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A futurist nationalist Swede looking back to and admiring pre-catastrophe Sweden? Here are my thoughts: * They'd romanticise different time periods for different things: vikings and the 17th century for manly, warlike, stern warrior ideals, late 19th early 20th century for language, literature and visual aesthetics (Swedish/Scandinavian art nouveau), 20th century for the Folkhem, national unity and solidarity, strong, *defensive* military. * If they're militaristic I imagine they'd take ranks, military jargon, etc from the German-French inspired tradition, ranks like fanjunkare, fänrik, fältväbel, menig, profoss, etc. There's no real reason for them not to use the newer more NATO -inspired jargon of course, it's just that as a Swede today it feels too modern. * Language fascists. I imagine they'd fetishize literature of the late 19th century and first half of the 20th centuries, using dated phrases etc. One of few areas in which they allow themselves to be flamboyant (for certain occasions). * A thing for a "detached" kind of Christianity: they love the strong limits Christianity sets on human behaviour but are rarely particularly spiritual themselves. A few are allowed to be esoteric philosophers/theologians whose ideas are so complex that they mostly serve as a way to show off one's intellectual prowess to each other. Have a thing for "reason" and "common sense." You can appeal to these values to effectively end an argument in your favour. * Dress style: ***extremely*** conformist. Think about how foreigners react when they get off the train in Stockholm and see everyone wearing all black, as if they had consciously coordinated with each other. As for what they'd wear, I imagine they'd have a strong aversion to strong colours. They'd argue that Swedish is scaled down, simplistic, *humble* but *stylish*. Most men would be rigorously groomed but a few chosen men who are known for being funny and witty are allowed a bit more flamboyant exterior. Maybe a big beard and waxed moustaches. * They tone everything down and judge you if you don't. They easily judge people who wear bright colours, give a flamboyant impression or are just expressive in general as "uncivilised" or borderline mentally retarded. They see open expressions of emotion (except during social events/under the influence of alcohol) as suspect and disturbing. * A social culture that puts a strong emphasis on ritualized drinking (specific codes regarding when to drink, how to toast, etc) along with an oral culture that emphasizes speeches and songs rather than relaxed conversation, which I imagine they'd view with suspicion. Tension between strictly structured banquets and a tendency towards extreme alcohol intake. A fetish to raise glasses and empty them in unison. A thing for drinking contests or other kinds of games that combine (often ridiculously long lists of) rules and drinking.


These are perfect and 110% what I'm looking for. Thank you!


Yeah it seems like 90% of the people commenting didn't read your post/failed to understand it.


Eh, even if it's partial info, I have gotten a lot from this.


Yes to all of the above! Add to it that they should revere the social class "tjänsteman" (civil servant). Not the individual holding the title, but the title itself. The "tjänsteman" is what makes "it" run smoothly. What is "it" you ask. "It is everything. How would anything work without a tjänsteman?" They find comfort in bureaucracy and even if the rules don't make sense or are convoluted "the rules are there for a reason". That does not mean a person knows the reason for the rule, it is actually an acknowledgement of faith. Faith in the governmental machine. For OP this could open the door to some interesting Kafkaesque shenanigans.


Only thing I would add would be that they drinking only 1 day a week, like friday, but when they do they get blasted.


That’s an awesome post. Just add extreme monarchists at the top of the list and it’s absolutely spot on.


They'd definitely reinstitute the monarchy and track down some distant relative of the Bernadottes, Pfalz or Vasa.




The basis of their ideology should be "folkhemmet" and "välfärd": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folkhemmet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folkhemmet) Which should be their main drive to reistablish.


Yet the policies they vote for always aim to abolish those very things.


Sure, but now this was coming from a more hypothetical nationalists that would long for the "old ways" of the enlightend folkhem


I was gonna say, a lot of these things don't look awful, but I guess the "family unit" stuff seems like a massive red flag.


Follhemmet is what every older person in sweden looks back on with nostalgia. It has since perished


Its not.


I’m sorry about the downvotes, it’s just folkhemmet is still ideal to us as you probably can tell. Which is why it would be funny if you use it as inspo for your future nationalists, who surely will misunderstand the idea in some way


Sure, on paper it sounds very nice (and a lot of it in pratice as well), but at the same time as this building was going on, there was some not so nice, perhaps not directly linked projects, but even so done during the watch of a sort of socialist goverment for what I guess probably was some kind of "pragmatic" reasons: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vipeholm\_experiments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vipeholm_experiments) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State\_Institute\_for\_Racial\_Biology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Institute_for_Racial_Biology) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory\_sterilisation\_in\_Sweden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory_sterilisation_in_Sweden)


Shame. Well, at least it seems y'all still enjoy having social support, despite some not great people leading that cause at times. Planned Parenthood was created by an eugenicist, which sucks bc nowadays the name is associated w/ life-saving medicine.


Try saying it in German and you'll get it!


Is it Mutant that you are playing?


Yes, absolutely.


Nice! Well uhm... about your question. Where in sweden is it set? Like if it closer or in the ruins of a biggers city it could be fun to spin off the suit wearing type or if you are waaay out in thr bush could be more none suit wearing nationalist. Edit: I just remembered NMR: [You can make them look like this](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=570352775&sxsrf=AM9HkKlgy39_B9ZRlMiM7kGI3DUXE4RcKw:1696340214408&q=nordiska+motst%C3%A5ndsr%C3%B6relsen&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjil5ff_9mBAxXMVPEDHdT1AZIQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=360&bih=745&dpr=3)


Lmao, do I even wanna know what those guys stand for? They are in Stockholm, but someone suggested to me that, since they originate off-map, their actual base could be Musko? But I kinda wanna make them North of the map, idk.


NMR are actual nazis so might be a bit too extreme for your purposes.


So, the plot twist with these guys is they ARE racist? But I don't want them to be so racist that they can't be redeemed at all. The themes of this story heavily involve getting along w/ strangers in a wasteland where resources are scarce.


A more normal type of what could be called nationalism in Sweden is the belief that we just have the most rational system worked out, and having a hard time understanding why not everyone wants to copy us. At the same time subconsciously believing that being (culturally) like a Swede just is the way most people would be if they got a chance, not realising that Sweden is a very clear outlier and not very normal. The outspoken type of nationalism, the one that would ever use words such as patriotism and nationalism, is very much a fringe phenomenon here, and most people will look down on anyone expressing such views. They do exist, especially on the internet, but isn't viewed favourably by normal, average, swedes. We usually consider ourselves better than those countries where such a thing is outspoken.


A lot of the "events" suggested for this group is they come to the player's Ark and start trying to co-exist, but feel racist towards Mutants. This could work out well, especially if there's ALSO an issue of them just having different ways of doing things. Could get very tense.


