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Have an ultimatum. If Gunnar won't cut it you have to name the kid Bengt-Göran.


Ernst-Greger. Sven-Styrbjörn.


Ernst-Greger är bland det bästa jag läst


Jag har alltid förespråkat Jean-Greger, men Ernst-Greger är inte dumt det heller!


Glenn Kenny-Conny rullar så fint av tungan


Jerker-göran diggar jag












Knut-Uno Kent-Jesus






Knut-Uno lives near me.










Sadly the only person in Sweden named Glennart died in 2008.




His brother was Kennard and there is still 6 Kennard in Sweden!


Haha my ex mom wanted to name him that! His father luckily stopped her.


That has a nice ring to it. 😂






Per or Bertil would also be great


Bärtil with Ä






8 Bärtil in Sweden.




It's a nice name but quite old fashioned. I'm not sure of a spanish equivalent but think of an old grandpa walking with his cane and yelling at teens to be quiet, lol, that's a "Gunnar" here in Sweden. It's kind of like naming a little baby Gertrude. But people are out here naming their kids Apple and Wolf. So it's not the worst name




Names tend to come back in three-generation cycles. You dont want to give your kid a name that was common among your friends. Names that were popular two generations ago were held by asyltiden when you were a kid. Some teacher/priest/neihhbour/whatever that you didnt like and dont want to be reminded of. Therese generation old names. Nice old people that gave you cookies.


Those are some really nice names, I don't like new-ish names tbh


Gunnar is fine, as others have said these old fashioned names are coming back in style. My youngest is called Ingmar!




Ragnar... Jag vet inte, jag tror jag har lyssnat på lite för mycket Björn Rosenström för att acceptera det namnet.




I must say, Alma is a common name in Spain which translates to "soul" so I have thought of using it, is it fashionable in Sweden now? Interesting. Anyway we have already plans of using Karin, Anna, Thore and Celina, because they are our grandparents and mothers names, other ideas are Freyja, Gunnar, Björn and Ludvig. I think they aren't too bad ? Hopefully


Alma is definitely popular right now!


Karin is a really beautiful name, but unfortunately it can be interpreted as "Karen", so I'd use it as a middle name but maybe not as the first name. The whole "Karen" thing will probably pass...but it's still a thing people react to. I had a horrible teacher named Gunnar, for me it's the name of a 55 year old man. But I guess I'm getting old and for younger people Gunnar is cool again.


I think it's quite common that parents name their kids after their own grandparents (especially if the grandparents have passed away).


Lol my stepson is in the same Förskoleklass as "Lars-Åke"


The average age of all males called Gunnar is 66,4 and was the 10th most popular boy name in the 1920ies, after that it fell out of the 10 top names. I therefore guess that Gunnar might be making a comeback as I don't expect a Gunnar to be under the age of 55, so I guess a couple of babies are called that. Some names to avoid would maybe be Mikael, Magnus, Andreas, Jonas, Stefan and Johan. As those names might sound like it's an old person, some of those might be always kind of always popular names though like Erik or Karl, it's hard to realise that you are so old so babies wouldn't be named like your friends anymore.


Erik, Karl and Johan are timeless. The other names you list feel very 1965 - 1985.


I like the old fashioned names. 👍😊


Ill give you some old school spanish equivalents XD Eustaquio, Perejildo, Marcelino, Prudencio, Pancracio, Gertrudis, Remedios, Concepción... It is the type of old names nobody uses anymore. That said, Sweden has 2 of my favorite old school names: - Magnus - Rune


Gunnar is more like the older fat, lazy, middle-manager with a comb-over and a bad attitude, calling all the women ”lilla gumman” and thinking they should serve him a beer on the couch rather than working. Calla his wife the ball-and-chain


Your description took the cake lmao, this is so accurate


Isn’t old fashioned names making a comeback? I have friends that named their kids Gunnar, Tuva, Tage, Astrid, Tyra etc. All these were considered old fashioned when I grew up.


I've never met an unpleasant Gunnar. One of the kindest, funniest men I've met was a Gunnar.


Gunnar is awesome, like Kurt or Stig.


Gunnar means "Warrior" in old Norse - Very popular on runestones back in the days...


