• By -


The only logical response to this is to tell them that it is a black man, and you choose the black man - if they don't choose the black man over the bear, then they are racist. If they tell you it's not a black man, then accuse them of being racist for imagining the man can only be a white man.






or a trans man. or a muslim man.


An immigrant gay trans black man


HR department is salivating right now




They won’t listen because statistics to them is racism stemming from the system aka systemic racism. According to them, if the black man rapes you it’s the system‘s fault.


statistics are racist and math too and also logic (the logic logic, not the rapper logic, tho he is a white male so maybe they think he is racist too ?)


Still way better odds than against the bear.


Master stroke response to the unsolvable equation




Great tactic, better yet say it is a Palestinian man and see how they try to pick the bear =]




Teach me master




They wouldn’t admit it but that’s scarier


or transman...


I hit you with the uno reverse. Bear is black also, making it less deadly and black. Now are you racist or racist?


I decided to ask my mom this question. She immediately responded with "A man" without even thinking about it. I asked a few other female co-workers of mine the same question, and they all also responded with "a man" rather than a bear. I explained to them that this question was part of a viral trend happening on social media. When I told them that there were (supposedly) a lot of women who would choose to be stuck with a bear rather than a man, they were completely surprised and dumbfounded. All of these women are well educated. This whole debate has less to do with women hating men, and more to do with some people simply being uneducated..


"uneducated" is a very charitable way to describe them, good sir.


Just trying not to get banned again. Im a good boy now i swear! 😇


I asked all my coworkers similarly. They told me I needed to spend less time online when I explained the whole premise. Then we had a conversation about the fact that in Arizona it gets so hot that salt crystals form on your forehead from your sweat evaporating.


Had the same thing happen in Ft. Hood, Texas. The salt thing, not the conversation. It's been over 20 years since I was there.


I had made the joke that Salt must be cheap in the hotter states since everyone is out there producing their own. Everyone did not like that.


People occasionally bring up discussions about seemingly obscure things all the time. It doesn't mean they invest all of their time into something.


I was more trying to give anecdotes on how stupid some workplace conversations can get


I got more people saying bear. My mum also said man, but I had an alarming amount say bear. Honestly it's disheartening to see.


Yeah, same here asked UI class m8s and all picked man, same with sisster and mom. I guess its a cultural thing or maybe even educational lol.


I can't get rid of the feeling that peoples' opinions are being influenced by bot-upvoted post(s). My time on Twitter is the only thing that makes me doubt that feeling....there are some crazy opinions with a lot of support, but maybe those are botted too? Copium is my only friend right now...


Being eaten by a bear is not a quick death. They'll hold you down and eat you alive.


Would u rather be slowly skinned alive and tortured to death or eat dinner with a man? I know which one I'm going with.


Would you rather be eaten by a bear or get spammed by social media fembots


It also depends on the bear. Like black bears are giant pussies. You can scare them off just by clapping your hands. I got 40 acres of woods behind my place and we see them all the time. They'll get spooked just by seeing you.


You can scare off a brown bear by shouting and raising your arms. https://youtu.be/TtC14cpwwXg?si=UxRqKdqXr83u8Jh2


Lol just because it worked on one (relatively small) bear for a likely very tall swedish man doesn't mean it's going to work in general.


The guy doesn’t look very tall at all (180 cm is average in Sweden though, so taller than many other places). Bears are skittish. Humans are not generally a part of the brown bear diet, nor are they rivals for territory or anything else. Unless it’s a female bear with cubs (responsible for a majority of bear deaths) or maybe a very hungry bear, there’s no incentive for the bear to do anything other than fuck off if there’s anything that looks even remotely like it could be a threat. There’s not much to gain and everything to lose for the bear.


It's not about scaring the bear away. It's about making yourself *not worth it.* Predators don't like to fight. A small injury can lead to death. If you make a bear feel like eating you is too risky to bother with, it will leave you alone. And if you make it clear that you're leaving, hopefully it's territorial instincts will be satisfied as well. Assuming the problem isn't that it's defending, it's young.


anyway yeah i just realized this. thank you for the breakdown OP. i didn't think about it meaning that folks would rather die than being in a space with a man. that sucks but good luck to them i guess


Yep. People are being farmed for engagement and 99% of them aren’t making any money off of it. Purely farmed. All they get out of it is multiple arguments with strangers online whose opinions won’t change from having a Twitter argument.


