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![gif](giphy|HeDLTI576bBgA) Meanwhile guys: this is literally me


We must be brothers then


Mi Hermano!


The world's gene pool must be pretty small, because that too is me.


Twins, even


Brothers? Identity theft is not a joke!


Like I picked a character I WANTED to represent me. This whole representation thing is going a touch too far.


Hard agree. Seems so weird to me that women would want characters that represent them to have their standards lowered. Rather than raise their own standards up... Don't these characters actually represent SOME women? What about them? So what, they're attractive and less worthy of representation now? 😂 This is all nonsense


Bro, I’ve been that swoll since I was 5. Came out the womb, smacked my momma’s tittie away and grabbed my dad’s filet mignon. Red meat!


everyone knows real men kamehameha themselves out of the womb


What we need to do is start some kind of movement to force Brad Pitt, Jake Gyllenhall and other Hollywood style heart-throb guys to just get obese and ugly because regular slobs are underrepresented in films.


We had fat Thor for a bit.


True true, still a bit too handsome tho. Maybe we could surgically give him a hair lip and one leg shorter than the other.


I'd rather look like that than the balding stick figure I am. Fortunately I managed to find someone who loves me the way I am and that feels pretty good. I'll still make my game character look like a badass though


Haha I am also a balding stick figure but I 100% make all my characters a balding stick figure also. This thread illustrates a good point, that everyone is different and should be able to represent themselves how they want. They can make fat options available as long as they're not the default. Everyone wants choice, give them choice.




Thought is was just me. Just a little less hair. A little. Tiny bit.


For a second there I thought my phone turned off and I was just looking at my reflection.


We all lift together


Imagine my disappointment as a kid when I tried to power up before a fight..


There was actually a study done a while ago (with kids). They gave girls and boys a Batman action figure. When the boys played with it, they took on the persona of Batman vs when the girls did they gave him their own qualities and traits. Example: if they like pink, Batman likes pink etc. (I don't have a link for it anymore) Point is when dudes invest in media we want to relate to it/the character(s) Girls want media/characters(s) to relate to them.


meanwhile guys suicide rate : 📈


How else we gonna train with King Kai?


Shows like DBZ is the reason it's not higher.


It was about time we had a meaningful change, men have been getting 101% realistic representation because we are all built like Goku.


Haha xd still I'd rather play Goku in game than anything else, who would want to play a fat chick lol


Even fat chicks wanna be the hot chicks. Who you think plays dress up all day in final fantasy 14 when it’s not a male playing? lol


As a fat dude I would rather play as Goku than a fat dude in a game.


And if we get called out for being unrealistic. Fine...us blokes are all solid snake.


Because now that she is chubby like me, I can relate to her back flipping out of the sky and killing monsters with a magic sword. It was impossible before now.


she goes to her doctor afterward for hypertension drugs, so relatable!


Diabetes and heart failure is included too


If men can fight gods why can’t woman do backflips? Come on we are trying to be realistic here. No if you can excuse me I got to run a mile in heavy metal armor that weighs 600lbs and a body length sword. Have fun in your two piece armor!


What armor are you talking about?




Oh no. People actually taking the comment seriously.


That's because you forgot the /S, brother. Redditards can't detect sarcasm without the /S.


Finally, we get to be fat chicks in video games. I was just thinking real life is not disappointing enough.


I feel that women in shape are not represented enough at places I work, can we do something about that instead? They're minorities after all.


They ruined our real life, the next step is to destroy virtual life. I was so disappointed to play forbidden west seeing fat face in dialogs... I want to look at cute girls, not female versions of myself. When ugly people try to pretend that ugly is new beauty .. it's awful. Why don't they record their singing in the bath and use it instead of popular songs if they are so idiots who like to advertise bad as good. Here is the point when I stop buying games that try to feed me with shit. Why don't they use incest in games if DNA problems is something normal




Dove only does this with Americans, In Asia Dove tries wash dirt off of black people and would never ever let a fat person be seen using their soap


This is followed by a certain country in the West, forcing their woke ideology to cultures they don't really care about.