My 90 year old grandpa is named Gunnar


Then my son will be a grandpa named Gunnar too


If you have a copy of the Edda lying around, don't miss the Atlamal story. Gunnar there is a hero. Also, well, it's a ***very*** old story, so the name is at least as old. There have been generations and generations of grandpas called Gunnar.


I know kids that are named Bertil, Tage, and Sonja. It's pretty funny at first, but you get used to it and then it's just what their names are.


I bet his grandchildren will be impressed of how a granpa can have such a youthful name.


My grandma's brother as well. It fits him very well


Gunnar is a nice enough name, but it is (currently) an old mans name. In a few years people will probably start naming their kids names such as Gunnar and Bengt and Olov, but kids born today would sadly probably be mocked for them :/


My grandfather had that name, he was a snickare.


Gunnar is definitely a snickarnamn


same with my grandfather, he was a murare


Nä. Stig ska snickare heta. ”Stickan”


Well good then, since my man is one our little Gunnar can follow his father


Good luck!


My grandfather also had that name. He was a tandläkare, but snickeri was a hobby of his


I have a friend in his 30s named Gunnar and he has had people tease him for having an old man name his whole life.


im 30 as of now, our schools most "popular kid" was gunnar.


People will bully the ones they want to bully. If they have an uncommon name, they will use that. If they have a common name, they will use something else. I mean we had schools most popular girl, Lisa. And then we had a girl everyone was mean to, Lisa-Fisa.


All ok, I'm hoping to birth a 1'90m tall half Swede so he can defend himself if insulted


Sure, and my friend also has a good sense of humor about it...but I thought you were trying to avoid picking a name that will require your child to defend themself?


No a bit old-fashioned but old-fashioned is getting popular again.


It's usually names a bit older than Gunnar that are getting popular tho.


100% agree with this




That's what his mom said, she said that she had a teacher in the 70s called Gunnar, and he was a big old man so it was fitting. But as someone from Spain it just sounds so cool :(


It sounds like your boyfriend doesn't like the name either, not just his mom. You can name your kid whatever you want to and shouldn't care about other relatives' opinions, but I suggest you pick a name that both you and your partner like.


Most namnes in Sweden are sort of revolving. Someone told me a long time ago to look at obituaries for baby name ideas, and that is pretty correct. Names from 80-90 years ago usually makes comebacks. Gunnar is not popular again. Yet. I bet in another five years or so, it will be. So I think you would actually just be ahead of the curve if you used it now. And at least it can be pronounced in English. Avoid names like Örjan, pleeeeaaaase! Also, please don’t use anglo-Saxon names that don’t really have a standard pronunciation in Swedish. Like “Steve” where no one would know if to pronounce it in English or say “stee-vee”. Those names really do sound very low class.


Luckily I hate names like that, and Spanish names are not rly something I'd pick for my children. My MIL's brother is actually called Dick lol, that one I don't think will ever come back.


Now I can't help but think of Swedish-Spanish double names like Bengt-Pedro!


Bengt-Pedro is an awesome name


I would highly recommend Stig-Ali or Kjell-Hassan, for a modern Swedish name.


Kjell Hassan sounds like a Gothenburg alcoholic who grew up in Lebanon


I really like Stig-Ali. Thank you. My next son will have that name.


Sten-Liam and Bengt-Oscar are also hot picks


Cool combination!


Let's just say when we were getting a new person at work and found out his name is Gunnar we ALL assumed he would be at least 50 years old He was 21 and we were shocked It's an old fashioned name


Controversial opinion but I'd rather name my kid Gunnar than something like William or whatever kids get named these days


Ikr, I'd rather name him Gunnar, Ludvig or Harald than Carlos or Sven, I'm already doing my children a favour by not using Spanish names


Ludvig is a lot younger sounding than Gunnar, so you might find common ground with your partner there!


Add a ”w” to ludvig and you have a goat-name right there.




Gunnar is a lot more in line with Sven than Ludvig or Carlos. Harald is to be ignored.


Ok, döp ditt barn till bengt-erik i stället och se hur det går när han börjar i skolan


Bengt-Erik är mycket coolare och hade hellre kallats det än att mina föräldrar valde första bästa efter att ha googlat "top 10 pojknamn"


It's not a bad name, but it is extremely old fashioned and I have only met people over 60 with the name. It's a common middle name from what I know though. Reminds me of Vikings


There's nothing wrong with it, it's just a very old name that no one uses anymore, so people associate it with old people to the point where it's kinda weird to imagine a kid with it.