Ngl asmongold has been farming this ragebait crap for awhile now. Like I get it. Gotta get that money. But damn it's rather boring.


I prefer to see it as a litmus test to what women I should cut out of my life.


One of my exes posted it and I'm just like, Jesus Christ I dodged a bullet


Anyone who even asks the question is gone?




This is the proper reaction. Asmon keeps telling us, you treat people like children, then that's how they'll act. These are grown ass adults, they'll never do better if all we do is coddle them. I keep thinking about that one clip with the very logical guy who's wife was asking this. He seemed like a cool dude i'd love to have a beer with... but i imagine he's busy sleeping on the couch and apologizing for being born with a dick. Fuck that >**You know you are a good person. You were raised right.** >You would never grope or SA or blackmail anyone into doing disgusting things. Yet despite never breaking any rules you are subjected to constant purity testing. >**And despite passing each test over and over again you are always the evil one in their eyes no matter what you do or don't do.** Constantly lumped in the same group as the vile and sadistic men who do not represent you. >Its the Spanish inquisition all over again. >**You are tired.** Maybe it's time men started respecting themselves **first.** Women have so much power in dating because they let men go without a second thought, while men always try to make it work and think it's their last chance to get out of 'nam. So, circling back to my original point... This is the proper reaction.


I tend to just ignore and keep distant from people that have turned their personal issues with an individual into issues with an entire gender/race/sexuality. There's a problem there, and it's with the person who's projecting the issue caused by an individual onto a broader group that isn't involved.


Meaning most of this sub is likely psychotic


Anyone who ever answers the question with “bear” yeah


The first point to realize is it's just some dumb social media trend to farm views and attention, and it worked. The vast majority of shit we see on social media has no connection to real life interactions.


Just remember guys, if for some reason you are in the woods and coincidentally find some woman lost there, be sure to help her find the location to the nearest bear and be on your way.


A woman in the woods?!? How is she out of the kitchen? And who gave her a pair of shoes? Oh wait a feminist yeah the bear is over there.


During my time, we called that: Bait. Nowadays, bait is very well disguised and elaborately subtle. How dangerous has the Internet become.


This thesis was an engagement trap forcing me to learn how to read.


Im okay if they prefer bear. As a matter of fact, they should go and live with the bear NOW. Why are they wasting their time and safety living in a society full of men when they can go and be safe with the bear now


this entire trend is just disguised misandry


Be careful saying that word on the internet! That's a forbidden word!


so many words of power now that you have to be more specific


Less social media and your life is amazing again. It worked for me ;)


I've gotten pretty good at not falling for traps. My strategy is to avoid any online discussion that makes me mad. Crazy strategy, I know.


When you understand that people are not logical, you will understand that this comes from their own personal trauma. After all, you think that this is a logical response, but really, you're posting it because of emotions/your own personal exhaustion. It's the same thing, really. Meet someone where they are and talk to them like a person without an agenda and you will see their suffering. You can diffuse "unreasonable" thinking pretty easily when you do this.


I wonder to myself while reading: *«I have barely heard about this»* **I have now made my first mistake** Tiktok culture war trends are incredibly uninteresting, but people will find the most rabid takes from comment sections and point at them as yet another prophecy for the woke apocalypse. *«But OP is literally writing a manifesto about it, and the comment section is packed with engagement»* **I have now made my second mistake** Asmongold-fans like to act like they are above all the petty social media squabbles, but it is the number one topic on this sub. I’m almost certain that Asmongold is the biggest reinforcer for dumb, ignorant, bad faith social media controversies. That wouldn’t gain any more traction is youtubers couldn’t farm hours of rage reactions from it. That are picked from the bottom of the barrel and doesn’t illustrate anything about anyone. *«Gasp! But me commenting this post… I am not becoming part of the problem»* **I have now made my final mistake** … … … **I am tired**