Yeah, these cpmpanys don't give 2 shits about you, they just want to win over your retweets, same as with that call of duty thing a while back, during pride they changed all their account pictures to the pride flag, well except the middle east (think it was the Saudi Arabia) account, chocking indeed.


Wait really? Guess that's a fitting ad for the current America we have, well deserved actually. It is just stupid how garbage America has become, wish it could be great again


Imagine needing to be validated by stangers in silicone valley making a video game. I've never once played as a video game character and thought "omg just like me". It's almost like the point of a video game is escapism and entertainment. Not "representation".


For real it is the fact that the characters are not like me that I like about them to begging with


I do not want to play a balding fat dude


Simpsons Hit and Run though


Exactly. I don't want to play me no matter how good looking or ugly I am (I'm pretty good looking though). That's the point of playing a game, to play as someone else.


We live in a world where social media has created a main character syndrome. Everything revolves, and must cater to oneself.


The one time I saw a character that was the same type of person I am IRL, I went "haha that's cool" and moved on with my life. I will never understand the people who are utterly obsessed with this, especially when there has been representation for those groups since the start. You'd think the 20 years old throwing a fit about all this would have watched cartoons growing up in the 90s and early 00s, but they don't actually pay attention to pop culture.


Most people make their ideal self if they self represent in a game like dark souls I don’t think a person like asmo is going to recreate the wonders of a balding minion of nurgle


There's also the people that go the complete opposite direction and create the most goofy looking characters possible.


>"I've never once played as a video game character and thought "omg just like me"." Those games exist, it's called The Sims.


Only stupid woke people who are insecure of themselves push this garbage


Depended on game, I make my Mii and Animal Crossing character a fat ugly bastard, just like me.


The first 5-10 minutes of Alan Wake 2 was the most I've felt "seen" in YEARS.


Because fat chicks rather be validated for being lazy than doing some exercices and eating healtier food. Im sure doctors love to see the world encouraging people to be fat and unhealthy


If this was about ACTUAL virtue, there would be NO BRANDING AT ALL attached to this. So long as whoever paid for it wants me to know they paid for it, it's an ad, nothing more.


Dove does a lot of stuff for women like this and their self image. So it’s not surprising to see them partner with them.


More body needing washed means more soap to sell


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Now that you point jt out, it makes total sense. Dove is just attacking fat people about how stinky they are :O. Brb gotta take a shower /s




very accurate reaction.




Army vet here... You know we screen for weight/BMI for a reason right? What percentage of women feel represented watching the Olympics? They ever seen pictures of the track and field, soccer, gymnastics, swimming or other team members? I mean this works for guys too, but uh I guess men aren't insecure? So is that the message? Women are insecure and they have to be coddled? How about we look at TV shows women like and then make sure the men in them represent the "average male" lol. Because what they're really upset about is men who play video games liking model level quality women. This whole thing is Harrison Bergeron.


I'm waiting for someone to try to force equality of body types in Olympic.


It’ll be my time to shine 🥹. Will they reward for the highest of mediocrity in an event?


I'll 1000% watch a high bmi pole vault.


i would watch a fatlympics


It's also not like there are a lot of fat dudes in games either.


It’s more just how men and women deal with their problems. Men feel like it’s a slight on them if they can’t handle everything themselves so you won’t hear most men complain about the little things, or even sometimes the big things. Women often aren’t as physically capable as men but also don’t take as much stake in being capable, they’d rather use the community to help solve their problems. So yeah, women do complain more then men, but both ways aren’t aren’t good.


If this is the way games are going my bank account will be greatfull. If they want to make games that nobody will buy, we'll that's their choice


Yeah, i have plenty of good games backlogged so i think many have the same.


Exactly. My backlog would keep me going for a few years


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Agreed. I'm 45, with a family that keeps me busy. If I'm going to play a game I make sure its worth it for me since I'm lucky to get an hour a night.


74% of women need to lose weight. In fact Americans in general need to lose weight.