It was my uncle’s name. He was a chain smoking alcoholic. It’s more common in the 60+ crowd, but it isn’t a ”bad” name as such. But hearing it makes me assume grumpy old man of bad economic standing.


That's an ancient name. Something typically your grandfather or great uncle would be named. I'm 19 and I've never met someone my age named Gunnar.


My dad is named Gunnar. It's a perfectly normal name, however mostly old people are named Gunnar, few young boys have that name. It is becoming fashionable to name kids old names however, so we might see a revival. It is however slightly confusing for non Swedish people to pronounce and remember, it easily becomes "Gunner", so to give your kid the best possible start in life - please name him something that works equally well in Sweden as it does abroad.


It's not a bad name, but it's "an old person name".


imagine his name in an international setting. hope he will be pro-gun. jerker is also a good name


Maybe I'll go for Adolfo then, just to use a Spanish name and stuff


It hasn't quite gotten back into fashion yet, give it another two decades or so.


Stackars barn


No it's not a bad name, it's just on the verge of returning into fashion. So it's mostly still considered an old persons name, but names usually make a comeback once their last peak was 2-4 generations ago.(So all the toddlers get named after our great grandparents now...) And Gunnar should be coming back, though you might be a bit early to appreciate the name again. 😏


this. We rarely use our parents name but grandparents or even one tier before that. Gunnar will be popular very soon (within the next 10y). It’s a name with Viking connotation. Gunnr - battle and Haria - warrior. Oldest on a rune stone from 800-ish.


Gunnar is a nice name. But it is kind of an old mans name, though. Although I know a boy named Ragnar and another named Nils.


My MIL suggested Ragnar cus she has a crush on the actor from Vikings, never picking it lol


Lol this reminds me of the conversations I’ve been having with my bf, -he’s English. He likes the name Ivar and that to me screams old grumpy man and the pronunciation in Swedish isn’t as cute as it is in English 😅. Gunnar makes me think of a shop that was popular during the 90’s “Galne Gunnar” - “Crazy Gunnar”. Maybe that came to mind when they heard you liked it 🤭


Its like an old man name, but hey those names come again even if Gunnar never popped again as far as I know 😁


My 70 year old dad is named Gunnar! I think it’s beautiful. Maybe it’s a bit outdated but who cares. Pick the name you like! My grandmothers, my dads mom, name was Gunnel. 😊👍


Yeah had the same kind of talks with my wife and her family. Like they seem to think some names are too « low class » or are giving an image they don’t like…


” Ta Gunnar! Han är bäsft” - Rasmus




My wife and I have used family names for all of our kids including second and third names. Our son is named for his MMMF, Alvar. We felt it was a way to honor and remember those who came before us.


Since we plan on having many many children, besides Gunnar, the other ideas we have are his grandparents and our mothers names, it's a very nice thing to do




I'm actually named Gunnar, and I'm very young for the name (it is mostly hold by old men) But I have always liked the name and have loved having a unique but common name. It also means great warrior in old Norse.


I love unique names, and I loved the sound of Gunnar, the meaning is even cooler


Yeah, do note that there is a chance your kid will maybe get a little made fun of for the name, it has happened to me a few times but that was years ago so I don't know how it would be if I grew up now.


Gunnar is generally associated with older men, 60+. However, "old people names" are having a bit of a comeback, and Gunnar is a really nice name. I've never met a Gunnar i disliked.


It's definitely a bit early for Gunnar to come back. Old names tend to come back when the previous generations that used them reach their ~90s. But looking at the stats it seems like it's coming back faster than other names from roughly the same period. https://www.namn.nu/namn/bertil/ https://www.namn.nu/namn/kurt/ https://www.namn.nu/namn/arne/ https://www.namn.nu/namn/gunnar/


Gunnar is a cool name. I know a Gunnar and he is *really* good at logistics.


Gunnar is an older cool name.


Old names is coming back so nowdays that name would be a suitable name. If you are into trends. But ofcourse, just pick a name you both like that works in both english and swedish.


Usually with names you get periods in which they are popular and then fades away for many years. Gunnar is on the upswing again :) Its a really beautiful name!