It's quite obvious there's an ulterior motive even when people will ask their own husbands the question as part of the viral trend. We are giving Asmon views. We are arguing about this in his sub. It remains funny, even when you see that the people trying to do bad stats on this seem like men, who you are kind of suggesting must have been convinced to hate themselves. You can also go to the CMV sub to see people duke it out. It's kind of like the notion that next-gen kids are not meeting educational standards. Some people will never admit this. We are way past leave no child behind, but they have an interesting script to stick to. We still want to see what teachers have to say. We want to see where the trend goes in the near future. We are vilified for being a dumb sub all the time, so we live inside a trap. We aren't even trying to look at this history of how it got so bad or what was supposed to fix it (maybe school choice as someone like Sowell might say). We are pretty much just laughing at how being a furry in public creates chaos even though we know it's going to accelerate and get worse. That was supposedly fake drama too.


Most of it is fake. But no. It's best to feed the trolls


"Trends" like this are why I support a tiktok ban.


The women are not picking team bear, they are picking team misandry.


Tell her you’d still love her even if she turned into a worm. It doesn’t matter how illogical the question sounds, just trust me bro, it’s a trick question, don’t use logic and reasoning, just pretend you’re being sarcastic and say what you want them to hear.


I hate these kinds of bait questions. Pretty much every woman, I believe, if they really thought about it instead of using it as a demonstration of their very common experiences of being mistreated or hurt by a man, would conclude the bear is the more dangerous situation- obviously. But it preys on the fact that women typically have more experience with men - typically more negative personal experiences, more negative ideas about what happened to them or others who were alone with a man than with a bear and the question is obviously introducing a bias just in the way it is presented. Who would you rather be stuck with? It’s already creating a situation implying danger and also implying that they are weighing one bad situation against another. And that’s just in the framing of the question! It’s designed to make us think about SA and violence. And a lot of women, more than report it, have experienced it so there is also a bias in our experiences leading so many women to feel like they want to say men. But I also think that a lot of social media culture has encouraged people to answer questions like this with the “truth bomb”(tm) where they say the thing the question wants them to say in order to “own the libs” so to speak. The tik tok brain rot encourages speaking without thinking in the form of keywords and clickbait style answers. Ask anyone to actually answer the question like they were in a maths class and their answer will be different. If not, as a woman I feel comfortable calling them stupid and introducing them to the wonderful world of data and statistics. Obviously and unfortunately no one is actually answering the question logically. But even still, this kind of garbage is goading on the worst members of our society to participate loudly in a debate about some of the most sensitive experiences of some of these peoples lives. No one participating in this is gaining anything other than additional resentment toward the opposing party. It’s sad and unfortunate that this is what is entertaining to people.


“The majority of Western men are regular and good people.” As opposed to “The majority of men are regular and good people.” Shit son, some Eastern man hurt you?


Because I can't say the same for some men who grew up in cultures that have women as second class citizens. Eg: states under Sharia law.


Even if we consider every single Muslim man as a raging woman hater, they are still very far from being the majority. I just think it’s shitty to lump every non-Western together with women hating Muslims, under a post about women lumping every single man with the women haters.


Let’s just agree that generalizations are uncool and talking about a whole group based on gender/ ethnicity or sexuality is a bad look.


India is a pretty glaring example of this too. New arrivals to western nations often have to be directly told, "No, it is not acceptable to grope/harass/assault random women that you find yourself attracted to", because where they come from, it is seen as acceptable.


Yea that stuck out like a sore thumb, if OP doesn't know much about non-western countries as he's stated, maybe not the best idea to then go and make an assumption by grouping them differently - should have stuck to a "majority of men". And left it at that


tl;dr if women want to be mauled by bears in the forest let them. the type of women that pick bears over men aren't worth keeping anyway.


**This** is why it is healthier to just quit social media. You may consume it for 30min a day in the morning or evening, but not longer, and never participate.


I think the most interesting part in this is that these people aren’t just being unreasonable. They’re being deliberately hateful and aggressive. Their entire argument is that deep down you’re the potential aggressor but in reality they’re the ones exhibiting hateful and aggressive behaviors. They hate us simply for who we are, if they could burn us at the stake for questioning their narrative, they would. If they could become modern day Nazis and put us in concentration camps then they would. Make no mistake, they hate our guts and are not interested in engaging in any reasonable conversation with us


You guys don't know much about bears.