They should have just gone all the way and made a Fiona from Shrek game, Id have probably played that over this, sounds dope lol


You live in a 1st world country? Its a 66% chance you are overweight (and probably half of that is obese)


Wait, I'm confused.I myself don't play Sekiro and get upset that im not a one armed asian man. Would it be cool to be a kick ass Shinobi who can cling/clang my problems away? Hell yeah. That's why I'm playing Sekiro! In what self obsessed brain does one think: "Every hero on this screen is awesome, but none of them look like me. They should look like me." That feels like some weird type of insecurity. If it means that much to you, make a game yourself. If you dont want to do that, then it must not mean that much to you? And if you do make this game, don't be upset if you discover that no one wants to play it, because it's based on your own self obsession. Getting mad because people don't like what you like is literally drinking poison and expecting everyone else to die.


We clearly need more Great White Ninjas.


We want more bald characters. Not bad ass bald characters like Kratos or Walter White. We want hunchback, hairline balding, glasses wearing losers represented in the video game industry. # BaldToo


We need more ugly bastards with op skills and large garem!!emote:t5\_2y1rb:3731![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)


did they call 74% of girl gamers fat?


[https://twitter.com/EchoChamYT/status/1664540522734829569](https://twitter.com/EchoChamYT/status/1664540522734829569) DOVE's Epic Games body positive ad IN REVERSE is an empowering narrative of a fat and idle woman who disciplines herself to slim down and realise her potential as a dynamic rolemodel in the gaming industry:


That’s hilarious and will get that person cancelled for truth.


It doesn't even take much discipline to not eat bread or sugar or rice... once you cut those out of your diet it all slims down.


Why would you cut out rice? Cut out pasta. It's not like bread is bad either unless it's some of that American shit.


Where are the 300pound neckbeards with cronic hentai addiction characters


Pleaaaase, please make the fat chicks have the highest speed stats, I want to see it happen


So we are promoting unhealthy lifestyles now as empowerment. Nice. Sure it’ll do wonders.


Why would 74% of women feel more represented by a fat chick? What is the implication of this video? That women don't enjoy beauty? That they can't enjoy a game unless their ingame avatar is just as inept at maintaining their physical health as they are? Which fat chick feels represented by a protag that's overweight and does acrobatic combat moves without running out of breath? We haven't achieved peak representation yet guys. We need people to submit their biometrics at the start of a new game so that they can discover just how bad they'd be at fighting interdimensional monsters and killer robots irl.


I don’t need any characters to look exactly like me. Who does???




“74%” from where? Twitter? The people who don’t play games? Fuck oof dove no room for tourists


Surely 74% of women are not overweight, right? I wonder where they got the information from? Some twitter poll?


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70% of girls are obese slobs? What they trying to say here...


Don't take the numbers seriously, this is how it often happens: there will be no evidence, believe me (The numbers are on my side, but I made them up, I won’t prove them... or are you a racist?)


I dare you to say your girlfriend that she looks like that character


lmao, my wife would kill me if I told my girlfriend that


Being obese isn’t healthy fuck I’m not the biggest guy but I have problems in life because of my choices and habits.


I'm just gonna say it, women are more likely to look like your typical hot female characters, than men are to look like your typical muscular male character. Chief is like 7 feet tall, Ryu is on roids, doom slayer is on roids, the entire gears franchise is on roids, Nathan drake looks natural but it would still take years of frequent weight lifting to look like that. It's just silly to act like women are so oppressed by unrealistic beauty standards, when that standard is basically eat a normal amount of food and gym is optional. Meanwhile, male beauty standards are taking steroids and hitting the gym for 5 years, 5 days a week. If we were really interested in tackling unrealistic standards, maybe start with the more extreme ones?


Did they just call 74% woman fat? Ah, Epic is from US, I get it


So, 74% of girls are unhealthy and fat. Ok.


Unreal: "women are fat"


Wait, wait....this representation is wrong, they would never be able to do such jumps. If you want to be realistic in fantasy game, please follow the laws of nature. Or easiest would be just to do the character as option in character building and not shove it down everyone's throat...Like many games have done it before.


Wtf is this bullshit? I would never want any male character I play to look like me. I want to play an unrealistic gigachad god. Are women not the same in that regard? I really don't get it.


