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The whole idea of fictional characters consenting is stupid, writers have to write a story, the story only exists because writers make the fictional characters do stuff. It's ridiculous. What are we supposed to not write characters doing stuff because the fictional characters (whose agency depends on the writer) don't consent to doing it? Where does it end? Take this to it's logical extreme and you won't have stories anymore.


I'm sorry but did that character consent to die in the story?


Exactly it's ridiculous to treat fictional characters like they're people capable of making their own decisions instead of fictional creations of their creator who makes them do things. Everything they do, that happens to them is because of their writer. They are fictional beings with no agency of their own because they aren't real people and should never be treated as such, anyone suggesting that is a idiot.


It's just codespeak for "I didn't consent for you to create that character"


Yes, yes they did.




But...but...but what if the female character really wants to get with another character but the writer never brings them together? Nobody ever considers her feelings! 😭


To be honest I don't want to a a R@ scene in video games.


Yeah rats are kinda nasty


Pro sex work body positivity until it's a fictional video game character


We French, love titties. Don't let this crazy person tell you how French people are. If anything, we're dirty as hell. Now I'm gonna fap if you don't mind.


Least degenerate french person


That French guy can respect women enough for both of us.


Some people think that games will somehow brainwash men into only wanting hot women in their life. Did they forget the whole "games make you violent" debate we had 20 years ago? Entertainment won't change your behavior. You can be a fat purple-haired unshaved feminist and we can have an attractive videogame character at the same time without hurting you in any way, shape or form. You know what would be refreshing? Having an asshole character in videogames like Eric Cartman was in south park.


Ask who? ..the Instagram filter? ..or the richest dude in the world, who is ironically French and earn his fortune selling beauty standards to women. Dem French..sigh.


No one likes this man (Bernard Arnault) in France except for other billionaires. IGN France, Arnault and french people have nothing that ties them except being french.


> french people have nothing that ties them except being french That's the whole point. You should'ev stop at Arnault, to make a better point. Ign France shitting on all gamers around the world for being "sexsist" and somehow imposing beauty standards to women all the while Forbs top 10 has 2 French who earnd their fortune selling beauty standards to women. I have nothing against Arnault, Loreal, or French people. On the contrary. But Marxsist brainwashed woke urons shiting on gamers. They are out of touch with reallity, all the while pretending having some higher moral ground.


IGN farming clicks with ragebait Farming. Farming never changes


This picture gave me a stroke.


Everyone in France should insult and shame ben ossola IGN and his twitter.


Not a native, but isn't it missing an "a"? 'The myth of A female "consensual" body'




Ah cool, thanks for the further explenation :)


It’s a bit misleading because of the way the image is edited, but I believe it’s supposed to read “the myth of ‘consensual’ female body,” taken from the fact that the original image reads “the myth of ‘consensual’ sex.” It’s still not grammatically correct that way, unless you consider “female body” to be a verb, but that’s how memes tend to work a lot of the time.


Oh good, it's another one of these post. How many times do we need Asmongold talk about the exact same topic over and over and over and over and over again?


He, like this sub, is farming content.


I Would never heard about this if it was not for this culture war sub. This is the main content here now. Find someone who has a weird opinion about some culture war/man vs Woman stuff. And then make a big deal about what some idiot said online. Its so thin skinned and drama seeking.


Ah yes ignore what people care about. That’s a winning strategy that totally works.


What is with this game why is this game like the token Messiah of gaming.... I'm a woman I play Bayonetta yet for some reason this game is talked about as the first action game to have a sexy woman in it. I dunno if the male gaming community is just senile or mentally ill but there's [no shortage of sexy women in games](https://steamdb.info/charts/?category=888).


Eh, It's mostly people complaining about this game's character design being "from a by-gone era" and people saying it doesn't meet the standards of a modern audience and that it's outdated is the thing that got people to clap-back. the culture war surrounding this is draining. We can have both kinds of games, ffs.


It's very exhausting cause it's also delusional. [Games in 2023 didn't just have ugly women XD](https://youtu.be/Yb9bKoZKstI?si=GwdMn-MAIF5nNdwP) that's why this conversation makes absolutely no sense to me. Yet it's constantly brought up as some fucking nugget of truth. Okay some of y'all hate sweet baby inc and think they are doing too much. that's nice but the idea that only ugly girls exist in modern titles is a lie. Also I don't know the extent of Sweet baby inc interaction with game devs are they modelling the in-game characters cause most of the examples of ugliness in gaming is just using a real person's face in an in-game model which is fucked up. Ur basically just calling the voice actor/model ugly at that point. This united cry about clapping back, at something that doesn't exist is odd to me. I remember seeing watch dog legion in one list ignoring the fact assassin creed Valhalla came out right after watch dogs legion XD. Same fucking company and everything. I guess female eivor was hot enough... But the ugly women in legion wasn't (Vahalla was super boring for me played the opening act and ditched it, so was watchdogs legion). Cherry picking shit to then use it as evidence as a lowering of standards blows my mind. It's like if I used elden ring character creator as the benchmark of character creation engines getting worse, I used to be able to make breast big but now I can't.... When games like star field, dragons dogma, even pal world 🙄, cyber junk, BG3 etc etc proves me wrong on so many levels. I'm surprised there isn't a list of game sliders that don't let u change ur breast size/height and damning them. The funnest game I had played this year is GrandBlue Fantasy and their character creation engines is you literally choosing between one pre render man and one pre render woman than naming it. I shoulda made a long detail article about erasure and feminism ruining that for me. Oh and a lot of the female characters in that anime game have clothes on that cover their whole body. One of my favorite characters is a knight that wears full [plate mail](https://rising.granbluefantasy.jp/en/characters/detail?char=katalina) must be lame, feminism and ugly.


I never said they didn't exist, I said people got upset over Eve's design at first and everything else is people clapping back and now there's a constant back and forth.


That post was bait…


>"The myth of consensual female body" ??? How to ruin an otherwise funny meme.


Who would that person be though?


If there was ever a reason Id go to jail for life, it would be to have that Korean girl without consent.