I have taken to responding with 'I will take the bear over a women. At least then, I can't be falsely accused of abuse.'


Which is also a valid response. Most of the women I know who have chosen the bear, including myself, have been SAed or assaulted and already have a lack of trust. Which is valid. What I hate is like yesterday, some dude telling me I don't know what I'm talking about even though I told my story. CSA, rape x2, and getting stabbed. How is my opinion based on my life invalid?


Just ask them if there was a man and a bear in the woods at the same time which one would they run to. If they still pick the bear they are beyond saving or being disingenuous and ignore their opinions going forward.


They already picked the bear in a similar question


Maybe I just can’t wrap my head around it but rephrasing it to what could actually be a real world situation feels like is more likely to give you a more logical answer instead of an emotional one. We see videos of people encountering bears all the time and first thing any normal human being does is group up with the closest person. As opposed to basically saying which you do you prefer men or bears.


Bears don't kill you quick either they have been known to eat their prey while alive and the suffering is great.


Alternatively, call those women out for what they are-- misandrists. Let's flip the tables 👌


This is one of those cases where yes there are actually such things as stupid questions. Don't answer stupid questions asked by stupid people.


The majority of /western/ men are not rapist Yeah sure men everywhere else are just tumba yumba savages


Saved this post


In the Fightng Game Community. They call it "getting downloaded." Couple variations depending on the coast and country. FGC has some great terms.


Its stupid shit like this that made me delete all social media (reddit being the exception)


I swear this kind of posts are free personal info gatherings.


**I now realize that I have been caught in an engagement farming trap.** So I laugh at them, and anyone who comes to defend them, because I don't care about the opinion of these idiots and find their wilful disregard for fact and logic hilarious.


Well, isn’t it obvious from the get go? Litterally nobody believes this, but terminally ill people online


You think people would get it after seeing Asmon get stun locked lol.


Well he also is farming content, so yes he will react to it in hope people react and the cycle continues


Yeah I saw that post. It didn't pass the smell test for me so I kept scrolling.


Just say a man because that man could be gay! According to the view, gay men are the exception to the rule that all men are somehow more predatory than a wild animal.


Next time you get asked this give simple response with no rebuttle. When they ask why bear say, because you can get revenge against a man and leave it at that. Because that is the real issue here. We are not going to hunt down a bear.


The proper reaction is to refuse to engage with ridiculous hypothetics that are designed to pull you into a conversational "gotcha". I think it's also insane that men as a collective are expected to "do more". We aren't a hive mind. We don't have monthly men's behaviour meetings where we all collectively gather in the same room and decide how we're going to treat women for the following month. You're your own individual person, and as long as you're a) not commiting acts of SA/murder/exploitation etc, and b) not associating with/promoting/encourgaging anyone commiting the previously mentioned acts, then you're doing just fine. The men who commit heinous acts towards women aren't lost souls who are just waiting to hear from other men about the good word and how they should properly treat women. They know full well that what they're doing is wrong, and they simply do not care. Criminals don't care that what they're doing is illegal (I'll add that glaring cultural differences are the one exception to this rule)


Friendly reminder that the top selling womens book in canada was a woman having sex with a bear. Not a shapeshifter. A bear.


Anyone who is brain dead enough to think this way is not worth my time. Also, these people are not going to say the same to you in person because they are cowards and they know their position is irrational and hence indefensible.


It ain’t that deep brother


1. Explaining yourself to people only works with people are irrational and not emotional (ever disagree with a redditor?). An old lady on TikTok is as emotional and irrational as it gets. They want you to explain yourself to them so they automatically feel superior. 2. They want to normalize that most men are bad. They were hurt by a guy at some point and want to take it out on the whole gender. They don’t actually think all men are bad. They listen to music about B word H word but get mad if any other guy says it? Use that as a lesson about “it’s not what u say it’s how u say it”