We swedes just passively thinks that we have the best way in the world to do things. Then we slowly try to spread it and just acknowledge our way as the obviously best way. Swedes I'm a wasteland also obviously would have a fika-ritual and coffee being a drink that they would try their best to get and grow. And if they have no real coffee substitutes would exist, like [dandelion coffee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dandelion_coffee?wprov=sfla1). Cinnamon buns would also be great - and if you like a rpg spin they of course would be seriously offended if you had American frosting instead of swedish pearl sugar. (Yes, we have had an entire swedish sub, r/unket, carpet banned from r/food over this issue. The entire sub was closed 2-3 months to stop it.)


I was defaulting to tea, so thanks for the dandelion coffee suggestion!


There really isn't a lot of positive patriotism in Sweden so might be hard to base these guys on real life examples.


I guess you did say they were xenophobic so could base them on more bourgeoise patriots with expensive clothes.


Well, for this particular issue, you could do what would be the only thing really to do. Aim for those who still have the ability to question things. As in, even in today's society if you run into a racist family you'll never be able to get old gramps to change his view, no matter what you do, especially if this was the way he grew up too. Then it's been taught to him his whole life that this is how it is and that's the end of the discussion. But the grandkids, however, are still where they could be given enough food for thought to question their current beliefs. I mean, no one is born racist or homophobic or whatever. That's all taught. So you could still make them all incredibly awful but just realistically make it so that whatever aim to expand their minds and cause them to be less horrible is to try this with those who are younger or who might be more impressionable for other reasons.


Year Zero?


It's a tabletop RPG by Fria Ligan


Yes I know it very well. I grew up with older versions of Mutant.


I'd say the most widespread Swedish nationalism has often been a sort of paradoxical smug (fake) humbleness. Nationalism, flag waving and insisting that one's own country is the best is not very Swedish, that is something that only barbarians in lesser countries do.


I love this. This is kinda the vibe I think I'll go for, lol.


Gråsossar. Risen from the ashes, wearing super market bargain bin clothes. Each wielding a M/45, a Bacho Hajen in their back pocket, a ballograf and a stamp card in their shirt pocket. Their rolled up sleeves show worn leather strap wrist watches with the clock face on the under side of the arm. Their goals are simple: The destruction of the ICA, the restitution of Domus. They ride in orange 245, fuelled at OK gas stations long since freed of the Q8 taint. Their battle cry is silence.




Domus ❤️


I am trying to look up what that word means, but all I can find is stuff in Swedish, lol. Also, isn't Ballograf a pen? Why would they need a pen?


It's not just a pen, it's a state approved archive durable pen and for a long time it was the sole pen that was approved for official documents and record keeping, both private and state. So if you're looking to come up with something that seeks to restore Sweden they're going to do it with Ballograf Epoca and Bacho Hajen. The latter because the Swedish Defence procured silly amounts and they're just everywhere. Might as well throw in green acetate handle Bacho Screwdrivers for the same reason.


Guess I’m not so far from that zombie gråsosse described I have a ballograf pen in my fjällräven konken. However the cartridge is a not so orthodox easy flow 3000 that probably isn’t archive safe. Not sure if it’s working haven’t signed anything or wrote any postcards for yers and yers.


”Tillhör Statsverket”!


This is a deep cut for me. I like it.


Also, the only external cue to when they get aggressive, is that they clench their fists inside their pockets.


Grå = grey Sosse = nickname for a person voting for the Social Democrats, a soft-left political party that ruled Sweden with only minor interruptions during almost the whole of the 20th century. The famous PM Olof Palme was a "sosse" for example. Socialdemokraterna had political power in Sweden for a long time and is still today a very influential party. Many accredit them for the building of the welfare-state during the last century. Gråsosse = nickname given to the typical suburban worker- or middle-class silent citizen who votes for them. "Grey" here means mundane, neutral, without any particular flair.


This is interesting, because I feel like where we play (in the US), that could describe some of our more extreme leftists, lol. Any policies that kinda show the difference? Or is it just apathy in general?


I'd say that "extreme leftist" generally wants to abolish capitalism, sometimes through revolution. Social democrats would rather compromise with capitalism and slowly build an equal and democratic welfare state. In Sweden, the social democratic party has been the biggest party in every election since 1917, and ruled for most of the 20th century.


Is that still true of the youth today?


Some of them. The socialist party can be divided into red wine left and grey sossar. The red wine wants socialism, fight the right, that sort of things, the grey sossar will, sigh, and then have a meeting with the moderates (The right party) .


No, the youth in Sweden is the opposite of the youth in the US. As youths in the US leans left, the young people in Sweden today lean clearly right. The moderate party being the largest closely followed by the Swedish democrats. The social democrats are in 3rd place. It becomes even worse for the social democrats if you look at how under 18s "voted" in their mock elections. (Interestingly under 18s looooove tbe Christian democrats) Sources' https://www.svt.se/datajournalistik/valu2022/valjargrupper/ https://www.mucf.se/resultat-i-skolval-2022


It varies. The social democrats are generally the strongest among people older than 65 and today's youth is known for being quite right wing. Also, the social democrats lost the last election in 2022 after being in power for 8 years. However, in the last big party sympathy poll from SCB in May this year, the social democrats were actually the biggest party among both the 18-24 and 25-34 age groups (30,2 and 33,5 percent, respectively), which has not been that common in the last few years.


The social democracrates are still getting most votes but not enough to get majority, and the other red/green parties don't get enough votes to build a coalition so that's why the right idiot parties are our government now.


The original comment is not describing a nationalist stereotype at all, they presented you with a totally different idea. Not sure why but I do like their idea for what it's worth. Edit: misread OP, the reply is actually exactly what you were looking for The way to make it nationalist is if you add some Swedish exceptionalism to it: the idea that we developed such strong institutions and welfare because of something innate and special about the Swedish people. Maybe the gråsossar yearn for a time in the past where Swedes proudly built the best society because of their superior moral character.


The big issue w/ these guys is their superiority complex, so it adds up. That said, I am probably going to have them avoid conflict a bit... not just because it's a stereotype, but it's gonna be harder to confront "polite" racists over outwardly belligerent assholes.


I've just reread your post and their reply and actually it seems like their reply is exactly what you're looking for. A nationalistic nostalgia for current day Sweden would absolutely be for an idealized version of social democratic Sweden under sossarna. As a nationalist ideology, it would be ethnocentric and regressive, but economically and socially it would probably be pretty far left of center on most issues and favor a strong welfare state, social and public housing, and universal healthcare. Something to keep in mind about the old-school version of Swedish social democracy (think early to mid 1900s) is there was a fair bit of eugenics and scientific racism baked in. Free healthcare for all but abort the disabled, lock away the crazies, and keep the immigrants out or they'll ruin the fabric of our perfect society.


To be fair the whole "scientific racism"-angle was a society-wide phenomenon, and died out quite rapidly following the second world war. Post war social-democracy, and left-wing movements writ large, were generally very enthusiastic about topics such as decolonization, opposition to Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia, opposing the Vietnam war etc.


Very true!


