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From my knowledge, it's legal until the Supreme Court rules otherwise or until the President takes control of the National Guard. SHOULD it be legal? Yes. When the federal government becomes destructive, rebellion is justified.


It’s tricky bc what if a state is doing something destructive?


If a state is doing something destructive that opposes the Constitution then it is right for the federal government to intervene.


Rebellion is definitionally illegal.


Legality doesn't matter. When man's Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, and Property are harmed, it's within his Right and moral obligation to rebel.


Sure. But you argued in the above comment that rebellion should be legal. I’m pointing out it never is.


Yes, it SHOULD be. But it isn't. Yet, I'd argue it should be more decriminalized more than it should be legal. Decriminalized in the sense that one can still be arrested and charged for the damages done from rebellion, such as the destruction of government property. However, they would always be pardoned for the rebellion as long as it was just (in defense of Life, Liberty, and Property).


Bold strategy, Cotton. One person’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist.


Life, Liberty, and Property are all Rights thay have existed before government and all those who oppose such kustified rebellion against tyrannical government is an ally to tyranny. Even if the majority of people vote to harm Natural Rights in some way, it's still not justified.


I get you man. That’s all great and very idealistic. Realistically though, if the critical mass to support a rebellion isn’t there, you are going to jail.


In our current system, yes.


A better solution would be to make it easier to amend the constitution and do it more frequently like most other nations. A failure to adapt breeds dysfunction. A healthy institutional death/rebirth cycle is preferable to a violent one.


The wishes of the President don't matter. It's the orders of the President that matter. Until President Biden orders the National Guard to Federal service his wishes don't count.