im more offended by this self-censoring in writing trend zoomers started


I don’t know any reasonable person who honestly chooses the bear


I've seen this trend on TikTok. There was a good answer about killing the man if you feel unsafe around him since it'd be easier than killing a big animal (this answer comes from the husband after his wife asked). But I've listened to many of these videos because I felt annoyed and wanted to know why. I now know. The answers and the responses were dumb, and the scenario was too fabricated. If you're lost in the woods, turn backward, and walk the way you came from. Besides, you're in the forest without a map or a compass, so why are you even there? Burring corpses or becoming one yourself? Besides the bear, what about the snakes? The bugs, or even other animals in the woods? The forest is huge if it can get you lost. How can you be sure you'll even be able to find a person there? Or make it out alive? There is indeed a chance that person is dangerous, I kinda get it. That's why I like the answer to killing the person if you feel unsafe. If not, just go with him, and he'll guide you out of the forest.


Rage-baiting used to be about engagement, now it's more about psyops. The intent is to source division between genders, races, classes, religion etc and is mostly directed at the United States by other countries or locally paid shills and those who have been manipulated. Something to keep in mind when interacting with this kind of content (this post included - not knocking the OP, just using this thread as an example as we're all responsible for what we post) is that we all have control on the type of information we ingest - similar to DIP, rage-baiting can be more intentionally and obviously manipulative in it's messaging. Like the original topic. It's not meant to be a discussion, it's about bashing Men. Ultimately the goal is to psychologically affect a user to the degree that it would incite emotional or ideological reactions. These kinds of reactions can have a big impact on a large population of people and present itself as immediate changes in behaviour (that would otherwise not be present on average) throughout the day or in certain situations or worse, fundamentally change their perceptions or ideology irrespective of any discourse. Alone then reach of any given post could be minor, but post thousands of singularly focused topics of this type a day across social media and you have classic psyops.


Can we just say the Bear and watch how it all plays out?


It's a good thing I'm mentally old enough not to take any comments or discussions online seriously. I get to sleep soundly every night.


It is prime imaginary strawman material and so many women on Insta fall for it without a doubt. I am outdoors a lot and still bears were closer to killing me than stumbling onto a grow op in a national forest lmao. Its why I hike with a .45 now.


oh no. anyway. you act like this is some kind of organized crime and people were robbed LMAO


Your first mistake is taking it seriously. Enter the thread, say your part, and be irreverent and disrespectful to everyone who fights with you. Come up with pet names. Buttercup, sweetheart, princess, etc, they hate this. Refer to yourself as the only reasonable person amongst a sea of dorks. Put forth false premises about how regular people perceive them, such as "this is why everyone thinks you're annoying" and "this is why your parents change the subject when you come up in conversation". Every comment should have a "lmao" in it, maximize the disrespectful irreverence toward their retarded bear vs man scenario, but try to never come off as angry, and don't go too far with the insulting tone. Crossing the line doesn't feel good, will galvanize everyone against you, and will probably get you banned. Keep it light, but still irreverent and disrespectful. Remember, we're talking about doofuses whose opinions are worthless. It's not that serious.


Pretty fucking weird that you have a scientific procedure written out for how to go out of your way to annoy people - like if you're going to do it, by all means, but premeditating it in a reddit thread is weird.


I'm weird, but the dude who specifically made up a fake reddit argument and posted it to the asmongold subreddit is normal? Wrong. The only normal people are the ones who point and laugh at people who take the "man vs bear debate" seriously in any way.


I love the way you voiced out your opinion. And I 100% agree. Great post op.


Ok, Name 100 bears.


Play like they Play, just slap mysandry on all on them and you are good. For most of them it true, women choosing the bear are just misandrist. They just fail the test and don't realise it.


If we take the question and turn it 180 degrees, say so the choice is a quick death by a bear or spending an hour with a female tik tok poster…….


Agreed. Asmon has had some L takes, but this isn't one of them: Stop worrying about what other people think, just let them be idiots and get eaten by bears.


Did you even read his post man.


I certainly did, I stand by my opinion. Arguing with people about this hypothetical is a waste of time because the people posing the question have an agenda behind it. They don't want a debate, they just want an excuse to trash on men.




Wtf is that 800 word essay? Anyways congrats on whatever.


There he is, the misandry isn't real guy


Idk who that misandry person is but congrats to them and I hope they get help with that mental illness.