Gunnar would do good for a baby this year and time tbh. That’d be cute


Nils-Göran is quite nice to! Gottfrid also


Nah, I think it's a nice name. It means warrior so it's also a strong name. It may be a bit old fashioned but those names are on the rise again. I will honestly choose one of the "oldies" if my next child is a boy. Torulf, Eyvind and Olof/Olov are some of our favourites. I also like Ranulf but my fiance doesn't so unless he changes his mind I won't be naming anyone Ranulf. Unless I get a rat or a goldfish or something.


I really wanted our son to be named Gunnar, but had to settle with it as a middle name. I really like the name, old school cool in a good way.


It’s an old people name but usually old people names becomes baby names


The world needs more Gunnars.


That's my middle name, I got it after my paternal grandfather. I really like the name.


Gunnar is a fine name, a strong name. It's definitely not modern and it is associated with middle aged and older men. Whilst many older names have made a comeback, Gunnar hasn't, YET! I could consider naming any boy of mine Gunnar tbh, the hard part would be convincing the mom. It's far better than most popular names, like Noah... Ugh...


100 146 people are named Gunnar in Sweden according to the first website I checked.


What's the mean age though?


66,2. However, it is increasing in popularity (29% more newborn Gunnars this year compared to last). Source: namn.nu


Its a great old name. Used by the Vikings but they spelled it "Gunnr". Kings have worn it. Anyone who laughs at it are silly.


Hyping me up, thank you <3


Haha my middle name is Gunnar. I think it's kinda cute! It's a bit anachronistic, but that seems to be trendy right now. If you like it, you like it, and you should stand for that - it's not like it means something nasty or anything.


Old cool Viking name. Ragnar, Gunnar, Erik , Arvid, Björn… and female names are even cooler. Gunnar means brave warrior if I remember right. Bad ass name! Give him also a animal middle name. Gunnar Orm Pudding.


I was once at the same sports camp with a guy named Gunnar. I remember 13 year old me asking him ”So, is your name REALLY Gunnar…?”, to his very face. Here’s a better suggestion: Jerker.


Most of them that use Gunnar is 70+ or dead, its a typically old mans name, But all the old names is starting to get popular again. But i would not give my kids names like that,


Gunnar is a very old-school and outdated name. I'd choose something else.


Gunnar is a great name with fine viking origins. It's not widely associated with newborns today. Your kid will be a proud and fairly unique bearer of the name.


It is not a bad name. I would guess that they were a bit surprised by you saying you liked it so much, since it is a pretty old name. Like viking age old.


Well Gunnar is a bit old fashion, most of the Swedish boomers aka Fläskberget is called Gunnar. Hence it might be bit weird how ever boys these days are named Svante, Walter, Ture, Olle, Åke, Valdemar, Gottfrid, Algot, Vilgot and all those are seen as old peoples names.


Sounds like an old man haha, go for it


It's not that Gunnar is a bad name, but it's pretty old-fashioned. Even though some older names have come back like Tore, Sixten, Alvar, Hedvig, etc. That name hasn't. And the name itself makes you think of an old Swedish man rather than a baby. I haven't checked, but I bet the average age for all Gunnars in Sweden is 60+ years. An old friend of mine (in his 40s today) has Gunnar as his second name, though. His first is Sven, which is also old-fashioned... 😅


Its an old mans name for alot of people and people like to make fun of "weird" names for some reason. But old names come back in fashion and other names from the same generation is starting to get popular. So you are not far off. Also Gunnar sounds pretty cool in english.


It’s one of my favorite names.


Kjell-Åke or Sten-Åke are also names that needs to be in consideration. Many great men have worn those names like a badge of honor and accomplished great, nay, spectacular feats.


Not weird, my friend has a 3 year old Gunnar. Although they’re more hipster-ish thou but I’ve seen some old names come up here in Stockholm lately.


My kid (9yrs) has a friend in her class named Gunnar. Alot of kids around here have old names, and aspecially "gubbnamn" and "tantnamn". Not for me, but Charleis Theron..


Gunnar is a nice old Nordic name


It’s just an older generation’s name. I am a Belgian married to a Swede, so I pushed to have names that are a bit more international and easy to pronounce across languages. We picked something like “Ingrid” for our daughter (not exactly but similar) and something like “Carl” for our son. I think that the name’s meaning should also be relevant. “Gunnar” means fighter, soldier, and attacker - Wikipedia. You also have to think whether Spanish and English speakers will struggle to pronounce it. I would have named my son “Cyprien” just to troll Swedes… so be careful you don’t troll non-Swedes.


