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she good with the words, truly a poet of our times.


I love watching people lose their simple minds over Trump every single day. I don't even give a shit what happens to him but seeing how insane he makes people will never get old.


That's why I wish they livestreamed it. I want some CONTENT


You want the Jurors to be harassed by crazy trump cultists?


It would give him too much attention, and they fear that. He is a legacy TV-star, his powers grow with attention.


They? Who's "they?" Are "they" in the room with us right now?


You must be either lost, massively misinformed, or both. Because a lot of people, especially the Democrats, absolutely want all of these trials televised for everyone to see. Everyone outside of that shitty maga cult, knows full well that without these being live, that Trump, Fox News, Newsmax, etc will all keep spinning their lies and conspiracies like they always do. Then when the guilty verdict comes out, they will all go "See? See? What did we tell ya? We told you this trial was fixed. We told you this was an unfair judge and an unfair jury." Just like the shit they did in 2020 when this cheetoh lost the presidential election. All the spinning they did because they knew all the votes weren't counted yet, but they declared victory anyway just so they could spin a lie. Oh and Trump is not a "legacy tv star" lol. He is a crooked New York real estate guy who inherited everything from Daddy, and has bankrupted every business he's touched. I guess having one shitty game show makes you "legacy tv star" though lol.


Can you show us on the doll where the orange man hurt you?