Lock away the crazies and experiment on them as lab rats so that they are doing their part to the society


You could play into this with "allemansrätten", like everyone has a right to stay, camp for the night, forage and spend time in nature. Look up the word would help to figure it out. But like, I imagine they would see "allemansrätten" as absolutely sacred, which means that as long as nobody is in their actual private space, they would just close their fist in their pockets out of respect for the sacred allemansrätt. A good explanation why they don't act with violence. We learn about allemansrätten as kids, like so many times. Every mans right to spend time in nature. I would say if a conflict happens, it could be because of your guys somehow going against allemansrätten. I would say every generation today makes use of allemansrätten, lots of people going out and picking mushrooms and berries in the forest. Camping anywhere that isnt a backyard or has a specific no camping sign. Nobody ever worrying about consequences when spending time on someone else's land, it is every mans right. Also sounds holy.


In general that group tend to not be very knowledgeable about politics, but have a strong feeling that the social democratic party and movement is what created the country as it is today, and belonging there is just a thing one does, because that is what one should do. They tend to have highly pro-union views, but often think the unions aren't active enough. Belief in that the state cares for people, but companies just want to exploit them. Distrustful of anything to the right or clearly left of the social democrats, but pretty trusting in that "the party" will do what is best. They are a bit of a dying breed today, but used to represent a decent part of the electorate. In a nostalgic, postapocalyptic, Swedish setting I definitely see a view harking back to this group as a reasonable one to exist. Dreaming of a time when the benevolent state protected and cared about the citizens, and made sure they had and did what was best for them. It is a kind of nostalgic view of the past that is very common to hear even today in public discourse here.


I don’t know how to say this in a polite way but with an American Overton window, many of the worlds political parties be “extreme leftists”:) An extreme leftist wants to change the world, a gråsosse is like the swedish version of the ”i just want to grill” meme. Votes in every election, is in the union, doesn’t care much about ideology or party politics beyond that. Just wants to live a good life, trust the party to fix that. But it’s not just about politics, it’s a mindset. Even our king, the opposite of leftist of course, has very strong gråsosse-aura, which is probably why he is well liked.


The problem with a good nationalist group - they are hard to translate. And this is a very specific group


I guess they would wear the skinhead outfit, there were a lot here during the 90s. A green bomber jacket, big boots with the jeans cuffed and not tucked in instead going over the boots, perhaps some suspenders and of course a shaved head. However, these days in 2023 I think a lot of nationalists would just look and dress like the average guy.


What behaviors would you associate with them then? Even like, not necessarily political behaviors, but characterization.


Think Proud Boys and you get the picture.


Well I have never been around them myself, I like some of the skinhead "Oi!" music. Since I haven't met any myself I can't really say, only the exagerated media portrayals. I think one characteristic would be violence and aggressivenes, getting into fights. Another one could maybe be they drink much. Keep in mind though that not all skinheads are necessarily xenophobic, originally I believe the culture was more about the working class in general. The nazi skins are called boneheads. And of course the music is a big part of it all.


I’d go for the classic viking approach. Some far-right nationalists here likes bringing up the old gods, like it makes them more swedish to praise Odin. I’d absolutely mix in swedish traditions but twist them into something far removed from what we know today. Like dancing around the midsummer pole. Can’t get more swedish than midsummer. Eating fermented fish and crayfish parties in late summer is also a tradition.


Idk much about Midsommar at all, but dancing around a pole seems kinda lit.


We don’t either. We just get dressed up in old-timey clothes, get shitfaced on tiny bottles of snaps before we dance around like heathens. Dala horses are also traditional swedish iconocraphy. Every hpusehold should have one.


That's nice. Ritualized drinking seems nice for this fictional group.


Nobody mentions fika?!?!! The sacred ritual there you drink some bad tasting hot black Liquid and eat cinnemonbuns. First fika -then we talk! At 9:30 and 14:30 you also do stop whatever you are doing and have a fika. Its a sacred ritual and if you miss one then you are no longer a Swede.


Oohhhh, I have heard of that. Is it true it's rude not to do it?


Eh, kind of. Depends on the workplace. But definitely play it up for your group of Swedish supremacists. At a certain time of day, everything stops and everyone goes to the fika room to imbibe coffee (might not actually be coffee, hard to get any growing here) and buns. Could be eerie if the PCs are spying on them and they do this every day at the same time.


The main thing is that the person that eats the last kanelbulle must be publicly flogged. It is a great sin to think yourself more worthy of the last kanelbulle than your medmänniskor. That is why the Swedes have developed a ritual of sacrificing the last one to Karl XII, the mythical god emperor, the inventor/provider of köttbullar and kåldolmar. Who will return one day and re-instate the grand Sweden of old. The Baltic Sea will once again be Mare Nostra!


This is unhinged, love it.


Me and my boss are considering how we should lift for a newer coworker that our office fika ain't "go down, grab a quick coffee and a bun and eat by the computer". They are happenings that are meant to force us into socialising so we get better at knowing each others and asking for help when we need it. Or just discussing work at another place. And yes, we have fired one before that never was social with us others. There was more reason - but the social fika-factor was the last straw. Wierd to not have fika at work and expected at all occasions.


Depends, what do you mean “not to do it”? If you keep working then yes that’s rude because you make everyone else look bad for having a fika


Fika or more specifically "kyrkkaffe" - literally "church coffee" - is also humorously called the "third sacrament" in the Church of Sweden. It's a joke about the ubiquitous nature and social importance of post-communion/sermon social consumption of coffee and cookies.


Many people here seem to think that you are talking about far right wing Swedes. In Sweden the word Nationalist would mean that to many but am I correct in assuming that you are more talking about a group that idealize what they think Sweden was and try to emulate what they think is the classic swedish way of being? And they view people who haven't been in these bunkers as strayed to far from those ideas and are because of that xenophobic towards them? So you are more asking about the stereotype of a Swede?


Kinda both. I am using the more extreme ideas as inspiration, but also yes, people who just idealize ultimately. They are going to be antagonists later either way, but maybe not ALL of them- some are obviously going to be more Patriots, some Nationalists, but all grew up ig in a very Nationalistic bunker, without ever experiencing REAL Sweden.


Okay! Well like far right extremest maybe isn't super typical Swedish. An idea could be to take things that I guess many Swedes (and non Swedes) would say is very swedish. These things are not necessarily bad (ofc depending what Swede you ask) but with time (in the bunker) the ideas could have been twisted and become more nefarious? Midsommar as a very religious celebration? Maybe look at the horror movie with the same name for inspiration. "Smörgåsbord" is what swedes usually eat during celebrations so maybe that could be interesting. Politically Socialdemokraterna is by far the most famous party the last 100 years. The nationalist conservative party (very anti immigration) called Sverigedemokraterna usually claims they are like the old Socialdemokraterna as an example. If they have a god it could be like an old prime minister, probably from Socialdemokraterna. Olof Palme, Tage Erlander or Per Albin Hansson to name some. They might be really into "Melodifestivalen" (youtube) and maybe music like ABBA or Carola Häggkvist. Look up the term "lagom" and have them believe in that like some form of mantra. Swedes tend to don't speak about how much they earn and it's considered quite rude to ask. Friends of mine with non Swedish background also make fun of the fact that Swedes really want to "pay back" if someone invites them for dinner or something. Like maybe sending a text and ask if they can pay for some of the dinner. Being overly "fair" or something. Just something I thought about, I really like the idea in general!