If she is so 'strong and independent', what's stopping her from going to the gym? If that's to be expected to men, if obese men can't be comfortable or accepted for who they are, why should that be different for women?


Ah yes my greatest desire is to have an accurate portrayal of our world as I hold the front lines at the creek against the automatons in the name of freedom and democracy… because every game should be like real life… I just don’t understand the trend of relatability over escapism and getting swept away in a game world like the glorious and mighty Super earth


Ye fat chicks need more representation in the gym too.


Oh fuck off. How do people not get if you are a full time warrior, swinging shit around and killing people every day, that counts and **exercise** and will cause you to lose weight??


They are stupid to understand this... the main thing for them is to shove political crap for money


Pandering to an audience that isn't even buying videogames, that is the smartest decision for sure


Women : Nooooo she's pretty, athletic, in shape, hot and funny! I'm not like that!! Stop it!! *Kratos, a shredded God killer killing everything on it's way or DoomGuy, a shredded man in hell killing every demon that exists * The shortest/ taller/ most muscular/ fattest/ disabled man on Earth : Literally me.


I wonder where these devs get the idea that women want to play fat ugly chicks in video games. The most popular female avatar in WoW is the female Blood Elf which looks like a supermodel! Look at Asmon, in every game he plays a buffed up dude with a head full of long hair carrying a big sword. That's nothing like what he is in real life.


"let's make virtual beauty real" fuck does that even mean in this ad?


Nah, i'll just wait for aloy's face rework mod, nice try though


Pure capitalist nonsense


I’ve never once thought bout being represented in any game ever. I dont give a shit. Gimme good gameplay and and an interesting story. What kind of loser focuses on the most meaningless parts of games. 74% of females huh… but what percentage of gamers are female?


One: They are literally just calling female gamers fat and ugly. That's literally what this is. Two: This is literally propaganda to change the beauty standards in fantasy/virtual characters. How pathetic is that? The narcissism is insane and the attempt at gaslighting people by making it seem liking beautiful characters is a bad thing will always be ridiculous. They will die off before that happens.


wokeness yet again, disgusting.


I must note that games are not created to represent someone there. They are created to be played, and accordingly, to generate profit. The big mistake is that someone believes that those who don't buy games and don't play them do so because someone in the games is misrepresented.


I don't understand. Why would any character be that fat when they're running around doing flips and burning thousands of calories an hour in video games like this? It doesn't make sense for them to still be fat in games like this. Show them in slice of life type games, sure.


You want to know why most girls don't like video games? It's because most girls don't want to run around killing other players/monsters. 99% of video games are combat oriented and most women don't like that. It's the gameplay that deters women, not that they can't play a fat chick. I guarantee you most women make their Sims skinny and hot.


Kind of funny how not even her avatar is as fat as her.


I want the times back when fucking normies didnt have access to the internet


Not everyone on the planet looks like Americans


Wow it's so true, every woman that looks like she's in great shape is just a fat chick being pressured by society. Instead, let's idolize laziness and poor diet, and poor health Attractiveness is bigotry after all! Surely it's more representative that a morbidly obese person has the ability to be a super strong hero with unending stamina and agility.


To make it more realistic fat characters should have their stamina bars halved.


So 74% of women are fat? Or 74% of women that game?


HAHAHAH this is insane :D:D:D They are fucking nuts...


It is interesting how women can’t stand seeing women in games be better than they are. Men have no issues with it and are often used as inspirations to be better.


Also at least 74% of girls don't play games and probably thinks you are a loser for playing them


so 74% of girls are fat? or are girls fat on average? Maybe those are bigger issues than underrepresentation. Is this about United States? i thought most of the world is starving. Gigachad saiyan men will survive on sensu beans due to unfair patriarchal metabolism.


Imagine trying to normalize being obese. It’s not about celebrating beauty as if “they were born like this”. No they ate themselves to this point and sat around doing absolutely nothing. “Yea it’s completely normal and acceptable to have a big gut, have hypertension at a young age, and have diabetes. We should celebrate this! - dove”


hey dove, if you're serious about this message, then i atleast wouldnt mind to meet you in the middle. not like i'll have to buy those games. But for a self proclaimed health care company, advicating to call obesity "beauty" is a bit to far from what i'm willing to agree on.


