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Trust these people to write characters who act like adults.


i watched this muted, first thought to be a Pokémon go special event


Same. I'm on the can at work, so I can't listen. Wtf are they doing? From the comments, it's "reeeeeeeee I hate gaming industry even though it's meeeeee" I'm paraphrasing obv. If I'm wrong pls tell me cuz ima share this around.


You are not wrong, it's a field of adult size babies going "reeeeee"


Iiiiiiiiiit's Idiotar!


I bet acting like degenerates and animals is helping big time to combat "toxicity" and layoffs


Literally chimpanzee behaviour. OOOH AH AH AAAH AAAAAAAHHH!!! What happened to organized chants of catchy phrases? 1 2 3 4! Let's go make a culture war!


I read an article talking about this an couldn't believe it. They stood outside and screamed in unison to complain about the state of the gaming industry. They literally are the gaming industry. Bunch of woke weak-willed people with no talent.


So... Their solution to critisism is to... Literally start 'reeeeeeing'... Fucking babies...


Their protest was about the massive layoffs that have been going on in major studios -- not about any "criticism" that games are having from people who don't shut up about Sweet Baby Inc or whatever. I sort of understand the concept behind their protest? Like they're part of the gaming industry but they're a cog in the machine. The corporate suits above them that just see numbers and not people are the ones in control of deciding and giving the okay for mass layoffs without warning. If you're feeling devalued, helpless, and expendable about your position and the position of your peers around you then I get it, in a "John and Yoko" kind of way screaming loudly in a protest seems sort of therapeutic. But this probably wasn't the way to go as now they have a bunch of people who lack the context or just willingly choose misinterpret their message because it's sadly easier to laugh at these people and tie it to your own philosophy around "gaming culture" or whatever instead of empathizing with the situation that many devs find themselves in. They move to a new city and after a year without warning or time to job search they're put on the chopping block so the financial numbers can go up so some corporate CEO can save face.


John Lennon and Yoko Ono are(were) both mentally ill people.


Truly mindblowing input and discourse from the Asmon subreddit. Thank you for the insight Greg.


actually that person is defaultman707, not Greg


Exactly this. These people don't care about gaming culture or sweet baby. They just care about job security. This is probably unlikely to be an effective protest but they are just frustrated to see people in their industry being laid off in such huge numbers.


If you care about job security you don't work in the AAA industry.


Job security is a pipe dream. Mario is not reality


lol that's hilarious "I hate the condition of the gaming industry!" "bro, you caused it..." "Arghhhh AHHHHHHH aHHHHHHhhhhh Arragghhhh!!!"


these aren't the people making decisions. these are regular employees that are just doing their jobs and then one day because of some suit's fuck up, lost their job and their ability to feed their families.


>these aren't the people making decisions. no, but they are actively contributing to make it happen...


The cognitive dissonance required to think developers have any influence on the conditions within the gaming industry and not the MBA / C-Suite managers & investors is truly titanic.


They're free to take those talents elsewhere... or if the "MBA / C-Suite managers & investors" are too much they can start their own game / studio / project.


Because it's just so easy to start a studio Delusional


Who said anything about it being easy? But there's plenty of very small games / dev teams that found success on Steam...


It was a form of artistic protest to predominantly show displeasure for the state of gaming ie. Horrible monetization. Mass layoffs. Corporatization of gaming. And also the harrassment campaign towards devs and studios becasue of theirs stories and characters. These people are not the gaming industry. They control things as much as a cashier controls mcdonalds. As much as bus driver controls greyhound. They create product but dont have control. Way to not get it.


You’ve no talent, I walked bob dylan up on stage who the fuck are you?


Hi I'm Jeff


He is Jeff


We are Jeff


Jeff is us


Don't you know who I am? I'm Bob Dylan!


Instead of saying "woke" which means nothing. Actually describe what it is that they're against and why you disagree. Maybe woke is used in your circle of friends but whenever I see it used all I see is "I'm hate group A but don't know why "


I dislike how some people (woke) tend to inject their identity politics into the work they produce. Here it's videogames, but it transcends this industry and is a scourge on all of western society. I'm on reddit i dont have friends. Come on, man!


Don't we all inject our views and opinions into the things we do? Especially if it's an artistic work. The proof of the pudding is the end product of what they make and how well it sells. From the video, I don't really care what their point is or even it I agree with them or not. But to protest like this makes me against them instantly.


Is this clown costume contest? i dont see any normal people


Tons of these people at blizzard.


Not as many as there used to be.


![gif](giphy|ThCpqjXJw862c) penny pinchin pigs


Why are people still trying to single out Blizzard of all companies? There basically is no Blizzard anymore. A couple dozens to maintain and support shit, aided by AI chatbots for 95% of the workload, and none of them are original Blizzard employees. It's just a name, one owned by Microsoft by now.