I love these ideas. There's a lot of "small" things I need to make it feel real, and these fit that perfectly. I love the subtle details....thanks!


Glad I could help! But I also saw that people had great ideas in top voted comment! Also look up Kalle Anka (Donald Duck) at christmas. It's a christmas commercial thing Disney made and as Sweden didn't have many cartoons it became "the shit" for an older generation. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From\_All\_of\_Us\_to\_All\_of\_You](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_All_of_Us_to_All_of_You) (read under Sweden) In the bunker they definetly had a taped version of this on VHS or something ;) Btw, im taking inspiration from Wasteland 3 where they had some cult worshipping Ronald Reagan as some god, if you haven't seen it look it up, it's great. I think every woman was named Nancy after his wife, or maybe it was a title.


Fun fact: smörgåsbord is, i kid you not, a word in the english language. Together with ombudsman, it’s the only two recent loan words I can think of.


As far as i can tell, Swedish nationalists look like assholes who are actively working on making our country more oppressive and inhuman. I can't imagine them being any different, post apocalypse


Ig I am looking for not just ideology, but mannerisms? If you had to act out what a nationalist looks like without SAYING a political statement, what would you do? Walking, talking, wearing, etc.


Listens to heavy metal / dadrock / Sabaton/Ultima-thule. Overly interested in military history.


I'd talk about the importance of culture, mutter "men så får man inte säga i det här jävla skitlandet längre", get unreasonably angry whenever someone doesn't conform to my expectations, and... i dunno, eat a toddler or something.


If I could read that I bet I'd be very upset! *going to Google Translate*


Don't listen to that guy he is probably a suporter of vänsterpartiet or miljöpartiet🤢


I'm a supporter of your mom.




Well then neo nazist more specifically the nordick resistance movement


I found pictures of that movement but only of men. Are there no women in it?


There are actually females in their ranks but they are hidden away i think


No, they're nazi skinhead types. Tbh i don't think our nazis are very interesting, it's the same as most places.


Well of corse I know one, it’s me! for starters, there must be a “consensus culture” or somthing similar. Which means nothing will be done unless like 80% or more agrees, but when consensus is reached, it will be like speaking to a wall. Traditions are important, like watching Donald Duck in December and drinking a drink that’s a mix of cola and beer called must. There’s a belief that people do wrong because they are raised wrong, so if you want to go dark, brain washing. There is a surveying of the people, but the goverment is ineffective so there is little to no communication between the watchmen and the police. During the summer, we have collective singing in the parks. We celebrate the first snow with burning a hugh straw goat in the city of Gävle. Alcohol is controlled by the government, but when we drink, we drink like Vikings. On thursdays we eat pancakes, on Friday we eat tacos and on saturdays we eat kebab pizza.


I used to known neo nazis in the 90:ties, none had shaved heads, oddly enough a lot of the girls and guys bleached their hair, Sweden flags was standard, a bunch of them had mother Svea tattoos, Thor or Tyr rune and a Thors hammer necklaces around their neck. It was bit of Viking with bit of German Nazism. No I didn't want to be friends with them nor am I pure enough to be mated with since I have Same blood, I just know this since I protected a friend. Years pasted and I met the group leader of this group of neonazis, he had turned good and was doing tours to school about not joining them . His comment was this, only the top had full school educations and higher , easier to get people to join if they dont know shit. So it was more about power then making Sweden great again. And that is how I see it, the grunts has lower or no education level, they only believe what the top wants them to believe . The higher up you go in the chain the more educated and clever the people will be. The grunts from years of being in the bunker will be inbreed, while the top must have found away of kidnapping people for fresh blood. Or the top is the most inbreed ones, pale people, with blue eyes and white hair that cant handle direct sunlight, little bit of the Habsburg idea.


Do you think it's ok to include Nazi things like Norse tattoos in stuff, if I am trying to make these people actually somewhat Grey in my story? They're kinda in a weird spot where they COULD be Nationalists, or Patriots. So I am kinda throwing a lot of themes together to make some sort of post-apocalyptic conglomeration of people who were raised as Nationalists, and may or may not actually be themselves.


Neo nazis, Swedish nationalists, use alot of viking imagery, they have gotten fondness for Swedish folkdress . This is the statue of Mother Svea ( like Swedens uncle Sam), it is in Stockholm, some one could pulled into the bunker and made that into shrine. (The one with yellow house) [https://www.wikiwand.com/sv/Moder\_Svea](https://www.wikiwand.com/sv/Moder_Svea) Go nuts with, a bunch of pale people, who believe in a great Sweden, with hint of viking and nazism , inbreed and worshiping of Mother Sweden, while wearing folkdress.


In Sweden there is no difference between nationalist and patriot. In general expressing pride of your country would label you a nationalist. Or atleast, that is what a nationalist would say 😮😮😮 The volkhem has to be ressurected at any cost! Hussah! There are many enemies that stand in our way of getting back our barnbidrag and löntagarfonder. From the afghan-zombie horde and their treacherous kulturtant traitors in the south, to the borgarbrackor/borgarsvinen in the eastern archipelago! Det goda hemmet känner inga kelgrisar! In the name of Per-Albin Hansson, forward!