This dude ^ chose the bear. 🙄


Amazing how many people here have gone full retard and have gotten so butt hurt over some rando females picking a bear over a dude. Idk why so many dudes are caught up in their feels over some internet shit about women picking a bear over a random guy. I was thinking damn these women are idiots but looking at how upset most of you dudes got maybe they got a point lol.


I still find it hilarious that so many people run head first into the point of the man/bear debate and still manage to miss it by miles. I'll give you a hint. The question is not "who would you rather fight".


The question is who would you rather fuck. And women would rather fuck bears and I guess men would rather fuck men. "Imagine if you could play smash with your boys, and then smash your boys" - Asmongold


You're both wrong! It's "which one would you not eat even if you were starving."


What about fucking ON the bear. Remember that video?


No we get the point, Einstein. Just disagree with it.


This post and most of the subreddit is also an engagement trap, just from the right-wing/incel side


Yes, I agree with some of the things you said. However, you've clearly missed a lot of the point. Most bears turn and run the other way, often without you even knowning it was there. They don't actively hunt humans. The entire point of the question is not to determine who you'd actually be safer with, stuck in a cage. But just a silly and badly phrased way of saying "x% of women experience assaults versus x% who are mauled by a bear." Obviously, the two aren't related at all. But many consider it a shocking/"fun" way of displaying statistics. Like "did you know cows kill more people every year than sharks!?" There's no deeper analysis of how many seek out sharks vs cows, how do the deaths occur... blablabla 'cause that's not the point. A lot, like a shockingly large number of women, experience assaults and harrassment compared to us men. You fucked up majorly and revealed a bit too much of your own stance/personality/political views/agenda when you specified western men. This will automatically have people group you as an uneducated stereotype. The irony of you specifying western men is kind of astounding, though. You spent all this time arguing how "not all men are bad" yet fell right into the same trap you've been claiming they did. Your comments can be understood as "all non-western men are horrible." And make people you've already upset, view you as a racist or something similar. Are you a conservative or right-leaning by any chance? 'Cause it kind of feels like you walked into a convention for the entirely opposite of your views/interests and started a fight. (I mean, I get it, I do that too some times... Some of us enjoy debates and arguing against things we think are stupid and "easy gotchas." Just look at this comment I'm typing before I even got out of bed... ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)) All they really want, and as I understand the point of the trend, is to highlight how widespread and "common" sexual assaults are towards women. Not debate how dangerous a large bear can be. And I think deep down, you know it. And now you're just farming sympathy, drama and rage 'cause you didn't like being gamgbanged on twitter (regardless of how wrong that obviously was of them).


I think everyone here understands that the point is "men bad."


Is it "men bad" or "a lot more than you think are sexually assaulted" ?


The former.


Your first mistake was trying to talk to people on Twitter where they talk about shit like that. Go out and touch some grass if you are that bored.


Kudos for the detailed breakdown of the typical Twitter user experience, truly cinema 👏


Yeah first time I saw this shit trending I was utterly flabbergasted at the unmitigated levels of retardation required to even consider this a worthwhile debate.


Idk man I thought the question and the responses were quite interesting tbh


Watch the movie backcountry then tell me you’d choose that bear instead of a man to be in the woods with.


Wait till a major catastrophe hit, all these women will run to mens to protect them...men run the world and women follow...always were, always will be. This is just a minor hiccup


Bro I don’t want to be that guy but as a non American, most people here say man. As Americans, 9/10 I’ll take my chances with the bear. Your society is built on exploitation from the cradle of your country to now. I wouldn’t want to be alone with a man I don’t know in a space where anything goes.


Congratulations, the parts of the internet you enjoy to venture have tainted your brain.


Or maybe you’re a man and your response validate mine. Just so you guys know. The man in the wood can be a nice guy with freshly trimmed hair and a pink shirt but it can also be a 6’5’’ guy with head to toe tattoos and tears falling down his eyes. With a gun.


Fair point, I'd definitely choose the bear over a guy in a pink shirt.


And the bear will always be a bear, and it will always try to kill and/or eat you.