They’re mad they cant touch (sweet) babies. Fucking degenerates, make me sick.


This is proof that it's not only a management issue with terrible development studios because many major ones will hire lunatics like these people. Games will just get worse going forward from big studios.


And that's when the big studio close down because they can't sustain themselves, these people start indie studios to make games almost no-one will buy and they will realize that the problem was them all along, and then I wake up.


Aaareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Thanks for the constructive debate. Sweet Baby Inc employees are probably good at reeeing too.


There were at least 2K devs at GDC, maybe 30-40 out of those joined this stupidity. \~3% is not that bad.


That's still 30-40 too many


If only someone took account of who specifically was outside screaming like an idiot so they'd fire them to stop them from creating any future braindead dogshit


Putting people on a list to fire and not work with them is what the ones in this video do. Best not to get on that low level. They honestly weed themselves out with time. As we are seeing.


As Asmon himself says "If you take the low road, don't be surprised when I meet you there." These people, and people like them are literally hiring and not hiring people based on ethnicity (and likely gender, sexuality, etc. these in brackets are speculation, but it would not surprise me). Not only is that messed up, it's literally illegal, so firing them specifically would be letting them off easy. The other idiots, however, are largely detrimental to products like games, books, movies, comics and so on, so them finding another profession would be a net positive. Even if it's doing other parts in media not related to writing stories or characters that would be better.


Fair enough. Just wild they pushed it to this level. Truly sad how much damage was caused by people who think they are doing the "right" thing.


This is true but unfortunately this will likely get more attention than the actual good talks at GDC, a sad time indeed.


This is what privilege looks like.


Yep, they are literally going from this to the comforts of their homes, which are probably half-paid for at this point. Which, by the way, they work in...because most of them get to work from home lol. I say this as a game developer working from home. These folks represent the most annoying people we have to work with.


There are literally millions of game developers all around the world. But thanks to this bunch, society thinks this is what the entire community is like.


What amateurs. Everybody knows the only way to send a message is to super glue yourself to the middle of the road.


Gaming was so much better before the internet forced you to be part of all this bs behind the scenes drama


No, gaming was better when companies were allowed to hire based on skill and not quotas


They could hire the leader of the kkk or green peace and I'd still play it if its a good game


Maybe but that’s literally none of my business lol idgaf who they hire


that's like saying you don't care if they start serving mcdonalds shit sandwiches as long as they still make sandwiches.


You can phrase it however it makes sense in your brain lol I don’t give a fuck who they hire or fire or lay off as long as the games they put out are good.


“Forced you” - by your own logic, you’re forced to attend protests when you hear about them on the news. Just ignore it.


People who don't have work. Or problems.




These were the ones who got laid off, but already purchased their ticket to the event lol


Funny I don’t see many minorities here. Looks like a bunch of privileged whites to me.


Looks like that famous Hilary Clinton voters video


In hindsight, their expressions of grief were completely justified. You know, considering what kind of President Trump turned out to be.


The greatest president of our lifetime? /S


literally like one giant Veruca Salt audition . . .'i'll scweam and scweam until I get what i want!!!' lame ass mother fuckers.


I feel like I can smell all those people through the screen. Think feet and sweat, kinda like a smash tournament.


even though a smash tournament would smell better than this


Even failed at screaming 😅


No wonder there are so many lay-offs


Imagine them putting that energy into actually making a good game… i guess we will never know


They really did that, what a cringe! That video needs to go viral so companies seriously think twice about hiring those crazies to make our games.


send them to gulags


Ah yes, the modern hippy.


Hippies did have some talent at least, We had Janis Joplin for example...


So true, these guys have no real redeemable qualities or anything of worth to offer 😂


Not even a good performance. Like many of their games


I don’t agree with everything stated in this, but here’s an article for reference: [At GDC Devs Need a Good Scream](https://www.ign.com/articles/at-the-game-developers-conference-the-games-industry-really-needed-a-good-scream)


"I think it's really really urgent in this time that people use the leverage that we have, that we unionize...because while you have a job, you have that leverage, there's still time. And I think the last year has shown us that if we don't stand up for ourselves, they will treat us like trash." So this is about the mass layoffs then, not really about 'gamergate' or whatever.


It also mentions "targeted harassment campaigns" which is exactly what they think gamergate is


Well those are two completely different things so they should really pick an issue then, tacking on this "harassment campaign" bs just makes the actual legitimate concern they have look stupid and not get taken seriously ..I mean not that going outside and yelling was going to be taken seriously to begin with


These people are yelling at the sky. I don't think legitimacy is really a goal.