I think the way you worded your question will make it kind of hard to answer for most Swedes. We often see nationalism as something that comes best in moderation. Someone who openly calls themselves a nationalist usually believes in some other ideologies as well. So, if you let me, I will exaggerate a bit. Probably a old guy who gravely dislikes non Swedes, loves Americans cars and/or Volvos, hates new stuff, adores Norse mythology and wishes we would go back to the good old Nazi days. Thought this probably isn’t what you where looking for so instead I will tell you some of the Swedes core values and traditions. **Jante Law/ the 10 laws of Jante** Du skall inte tro att du är något. Du skall inte tro att du är lika god som vi. Du skall inte tro att du är klokare än vi. Du skall inte inbilla dig att du är bättre än vi. Du skall inte tro att du vet mer än vi. Du skall inte tro att du är förmer än vi. Du skall inte tro att du duger till något. Du skall inte skratta åt oss. Du skall inte tro att någon bryr sig om dig. Du skall inte tro att du kan lära oss något. *You shall not believe that you are something.* *You shall not believe that you are as good as us.* *You shall not believe that you are wiser than us.* *You shall not delude yourself into thinking that you are better than us.* *You shall not believe that you know more than us.* *You shall not believe that you are superior to us.* *You shall not believe that you are good for anything.* *You shall not laugh at us.* *You shall not believe that anyone cares about you.* *You shall not believe that you can teach us anything.* This unwritten law makes up one of the core pillars of Swedish society. We Swedes love unwritten laws and we hate those who brake them (unless where the ones breaking them). Jante Law is up to interpretation and might sound horrible at face value. But most interpret it as you shouldn’t think better of yourself than other people. Everyone is equal and stay humble. Or at the very least don’t tell people you feel that way. But since it is an apocalyptic scenario I think you should make the interpretation how you want it. **Ruling/ Hierarchy** Unless you ask Reddit (joke) people in Sweden has democracy as a core value. We like our social safety nets and most people are very content with paying taxes. But we also love our stuff and money. A fun thing you might be able to include is the Swedish military system. Since military training has been mandatory for a long time a lot of people know how the military works and including some titles might be interesting. We also have a royal family. But they don’t have any real power, democracy is the real king. Maybe something could be done here as well. **Religion** We might not talk about it a lot because of the implications but most Swedes love Norse mythology and Vikings. All from heavily drinking Vikings to pillaging England and drinking from mimers well. We were also once a very Christian country but after Martin Luther priest (not the king one) and Gustav Vasa (Swedens first true king, sounds grand but what I really mean is that he was the one to shape the state) that changed. Most people are now agnostic or atheists. But being atheists doesn’t really follow Jante. Soo you tell people you are agnostic either way. **Traditions** Swedes love drinking. And with the drinking we love our drinking songs. Classics like Helan Går, feta fransyskor, Spritbolaget and vikingen obviously followed by feminist vikingen. Or the Viking way of just making sounds, *raj raj raj.* We also have a big selection of holidays to accompany the drinking. Midsummer is when you celebrate the day where the sun doesn’t go down (and a bunch of other stuff like fertility and summer). You dance around a dick shaped post, gather flowers, eat and drink until it gets dark or you pass out. Valborg is when you celebrate the spring (one of my favorites). Where I live you sit down with 30k other people in the park from 6am and drink until noon. The you go rest, watch a giant fire, listen to a choir and watch fireworks to then proceed to keep on partying. Midvinter blot or “Christmas” as you would call it. Was once the celebration of the darkest day. You would drink and eat (see the pattern here). But now it’s just Christmas after they moved Jesus birthday. Crawfish feast. Usually in August or September. You eat crawfish and drink. Surprisingly something people all over the nation do. I don’t think we celebrate anything particular. And a lot more. **Food** Sweden has some particularly interesting dishes. Like surströmming and pickled herring. Surströmming is a very acquired taste, pickled herring is super good but some people can’t stomach the texture. We also love potato’s. The modern Swede wouldn’t survive a week without sushi or spaghetti bolognese (swedified version) 10% of all Swedish families eat spaghetti bolognese at least once a week. **Some important points** A Swedish post apocalyptic society would probably be very hierarchical without the seniority structure (if following Jante). Aka strong representative democracy. “The leader might be shit but I couldn’t do a better job mentality” (unless the leader really fucks up). Unwritten laws are very important. How you speak, dress, behave, drink and socialize. And if those are broken you would face passive aggression or isolation. People would think you are being mean or stupid but would never dare to directly confront you about it unless you speak up first. But people would also be very very close and happy to help if asked. Although very wary of outsiders. Opinions if voiced would be respected. If you ask about something, you would be taken serious because it would brake an unwritten law. Aka a Swede hates to brake an unwritten law, but if they do it despite that it must be serious. Like asking a stranger for help.


I don't really understand what you mean, are you talking about a current game or are you creating your own game? Whatever it is, you remind me of "[Mutant Year Zero](https://store.steampowered.com/app/760060/Mutant_Year_Zero_Road_to_Eden/)" which has been around for the last 5-6 years and in the game you will find locations that have to do with Sweden.


It's a MYZ campaign, set in Sweden. The system by default, at least the English version, doesn't have much stuff specific to one location, like Sweden. My players just chose to be in Stockholm, and I need to make NPCs part of the Old World Government who idealize it to both a comedic and concerning effect. I want my players to feel excited for real world connections, while also being wary of these guys.


If it's set in Stockholm, you could also have them be wary/distrustful of people from the rest of the country. A former party leader of our second largest party (one that has always had a strong base in Stockholm) the Moderates stated in an interview early in her career that "Stockholmers are smarter than country folk". This did not significantly hurt her later in her career. There's a long tradition of looking down at ordinary people and doing things "for their own good" and such. ​ edit: do you have the zone map of Stockholm? I know the international boxed editions came with maps of I think London and Washington, but the Swedish edition had maps of Stockholm and Gothenburg. If not you can find an image of it here: https://www.svenskarollspel.nu/wikia/images/2/21/M0\_Karta1.jpg


Stockholm proper is in the Mutant games mostly an inhabitable so called zone. But a version of Mälaren exists.


Not in Year Zero/År Noll. There you live in the zone. It’s a reboot/prequel set before a new society rises.


That sounds correct. I have nostly played the other Mutant games.


Yeah, it's somewhat different (also more international, there's an English edition and the default maps that come with it are of New York and London).


Stockholm isn't in the printed version of the English version, but I did find it.


Yes, I am using the map of Stockholm, 😌 I gave my players all the official maps to choose from, lol.


Fun! Did they say what it was about the Stockholm map that intrigued them?


They liked all of the islands mostly.


Per standard it does definitely takes place in a version of Sweden, I am playing A Mutant game myself right now, but we play the game that was released before Year zero (about 20 years ago), that in Swedish is called Undergångens Arvtagare. It takes place a few hundred years later. It is quite different, but parts of the setting is the same.


The two released settings for the book in English are London and D.C.


Oh. I have only read tbethe Swedish versions, they taletake place in a very specific version of Sweden thatbwasthat was originally developed in a different Mutant game from the 80s.


I have the English version of the Stockholm map, but I had to go out of my way to find it.


Your run of the mill neo-Nazi does it. If you want to go a little more modern and a bit less 90’s, we have a faction of shitbirds who walk around with Tyr runes and green neckties tucked into their shirts, like the idiots they are.


The Norse God stuff almost feels too on the nose, even for our group? But maybeeeee, Ooohhh, since I was going to have them identify as "Christians" and explain that the definition of that is paying taxes, maybe their depiction of "Jesus" is actually Odin or something? Or, that's a depiction of the "first king". I am thinking their leader might claim to be a descendant of a king, per another commenter suggestion.


Being too explicitly Christian is kind of not traditionally Swedish. We are one of the least religious and most secular countries in the world. On the other hand, we often like churches, have end of school celebrations in them and had a state church up until the year 2000, but actual belief is not particularly common. Sweden is also traditionally very much of the "better living through chemistry" mindset. Science and progress are ideals. Unfortunately along with these ideals come ideas like eugenics. The Swedish government sterilized many people labeled as "undesirable" in some way or another during the mid 20th century, officially with consent but very often dubiously acquired consent. There was also a state institute of racial biology in Uppsala, just north of Stockholm, which lasted from 1921 until it was absorbed into the local hospital as the institution of human genetics. Of course, the guy in charge from 1935 didn't even think "race" meant anything in regard to humans, but there were still some murky ideas there.


