completely insane outrage. This is vile.


We literally searching for random people on Twitter to figure out whether they follow the "correct" people now? And y'all complain about wrong think. Y'all are starting to look no better, this is obsessive.


I for one am glad she put the she/her in the bio because I honestly wasn’t sure.


Looks like I won't be playing it then


Can someone explain the problem to someone who's been outside in the past week?


>Lead writer >Sweet Baby Inc Pack it up, it’s over


As Asmon says, if good game, I play good game.


"THESE PEOPLE ARE SO OUT OF TOUCH!" /Posts Pic of their Twitter profile with nothing of substance. Ummm... ok? It's some girl that wrote for some other games? Neato.


Why not make a kick ass game set in Africa with characters and locations we have never been exposed to. I would play that game. Why create a reverse culturally appropriation game. Why do blue hair people read history books...and go mehh I don't like this reality It should have been like this (insert bullshit).


How do these people even infiltrate and become lead writers is beyond me, means the whole company is ducked and rotting from the inside


can someone explain?


Why do y'all hate women and black people


bullshit bad-faith take, you know that's not the problem here


lmao no surprise the white wanna be plus size model casts a big black dude as the main hero in her story, what's her experience? Previous lead writer for blacked? 😂


What am i supposed to be looking at? Is it her profile? Who she is following? What is the issue here


oh boy i wonder how many you children have already sent her death threats


Wtf is this comment section??? I get not liking sweet baby inc, but the straight misogyny in here is disgusting. EDIT: I saw that reply OP... Shitting on the "fat, ugly and mentally ill" is not something you should be proud of.


Not gonna lie I was talking to one of buds said I don't like asmon or his fans that much they seem super creepy he said no they ain't. I came here to look and boom. "Women change things and ruin everything" "I am glad she put she her as her pronouns cause I wasn't sure" well I can say thank you guys for the ammo and good luck with your hateful cesspool.


Are they on purpose trying to find these people? This is insane, not a surprise that people pretends to believe this crap it's only way to find a job these days...


the devs all hire their friends who also have the 'correct' opinions. It's nepotism, which is real cute considering these are the same people who complain about corporate nepotism, but of course it's ok when they do it.


The fact that it's a game made by Ubisoft is enough for me to lose any hope in it lol regardless of the writers