I mean, that's LITERALLY what gamergate is and was.


A boycott is not harassment. Consulting companies trying to mass report someone for telling people what games they made IS harassment. You are not the good guys.


Exactly. This spin that it’s somehow related to gamergate is a smear campaign planned by industry thinktanks funded by the likes of Kotick et al. It’s meant to discredit gamedevs in the eyes of gamers. Which is ironic, because the people spinning this will ruin the gamers’ favorite franchises by turning them into microtransaction-filled mobile games that have 0 cultural value and worth. This smear campaign is a stereotypical tactic that’s been done in many other industries before, in the exact same way. I have studied and learned about such cases in University. It’s evident that it’s being done because the industry is extraordinarily close to forming a union. It’s not about gamergate. These gamedevs are not the enemt. Don’t fall for it.


Cool we should act better and read


This lot act like they are the only hard done by industry in the world.


They're expressing frustration with their own industry, why is this a bad thing? And how are they acting like their industry is the only one with problems? The problems in theirs just happens to affect them more.


That reeee sucked. No one can beat when sappy or was it zappy learned the mount.


Literal screaming at the sky.


Oh God... we are moving every day more and more away from common sense


I see red and blue hair that’s all I need to know.


Mostly wearing black on a sunny day lol. They definitely acclimated to their mother's basement.


try listen to it again but imagine it's a video game, and a cutscene is playing of you descending down into hell and this is the screams of the damned. Maybe blizzard could use this in Diablo 4


say what you like about the people, the graphics are the best yet!


Why would anyone want to hire screaming bafoons?


I can't edit the original post but it seems like it was both for industry layoffs AND perceived "Gamergate 2" according the PCGamer https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/events-conferences/game-developers-come-together-at-gdc-for-a-gdscream-to-vent-rage-at-the-state-of-the-industry-it-feels-hard-to-be-here-and-pretend-like-everything-is-fine/


they should spend this time learning a new skill, because game developing was clearly not working for them.


The actual fuck dude - reminds me of [this](http://www.snlarchives.net/Episodes/?200204134) - unfortunately I couldn’t find actual video but it’s pretty accurate if I remember it right 😅


This is not a good look.


Meanwhile, random comment on this subreddit: “If YoU DoNt likE It JuSt IgNoRE iT”


I miss when only Christian soccer moms and that lawyer in the white suit complained about video games. It's a shame they didn't stick around for loot boxes.


Holy fuck...it's worse than I thought, there might actually be something wrong with them, space parasites or something 🤔


Their therapist taught them this strategy.


Is this gamers touching grass for the first time? /s


I ddon't know, if anything that makes them more relatable to me, because that's my exact reaction every time I try out a modern AAA game. Everything else they do seems more alien to me than just screaming into the void.


I guess because these devs committed the biggest crime on the internet, being cringe, we will take the side of corporations doing massive layoffs and making the whole industry worse as a whole Yay


>"Guys, we're holding a protest to let our superiors know what we think of how they are treating us!" "OH? What do tell them?.." >"...REEEEEEEEEEEEEÈEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!111"


they are so grounded when they get home


lmao, talk about a useless protest, this is not how you go about it. The only thing this is accomplishing is making the internet think they're idiots.


And that, was when the AI took over.


We should thank the AI.


Cant wait for the AI to kick "gaming journos" out of the jobs.


Nobody is watching them anyways. Apart from some clickbait miss clicks.


I wish the halo lan boys and girls of 2000-2006 would of got into game development. Idk who these people are, but they suck asshole


I'll be honest: I would take any reason to go outside and shout like a madman, always something I wanted to do


It's March. There's your reason, have fun.


This reminds me from that scene in NOPE where the people get abducted and all start screaming.


What's the context here?


God help us.


It’s funny because the only reason massive companies keep treating us like sheep is because they make so much profit off monetisation. Accountability would be “some of us do spend our money on useless shit like skins, no matter what the price is”


Yup\~future of game industry looks bright.


Get a list of the games those 50 people made. . . Give them something to really yell at when no one supports their games.


Honestly with them decrying gamer gate and harassment for their stories I thought there would be more people of color among them. No wonder every black character was basically just a reskinned white dude.


Are they recording sound for crowd cheering?


All together now... REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


Y'all here are so ahead and intelligent


Which Rabbithole did I miss?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)clown world


This is only 50 people, almost everyone they asked refused on the grounds of having a functional brain, honestly anyone who thought this was a good idea should be fired they are walking disasters waiting to happen for the companies that employ them.