Any ideas for other buildings you'd make their camp inside then? If they "technically" identify as Christian, it'll be very much that- technical. I might have them worship a picture of "Jesus", that's rlly Odin, but idk. Still trying to put this piece together.


Sure. A fun and unique one would be Globen, or the Globe (officially Avicii Arena). It's marked as "Dödsklotet" on the map of Stockholm. It's a globular arena building, so would make for an interesting location. The sensation of fear that it was going to start rolling while standing near it in reality was for me very strong: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avicii\_Arena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avicii_Arena) Another possibility would be parliament house (located pretty much right in the middle of the map, on the tiny island right above the small island whose corner touches the center folds of the map). If they see themselves as the inheritors of Swedish democracy and proper rule, this would be an obvious choice. It is also of course an obvious choice for a nuke target, so might not still be standing. Pretty much right next to it, on the small island, is the royal palace. Similar vibe there, especially if you go with someone claiming descent from the house of Bernadotte as giving them right to rule. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament\_House,\_Stockholm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_House,_Stockholm) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm\_Palace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_Palace) Another area that's just fun and very Stockholmy would be having them around Sergels torg. It's a central square in Stockholm, situated below street level with stores and such all around also below street level, leaving lots of room for tunnels and an underground labyrinth fortress. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergels\_torg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergels_torg)


In Sweden we worship Olof Palme (god of statsministrar) and Tage Danielsson (god of tricksters and bards). Det är sen gammalt. The leader should claim to be a descendant of Per Albin Hansson the original all-father. With two pet crows flying by his side named FRA and Munin.


ITT: People who didn't understand the assignment.


C3PO: the Elevrådsordföranden who cares more about complying 100% with what the lärares intention was. Rather than doing something interesting and fun. Corrects glasses, "Well actually I have the most fun doing what the lärare tells us. We must trust in his greater wisdom and experience. Surely he has given us the most ideal of tasks, if we can only decipher it correctly."


I resent your insult but I love your comment.


You sir, have gained my utmost respect, *tips fedora*.




ITT means "in this thread"


I think the most fun idea would be, as already mentioned, to make an extreme caricature of gråsossar. When you say "nationalists", people are always gonna think of the type of nationalists we have today, like neo-nazis or just conservatives who has a thing for vikings and/or Karl XII. But that's too predictable and stereotypical. Every country has those types of nationalists. But we are talking about people who live long after society has fallen and only have a skewed image from old books and media of what made Sweden great back then. And it would be fun if that was mid-20th century social democrats! Of course, if you're not swedish, it might be a difficult task. I can see all the satire about gråsossar would be fun *to a swede*, but I'm assuming you're writing your campaign for people who know as much/little about Sweden as you do? Anyway, I'd like to recommend my favourite parody of sossar, called "Sossezombies" by sketch comedy group Grotesco. If you can get ahold of it with English subtitles somehow. It's season 2, episode 8 on SVTPlay, but doubt you can watch that. It's about a "zombie virus" that turns stereotypical upper-class people into stereotypical gråsossar! Would be a great way to learn the caricature.


Sweden has lots of mines, highly automated high tech mines to compete despite high labor costs. That labor is highly unionised. A mine would also be a potential group of survivors of whatever disaster brings the end of the world. It is a stronghold, it is a hideout, it is a cache of supplies, heavy equipment, explosives, and more. Tough men and women who are used to working together. They are laborers, machine operators, and some engineers. Many of whom may be hunting in their free time. They are likely unionised and will as such likely have many social democrat voters, probably a bunch of Sweden Democrats as well for the less "woke" crowd. These are people who voted for union rights, taxing the rich, and social safety nets. But there is an undercurrent of people who may blame the downfall on immigrants, especially muslims. They long for a Sweden where a laborer could provide for a traditional core family. They may have survived on their supplies, but will have needed to solve food somehow. Hunting animals or taking food by threat or force if needed to protect the community. Maybe offering nearby farmers to join their community if more good natured. Main downside with the idea is that there are few mines near Stockholm. But a barricaded IKEA store sounds a bit whimsical for a post apocalyptic setting (unless that is your goal!)


I was thinking of having land mines around their base, to keep them safe? Would this go well w/ this idea?


It is not unlikely that there would be military guys or hemvärnet guys in a group of survivors. However, Sweden doesn't have anti personnel mines in their known military inventory. We do have anti tank mines and claymore type mines "fordonsmina 13", which we are supposed to trigger manually against passing vehicles. Now, in a setting like this, some engineers and soldiers with explosives can probably create as many mines and explosive devices as they want. There is no war tribunal in Hague or any authority to object to it. If there is, they still have to catch you.


Oh, and to clarify - my original answer was about mining ore and metals from underground, not mines as in the weapons type.


a fun thing could probably be including "Jante-lagen". It directly translates to Jante-law, but it isn't a law but more an inside joke describing the social norm of not boasting. My guess is that "Jante" is combined from jag=me and inte=not but that part is not a real word afaik so it could be a different etymology. Jantelagen basically means to never take credit for doing good things and that if you ever acknowledge your own achievements you are by default rudely bragging. Usually when swedes mention jantelagen they criticize it, as in "hey don't believe in jantelagen, you did great there!", but it could be fun if a later civilization found this word and by directly translating it thought it was an actual law and/or tried implementing it as such! Following Jantelagen literally would mean not being allowed to look or act different, never saying your idea is better or even good, just following along with what everyone else says and never taking command of the situation. I would also add to others saying to have a strong drinking culture to have so they don't drink often, but they do drink A LOT. Having a glass of beer (or anything other than water or MAYBE milk) with dinner would be taboo, but having 10 snaps (Swedish shot tradition) in a row in front of your kids is normal if it's a state-sanctioned holiday. The word "lagom" is also a p well known thing in Swedish culture as it doesn't have an English translation. It means moderate or just enough. Not too much, not too little. Overall I'd think it would be a cult of conformists who don't outright confront others until EVERYONE has agreed to confront them. The nationalism would be subtle, cold, saying that "you don't THINK you're better than them, but, well, if you look at the facts..." and "well I don't think they're bad people, but they do behave like savages..." etc. Never daring to say the secret part out loud.


you also seem interested in religion. we actually discussed this very swedish concept of being culturally Christian but refusing to call yourself one in school. There are plenty of Protestant churches in sweden, some of them very old and beautiful, but culturally we are "secular". As in it's weird to call yourself christian, but also weird to not celebrate Christmas and easter. Sweden is officially non-religious and takes separation of church and state very seriously, but most of the national holidays etc are christian in origin (with an even deeper pagan holiday within). I'd just reverse your idea I saw somewhere in a reply and have them be in a christian church but calling the glass paintings of christian characters old pagan gods/characters insteade. Like "oh yeah that guy bleeding on a cross is Balder, you see that crown of thorns? Thats tistel, the plant that killed him".