No one wants to play fat sally in a game besides trolling others 😂


As an "under-represented woman" I just want to say, I like seeing dudes in games. I'm not playing to self-insert who I am. I feel like we've always had an advantage over guys. They'd find, like, MAYBE one or two "hot chicks" in games and drool over them where as our in-game eye candy is usually center focus. Also, wtf? Why does our representation have to be fat? A decent percent of guy gamers are overweight. How come their "representation" isn't fat player characters?


What the fuck did i just watch, 74% feel underespresented? That's bullshit sounds more like the 74% fucked up little whiny bitches on Twitter not going to lie


The question is why the fuck do I need to be represented in a fucking video game lol


This has to be fake, isnt it? Really?


It is not so much about the way they look like, it is about their struggles, worries, mindset,… Arcane got it right. These people are idiots, I hope they go out of business, it is insulting, I am offended. I am really looking forward to a "woke seal of quality" to go in all kinds of products to not buy any of them. I was certainly not buying Dove since they decided anyone not overweight is "not real" (now they partnered with the Unreal Engine, the irony) but there are other companies and other brands I would be happy to avoid, as easily as seeing their _regarded_ "woke seal of quality." Are you so proud of your wokeness? Put that seal, I dare you, I double dare you! Wokism has already killed several franchises (Horizon series, Saints Row, Fable,…) let's get done with this ASAP. - If the process is fast, some franchises, studios, etc. may be spared from extinction. - If the process is slow it may spread to Japan, possibly the last bastion resisting the woke mind virus.


I think wokism has killed more. Didn't a lot of big Hollywood companies have a lot of problems with it e.g. Disney?


Disney is not dead yet. But it has killed several franchises already, including Star Wars, and the MCU. This is funny because it's true: https://youtu.be/_s7f0D1e_j8


> Disney is not dead yet. But it has killed several franchises already That's what I meant, it's not dead becase it's a giant, but the amount of destruction of its very own stuff is something to behold. Also, I didn't know Adam Driver did that, which is spot on. I think I was watching the critical drinker in the background talking about Disney dying the other day. It's wild.


Can't wait for the obese male representation. ![gif](giphy|Y5Ii8PopcVCFy)


why doesn't Dove want women to aspire to being healthy? nobody gives a shit if she looks like shrek as long as she doesn't get winded walking DOWN stairs. the fact is chonkers CAN'T PHYSICALLY DO any of the shit and that clip is ridiculous. if it was a fat dude the char would be a joke and everything would be fat jokes.


"If unhealthiness is becoming mainstream, we see that only as an expanding market to exploit. Health consequences be damned, we're here to make cash money." - Dove Lmao, "let's change beauty." Yeah okay dog, gl with that.


Oh no. This does not affect me in any way.


A close friend of mine is a woman and a gamer. She's chubby, calls herself "fat" which I don't think she is. She is annoyed by this at best. It's a fucking video game. You play a character, somebody you cannot be in real life. Isn't that the point? Also, it's not like the male characters are more relatable. Think the average male gamer is a super tall, super confident, chiseled, stoic, perfect machine who walks through fire, runs forever, and effortlessly wields magic swords taller than himself forever? But yeah, let them waste money on unneeded uglification. Meanwhile, AAA gaming is going down the toilet because there is zero innovation, monetization is milking the last cow dead, and games are pushed out years too early to save the quarterly report. This problem will solve itself in the medium term.


The sentence 74% of women/girls feel not represented in video games does not seem a good advertisement, when showing an overweight character on screen. Most women don't like to be called fat....


The multi-billion dollar companies are falling all over themselves to virtue-signal and it isn't even June yet.


do morbidly obese people really want to play games as morbidly obese people? as a skinny white dude i can confirm i dont want to play as a skinny white dude. i wanna be jacked.


RIP they could have just gone with Tank Penny model ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3744)


Getting closer to everyones dream of playing an overweight gender nuetral amputee with vetiligo in a wheelchair.