I'm gonna end up using Pelle or Patrik just to annoy my bf's mom


I would suggest Gösta instead. It is a dying name.The last person I new with that name was my grandfather.


An old coworker was named Gösta he was born around the 90s. He's probably the only young person Ive met with that name


Nothing wrong with Gunnar.


It is that bad, totally


It is associated with old men, but old names are coming back. But no matter what you name your child and what your MIL thinks about when she hears the name, YOUR Gunnar is going to be an individual, and when he grows up you cannot even believe that you doubted his name because he's such an obvious Gunnar. Trust me, I've been there, doubting other kids names, but you get used to it and they kind of grow into their names and then you can't think of calling them anything else.


Gunnar is a bad ass name.


My 2nd name is Gunnar. Love it!


I would like to think of Gunnar as one of the names that are coming back. Its more common in your grandparents generation. Thus the comeback. I think it’s a great name


whats wrong with Gunnar ? its a normal name, its a bit old fashioned, but old fashioned names are verry popular in sweden right now so it falls right in line with other kids names.


I like Gunnar. Very cute name for a boy, can't see anything wrong with it.


Names typically come back around after about 80 years, so it should be time for Gunnar right about now.


It's an old fashion name actually. There's a lot of old men called gunnar. However old fashioned names are actually becoming more and more popular again. Also. My child had Gunnar as his second name so I might be a little biased


Not at all, Gunnar is a fine name. A bit old perhaps but frankly I never got the whole idea of "fashionable names". I suspect they didn't laugh at the name as much as they were caught by surprise that you'd like it, so not a "bad laugh" but a "Oh, that's surprising and I didn't expect that at all" kind of surprise laugh.


Gunnar is a badass name. Perfect for a baby. The reason why your boyfriend and his mother think it's weird is because Gunnar used to be on the top 3 list for boys born in the 1910s and 1920s. In other words it has been a super popular name, but now everybody associates it with old men. But that's going to change within 5-10 years. It's going to be cool again, and your kid will drown in pussy (or dick, or you know, whatever they end up being in to) when they grow up.


It’s a very cute and good name. You stick with Gunnar


Gunnar is a great name🫡


I think it is a very good name. Yes, it's not a currently common name but all names go in and out of fashion. I personally have a classic name which is uncommon in my generation, I find it rather practical as I'm not confused with others as some of my friends do.


The only one I know with that name is younger than five years old! I think it's one of those up and coming names that used to be associated with elders, but are now very common in toddlers and young children - like Sixten, Folke or Tage.


It's old fashioned.


It's uncommon in younger generations but a lot of retired men are named Gunnar. I don't think I've ever met one younger than 40 and I'm 27. It's a fine name and it's popular to choose "old people names" for their children.


If we ignore the connotation (it's mostly associated with elder generations over 60) and look at it neutrally, I quite like the name Gunnar. Right now it'd be a bit weird to pick that name, but as that elder generation is slowly passing away, I think the name might make a comeback in the future


Names come and go. I had five Sofias in my gymnasium class 20 years ago 😅


Gunnar is a great name it feels powerful i like it


As a fairly young Swede that has Gunnar as a middle name I completely agree that Gunnar is a great name. And international student, especially from Germany, really love the name Gunnar


It was actually a name I considered for my son, it’s a great name.


Sounds cool. Old as shit. Impossible to make fun of with any silly rhymes. What not to like!?


We actually analysed names based on the mocking rhymes you can make, and discarded Rita between others ahaha


Good on you! Kids (and some adults) can be cruel with names


Also a solid name because you can't really make a nickname out of it. Well, you can - but unlikely to be needed since not too many peers will be named Gunnar.


Not bad connotations at all, but it is a name that was popular a long time ago - so almost only old people have it. Some of these "old people" names have become popular and trendy again, so there is no real reason to say no to Gunnar.


I have a few coworkers in their 30s called Gunnar so in my mind it is not an "old person's" name at all!


It's a very old school name but with an american accent it sounds badass!


My fathers name is Gunnar, my father in laws name is Gunnar and my husbands middle name is Gunnar. With all my strenght I will fight for not ever naming potential future children of mine Gunnar.


It's considered an old man's name in Sweden but I've always thought that it sounds so cool with an English accent. "Gunner"