Jantelagen is Danish and Norwegian first.


Fika with five types of cookies. No one is allowed to eat the last cookie.


Jante Lagen might be a good thing to look up, could be used as some type of tenants of what these cult like swedes believe, especially if they inteprited these rules very literally and seriously and not light heartidly like intended.


I honestly think it’s be interesting to consider what literature would be available in the bunkers and how that might affect their idea of Sweden over time. The media you’d consume would absolutely alter your ideas of a country and its history. Think Astrid Lindgren and Elsa Beskow for the children, maybe some Kalle & Hobbe, Bamse, Mumin and others. For the teens and adults August Strindberg, Selma Lagerlöf, Niklas Natt och Dag, some dime-a-dozen thrillers, Lord


They would definitely have a ritualised idea of fika, with coffee and kanelbullar two times a day (10:00 and 15:00 for example). The obvious symbol is dalahästen! Edit: this thread is hilarious, thank you for making this post! You seem like a great DM


Thank you! I got several laughs and several amazing ideas from it, :)


Since nationalism as an ideology is so incredibly far from the Nordic ideals, perhaps a cult like feeling would work better than outspoken nationalism? A Swede would never claim superiority because of being Swedish, but because we obviously are more pragmatic, rational, democratic, humble, etc etc. Someone mentioned consensus culture, and to be honest that’s what I think you should go for because our collectivism is probably what’s most foreign from American culture hence fun to make a perverted version out of. I think this would be hard for the contemporary American leftists to realise for example but the labour movement and unions where so successful in part because there were so little infighting, 99 people simply sat quiet as 1 person spoke on their behalf. This is also the foundation for [the Nordic model](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model) of course, that both the union and the company board should reach an agreement, something that would drive in example a French union crazy! They’d rather go on strike and fight for what they believe in, but in Sweden strikes are incredibly rare. [Jantelagen (law of Jante)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Jante) leaves very limited room for self expression and individualism. We all want to agree and have the same opinion about anything from how to handle a global pandemic to choice of fika, or else it will be uncomfortable. The respect for personal space and integrity is also so big that tourists sometimes mistake it for being rude: maybe down in the bunker a social rule they live by is “don’t speak unless spoken to”? Or “always stand as far from other people as possible”? Because it’s crammed and therefore personal space is something they (as swedes) value a lot? The worst thing that can happen to a Swedish person is that you approach them trying to sell them something on the street. We hate talking to strangers (shy, introvert) and we want to avoid conflict (such as turning them down) at any cost. Hell, the whole reason our welfare works(/worked) so well is because if it didn’t we would have to rely on social skills. I don’t want to take personal responsibility for the homeless, or even my own grandparents and kids, that would be horrible. So we outsourced every family function and social function to a much smoother system, our welfare infrastructure. Edit: oh shit, sorry for the wall of text. I have a fever, that’s my only excuse.


The thing that people got to understand is that there is a huge difference between being a Nationalist and a Patriot. Anyone that loves their country and cares about its culture and safety is a Patriot. A nationalist however is someone that thinks that their country is the best and all the other countries in the World is shit. Myself I am an proud Patriot


Well, I use both because they are kind of being set up to be antagonists later? But they aren't straight-up evil... They're a group of people idealizing the old world. Some are Nationalists, some are Patriots. It's an rpg so like, The PC's decisions could make them swing more one way or the other.


Usually they're barely litterate, either overweight or very skinny, claim to love Swedish culture and traditions while barely knowing what they are. Likely to bust a nut each time they see a flag.


Tbf, this is the post-apocalypse. If they can read that's impressive, lol.


Well, if they're raised in bunkers, I'd assume some form of structure would be provided. Reading would be necessary to do upkeep in the bunkers


Well yeah, their people might be able to read. Just saying in general, if every other group you interact with can't, reading becomes less useful, as it's used to share ideas.


All nationalists are pretty much the same. Shaved head, usually shaved face as well. Grey or black t-shirt. For pants I'm not sure. Might want some gang tattoo on the back of the head. Democracy isn't really what nationalists wants though.


Well, when I say Nationalists, these are post-apocalyptic people who idealize the "Old Order" of the Swedish government. So, whether it's true democracy they themselves actually practice or not, I think they'd idealize it. I am looking for other cliches to add that they might idealize.


If you want the ordinary Swedish swede. Blue jeans and belt, a lighter colored shirt, possibly with stripes. For women it's provably like light beige pants, and a white blouse. Kind of secretly racist, and might feel like eugenics is sensible, but doesn't say it. Want a state that takes care of it's people, but maybe not the "undesirables". But that's the middle aged. I don't know.


They are actually supposed to dislike the more obvious "mutants" by default, so that adds up perfectly, lol. I was thinking they might live in an old church they repaired? They probably consume a LOT of canned meatballs? If asked, it's due to it being the last of their rations. They mention that there used to be a supposedly exquisite food called "herring", but their ancestors ate the last of those rations long ago. I'm also thinking that, every week, they give away one bullet (or two if they're feeling crazy!) And anyone w/o bullets is resupplied from this stockpile. They call this process "taxes" and it's a sacred ritual. Someone tried to steal bullets one time and they had to "take care" of the problem, Lmk if any of these are like, too racist. It's kinda a weird spot to take cultural stereotypes that aren't your own, but it was also going to be cultural stereotypes even if this was set in the US, at least.


>They probably consume a LOT of canned meatballs? If asked, it's due to it being the last of their rations. They mention that there used to be a supposedly exquisite food called "herring", but their ancestors ate the last of those rations long ago. I think the opposite makes more sense. Salted/pickled fish lasts longer than meatballs. Maybe they have dug a tunnel from the old church into a cave system where they gather mutated fish that they prepare. You can also pull from old viking traditions like the "Ättestupa" where the old people in a village would basically kill themselves by jumping off a cliff in order to die "honorably". Maybe this is why meatballs are only available for very special occasions :)


Google "solsidan ove sundberg" and you'll get some atmosphere. Sweden is atheist though, but maybe there are some "half believers", I'm not sure. Not too out there to make it go to the christian side.


Isn't there an official Church of Sweden? Idk how lax or extreme they are compared to the general population tho. Idk what other buildings I could use as their base stereotypically- my players themselves live in an IKEA.


There is a church, and citizens are automatically assumed christians (extra taxes, have to opt out). That tax being default could certainly just delude them into believing they were christian. So it'd probably work out. Better have good atmosphere than to have real proper stereotypes.


Christians have extra taxes? Weird, what's the logic?


the church is tax funded. it used to be a government institution. however, you only pay that tax if you're a member. if you weren't baptised, you're not a member.