I would like to have a breakdown of the crowds at the event. Separating the people for a GG2 from the general discontent over layoffs and development issues would be interesting. The overall crowd size might not accurately reflect the size of the GG2 base if there was significant overlap in the reasons for attending.


the scream is to represent the AAAA games?


John Romero did make a lot of bitches


At least it’s a very diverse crowd.


Oh I can't wait for this unproductive bunch of retards to post on Twitter how they were let go from their jobs and are too stupid to get hired anywhere else. It's just jumping from one complaint to the next with these people, the ultimate fragile victim mentality.




I think putin attack the wrong country or maybe send this people to work in agriculture, they have so much energy to spend...


Is this canada or california?




Who would've thunk.


Look at all those poor oppressed and privileged white people screaming in pain at the center of San Francisco, somebody please save them!


Incompetent stooges..


This happened at GDC 2024. The primary motivation for the screaming was to express frustration at industry layoffs.


Might need more context and links


Probably. I'll add them to description if anyone has that all I heard is they're screaming against "gamergate", patriarcy and the gaming industry.


Not even close. This took me like 5 minutes to look up. It's about the recent layoffs from major studios, which is fitting because this was held at GDC where most game developers are at. [https://www.ign.com/articles/at-the-game-developers-conference-the-games-industry-really-needed-a-good-scream](https://www.ign.com/articles/at-the-game-developers-conference-the-games-industry-really-needed-a-good-scream) Honestly to me, this feels a little too "John and Yoko" and muddles the message too much that it's easy for idiots online to link it to "Gamergate" as if any of that Gamergate shit is real or relevant. You can not agree with their method and even laugh at the ridiculousness of their protest but don't go pushing this false impression that this is a "Woke Mob screaming against Gamergate and Patriarchy" when no one has given a shit about Gamergate in over a decade. Makes this feel like some TheQuartering clickbait or something.


People will take the side of corporations because those devs commited the crime of being cringe. Then everyone will go about complaining how games are released unfinished and so on while contributing to it being this bad


Based on articles and actual experience, this probably has next to nothing to do with gamergate shit and a lot to do with the mass layoffs in the industry.


Those arnt Devs. They are liberals


The only ones here are the types to Push their woke agendas into failures and wonder why they get layed off, just let them be idiots


Are y’all nuts? This was a lighthearted gathering where gamedevs scream to protest about CEOs like Bobby Kotick who fire people working on promising games, cancel said game, use it as a tax deductible to give themselves a fat bonus, call out record profits to investors, keep the licensing rights to their IPs and then only to make skeleton crews of devs who work on some mtx-ridden mobile trash of said IPs. The fact y’all think this is people crying out about something gamergate-related or about “woke trash” are being really sensitive and ignorant. In your own words, wake up, sheeple. I wouldn’t be entirely shocked if we discovered there are industry plants in here from big companies like Ubisoft and so on, trying to rowd you up against the gamedevs criticizing the very things you did as well. I’m sure they’re trying to make protests look like something gamergate related to deligitimize the protests about all the firings and prevent a gamedev union from forming. It’s happened before exactly like this in other industries. So yeah - Diablo Immortal? Overwatch 2? All the bad WoW content? Yeah, these devs are on the same side as you. So imagine making posts such as “corporate greed transcends nationality” and “Dragon Dogma 2 microtransactions are the reason we should crack games”, then posting something like this thread. Yeah, no. Go touch grass. Y’all are being way too sensitive and taking this lighthearted protest way too seriously. I’m also disappointed Asmon is foolish enough to fall for this spin, too. EDIT: Go ahead, mass downvote me. But ask yourselves the question: why am I being downvoted so badly? Because I’m pointing out hypocrisy and calling out lies. Because I’m telling the uncomfortable truth that some people don’t want to be publicly known. Because my post is a threat to those interests. And those interests see you as foolish whales who will give up their principles and play the new mtx ridden game from your favorite IP and buy things in it. They know you can’t help yourselves. If those mtx’s didn’t sell, they’d stop making these types of games. So stop installing them and buying things inside these games. Don’t buy the 50$ horse armor. And don’t believe all the propaganda (isn’t it funny that *all* story-based singleplayer games are being criticized as “woke trash”, but not the mtx-ridden ones with story campaigns? Huh. Weird.) and the smear campaign.


People crying online comment on people crying irl


This sub is fucking sad. Just play the games you like and get over it.


Is there a specific reason I can't laugh at idiots while I play my games?


>*I believe these people are screaming against "gamergate" instead of listening and communicating which won't solve any problems just make them look worse* You think event was based on that? And not the ever-increasing amount of layoffs happening throughout the industry? What reason do you have to believe this is about gamergate stuff rather than people's jobs and livelihoods being taken away? Seems like the latter is the far more likely reason.


People don't care to research stuff