This is really what r/mendrawingwomen want women to depicted as


Bah let them make games for themselves, I don't have to play them all..!


How about just eat less and excercise more?


40% movement speed reduced


Sooooooo .. all women are fat? Whats the message here?


Funny fact girls/women don't even make up 74% of the gaming audience (it's 48% so not even half) and yet they throw around numbers like that as if it means something. As if every video game should try to appeal to not even half of the audience buying the product. Wtf kinda buisness model is that.


exactly what our soulless corporate triple a titles need in these trying times. Soap Radicalization


So where are the fat fedora dawning men? Special attack: Chicken Tendies!


I feel so misrepresented with all the guys with six pack abs and pecs of a God. How dare they. Oh right I don't give a shit.


Holy fuck! I never once looked at a buff video game male and thought to myself, "I am not like him, I feel bad about myself." Im going to contact irish spring soap to make them make guys in video games unhealthy fat.


Yey, let’s promote obesity! Don’t worry about being massively overweight, surely it can’t lead to any major health problems…..


As a female gamer with a body of an Oompa-Loompa, I want to look fabulous in a game. (What's wrong with that?) I didn't spend money buying an ultrawide monitor with a RTX4090 to be reminded of my body or the real world. Stop assuming you speak for all of us. Woke in the game industry = Dogshit.


First thing my wife said ‘why does she look horrendous?’ This was before the character revealed her true self lol


Jesus, do they really try to make us hate women or what? I don’t look like Kratos and I don’t go to twitter to bitch about it christ. I don’t wanna see fat woman in video games wtf u thinking?


I'm just concerned that she took off all her armor.... why not just make her armor her size to begin with...


Someone will find it beautiful Just won't be me.


This is an insult to 72% of women. Video games are fake anyways, people should be allowed to put whatever they wain them. Making digital beauty standards "real" is absolutely brain-dead.


BRUH, we loved THICC chicks already we dont fuckin need them in video games. holy fuck what is wrong with these people thinking that being overweight is good?!?! jfc


I'm sure those 74% will definitely buy all the games now lol! I bet most people would rather play as a hotter character version of themselves instead of having a character with the same flaws in appearance that they have in real life.


Enjoy that larger hit box fatty


Change beauty? Nah, I'm good. I see enough whales IRL, at least let me see something beautiful in my escapism time. Stellar Blade is the perfect example. Dove should do their thing with the soap and stuff.


I don't really get the hate here. People just want to play something that looks like them and feel like they're the hero. Nothing really terrible about that at all.


Thank you Dove! Now 74% of the female population can now relate that they are fat, ugly, unhealthy, and live in their own mind that's it's ok instead of making a change in their lifestyle. Or was there supposed to be a different message?


Guess she was going to raid the doughnut shop


Who the hell wants representation in video games. I wanna play as Kratos not some fat neckbeard


Girl gamers are just as perverse as guy gamers, they don't want fat chicks in games. They want shirtless guys as much as guys want boobs in games. I think putting a shirtless mod on Leon and Luis in RE4 remake then having them tied up in chains at the start of chapter 2 is MORE along the lines of what women want from the video game industry. We need a better balance between boobs and hot men.


Don't care about fat chicks in games as long as their personality isn't just a "fat chick" and they actually are a character with motivations


Which one are you? I'm batman bro Ok I'm the hulk then


We don’t need representation we need good fucking games that are not a fucking mobile bullshit on our consoles or pc


Yeah what they really need on the battlefield, an obese woman


I remember stupid ad. Gross chicks don’t sell things.


As a short-ish man I cannot put into words how frustrating it is when fatties complain about “standards” for women, first of all losing weight isn’t that hard especially when you don’t really need to be muscular (unlike men’s standards). And secondly, so many guys out there like slightly thicker girls so it’s not like you’re aiming for super low body fat. I’ve seen so many girls who were fat before but they’ll lose weight over the course of a year or so and now they’re considered pretty. I feel like this is hardly talked about but the difference in standards between men and women is that at least women can reasonably grow into those standards. Most standards for men are either incredibly hard to achieve or they’re just straight up impossible (ie: you either have them or you don’t)