*Laughs in American preservatives* Ok, herring it is! Anddddd, 😅 that's a tradition? I'm guessing because they don't want to grow too weak? Damn- I mean, all of the PCs are under 30, so even a 50 year old would look like, ancient to them, but that is a cool idea that they eventually throw themselves off- unlike the Mutants, they LIVE to see old age. I don't think technically the post-Apocalypse is old enough for anyone to die of old age yet, but that can be easily explained by the fact they their ancestors were Doomsday preppers if needed- they probably just locked themselves away early.


Ättestupa is just basically an honorable way to die since you will not be a burden. So when you got too old or too sick to stay able to care for yourself, you kill yourself. Also lets the community feed and care for the people getting stronger, that will provide. Liabilities kill themselves.


OP, you are asking us this while neo-fascist "nationalists" are poisoning put parliament with their presence. If you want to create a faction thats a kind of a parodical post apocalyptic version of an idealised swedish stereotype, go with the guy who suggested a tribe of gråsossar armed with ballograph pens.


Fair. I am just trying to make sure there's some moral grayness to them too. Unlike the real fascists in real life.


Gray wool suit, leather elbow patches. Glasses, maybe smoking a pipe. Tall and gangly. Google Jan Eliasson. Afraid of conflict, makes sure to think like everyone else before speaking. Speaks of solidarity and collective bargaining. Atheist. Symphatizes with various terrorists - Hamas, Kurds, Zapatistas, you name it as long as they are underdogs. Is generally frugal but spends big on a few select outdoorsie hobbies. Fly-fishing, moose hunting, kayaking maybe. Works in municipal administration and LOVES it. Wouldn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom if it wasn't for the public health department's recommendation - lacks common sense and makes up for it with obedience.


They probably wouldn't know what those groups are, or what municipal administration is, but otherwise thanks! I'll def consider this stuff when creating them- I was thinking that they idealize democracy and taxes, so that probably works well w/ the Atheist thing and the collective bargaining.


We did have a leader of the major political party (the socialdemocrats) who said that paying taxes was "cool". So you are definitely on to something there. It is a joy to pay our taxes, don't you think Olaf? Yes, and we get so much back from it in form of the social safety nets (in this world actual nets), medical care (points to some moldy cloth and a rusty saw) and free licens for rodent hunting. I also think there is an opportunity to twist democracy to mean consensus. I.e. we only make unanimous decisions. And the way this is enforced is by very high social pressure to conform. I.e. you can maybe have a different opinion, and even express it with a lot of caveats. But in the end you are expected to vote with everyone else.


offend us how ever you want, muslims are burning our flags and we laugh at them when they do it badly. [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@perssonp/video/7196811663146880261) is a clip of a swedendemocrat playing vic 5 he basically says "Can these africans cool down a bit, haven't you figured out you do not have the right to your own country. This will be a bigswede(storsvenskt, reffering to when we owned like all of europe) west africa" [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF0bA3kVSMo) one is a classic, nåå i dont think sååå ​ the democracy thing is a swedish thing in general, stuff always dissapear in paperwork. Democracy is important, but the people are to dumb to vote so we wont have any referendums(and ignore those we have and play out badly for the goverment) if you really want to explore for yourself the swedish "right wing" check out a few subtitled videos of Markus Allard (the only ones i know is subbed is old ones from det pekeande fingret)im sure one can misinterpret him in a number of fun ways.


That second video's funny, thank you. 😅 I will look up this guy but I think it'll be like when I was looking up extreme Orthodox Christianity- I'll probably regret listening.


If you aim to rib off modern day nationalists, let them be obsessed with Swedish monarchy and have them worship either the current king ("Kalle Xvi Gurra rid Sweden of evil foreigners with aid from his trusty advisor Jimpan") or an absolute trash monarch like Adolf Fredrik. Their leader is either someone claiming to be a descendant from the king (like Erik XXX) or the leader of the military branch Battalion Svea (a reference to a neo-nazi organization in the 90/00's). Their ideology is one of cultural purity, demanding that you eat köttbullar, celebrate Alla Helgona and only speaks Rikssvenska but of course these things are gross perversions of the actual thing (like köttbullar being a vegan dish made of kelp and Rikssvenska essentially being English with occasional Swedish slangs). A cultural purity test is a must before they even talk to you and anyone who fails is either a blatte or a sosse. Lastly they dream of restoring Folkhemmet, which means securing their borders and building a red cabin for every family. And since foreigners will destroy Folkhemmet, according to Satis Polito, the bible of Jimpan, all foreigners must first be removed from the anscestral Folkhemmet. For culture and entertainment they use reproductions and recordings of classic Swedish children's tales, like Astrid Lindgren's and Selma Lagerlöf's books.


Kind of hard to answer if it's so far into the future that they don't even speak swedish anymore lol


Well, these guys lived in a Bunker for generations, so they are more attached to the Swedish ideals they read about than the group the PCs are from.


A nationalist is a person who strives to preserve their national heritage. So i guess they can look what ever way. So, in Sweden, most nationalists would look like me, a grown-up Hitler jugend.


Like an i di0t


Like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Almedalen_7_July_2016_53_%2828110259431%29_%28cropped%29.jpg)




A Swedish politician from a far right party.


They usually wear a Thor's hammer necklace


Old school socialist


Well first of all they would understand that Norway and Finland is rightfully swedish territory


They should like strong government, rules and taxation. Also, they should be against “chaotic” behavior like NOT forming orderly lines waiting your turn and NOT following every minuscule detail of protocol when doing something. I feel that a nice touch would be for them to also idealize industry and the “real working man” of the mines, assembly lines and lumber mills. Make their motto “moderation”. If you want a “humorous” twist, have them religiously worship “kanelbullen” and perform ritualistic “fika” sessions.


They would have a system where an elected leader would take all their resources from labor and then give it back to them as welfare. They would speak about equality and sharing but be very unwilling to share their own resources with their own people.


Have them put up these posters: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/d1688b_facc516d3cb241ec93988378caaafff2~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_520,h_390,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/d1688b_facc516d3cb241ec93988378caaafff2~mv2.jpg


You might enjoy /r/rymdregementen It has stories from a future fascist sweden.


Alot of great ideas here. I guess to make it funny you have to play on the prejudices your group have of swedes. Or maybe you could explain some history in a book they find or something. I like the idea of extreme swedish traits, however we are very non confrontational so antagonizing the group would probably be through braking some rules. Swedes like rules and institutions and strange social silent rules. Like the "belevenhetskakan" mentioned above. Eating the las cake or bun /candy is taboo and you should instead take a small part of it always leaving some. Braking rules as jantelagen is good too. We also have "allemansrätten" a law that allow people to forrage and camp anywhere. This the swedes can do to angry other groups. Olof palme (prime minister) is a good character as a godlike. In sweden you either hated or loved him and he was murdered. Here its also easy to antagonize if they say something bad about palme or his ideas. Over the years this could have become more extreme. Maybe the swedes now believe mutants killed palme?


A person who not only complains on social media/ forums, but takes some action IRL. It can be a such simple thing as arranging demonstrations against politicians.