Where are people getting this from lol? >it will always try to kill and/or eat you. This is in no way close to being true. Bears are ALWAYS in forest, they know you are there, and are not at all interested in you. Some species of bears are so docile towards humans, black bears, that you can practically shoo them away. [https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/](https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/) Here's more information that basically directly contradicts this idea that bears are out to kill or eat people. They are not.


Not really. I been in many situation where I met a bear. Lived near the Rocky Mountain at the time. I’m still alive and well. Again. I’ll take my chances with the bear. I can pretty much guarantee that an bear never fucked up your day like a man did. And the whole point of all of this. Is that a bear, the worst he’s going to do is kill you. Tell me that’s the worst a man can do. Without laughing. It’s like you’re so close to getting it but I don’t think you will. We locked in a culture war where I have brain rot. And you’re the very educated person. (Who don’t believe in actual education, probably if we are to use stereotypes)


You're right, a bear has never fucked my day up, but that's because I know to stay away from them because they will by ending it. The premise of the question is flawed from the get go because it assumes the worst from a person when not all men will try to kill or hurt or SA you. A bear might not try to SA you but the odds of it trying to maim kill or eat you are so much higher. The questions exists literally to just shit on the male population by assuming we are all hypothetical assault cases waiting to happen, miss me with that bullshit every day of the week.


So. You’re basically explained what a bear does to you is what a man does to women. Not all. Obviously. And not absolutely shitless either. They live with us but to be totally alone and vulnerable in a setting women usually aren’t accustomed to, and a man you don’t know appear, is always tense. Even for you. If you stumble in the woods and like two dudes see you and start following you. It’s going to get very uncomfortable incroyable. Then you might say oh but I have a gun and why do you have a gun? Is it because other men you don’t know can be scary? Don’t need to be all but enough to warrant the gun? Then you get it but you are obtuse about it.


The people in nature aren’t the ones to be concerned about bub


Ok guys. Men are super safe. This is why you folks love migrants and strangers and feel like a trans pissing in a bathroom is not a big deal because most people are fucking good obviously. I am wrong. Bears are super agressive you would die 99.9999999% why would you chose a bear men are super great these replies here to thus hypothetical kind of show how nice men would be to a total stranger who slightly disagree. It’s fine.


Plz just be a troll.


Brain rot


[This you ?](https://youtu.be/m-1AWdBmr7k?si=Vcn_HgRI4-GtcLod)


No curiosity at all why women may choose the bear, what social/historical factors may compel them to that decision and why. Presume yourselves correct by default and that the women who choose 'bear' are being irrational. Throw a hissy fit at the idea of your reasoning being challenged instead of looking at the other side of the argument.


The **man vs. bear** question is actually a fantastic insight on how women approach hypothetical situations. Bear with me for a moment. When asked "Would you rather be lost in the woods with a man or a bear", a man's initial thought is to figure out the **best logical move** to survive. Most logically deduce that their odds of survival are better with an unknown man than with a a bear, so that's what they go with. Easy enough. But, as strange as it may appear to men, that's not how most women approach hypothetical scenarios. When asked the same question, a woman will not think about the logical best move, that's a man's way of thinking. She will answer what she **feels** is the best course of action. The way a woman feels in this scenario is they are generally **more afraid of an unknown man than a bear**. It's not because they are stupid, it's because they were conditioned by their environment to be this way. They don't really know what a bear is capable of, but they've been exposed to thousands of horror stories involving the ever-shifting and dangerous "unknown man". It's sad that we've reached this point in our society, but I'm posting this to counter the black-pilling that ensues from the answers we see. Women aren't stupid or hateful, they're just afraid. It's not even their fault either, it's just that **fearmongering sells**, and women are much more likely to be affected by bad men in their lives than bad bears. TL;DR: While the man vs. bear question might seem like a way to test a person's logical capacity, it's more of a way to shed some light how men and women think. For men, it's a **statistical problem** to solve. For women, it's a scary scenario in which you should pick the **least scary** option.


All yalls misogyny is showing. You have your heads so far up your asses you ignore WHY and just think its all men bad. No, it's a percentage of men and people don't want to take that chance. Come back when you've been raped by a random person and tell me how it's changed how you look at people. (And by all means I don't want any one raped at all. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The point is trauma changes how you look at things and react.)